Don't disable notification debug messages by default
[openal-soft.git] / router / router.cpp
2 #include "config.h"
4 #include "router.h"
6 #include <algorithm>
7 #include <array>
8 #include <cstdio>
9 #include <cstdlib>
10 #include <cstring>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <string_view>
13 #include <vector>
15 #include "AL/alc.h"
16 #include "AL/al.h"
18 #include "alstring.h"
19 #include "opthelpers.h"
20 #include "strutils.h"
22 #include "version.h"
25 eLogLevel LogLevel{eLogLevel::Error};
26 gsl::owner<std::FILE*> LogFile;
28 namespace {
30 std::vector<std::wstring> gAcceptList;
31 std::vector<std::wstring> gRejectList;
34 void AddModule(HMODULE module, const std::wstring_view name)
36 for(auto &drv : DriverList)
38 if(drv->Module == module)
40 TRACE("Skipping already-loaded module %p\n", decltype(std::declval<void*>()){module});
41 FreeLibrary(module);
42 return;
44 if(drv->Name == name)
46 TRACE("Skipping similarly-named module %.*ls\n", al::sizei(name),;
47 FreeLibrary(module);
48 return;
51 if(!gAcceptList.empty())
53 auto iter = std::find_if(gAcceptList.cbegin(), gAcceptList.cend(),
54 [name](const std::wstring_view accept)
55 { return al::case_compare(name, accept) == 0; });
56 if(iter == gAcceptList.cend())
58 TRACE("%.*ls not found in ALROUTER_ACCEPT, skipping\n", al::sizei(name),;
59 FreeLibrary(module);
60 return;
63 if(!gRejectList.empty())
65 auto iter = std::find_if(gRejectList.cbegin(), gRejectList.cend(),
66 [name](const std::wstring_view accept)
67 { return al::case_compare(name, accept) == 0; });
68 if(iter != gRejectList.cend())
70 TRACE("%.*ls found in ALROUTER_REJECT, skipping\n", al::sizei(name),;
71 FreeLibrary(module);
72 return;
76 DriverIface &newdrv = *DriverList.emplace_back(std::make_unique<DriverIface>(name, module));
78 /* Load required functions. */
79 bool loadok{true};
80 auto do_load = [module,name](auto &func, const char *fname) -> bool
82 using func_t = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(func)>;
83 auto ptr = GetProcAddress(module, fname);
84 if(!ptr)
86 ERR("Failed to find entry point for %s in %.*ls\n", fname, al::sizei(name),
88 return false;
91 func = reinterpret_cast<func_t>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr));
92 return true;
94 #define LOAD_PROC(x) loadok &= do_load(newdrv.x, #x)
95 LOAD_PROC(alcCreateContext);
96 LOAD_PROC(alcMakeContextCurrent);
97 LOAD_PROC(alcProcessContext);
98 LOAD_PROC(alcSuspendContext);
99 LOAD_PROC(alcDestroyContext);
100 LOAD_PROC(alcGetCurrentContext);
101 LOAD_PROC(alcGetContextsDevice);
102 LOAD_PROC(alcOpenDevice);
103 LOAD_PROC(alcCloseDevice);
104 LOAD_PROC(alcGetError);
105 LOAD_PROC(alcIsExtensionPresent);
106 LOAD_PROC(alcGetProcAddress);
107 LOAD_PROC(alcGetEnumValue);
108 LOAD_PROC(alcGetString);
109 LOAD_PROC(alcGetIntegerv);
110 LOAD_PROC(alcCaptureOpenDevice);
111 LOAD_PROC(alcCaptureCloseDevice);
112 LOAD_PROC(alcCaptureStart);
113 LOAD_PROC(alcCaptureStop);
114 LOAD_PROC(alcCaptureSamples);
116 LOAD_PROC(alEnable);
117 LOAD_PROC(alDisable);
118 LOAD_PROC(alIsEnabled);
119 LOAD_PROC(alGetString);
120 LOAD_PROC(alGetBooleanv);
121 LOAD_PROC(alGetIntegerv);
122 LOAD_PROC(alGetFloatv);
123 LOAD_PROC(alGetDoublev);
124 LOAD_PROC(alGetBoolean);
125 LOAD_PROC(alGetInteger);
126 LOAD_PROC(alGetFloat);
127 LOAD_PROC(alGetDouble);
128 LOAD_PROC(alGetError);
129 LOAD_PROC(alIsExtensionPresent);
130 LOAD_PROC(alGetProcAddress);
131 LOAD_PROC(alGetEnumValue);
132 LOAD_PROC(alListenerf);
133 LOAD_PROC(alListener3f);
134 LOAD_PROC(alListenerfv);
135 LOAD_PROC(alListeneri);
136 LOAD_PROC(alListener3i);
137 LOAD_PROC(alListeneriv);
138 LOAD_PROC(alGetListenerf);
139 LOAD_PROC(alGetListener3f);
140 LOAD_PROC(alGetListenerfv);
141 LOAD_PROC(alGetListeneri);
142 LOAD_PROC(alGetListener3i);
143 LOAD_PROC(alGetListeneriv);
144 LOAD_PROC(alGenSources);
145 LOAD_PROC(alDeleteSources);
146 LOAD_PROC(alIsSource);
147 LOAD_PROC(alSourcef);
148 LOAD_PROC(alSource3f);
149 LOAD_PROC(alSourcefv);
150 LOAD_PROC(alSourcei);
151 LOAD_PROC(alSource3i);
152 LOAD_PROC(alSourceiv);
153 LOAD_PROC(alGetSourcef);
154 LOAD_PROC(alGetSource3f);
155 LOAD_PROC(alGetSourcefv);
156 LOAD_PROC(alGetSourcei);
157 LOAD_PROC(alGetSource3i);
158 LOAD_PROC(alGetSourceiv);
159 LOAD_PROC(alSourcePlayv);
160 LOAD_PROC(alSourceStopv);
161 LOAD_PROC(alSourceRewindv);
162 LOAD_PROC(alSourcePausev);
163 LOAD_PROC(alSourcePlay);
164 LOAD_PROC(alSourceStop);
165 LOAD_PROC(alSourceRewind);
166 LOAD_PROC(alSourcePause);
167 LOAD_PROC(alSourceQueueBuffers);
168 LOAD_PROC(alSourceUnqueueBuffers);
169 LOAD_PROC(alGenBuffers);
170 LOAD_PROC(alDeleteBuffers);
171 LOAD_PROC(alIsBuffer);
172 LOAD_PROC(alBufferData);
173 LOAD_PROC(alDopplerFactor);
174 LOAD_PROC(alDopplerVelocity);
175 LOAD_PROC(alSpeedOfSound);
176 LOAD_PROC(alDistanceModel);
177 #undef LOAD_PROC
178 if(loadok)
180 std::array<ALCint,2> alc_ver{0, 0};
181 newdrv.alcGetIntegerv(nullptr, ALC_MAJOR_VERSION, 1, &alc_ver[0]);
182 newdrv.alcGetIntegerv(nullptr, ALC_MINOR_VERSION, 1, &alc_ver[1]);
183 if(newdrv.alcGetError(nullptr) == ALC_NO_ERROR)
184 newdrv.ALCVer = MAKE_ALC_VER(alc_ver[0], alc_ver[1]);
185 else
187 WARN("Failed to query ALC version for %.*ls, assuming 1.0\n", al::sizei(name),
189 newdrv.ALCVer = MAKE_ALC_VER(1, 0);
192 auto do_load2 = [module,name](auto &func, const char *fname) -> void
194 using func_t = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(func)>;
195 auto ptr = GetProcAddress(module, fname);
196 if(!ptr)
197 WARN("Failed to find optional entry point for %s in %.*ls\n", fname,
198 al::sizei(name),;
199 else
200 func = reinterpret_cast<func_t>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr));
202 #define LOAD_PROC(x) do_load2(newdrv.x, #x)
203 LOAD_PROC(alBufferf);
204 LOAD_PROC(alBuffer3f);
205 LOAD_PROC(alBufferfv);
206 LOAD_PROC(alBufferi);
207 LOAD_PROC(alBuffer3i);
208 LOAD_PROC(alBufferiv);
209 LOAD_PROC(alGetBufferf);
210 LOAD_PROC(alGetBuffer3f);
211 LOAD_PROC(alGetBufferfv);
212 LOAD_PROC(alGetBufferi);
213 LOAD_PROC(alGetBuffer3i);
214 LOAD_PROC(alGetBufferiv);
215 #undef LOAD_PROC
217 auto do_load3 = [name,&newdrv](auto &func, const char *fname) -> bool
219 using func_t = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(func)>;
220 auto ptr = newdrv.alcGetProcAddress(nullptr, fname);
221 if(!ptr)
223 ERR("Failed to find entry point for %s in %.*ls\n", fname, al::sizei(name),
225 return false;
228 func = reinterpret_cast<func_t>(ptr);
229 return true;
231 #define LOAD_PROC(x) loadok &= do_load3(newdrv.x, #x)
232 if(newdrv.alcIsExtensionPresent(nullptr, "ALC_EXT_thread_local_context"))
234 LOAD_PROC(alcSetThreadContext);
235 LOAD_PROC(alcGetThreadContext);
237 #undef LOAD_PROC
240 if(!loadok)
242 DriverList.pop_back();
243 return;
245 TRACE("Loaded module %p, %.*ls, ALC %d.%d\n", decltype(std::declval<void*>()){module},
246 al::sizei(name),, newdrv.ALCVer>>8, newdrv.ALCVer&255);
249 void SearchDrivers(const std::wstring_view path)
251 TRACE("Searching for drivers in %.*ls...\n", al::sizei(path),;
252 std::wstring srchPath{path};
253 srchPath += L"\\*oal.dll";
255 WIN32_FIND_DATAW fdata{};
256 HANDLE srchHdl{FindFirstFileW(srchPath.c_str(), &fdata)};
257 if(srchHdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
259 do {
260 srchPath = path;
261 srchPath += L"\\";
262 srchPath += std::data(fdata.cFileName);
263 TRACE("Found %ls\n", srchPath.c_str());
265 HMODULE mod{LoadLibraryW(srchPath.c_str())};
266 if(!mod)
267 WARN("Could not load %ls\n", srchPath.c_str());
268 else
269 AddModule(mod, std::data(fdata.cFileName));
270 } while(FindNextFileW(srchHdl, &fdata));
271 FindClose(srchHdl);
274 bool GetLoadedModuleDirectory(const WCHAR *name, std::wstring *moddir)
276 HMODULE module{nullptr};
278 if(name)
280 module = GetModuleHandleW(name);
281 if(!module) return false;
284 moddir->assign(256, '\0');
285 DWORD res{GetModuleFileNameW(module, moddir->data(), static_cast<DWORD>(moddir->size()))};
286 if(res >= moddir->size())
288 do {
289 moddir->append(256, '\0');
290 res = GetModuleFileNameW(module, moddir->data(), static_cast<DWORD>(moddir->size()));
291 } while(res >= moddir->size());
293 moddir->resize(res);
295 auto sep0 = moddir->rfind('/');
296 auto sep1 = moddir->rfind('\\');
297 if(sep0 < moddir->size() && sep1 < moddir->size())
298 moddir->resize(std::max(sep0, sep1));
299 else if(sep0 < moddir->size())
300 moddir->resize(sep0);
301 else if(sep1 < moddir->size())
302 moddir->resize(sep1);
303 else
304 moddir->resize(0);
306 return !moddir->empty();
309 void LoadDriverList()
311 if(auto list = al::getenv(L"ALROUTER_ACCEPT"))
313 std::wstring_view namelist{*list};
314 while(!namelist.empty())
316 auto seppos = namelist.find(',');
317 if(seppos > 0)
318 gAcceptList.emplace_back(namelist.substr(0, seppos));
319 if(seppos < namelist.size())
320 namelist.remove_prefix(seppos+1);
321 else
322 namelist.remove_prefix(namelist.size());
325 if(auto list = al::getenv(L"ALROUTER_REJECT"))
327 std::wstring_view namelist{*list};
328 while(!namelist.empty())
330 auto seppos = namelist.find(',');
331 if(seppos > 0)
332 gRejectList.emplace_back(namelist.substr(0, seppos));
333 if(seppos < namelist.size())
334 namelist.remove_prefix(seppos+1);
335 else
336 namelist.remove_prefix(namelist.size());
340 std::wstring dll_path;
341 if(GetLoadedModuleDirectory(L"OpenAL32.dll", &dll_path))
342 TRACE("Got DLL path %ls\n", dll_path.c_str());
344 std::wstring cwd_path;
345 if(DWORD pathlen{GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, nullptr)})
347 do {
348 cwd_path.resize(pathlen);
349 pathlen = GetCurrentDirectoryW(pathlen,;
350 } while(pathlen >= cwd_path.size());
351 cwd_path.resize(pathlen);
353 if(!cwd_path.empty() && (cwd_path.back() == '\\' || cwd_path.back() == '/'))
354 cwd_path.pop_back();
355 if(!cwd_path.empty())
356 TRACE("Got current working directory %ls\n", cwd_path.c_str());
358 std::wstring proc_path;
359 if(GetLoadedModuleDirectory(nullptr, &proc_path))
360 TRACE("Got proc path %ls\n", proc_path.c_str());
362 std::wstring sys_path;
363 if(UINT pathlen{GetSystemDirectoryW(nullptr, 0)})
365 do {
366 sys_path.resize(pathlen);
367 pathlen = GetSystemDirectoryW(, pathlen);
368 } while(pathlen >= sys_path.size());
369 sys_path.resize(pathlen);
371 if(!sys_path.empty() && (sys_path.back() == '\\' || sys_path.back() == '/'))
372 sys_path.pop_back();
373 if(!sys_path.empty())
374 TRACE("Got system path %ls\n", sys_path.c_str());
376 /* Don't search the DLL's path if it is the same as the current working
377 * directory, app's path, or system path (don't want to do duplicate
378 * searches, or increase the priority of the app or system path).
380 if(!dll_path.empty() &&
381 (cwd_path.empty() || dll_path != cwd_path) &&
382 (proc_path.empty() || dll_path != proc_path) &&
383 (sys_path.empty() || dll_path != sys_path))
384 SearchDrivers(dll_path);
385 if(!cwd_path.empty() &&
386 (proc_path.empty() || cwd_path != proc_path) &&
387 (sys_path.empty() || cwd_path != sys_path))
388 SearchDrivers(cwd_path);
389 if(!proc_path.empty() && (sys_path.empty() || proc_path != sys_path))
390 SearchDrivers(proc_path);
391 if(!sys_path.empty())
392 SearchDrivers(sys_path);
395 } // namespace
397 BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE, DWORD reason, void*)
399 switch(reason)
402 if(auto logfname = al::getenv("ALROUTER_LOGFILE"))
404 gsl::owner<std::FILE*> f{fopen(logfname->c_str(), "w")};
405 if(f == nullptr)
406 ERR("Could not open log file: %s\n", logfname->c_str());
407 else
408 LogFile = f;
410 if(auto loglev = al::getenv("ALROUTER_LOGLEVEL"))
412 char *end = nullptr;
413 long l{strtol(loglev->c_str(), &end, 0)};
414 if(!end || *end != '\0')
415 ERR("Invalid log level value: %s\n", loglev->c_str());
416 else if(l < al::to_underlying(eLogLevel::None)
417 || l > al::to_underlying(eLogLevel::Trace))
418 ERR("Log level out of range: %s\n", loglev->c_str());
419 else
420 LogLevel = static_cast<eLogLevel>(l);
422 TRACE("Initializing router v0.1-%s %s\n", ALSOFT_GIT_COMMIT_HASH, ALSOFT_GIT_BRANCH);
423 LoadDriverList();
425 break;
428 break;
430 break;
433 DriverList.clear();
435 if(LogFile)
436 fclose(LogFile);
437 LogFile = nullptr;
439 break;
441 return TRUE;