python3: update to 3.11.10
[openadk.git] / package / ipcad / patches / patch-cfg_y
1 --- ipcad-3.7.3.orig/cfg.y      2007-04-22 10:08:45.000000000 +0200
2 +++ ipcad-3.7.3/cfg.y   2014-03-23 18:03:07.000000000 +0100
3 @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
4  #include "headers.h"
5  #include "cfgvar.h"
6  #include "servers.h"
7 -#include "rsh.h"
8  #include "opt.h"
9  #include "storage.h"
11 @@ -214,49 +213,6 @@ block:
12         | CAPTURE_PORTS DENY {
13                 conf->capture_ports = 0;
14         }
15 -       | RSH ALLOW at_ip {
16 -               if(add_server(rsh_server, "RSH Server", &($3), 514))
17 -                       return yyerror("Failed to install RSH server");
18 -               fprintf(stderr, "Configured RSH Server listening at %s\n",
19 -                       inet_ntoa($3));
20 -       }
21 -       | RSH DENY at_ip {
22 -               fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Option at line %d has no effect\n",
23 -                       ipcacfglineno);
24 -       }
26 -               int to_ms;
27 -               to_ms = atoi($4);
28 -               free($4);
29 -               if(to_ms < 0)
30 -                       to_ms = -1;     /* INFTIM */
31 -               else
32 -                       to_ms = to_ms * 1000;
33 -               rsh_rw_timeout = to_ms;
34 -       }
35 -       | RSH TOK_STRING privlevel {
36 -               cfg_add_rsh_host("", $2, $3);
37 -               free($2);
38 -       }
39 -       | RSH AT TOK_STRING privlevel {
40 -               cfg_add_rsh_host("", $3, $4);
41 -               free($3);
42 -       }
43 -       | RSH TOK_STRING AT TOK_STRING privlevel {
44 -               cfg_add_rsh_host($2, $4, $5);
45 -               free($2); free($4);
46 -       }
47 -       | RSH TTL EQ TOK_STRING {
48 -               conf->rsh_ttl = atoi($4);
49 -               free($4);
50 -       }
51 -       | TTL EQ TOK_STRING {
52 -               fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: \"ttl = %s;\" at line %d: "
53 -                       "Obsolete syntax. Please use \"rsh ttl = %s;\"\n",
54 -                       $3, ipcacfglineno, $3);
55 -               conf->rsh_ttl = atoi($3);
56 -               free($3);
57 -       }
58         | NetFlow
59         | CHROOT EQ TOK_STRING {
60                 if(conf->chroot_to)