Lift: stupid bugfix
[openc2e.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use YAML;
7 use POSIX qw(strftime);
9 my %tdisp = (
10 'any' => 'CI_ANYVALUE',
11 'float' => 'CI_NUMERIC',
12 'integer' => 'CI_NUMERIC',
13 'string' => 'CI_STRING',
14 'agent' => 'CI_AGENT',
15 'bytestring' => 'CI_BYTESTR',
16 'variable' => 'CI_VARIABLE',
17 'any' => 'CI_OTHER',
18 'anything' => 'CI_OTHER',
19 'condition' => undef,
20 'comparison' => undef,
21 'decimal' => 'CI_NUMERIC',
22 'decimal variable' => 'CI_OTHER',
23 'byte-string' => 'CI_BYTESTR',
24 'label' => undef,
25 'vector' => 'CI_VECTOR',
26 'bareword' => 'CI_BAREWORD',
27 'token' => 'CI_BAREWORD',
28 'subcommand' => 'CI_SUBCOMMAND',
29 'command' => 'CI_COMMAND',
32 # zero-tolerance policy
33 $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
35 my $data = YAML::LoadFile($ARGV[0]);
37 my $disp_id = 1;
38 my %disp_tbl;
39 my @init_funcs;
42 print qq{// DO NOT EDIT\n};
43 print qq{// Generated at }, strftime("%c", localtime(time)), qq{\n};
44 print qq{\n\n};
45 print qq{#include <string>\n};
46 print qq{#include <cstdio>\n};
47 print qq{#include <climits>\n};
48 print qq{#include "cmddata.h"\n};
49 print qq{#include "caosVM.h"\n};
50 print qq{#include "dialect.h"\n};
51 print qq{#include "openc2e.h"\n};
52 print qq{\n\n};
54 foreach my $variant_name (sort keys %{$data->{variants}}) {
55 my $variant = $data->{variants}{$variant_name};
56 for my $key (keys %$variant) {
57 $variant->{$key}{key} = $key;
59 my @cmds = values %$variant;
61 inject_ns(\@cmds);
62 writelookup(\@cmds);
63 checkdup(\@cmds, "$variant_name commands");
64 sortname(\@cmds);
65 miscprep($variant_name, \@cmds);
67 printarr(\@cmds, $variant_name, "${variant_name}_cmds");
69 printinit($variant_name, "${variant_name}_cmds");
72 printdispatch();
74 print "void registerAutoDelegates() {\n";
75 for my $f(@init_funcs) {
76 print "\t$f();\n";
78 print "}\n";
81 exit 0;
83 sub miscprep {
84 my ($variant, $cmds) = @_;
86 for my $cmd (@$cmds) {
87 $cmd->{evalcost}{$variant} = $cmd->{evalcost}{default} unless defined $cmd->{evalcost}{$variant};
88 if ($cmd->{type} ne 'command' && $cmd->{evalcost}{$variant} != 0) {
89 print STDERR "$cmd->{lookup_key} has non-zero evalcost in an expression cost.";
90 print STDERR "This causes a race condition which can potentially lead to crashes.";
91 print STDERR "If you really need this, please contact bd_. Aborting for now.";
92 exit 1;
97 sub printinit {
98 my ($variant, $cmdarr, $exparr) = @_;
99 print "static void init_$variant() {\n";
100 print qq{\tdialects["$variant"] = boost::shared_ptr<Dialect>(new Dialect($cmdarr, std::string("$variant")));\n};
101 print "}\n";
102 push @init_funcs, "init_$variant";
105 sub printdispatch {
106 print "#ifdef VCPP_BROKENNESS\n";
107 print "void dispatchCAOS(class caosVM *vm, int idx) {\n";
108 print "\tswitch (idx) {\n";
109 for my $impl (keys %disp_tbl) {
110 print "\t\tcase $disp_tbl{$impl}: vm->$impl(); break;\n";
112 print qq{\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\{\n};
113 print qq{\t\t\tchar buf[256];\n};
114 print qq{\t\t\tsprintf(buf, "%d", idx);\n};
115 print qq{\t\t\tthrow caosException(std::string("Unknown dispatchCAOS index: ") + buf);\n};
116 print qq{\t\t\}\n};
117 print "\t}\n";
118 print "}\n";
119 print "#endif\n";
122 sub writelookup {
123 my $cmds = shift;
125 for my $cmd (@$cmds) {
126 my $prefix = 'expr ';
127 if ($cmd->{type} eq 'command') {
128 $prefix = 'cmd ';
130 $cmd->{lookup_key} = $prefix . lc($cmd->{name});
135 sub printarr {
136 my ($cmds, $variant, $arrname) = @_;
137 my $buf = '';
138 $buf .= "static const struct cmdinfo $arrname\[\] = {\n";
139 my $idx = 0;
140 for my $cmd (@$cmds) {
141 my $argp = 'NULL';
142 if (defined $cmd->{arguments}) {
143 my $args = '';
144 for my $arg (@{$cmd->{arguments}}) {
145 my $type = $tdisp{$arg->{type}};
146 if (!defined $type) {
147 undef $args;
148 last;
150 $args .= "$type, ";
152 if (defined $args) {
153 $argp = "${arrname}_t_$cmd->{type}_$cmd->{key}";
154 print "static const enum ci_type $argp\[\] = { ";
155 print $args;
156 print "CI_END };\n";
160 $buf .= "\t{ // $idx $cmd->{key}\n";
161 $idx++;
163 $buf .= "#ifndef VCPP_BROKENNESS\n";
164 unless (defined($cmd->{implementation})) {
165 $cmd->{implementation} = 'caosVM::dummy_cmd';
167 unless (defined($cmd->{saveimpl})) {
168 $cmd->{saveimpl} = 'caosVM::dummy_cmd';
170 $buf .= "\t\t&$cmd->{implementation}, // handler\n";
171 $buf .= "\t\t&$cmd->{saveimpl}, // savehandler\n";
172 $buf .= "#else\n";
173 $buf .= sprintf "\t\t%d, // handler_idx\n", handler_idx($cmd->{implementation});
174 $buf .= sprintf "\t\t%d, // savehandler_idx\n", handler_idx($cmd->{saveimpl});
175 $buf .= "#endif\n";
177 $buf .= qq{\t\t"$cmd->{lookup_key}", // lookup_key\n};
178 $buf .= qq{\t\t"$cmd->{key}", // key\n};
179 $buf .= qq{\t\t"}. lc $cmd->{match}. qq{", // name\n};
180 $buf .= qq{\t\t"$cmd->{name}", // fullname\n};
181 $buf .= qq{\t\t"}. cescape($cmd->{description}). qq{", // docs\n};
182 $buf .= "\t\t". scalar(@{$cmd->{arguments}}). ", // argc\n";
183 $buf .= "\t\t$cmd->{stackdelta}, // stackdelta\n";
184 $buf .= "\t\t$argp, // argtypes\n";
186 my $rettype = $tdisp{$cmd->{type}};
187 if (!defined $rettype) {
188 die "Unknown return type $cmd->{type} in $cmd->{name}: ".YAML::Dump($cmd);
190 $buf .= "\t\t$rettype, // rettype\n";
191 my $cost = $cmd->{evalcost}{$variant};
192 $buf .= "\t\t$cost // evalcost\n";
193 $buf .= "\t},\n";
196 $buf .= "\t{ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, CI_END, 0 }\n";
198 $buf .= "};\n";
199 print $buf;
201 sub sortname {
202 my $cmds = shift;
203 @$cmds = sort { $a->{lookup_key} cmp $b->{lookup_key} } @$cmds;
206 sub inject_ns {
207 my $cmds = shift;
208 my %ns;
209 my %names;
210 for my $cmd (@$cmds) {
211 my $type = ($cmd->{type} eq 'command') ? 'command' : 'any';
212 $ns{$cmd->{namespace}}{$type}++ if defined $cmd->{namespace};
213 $names{lc "$type $cmd->{name}"}++;
215 for my $ns (keys %ns) {
216 for my $type (keys %{$ns{$ns}}) {
217 next if $ns eq 'face'; # hack
218 next if exists $names{"$type " . lc $ns};
219 my $key = 'k_' . uc $ns;
220 $key =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]//g;
221 push @$cmds, {
222 arguments => [ {
223 name => "cmd",
224 type => "subcommand",
225 } ],
226 category => "internal",
227 description => "",
228 evalcost => { default => 0 },
229 filename => "",
230 implementation => undef,
231 match => uc $ns,
232 name => lc $ns,
233 pragma => {},
234 status => 'internal',
235 key => $key,
236 type => $type,
237 syntaxstring => (uc $ns) . " (command/expr) subcommand (subcommand)\n",
238 stackdelta => "INT_MAX",
244 sub checkdup {
245 my ($cmds, $desc) = @_;
246 my %mark;
247 for my $cmd (@$cmds) {
248 if (!defined $cmd->{lookup_key}) {
249 print STDERR "No name for $cmd->{key}\n";
250 exit 1;
252 push @{$mark{$cmd->{lookup_key}}}, $cmd;
253 if (scalar @{$mark{$cmd->{lookup_key}}} > 1) {
254 # Please do not disable this assert
255 # bsearch()'s behavior is unpredictable with duplicate keys
256 print STDERR "Duplicate command in $desc: $cmd->{lookup_key}\n";
257 print STDERR YAML::Dump($mark{$cmd->{lookup_key}});
258 exit 1;
265 our %cescapes;
266 BEGIN { %cescapes = (
267 "\n" => "\\n",
268 "\r" => "\\r",
269 "\t" => "\\t",
270 "\\" => "\\\\",
271 "\"" => "\\\"",
272 ); }
274 sub cescape {
275 my $str = shift;
276 if (!defined $str) { return ""; }
277 my $ces = join "", keys %cescapes;
278 $str =~ s/([\Q$ces\E])/$cescapes{$1}/ge;
279 return $str;
282 sub handler_idx {
283 my $impl = $_[0];
284 unless (defined($disp_tbl{$impl})) {
285 $disp_tbl{$impl} = $disp_id++;
287 return $disp_tbl{$impl};
289 # vim: set noet: