fixes to Vehicle::carry - only reject too-big passengers in c2e mode, plus other...
[openc2e.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # vim: set noet:
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use YAML;
8 # this may also appear as something like openc2e/mirror/trunk/ 43539 2005-08-15T00:44:28.013173Z bdonlan (between dollar-sign Id dollar-sign)
9 my $id = '$Id$';
11 sub captext ($);
13 BEGIN {
14 eval {
15 require Text::Capitalize;
16 import Text::Capitalize;
18 if ($@) {
19 *captext = sub ($) {
20 my $t = shift;
21 $t =~ s/^([a-z])/uc $1/e;
22 return $t;
24 } else {
25 *captext = sub ($) {
26 return capitalize_title($_[0]);
31 sub esc ($) {
32 my $t = shift;
33 $t =~ s/\W/_/g;
34 return $t;
37 my $data = YAML::LoadFile($ARGV[0]);
39 # XXX
40 $data = { ops => $data->{variants}{c3} };
42 my %catsort;
43 foreach my $key (sort keys %{$data->{ops}}) {
44 $data->{ops}{$key}{key} = $key;
45 push @{$catsort{$data->{ops}{$key}{category}}}, $data->{ops}{$key};
48 foreach my $key (keys %catsort) {
49 $catsort{$key} = [
50 map { $_->[0] }
51 sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
52 map { [ $_, $_->{name} ] }
53 @{$catsort{$key}}
57 my @catl = map { { name => captext($_), ents => $catsort{$_}, anchor => esc($_) } } sort keys %catsort;
58 my $time = scalar gmtime;
59 print <<END;
60 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
61 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
62 <html>
63 <head>
64 <title>CAOS command reference - openc2e</title>
65 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs.css" />
66 </head>
67 <body>
68 <h1>CAOS command reference - openc2e dev build</h1>
69 <i>Last updated $time (UTC)</i>
70 END
73 my %st_insert = (
74 todo => ['st_todo', 'This command is not yet implemented.', 'stubs', 0],
75 probablyok => ['st_maybe', 'This command probably works, but it has not been annotated with its status.', 'unknown', 0],
76 maybe => ['st_maybe', 'This command is believed to work, but has not yet been thoroughly tested.', 'untested', 0],
77 broken => ['st_todo', 'This command is partially implemented but missing large amounts of functionality, or is nonconformant in some vital way.', 'broken', 0],
78 ok => ['st_ok', 'This command works properly.', 'done', 0],
81 $st_insert{stub} = $st_insert{todo};
82 $st_insert{done} = $st_insert{ok};
84 foreach my $op (values %{$data->{ops}}) {
85 $st_insert{$op->{status}}[3]++;
88 my @cstat;
89 foreach my $clas (qw(ok broken maybe probablyok todo)) {
90 if ($st_insert{$clas}[3] != 0) {
91 push @cstat, "$st_insert{$clas}[3] $st_insert{$clas}[2]";
95 print '<div id="summary">';
96 print scalar keys %{$data->{ops}}, " commands in total; ";
97 print join ", ", @cstat;
98 print ".</div>";
99 print '<div id="index"><ul>';
100 foreach my $c (@catl) {
101 print "<li><a href=\"#c_", $c->{anchor}, "\">", $c->{name}, "</a></li>\n";
103 print "</ul></div>\n";
109 print <<END;
110 <div id="sidebar">
111 <h6>Commands</h6>
112 <ul>
115 foreach my $key (grep { /^c_/ } sort keys %{$data->{ops}}) {
116 my $class = $st_insert{$data->{ops}{$key}{status}}[0] || 'st_wtf';
117 print qq{<li><a class="$class" href="#k_$key">$data->{ops}{$key}{name}</a></li>};
120 print <<END;
121 </ul><hr />
122 <h6>Expressions</h6>
123 <ul>
126 foreach my $key (grep { /^v_/ } sort keys %{$data->{ops}}) {
127 my $class = $st_insert{$data->{ops}{$key}{status}}[0] || 'st_wtf';
128 print qq{<li><a class="$class" href="#k_$key">$data->{ops}{$key}{name}</a></li>};
131 print '</ul></div><div id="content">';
132 foreach my $cat (@catl) {
133 print qq{<div class="category" id="c_$cat->{anchor}">\n};
134 print qq{<h2>$cat->{name}</h2><hr/>\n};
135 foreach my $op (@{$cat->{ents}}) {
136 print qq{<div class="command" id="k_$op->{key}">\n};
137 print qq{<div class="header">\n};
138 print qq{<span class="cmdname">$op->{name}</span>\n};
139 print qq{<span class="cmdtype">($op->{type})</span>\n};
140 foreach my $arg (@{$op->{arguments}}) {
141 print qq{<span class="argname">$arg->{name}</span>\n};
142 print qq{<span class="argtype">($arg->{type})</span>\n};
144 print qq{</div><div class="description">};
145 unless (defined $op->{description}) {
146 print qq{<div class="nodocs">This command is currently undocumented.</div>\n};
147 } else {
148 print qq{<div class="docs">$op->{description}</div>\n};
150 print qq{</div><div class="status">};
151 if (defined $st_insert{$op->{status}}[0]) {
152 print qq{<div class="$st_insert{$op->{status}}[0]">};
153 print $st_insert{$op->{status}}[1];
154 print qq{</div>};
155 } else {
156 print qq{<div class="st_wtf">This command has an unknown status tag of: $op->{status}.};
157 print qq{Please beat whoever set that status with a shovel or some other heavy object.};
158 print qq{</div>};
160 print qq{</div>};
161 print qq{<div class="administrivia"><ul>};
162 print qq{<li>Implemented in: $op->{filename}</li>};
163 print qq{<li>Implementation functions (may be wrong): $op->{implementation}</li>};
164 if ($op->{pragma}) {
165 print qq{<li>Pragmas:<ul>};
166 foreach my $pk (sort keys %{$op->{pragma}}) {
167 print qq{<li>$pk =&gt; $op->{pragma}{$pk}</li>};
169 print qq{</ul></li>};
171 print qq{</ul></div>};
172 print qq{</div>};
174 print qq{</div>};
177 print qq{</div></body></html>};