chore(deps): bump twig/twig from 3.17.1 to 3.19.0 (#7951)
[openemr.git] / interface / billing / era_payments.php
1 <?php
3 /*
4 * The functions of this class support the billing process like the script billing_process.php.
6 * @package OpenEMR
7 * @link
8 * @author Eldho Chacko <>
9 * @author Paul Simon K <>
10 * @author Stephen Waite <>
11 * @author Brady Miller <>
12 * @copyright Copyright (c) Z&H Consultancy Services Private Limited <>
13 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2018 Stephen Waite <>
14 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Brady Miller <>
15 * @license GNU General Public License 3
19 require_once("../globals.php");
20 require_once("$srcdir/");
21 require_once($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/");
22 require_once("$srcdir/");
24 use OpenEMR\Billing\ParseERA;
25 use OpenEMR\Billing\SLEOB;
26 use OpenEMR\Common\Acl\AclMain;
27 use OpenEMR\Common\Csrf\CsrfUtils;
28 use OpenEMR\Common\Twig\TwigContainer;
29 use OpenEMR\Core\Header;
30 use OpenEMR\OeUI\OemrUI;
32 if (!AclMain::aclCheckCore('acct', 'bill', '', 'write') && !AclMain::aclCheckCore('acct', 'eob', '', 'write')) {
33 echo (new TwigContainer(null, $GLOBALS['kernel']))->getTwig()->render('core/unauthorized.html.twig', ['pageTitle' => xl("ERA Posting")]);
34 exit;
37 $hidden_type_code = isset($_POST['hidden_type_code']) ? $_POST['hidden_type_code'] : '';
38 $check_date = isset($_POST['check_date']) ? $_POST['check_date'] : '';
39 $post_to_date = isset($_POST['post_to_date']) ? $_POST['post_to_date'] : '';
40 $deposit_date = isset($_POST['deposit_date']) ? $_POST['deposit_date'] : '';
41 $type_code = isset($_POST['type_code']) ? $_POST['type_code'] : '';
43 //===============================================================================
44 // This is called back by ParseERA::parseERA() if we are processing X12 835's.
45 $alertmsg = '';
46 $where = '';
47 $eraname = '';
48 $eracount = 0;
49 $Processed = 0;
50 function era_callback(&$out)
52 global $where, $eracount, $eraname;
53 ++$eracount;
54 $eraname = $out['gs_date'] . '_' . ltrim($out['isa_control_number'], '0') .
55 '_' . ltrim($out['payer_id'], '0');
56 list($pid, $encounter, $invnumber) = SLEOB::slInvoiceNumber($out);
57 if ($pid && $encounter) {
58 if ($where) {
59 $where .= ' OR ';
61 $where .= "( = '" . add_escape_custom($pid) . "' AND f.encounter = '" . add_escape_custom($encounter) . "' )";
64 //===============================================================================
65 // Handle X12 835 file upload.
66 if (!empty($_FILES['form_erafile']['size'])) {
67 if (!CsrfUtils::verifyCsrfToken($_POST["csrf_token_form"])) {
68 CsrfUtils::csrfNotVerified();
71 $tmp_name = $_FILES['form_erafile']['tmp_name'];
72 // Handle .zip extension if present. Probably won't work on Windows.
73 if (strtolower(substr($_FILES['form_erafile']['name'], -4)) == '.zip') {
74 rename($tmp_name, "$");
75 exec("unzip -p " . escapeshellarg($tmp_name . ".zip") . " > " . escapeshellarg($tmp_name));
76 unlink("$");
78 $alertmsg .= ParseERA::parseERA($tmp_name, 'era_callback');
79 $erafullname = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/era/$eraname.edi";
80 if (is_file($erafullname)) {
81 $alertmsg .= xl("Warning") . ': ' . xl("Set") . ' ' . $eraname . ' ' . xl("was already uploaded") . ' ';
82 if (is_file($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/era/$eraname.html")) {
83 $Processed = 1;
84 $alertmsg .= xl("and processed.") . ' ';
85 } else {
86 $alertmsg .= xl("but not yet processed.") . ' ';
89 rename($tmp_name, $erafullname);
90 } // End 835 upload
91 //===============================================================================
93 //===============================================================================
95 <!DOCTYPE html>
96 <html>
97 <head>
98 <?php Header::setupHeader(['datetime-picker', 'common']);?>
99 <?php require_once("{$GLOBALS['srcdir']}/ajax/"); ?>
100 <script>
101 function Validate()
103 if(document.getElementById('uploadedfile').value=='')
105 alert(<?php echo xlj('Please Choose a file');?>);
106 return false;
108 if(document.getElementById('hidden_type_code').value=='')
110 alert(<?php echo xlj('Select Insurance, by typing'); ?>);
111 document.getElementById('type_code').focus();
112 return false;
114 if(document.getElementById('hidden_type_code').value!=document.getElementById('div_insurance_or_patient').innerHTML)
116 alert(<?php echo xlj('Take Insurance, from Drop Down'); ?>);
117 document.getElementById('type_code').focus();
118 return false;
120 top.restoreSession();
121 document.forms[0].submit();
123 function OnloadAction()
124 {//Displays message after upload action,and popups the details.
125 after_value=document.getElementById('after_value').value;
126 if(after_value!='')
128 alert(after_value);
130 <?php
131 if (!empty($_FILES['form_erafile']['size'])) {
133 var f = document.forms[0];
134 var debug = <?php echo js_escape(($_REQUEST['form_without'] ?? null) * 1); ?> ;
135 var paydate = f.check_date.value;
136 var post_to_date = f.post_to_date.value;
137 var deposit_date = f.deposit_date.value;
138'sl_eob_process.php?eraname=' + <?php echo js_url($eraname); ?> + '&debug=' + encodeURIComponent(debug) + '&paydate=' + encodeURIComponent(paydate) + '&post_to_date=' + encodeURIComponent(post_to_date) + '&deposit_date=' + encodeURIComponent(deposit_date) + '&original=original' + '&InsId=' + <?php echo js_url($hidden_type_code); ?> + '&csrf_token_form=' + <?php echo js_url(CsrfUtils::collectCsrfToken()); ?>, '_blank');
139 return false;
140 <?php
145 $(function () {
146 $('.datepicker').datetimepicker({
147 <?php $datetimepicker_timepicker = false; ?>
148 <?php $datetimepicker_showseconds = false; ?>
149 <?php $datetimepicker_formatInput = true; ?>
150 <?php require($GLOBALS['srcdir'] . '/js/xl/jquery-datetimepicker-2-5-4.js.php'); ?>
151 <?php // can add any additional javascript settings to datetimepicker here; need to prepend first setting with a comma ?>
154 </script>
155 <script>
156 document.onclick=HideTheAjaxDivs;
157 </script>
158 <style>
159 #ajax_div_insurance {
160 position: absolute;
161 z-index: 10;
162 background-color: #FBFDD0;
163 border: 1px solid var(--gray);
164 padding: 10px;
166 .bottom {
167 border-bottom:1px solid var(--black);
169 .top {
170 border-top:1px solid var(--black);
172 .left {
173 border-left:1px solid var(--black);
175 .right {
176 border-right:1px solid var(--black);
178 @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
179 [class*="col-"] {
180 width: 100%;
181 text-align: left !important;
186 @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) {
187 [class*="col-"] {
188 width: 100%;
189 text-align: left !important;
191 #form_without {
192 margin-left: 0px !important;
196 .input-group .form-control {
197 margin-bottom: 3px;
198 margin-left: 0px;
200 #form_without {
201 margin-left: 5px !important;
203 </style>
204 <?php
205 //to determine and set the form to open in the desired state - expanded or centered, any selection the user makes will
206 //become the user-specific default for that page. collectAndOrganizeExpandSetting() contains a single array as an
207 //argument, containing one or more elements, the name of the current file is the first element, if there are linked
208 // files they should be listed thereafter, please add _xpd suffix to the file name
209 $arr_files_php = array("era_payments_xpd", "search_payments_xpd", "new_payment_xpd");
210 $current_state = collectAndOrganizeExpandSetting($arr_files_php);
211 require_once("$srcdir/expand_contract_inc.php");
213 <title><?php echo xlt('ERA Posting'); ?></title>
214 <?php
215 $arrOeUiSettings = array(
216 'heading_title' => xl('Payments'),
217 'include_patient_name' => false,// use only in appropriate pages
218 'expandable' => true,
219 'expandable_files' => array("era_payments_xpd", "search_payments_xpd", "new_payment_xpd"),//all file names need suffix _xpd
220 'action' => "",//conceal, reveal, search, reset, link or back
221 'action_title' => "",
222 'action_href' => "",//only for actions - reset, link or back
223 'show_help_icon' => false,
224 'help_file_name' => ""
226 $oemr_ui = new OemrUI($arrOeUiSettings);
228 </head>
229 <body onload="OnloadAction()">
230 <div id="container_div" class="<?php echo attr($oemr_ui->oeContainer());?> mt-3">
231 <div class="row">
232 <div class="col-sm-12">
233 <?php echo $oemr_ui->pageHeading() . "\r\n"; ?>
234 </div>
235 </div>
236 <nav class="navbar navbar-nav navbar-expand-md navbar-light text-body bg-light mb-4 p-4">
237 <button class="navbar-toggler icon-bar" data-target="#myNavbar" data-toggle="collapse" type="button"> <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span></button>
238 <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="myNavbar">
239 <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
240 <li class="nav-item">
241 <a class="nav-link font-weight-bold" href='new_payment.php'><?php echo xlt('New Payment'); ?></a>
242 </li>
243 <li class="nav-item">
244 <a class="nav-link font-weight-bold" href='search_payments.php'><?php echo xlt('Search Payment'); ?></a>
245 </li>
246 <li class="nav-item">
247 <a class="nav-link active font-weight-bold" href='era_payments.php'><?php echo xlt('ERA Posting'); ?></a>
248 </li>
249 </ul>
250 </div>
251 </nav>
252 <div class="row">
253 <div class="col-sm-12">
254 <form action='era_payments.php' enctype="multipart/form-data" method='post' style="display:inline">
255 <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token_form" value="<?php echo attr(CsrfUtils::collectCsrfToken()); ?>" />
256 <fieldset>
257 <div class="jumbotron py-4">
258 <div class="row h3">
259 <?php echo xlt('ERA Posting'); ?>
260 </div>
261 <div class="row">
262 <div class="form-group col-12 oe-file-div">
263 <div class="input-group">
264 <label class="input-group-prepend">
265 <span class="btn btn-secondary">
266 <?php echo xlt('Browse'); ?>&hellip;<input type="file" id="uploadedfile" name="form_erafile" style="display: none;" />
267 <input name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" type="hidden" value="5000000" />
268 </span>
269 </label>
270 <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="<?php echo xla('Click Browse and select one Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) file...'); ?>" readonly />
271 </div>
272 </div>
273 </div>
274 <div class="row">
275 <div class="form-group col-3">
276 <label class="control-label" for="check_date"><?php echo xlt('Date'); ?>:</label>
277 <input class="form-control datepicker" id='check_date' name='check_date' onkeydown="PreventIt(event)" type='text' value="<?php echo attr($check_date); ?>" />
278 </div>
279 <div class="form-group col-3">
280 <label class="control-label" for="post_to_date"><?php echo xlt('Post To Date'); ?>:</label>
281 <input class="form-control datepicker" id='post_to_date' name='post_to_date' onkeydown="PreventIt(event)" type='text' value="<?php echo attr($post_to_date); ?>" />
282 </div>
283 <div class="form-group col-3 clearfix">
284 <label class="control-label" for="form_without"><?php echo xlt('Select'); ?>:</label>
285 <label class="checkbox">
286 <input name='form_without' id='form_without' type='checkbox' value='1' />
287 <span class="oe-ckbox-label"><?php echo xlt('Without Update'); ?></span>
288 </label>
289 </div>
290 <div class="form-group col-3">
291 <label class="control-label" for="deposit_date"><?php echo xlt('Deposit Date'); ?>:</label>
292 <input class="form-control datepicker" id='deposit_date' name='deposit_date' onkeydown="PreventIt(event)" type='text' value="<?php echo attr($deposit_date); ?>" />
293 </div>
294 </div>
295 <div class="row">
296 <div class="form-group col-6">
297 <label class="control-label" for="type_code"><?php echo xlt('Insurance'); ?>:</label>
298 <input id="hidden_ajax_close_value" type="hidden" value="<?php echo attr($type_code); ?>" />
299 <input autocomplete="off" class="form-control" id='type_code' name='type_code' onkeydown="PreventIt(event)" type="text" value="<?php echo attr($type_code); ?>" />
300 <br />
301 <!--onKeyUp="ajaxFunction(event,'non','search_payments.php');"-->
302 <div id='ajax_div_insurance_section'>
303 <div id='ajax_div_insurance_error'></div>
304 <div id="ajax_div_insurance" style="display:none;"></div>
305 </div>
306 </div>
307 <div class="form-group col-6">
308 <label class="control-label" for="div_insurance_or_patient"><?php echo xlt('Insurance ID'); ?>:</label>
309 <div class="form-control" id="div_insurance_or_patient" >
310 <?php echo text($hidden_type_code); ?>
311 </div>
312 <input id="description" name="description" type="hidden" />
313 </div>
314 </div>
315 <!-- can change position of buttons by creating a class 'position-override' and adding rule text-align:center or right as the case may be in individual stylesheets -->
316 <div class="form-group mt-3">
317 <div class="col-sm-12 text-left position-override">
318 <div class="btn-group" role="group">
319 <a class="btn btn-primary btn-save" href="#" onclick="javascript:return Validate();"><?php echo xlt('Process ERA File');?></a>
320 </div>
321 </div>
322 </div>
323 </div>
324 </fieldset>
325 <input type="hidden" name="after_value" id="after_value" value="<?php echo attr($alertmsg); ?>" />
326 <input type="hidden" name="hidden_type_code" id="hidden_type_code" value="<?php echo attr($hidden_type_code); ?>" />
327 <input type='hidden' name='ajax_mode' id='ajax_mode' value='' />
328 </form>
329 </div>
330 </div>
331 </div><!-- End of Container Div-->
332 <?php $oemr_ui->oeBelowContainerDiv();?>
333 <script src = '<?php echo $webroot;?>/library/js/oeUI/oeFileUploads.js'></script>
334 </body>
335 </html>