Time now is updated once a second.
[openXsensor.git] / openXsensor / oXs_bmp180.cpp
1 #include "oXs_bmp180.h"
3 #if defined(SENSOR_IS_BMP180)
5 #ifdef DEBUG
6 //#define DEBUGI2CMS5611
7 //#define DEBUGDATA
8 //#define DEBUGVARIOI2C
9 #endif
11 extern unsigned long micros( void ) ;
12 extern unsigned long millis( void ) ;
13 extern void delay(unsigned long ms) ;
15 static bmp085_calib_data _bmp085_coeffs; // Last read accelerometer data will be available here
16 static uint8_t _bmp085Mode;
19 //long result ;
22 #ifdef DEBUG
23 OXS_BMP180::OXS_BMP180( HardwareSerial &print)
24 #else
25 OXS_BMP180::OXS_BMP180(void)
26 #endif
28 // constructor
29 // _addr=addr;
30 varioData.SensorState = 0 ;
31 #ifdef DEBUG
32 printer = &print; //operate on the address of print
33 // printer->begin(115200);
34 // printer->print("Vario Sensor:MS5611 I2C Addr=");
35 // printer->println(addr,HEX);
36 #endif
40 // **************** Setup the BMP180 sensor *********************
41 void OXS_BMP180::setup() {
42 unsigned int _calibrationData[12]; // The factory calibration data of the BMP180
43 varioData.absoluteAlt.available = false ;
44 varioData.relativeAlt.available = false ;
45 varioData.climbRate.available = false ;
46 varioData.sensitivity.available = false ;
47 // varioData.vSpeed10SecAvailable = false ;
48 sensitivityMin = SENSITIVITY_MIN ; // set the min smoothing to the default value
49 varioData.delaySmooth = 20000 ; // delay between 2 altitude calculation = 20msec = 20000 usec
50 nextAltMillis = 5000 ; // in msec; save when Altitude has to be calculated; altitude is available only after some delay in order to get a stable value (less temperature drift)
51 // nextAverageAltMillis = nextAltMillis ; // in msec ; save when AverageAltitude has to be calculated
52 // nextAverageAltMillis = nextAltMillis ;
55 alt_temp_compensation = ALT_TEMP_COMPENSATION ;
56 #endif
59 #ifdef DEBUG
60 printer->print(F("Vario Sensor:BMP180 "));
61 printer->println(" ");
62 printer->print(F(" milli="));
63 printer->println(millis());
65 #endif
67 I2c.begin() ;
68 I2c.timeOut( 80); //initialise the time out in order to avoid infinite loop
69 #ifdef DEBUGI2CBMP180
70 I2c.scan() ;
71 printer->print(F("last I2C scan adr: "));
72 printer->println( I2c.scanAdr , HEX );
73 #endif
74 errorCalibration = false ;
75 for (byte i = 1; i <=11; i++) {
76 errorI2C = I2c.read( BMP180_ADR, 0xA8 + i*2, 2 ) ; //read 2 bytes from the device after sending the register to be read (first register = 0xAA (=register AC1)
77 if ( errorI2C > 0 ) {
78 #ifdef DEBUG
79 printer->print(F("error code in setup I2CRead: "));
80 printer->println( errorI2C );
81 #endif
82 errorCalibration = true ;
83 } else {
84 high = I2c.receive() ;
85 low = I2c.receive() ;
86 _calibrationData[i] = high<<8 | low;
88 #ifdef DEBUG
89 printer->print(F("calibration data #"));
90 printer->print(i);
91 printer->print(F(" = "));
92 printer->print( _calibrationData[i] );
93 printer->print(F(" error= "));
94 printer->println( errorI2C );
95 #endif
96 } // End for
98 _bmp085_coeffs.ac1 = _calibrationData[1];
99 _bmp085_coeffs.ac2 = _calibrationData[2];
100 _bmp085_coeffs.ac3 = _calibrationData[3];
101 _bmp085_coeffs.ac4 = _calibrationData[4];
102 _bmp085_coeffs.ac5 = _calibrationData[5];
103 _bmp085_coeffs.ac6 = _calibrationData[6];
104 _bmp085_coeffs.b1 = _calibrationData[7];
105 _bmp085_coeffs.b2 = _calibrationData[8];
106 _bmp085_coeffs.mb = _calibrationData[9];
107 _bmp085_coeffs.mc = _calibrationData[10];
108 _bmp085_coeffs.md = _calibrationData[11];
109 _bmp085Mode = 1; // perform an average of 2 pressure reads
113 #ifdef DEBUG
114 printer->println(F("setup vario done."));
115 #endif
116 I2c.write( BMP180_ADR , 0xF4 , 0x74) ;// ask a conversion of Pressure sending 74 in register F4; 74 means an average of 2 reads and so a normal wait time of 7.5 msec
117 varioData.lastCommandMicros = micros() ;
118 varioData.SensorState=0; //
120 } //end of setup
123 //********************************************************************************************
124 //*** read the sensor ***
125 //********************************************************************************************
126 bool OXS_BMP180::readSensor() {
127 long result = 0 ;
128 #ifdef DEBUGVARIOI2C
129 printer->print(F("sensorState= "));
130 printer->println(varioData.SensorState);
131 #endif
132 bool newVSpeedCalculated = false ;
133 if (varioData.SensorState==0) { // ========================= Read the pressure
134 if ( ( micros() - varioData.lastCommandMicros) > 9000){ // wait 9 msec at least before asking for reading the pressure
135 // long result = 0;
136 if( ! I2c.read( BMP180_ADR, 0xF6, 3 )) { ; //read 3 bytes from the device starting from register F6; keep previous value in case of error
137 result = I2c.receive() ;
138 result <<= 8 ;
139 result |= I2c.receive() ;
140 result <<= 8 ;
141 result |= I2c.receive() ;
142 D1=result >> 7; // divide by 2* (8- the parameter for number of averages)
143 } else {
144 D1 = 0 ; // D1 value are not processed to calculate Alt.
146 I2c.write( BMP180_ADR ,0xF4 , 0x2E ) ; // ask a conversion of Temperature sending 2E in register F4
147 varioData.lastCommandMicros = micros();
148 varioData.SensorState = 1;
149 } // end of delay of 9 ms
150 } // end of SensorState == 1
151 else if (varioData.SensorState==1){ // =========================
152 if ( ( micros() - varioData.lastCommandMicros ) > 9000 ) { // wait 9000 usec to get Temp with high precision
153 if ( ! I2c.read( BMP180_ADR , 0xF6, 2 )) { ; //read 2 bytes from the device in register F6 ; keep previous value in case of error
154 result = I2c.receive() ;
155 result <<= 8 ;
156 result |= I2c.receive() ;
157 D2=result;
159 I2c.write( BMP180_ADR , 0xF4 , 0x74) ;// ask a conversion of Pressure sending 74 in register F4; 74 means an average of 2 reads and so a normal wait time of 7.5 msec
160 varioData.lastCommandMicros = micros() ;
161 varioData.SensorState=2; //
162 } // End of process if temperature can be read
163 } // End of process if SensorState was 1
164 else if (varioData.SensorState==2) { // ========================== new Pressure and (new or old) Temp are known so Request Pressure immediately and calculate altitude
165 varioData.SensorState=0;
166 if ((D1 > 0) & (millis() > 3000) ) { // If D1 has been read in a previous loop and if sensor is started since more than 3 sec, then calculate pressure etc...
167 calculateVario() ;
168 newVSpeedCalculated = true ;
170 } // end ( varioData.SensorState == 2 )
171 return newVSpeedCalculated ; // return true if a new Vspeed is available
172 } // end read sensor
175 void OXS_BMP180::calculateVario() {
176 if (D2Prev == 0) D2Prev = D2 ;
177 D2Apply = (D2 + D2Prev ) / 2 ;
178 D2Prev = D2 ;
180 _bmp085_coeffs.ac1 = 408;
181 _bmp085_coeffs.ac2 = -72;
182 _bmp085_coeffs.ac3 = -14383;
183 _bmp085_coeffs.ac4 = 32741;
184 _bmp085_coeffs.ac5 = 32757;
185 _bmp085_coeffs.ac6 = 23153;
186 _bmp085_coeffs.b1 = 6190;
187 _bmp085_coeffs.b2 = 4;
188 _bmp085_coeffs.mb = -32768;
189 _bmp085_coeffs.mc = -8711;
190 _bmp085_coeffs.md = 2868;
191 _bmp085Mode = 0;
192 D2Apply = 27898 ;
193 D1 = 23843 ;
194 #endif
195 int32_t X1 = (D2Apply - (int32_t)_bmp085_coeffs.ac6) * ((int32_t)_bmp085_coeffs.ac5) >> 15;
196 int32_t X2 = ((int32_t)_bmp085_coeffs.mc << 11) / (X1+(int32_t)_bmp085_coeffs.md);
197 int32_t b5 = X1 + X2 ;
198 varioData.temperature = ( b5 + 8 ) >> 4 ; // = Temperature
200 // calcul of pressure.
201 int32_t p ;
202 int32_t b6 = b5 - 4000;
203 int32_t x1 = (_bmp085_coeffs.b2 * ((b6 * b6) >> 12)) >> 11;
204 int32_t x2 = (_bmp085_coeffs.ac2 * b6) >> 11;
205 int32_t x3 = x1 + x2;
206 int32_t b3 = (((((int32_t) _bmp085_coeffs.ac1) * 4 + x3) << _bmp085Mode) + 2) >> 2;
207 x1 = (_bmp085_coeffs.ac3 * b6) >> 13;
208 x2 = (_bmp085_coeffs.b1 * ((b6 * b6) >> 12)) >> 16;
209 x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2) >> 2;
210 uint32_t b4 = (_bmp085_coeffs.ac4 * (uint32_t) (x3 + 32768)) >> 15;
211 uint32_t b7 = ((uint32_t) (D1 - b3) * (50000 >> _bmp085Mode));
212 if (b7 < 0x80000000)
214 p = (b7 << 1) / b4;
216 else
218 p = (b7 / b4) << 1;
220 x1 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8);
221 x1 = (x1 * 3038) >> 16;
222 x2 = (-7357 * p) >> 16;
223 varioData.rawPressure = (p + ((x1 + x2 + 3791) >> 4)) * 10000;
225 // varioData.temperature= TEMP;
226 // OFF = (((int64_t)_calibrationData[2]) << 16) + ( (_calibrationData[4] * dT) >> 7);
227 // OFF = (((int64_t)_calibrationData[2]) << 16) + ( ( (_calibrationData[4] - alt_temp_compensation ) * dT) >> 7);
228 // SENS = (((int64_t)_calibrationData[1]) << 15) + ((_calibrationData[3] * dT) >> 8);
229 // varioData.rawPressure= (((((((int64_t) D1) * (int64_t) SENS) >> 21) - OFF) * 10000 ) >> 15) ; // 1013.25 mb gives 1013250000 is a factor to keep higher precision (=1/100 cm).
231 // altitude = 44330 * (1.0 - pow(pressure /sealevelPressure,0.1903));
232 // other alternative (faster) = 1013.25 = 0 m , 954.61 = 500m , etc...
233 // Pressure Alt (m) Ratio
234 // 101325 0 0.08526603
235 // 95461 500 0.089525515
236 // 89876 1000 0.094732853
237 // 84598 1500 0.098039216
238 // 79498 2000 0.103906899
239 // 74686 2500 0.109313511
240 // 70112 3000 0.115101289
241 // 65768 3500 0.121270919
242 // 61645 4000 0.127811861
243 // 57733 4500 0.134843581
244 // 54025 5000
246 if ( varioData.rawPressure > 954610000) {
247 varioData.rawAltitude = ( 1013250000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.08526603 ; // = 500 / (101325 - 95461) // returned value 1234567 means 123,4567 m (temp is fixed to 15 degree celcius)
248 } else if ( varioData.rawPressure > 898760000) {
249 varioData.rawAltitude = 5000000 + ( 954610000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.089525515 ;
250 } else if ( varioData.rawPressure > 845980000) {
251 varioData.rawAltitude = 10000000 + ( 898760000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.094732853 ;
252 } else if ( varioData.rawPressure > 794980000) {
253 varioData.rawAltitude = 15000000 + ( 845980000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.098039216 ;
254 } else if ( varioData.rawPressure > 746860000) {
255 varioData.rawAltitude = 20000000 + ( 794980000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.103906899 ;
256 } else if ( varioData.rawPressure > 701120000) {
257 varioData.rawAltitude = 25000000 + ( 746860000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.109313511 ;
258 } else if ( varioData.rawPressure > 657680000) {
259 varioData.rawAltitude = 30000000 + ( 701120000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.115101289 ;
260 } else if ( varioData.rawPressure > 616450000) {
261 varioData.rawAltitude = 35000000 + ( 657680000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.121270919 ;
262 } else if ( varioData.rawPressure > 577330000) {
263 varioData.rawAltitude = 40000000 + ( 616450000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.127811861 ;
264 } else { varioData.rawAltitude = 45000000 + ( 577330000 - varioData.rawPressure ) * 0.134843581 ;
267 // here the classical way to calculate Vspeed with high and low pass filter
268 if (altitude == 0) {
269 altitudeLowPass = altitudeHighPass = altitude = varioData.rawAltitude ;
270 // pressureMicrosPrev2 = pressureMicrosPrev1 - 20000 ;
272 altitude += 0.04 * (varioData.rawAltitude - altitude) ;
273 // varioData.altitudeAt20MsecAvailable = true ; // inform openxsens.ino that calculation of dTE can be performed
275 altitudeLowPass += 0.085 * ( varioData.rawAltitude - altitudeLowPass) ;
276 altitudeHighPass += 0.1 * ( varioData.rawAltitude - altitudeHighPass) ;
277 // if (pressureMicrosPrev1 > pressureMicrosPrev2 ) varioData.delaySmooth += 0.1 * ( pressureMicrosPrev1 - pressureMicrosPrev2 - varioData.delaySmooth ) ; //delay between 2 measures only if there is no overflow of pressureMicos
278 climbRate2AltFloat = ((altitudeHighPass - altitudeLowPass ) * 5666.685 ) / 20000;
280 abs_deltaClimbRate = abs(climbRate2AltFloat - varioData.climbRateFloat) ;
281 if ( varioData.sensitivityPpm > 0) sensitivityMin = varioData.sensitivityPpm ;
282 if ( (abs_deltaClimbRate <= SENSITIVITY_MIN_AT) || (sensitivityMin >= SENSITIVITY_MAX) ) {
283 varioData.sensitivity.value = sensitivityMin ;
284 } else if (abs_deltaClimbRate >= SENSITIVITY_MAX_AT) {
285 varioData.sensitivity.value = SENSITIVITY_MAX ;
286 } else {
287 varioData.sensitivity.value = sensitivityMin + ( SENSITIVITY_MAX - sensitivityMin ) * (abs_deltaClimbRate - SENSITIVITY_MIN_AT) / (SENSITIVITY_MAX_AT - SENSITIVITY_MIN_AT) ;
289 varioData.climbRateFloat += varioData.sensitivity.value * (climbRate2AltFloat - varioData.climbRateFloat) * 0.001 ; // sensitivity is an integer and must be divided by 1000
291 if ( abs((int32_t) varioData.climbRateFloat - varioData.climbRate.value) > VARIOHYSTERESIS ) {
292 varioData.climbRate.value = (int32_t) varioData.climbRateFloat ;
294 varioData.climbRate.available=true; // allows SPORT protocol to transmit the value
295 // varioData.switchClimbRateAvailable = true ; // inform readsensors() that a switchable vspeed is available
296 // varioData.averageClimbRateAvailable = true ; // inform readsensors() that a vspeed is available to calculate the average
297 // AltitudeAvailable is set to true only once every 100 msec in order to give priority to climb rate on SPORT
298 altMillis = millis() ;
299 if (altMillis > nextAltMillis){
300 nextAltMillis = altMillis + 100 ;
301 varioData.absoluteAlt.value = altitude / 100 ; // altitude is in m *10000 and AbsoluteAlt must be in m * 100
302 varioData.absoluteAlt.available=true ; // Altitude is considered as available only after several loop in order to reduce number of transmission on Sport.
303 varioData.sensitivity.available = true ;
304 if (varioData.altOffset == 0) varioData.altOffset = varioData.absoluteAlt.value ;
305 varioData.relativeAlt.value = varioData.absoluteAlt.value - varioData.altOffset ;
306 varioData.relativeAlt.available = true ;
307 if ( varioData.relativeAlt.value > varioData.relativeAltMax ) varioData.relativeAltMax = varioData.relativeAlt.value ;
308 varioData.relativeAltMaxAvailable = true ;
309 // if ( altMillis > nextAverageAltMillis ){ // calculation of the difference of altitude (in m) between the 10 last sec
310 // nextAverageAltMillis = altMillis + 500 ; // calculate only once every 500 msec
311 // varioData.vSpeed10Sec = (varioData.absoluteAlt.value - varioData.prevAlt[varioData.idxPrevAlt]) /100 ;
312 // varioData.prevAlt[varioData.idxPrevAlt] = varioData.absoluteAlt.value ;
313 // varioData.idxPrevAlt++ ;
314 // if ( varioData.idxPrevAlt >= 20 ) varioData.idxPrevAlt = 0 ;
315 // if ( altMillis > 15000) { // make the data avalaible only after 15 sec)
316 // varioData.vSpeed10SecAvailable = true ;
317 // }
318 // }
320 } // end If (altMillis > nextAltMillis)
321 #ifdef DEBUGDATA
322 static bool firstPrintAlt = true ;
323 if (firstPrintAlt == true) {
324 firstPrintAlt = false ;
325 // printer->println(F( "T,Ra,Sm,A,NC,DS,AHP,ALP,CR2, Temp" )) ;
326 printer->println(F( "T,Ra,Alt,vpsd, Alt2, rawVspd, vspd2 , smoothAlt, smoothVspd" )) ;
328 printer->print( pressureMicrosPrev1 ) ; printer->print(",");
329 printer->print( (float) varioData.rawAltitude ) ; printer->print(","); // alt is displayed in CM with 2 decimal
330 // printer->print( expoSmooth ) ; printer->print(" ,");
331 printer->print( (float) altitude ) ; printer->print(" ,");
332 printer->print( varioData.climbRate ) ; printer->print(" ,");
333 // printer->print( delaySmooth ) ; printer->print(" ,");
334 // printer->print( altitudeHighPass ) ; printer->print(" ,");
335 // printer->print( altitudeLowPass ) ; printer->print(" ,");
336 // printer->print( climbRate2AltFloat ) ; printer->print(" ,");
337 // printer->print( varioData.temperature ) ;
338 // printer->print( smoothAltitude ) ; printer->print(" ,");
339 // printer->print( rawRateVSpeed ) ; printer->print(" ,");
340 // printer->print( smoothRateVSpeed ) ; printer->print(" ,");
341 // printer->print( expoSmooth5611_alt_auto * 1000 ) ; printer->print(" ,");
342 // printer->print( expoSmooth5611_vSpeed_auto * 1000 ) ; printer->print(" ,");
343 printer->println( ) ;
345 #endif
347 pressureMicrosPrev2 = pressureMicrosPrev1 ;
348 } // End of calculate Vario
350 #endif // end of #if defined(SENSOR_IS_BMP180)