Multiple provider feature appointment delete issuea (#7900)
[openemr.git] / templates / insurance_companies / general_list.html
1 {headerTemplate assets='common|datatables|datatables-colreorder|datatables-dt|datatables-bs'}
2 <a href="{$CURRENT_ACTION}action=edit" onclick="top.restoreSession()" class="btn btn-secondary btn-add">{xlt t='Add a Company'}</a>
3 <div class="table-responsive pt-3">
4 <table class="table table-striped" id="insurance">
5 <thead>
6 <tr>
7 <th>{xlt t='Name'}</th>
8 <th>{xlt t='Address'}</th>
9 <th>{xlt t='City, State, ZIP'}</th>
10 <th>{xlt t='Phone'}</th>
11 <th>{xlt t='Fax'}</th>
12 <th>{xlt t='Payer ID'}</th>
13 <th>{xlt t='Default X12 Partner'}</th>
14 <th>{xlt t='Deactivated'}</th>
15 </tr>
16 </thead>
17 <tbody>
18 {foreach from=$icompanies item=insurancecompany}
19 <tr>
20 <td>
21 <a href="{$CURRENT_ACTION}action=edit&id={$insurancecompany->id|attr_url}" onclick="top.restoreSession()">
22 {$insurancecompany->name|text}
23 </a>
24 </td>
25 <td>{$insurancecompany->address->line1|text} {$insurancecompany->address->line2|text}&nbsp;</td>
26 <td>{$insurancecompany->address->city|text} {$insurancecompany->address->state|upper|text} {$insurancecompany->address->zip|text}&nbsp;</td>
27 <td>{$insurancecompany->get_phone()|text}&nbsp;</td>
28 <td>{$insurancecompany->get_fax()|text}&nbsp;</td>
29 <td>{$insurancecompany->cms_id|text}&nbsp;</td>
30 <td>{$insurancecompany->get_x12_default_partner_name()|text}&nbsp;</td>
31 <td>{if $insurancecompany->get_inactive() eq 1}{xlt t='Yes'}{/if}&nbsp;</td>
32 </tr>
33 {foreachelse}
34 <tr>
35 <td>{xlt t='No Insurance Companies Found'}</td>
36 <!-- DataTables requires the number of cols in the table header match the table body,
37 -->
38 <td></td>
39 <td></td>
40 <td></td>
41 <td></td>
42 <td></td>
43 <td></td>
44 <td></td>
45 </tr>
46 {/foreach}
47 </tbody>
48 </table>
49 </div>
50 <script>
51 $(document).ready(function () {
52 $('#insurance').DataTable();
53 });
54 </script>