[FIX] Property : Removed old referenced values from property
[openerp-server.git] / bin / osv / fields.py
1 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
2 ##############################################################################
4 # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
5 # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>). All Rights Reserved
6 # $Id$
8 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 ##############################################################################
23 # . Fields:
24 # - simple
25 # - relations (one2many, many2one, many2many)
26 # - function
28 # Fields Attributes:
29 # _classic_read: is a classic sql fields
30 # _type : field type
31 # readonly
32 # required
33 # size
35 import string
36 import netsvc
37 import sys
39 from psycopg2 import Binary
40 import warnings
42 import tools
45 def _symbol_set(symb):
46 if symb == None or symb == False:
47 return None
48 elif isinstance(symb, unicode):
49 return symb.encode('utf-8')
50 return str(symb)
53 class _column(object):
54 _classic_read = True
55 _classic_write = True
56 _properties = False
57 _type = 'unknown'
58 _obj = None
59 _multi = False
60 _symbol_c = '%s'
61 _symbol_f = _symbol_set
62 _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
63 _symbol_get = None
65 def __init__(self, string='unknown', required=False, readonly=False, domain=None, context='', states=None, priority=0, change_default=False, size=None, ondelete="set null", translate=False, select=False, **args):
66 self.states = states or {}
67 self.string = string
68 self.readonly = readonly
69 self.required = required
70 self.size = size
71 self.help = args.get('help', '')
72 self.priority = priority
73 self.change_default = change_default
74 self.ondelete = ondelete
75 self.translate = translate
76 self._domain = domain or []
77 self._context = context
78 self.write = False
79 self.read = False
80 self.view_load = 0
81 self.select = select
82 for a in args:
83 if args[a]:
84 setattr(self, a, args[a])
86 def restart(self):
87 pass
89 def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context=None):
90 cr.execute('update '+obj._table+' set '+name+'='+self._symbol_set[0]+' where id=%s', (self._symbol_set[1](value), id))
92 def set_memory(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context=None):
93 raise Exception(_('Not implemented set_memory method !'))
95 def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None):
96 raise Exception(_('Not implemented get_memory method !'))
98 def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None):
99 raise Exception(_('undefined get method !'))
101 def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None):
102 ids = obj.search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[(name, 'ilike', value)], offset, limit)
103 res = obj.read(cr, uid, ids, [name])
104 return [x[name] for x in res]
106 def search_memory(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, context=None):
107 raise Exception(_('Not implemented search_memory method !'))
110 # ---------------------------------------------------------
111 # Simple fields
112 # ---------------------------------------------------------
113 class boolean(_column):
114 _type = 'boolean'
115 _symbol_c = '%s'
116 _symbol_f = lambda x: x and 'True' or 'False'
117 _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
120 class integer_big(_column):
121 _type = 'integer_big'
122 _symbol_c = '%s'
123 _symbol_f = lambda x: int(x or 0)
124 _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
126 class integer(_column):
127 _type = 'integer'
128 _symbol_c = '%s'
129 _symbol_f = lambda x: int(x or 0)
130 _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
133 class reference(_column):
134 _type = 'reference'
136 def __init__(self, string, selection, size, **args):
137 _column.__init__(self, string=string, size=size, selection=selection, **args)
140 class char(_column):
141 _type = 'char'
143 def __init__(self, string, size, **args):
144 _column.__init__(self, string=string, size=size, **args)
145 self._symbol_set = (self._symbol_c, self._symbol_set_char)
147 # takes a string (encoded in utf8) and returns a string (encoded in utf8)
148 def _symbol_set_char(self, symb):
149 #TODO:
150 # * we need to remove the "symb==False" from the next line BUT
151 # for now too many things rely on this broken behavior
152 # * the symb==None test should be common to all data types
153 if symb == None or symb == False:
154 return None
156 # we need to convert the string to a unicode object to be able
157 # to evaluate its length (and possibly truncate it) reliably
158 u_symb = tools.ustr(symb)
160 return u_symb[:self.size].encode('utf8')
163 class text(_column):
164 _type = 'text'
166 import __builtin__
168 class float(_column):
169 _type = 'float'
170 _symbol_c = '%s'
171 _symbol_f = lambda x: __builtin__.float(x or 0.0)
172 _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
174 def __init__(self, string='unknown', digits=None, **args):
175 _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
176 self.digits = digits
179 class date(_column):
180 _type = 'date'
183 class datetime(_column):
184 _type = 'datetime'
187 class time(_column):
188 _type = 'time'
191 class binary(_column):
192 _type = 'binary'
193 _symbol_c = '%s'
194 _symbol_f = lambda symb: symb and Binary(symb) or None
195 _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
196 _symbol_get = lambda self, x: x and str(x)
198 _classic_read = False
200 def __init__(self, string='unknown', filters=None, **args):
201 _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
202 self.filters = filters
204 def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None):
205 if not context:
206 context = {}
207 if not values:
208 values = []
209 res = {}
210 for i in ids:
211 val = None
212 for v in values:
213 if v['id'] == i:
214 val = v[name]
215 break
216 if context.get('bin_size', False) and val:
217 res[i] = tools.human_size(long(val))
218 else:
219 res[i] = val
220 return res
222 get = get_memory
225 class selection(_column):
226 _type = 'selection'
228 def __init__(self, selection, string='unknown', **args):
229 _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
230 self.selection = selection
232 # ---------------------------------------------------------
233 # Relationals fields
234 # ---------------------------------------------------------
237 # Values: (0, 0, { fields }) create
238 # (1, ID, { fields }) modification
239 # (2, ID) remove (delete)
240 # (3, ID) unlink one (target id or target of relation)
241 # (4, ID) link
242 # (5) unlink all (only valid for one2many)
244 #CHECKME: dans la pratique c'est quoi la syntaxe utilisee pour le 5? (5) ou (5, 0)?
245 class one2one(_column):
246 _classic_read = False
247 _classic_write = True
248 _type = 'one2one'
250 def __init__(self, obj, string='unknown', **args):
251 warnings.warn("The one2one field doesn't work anymore", DeprecationWarning)
252 _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
253 self._obj = obj
255 def set(self, cr, obj_src, id, field, act, user=None, context=None):
256 if not context:
257 context = {}
258 obj = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)
259 self._table = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)._table
260 if act[0] == 0:
261 id_new = obj.create(cr, user, act[1])
262 cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%s where id=%s', (id_new, id))
263 else:
264 cr.execute('select '+field+' from '+obj_src._table+' where id=%s', (act[0],))
265 id = cr.fetchone()[0]
266 obj.write(cr, user, [id], act[1], context=context)
268 def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None):
269 return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name', 'like', value)], offset, limit)
272 class many2one(_column):
273 _classic_read = False
274 _classic_write = True
275 _type = 'many2one'
276 _symbol_c = '%s'
277 _symbol_f = lambda x: x or None
278 _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f)
280 def __init__(self, obj, string='unknown', **args):
281 _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
282 self._obj = obj
284 def set_memory(self, cr, obj, id, field, values, user=None, context=None):
285 obj.datas.setdefault(id, {})
286 obj.datas[id][field] = values
288 def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None):
289 result = {}
290 for id in ids:
291 result[id] = obj.datas[id][name]
292 return result
294 def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None):
295 if not context:
296 context = {}
297 if not values:
298 values = {}
299 res = {}
300 for r in values:
301 res[r['id']] = r[name]
302 for id in ids:
303 res.setdefault(id, '')
304 obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
305 # build a dictionary of the form {'id_of_distant_resource': name_of_distant_resource}
306 from orm import except_orm
307 try:
308 names = dict(obj.name_get(cr, user, filter(None, res.values()), context))
309 except except_orm:
310 names = {}
311 iids = filter(None, res.values())
312 for iiid in iids:
313 names[iiid] = '// Access Denied //'
315 for r in res.keys():
316 if res[r] and res[r] in names:
317 res[r] = (res[r], names[res[r]])
318 else:
319 res[r] = False
320 return res
322 def set(self, cr, obj_src, id, field, values, user=None, context=None):
323 if not context:
324 context = {}
325 obj = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)
326 self._table = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)._table
327 if type(values) == type([]):
328 for act in values:
329 if act[0] == 0:
330 id_new = obj.create(cr, act[2])
331 cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%s where id=%s', (id_new, id))
332 elif act[0] == 1:
333 obj.write(cr, [act[1]], act[2], context=context)
334 elif act[0] == 2:
335 cr.execute('delete from '+self._table+' where id=%s', (act[1],))
336 elif act[0] == 3 or act[0] == 5:
337 cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=null where id=%s', (id,))
338 elif act[0] == 4:
339 cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%s where id=%s', (act[1], id))
340 else:
341 if values:
342 cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%s where id=%s', (values, id))
343 else:
344 cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=null where id=%s', (id,))
346 def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None):
347 return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name', 'like', value)], offset, limit)
350 class one2many(_column):
351 _classic_read = False
352 _classic_write = False
353 _type = 'one2many'
355 def __init__(self, obj, fields_id, string='unknown', limit=None, **args):
356 _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
357 self._obj = obj
358 self._fields_id = fields_id
359 self._limit = limit
360 #one2many can't be used as condition for defaults
361 assert(self.change_default != True)
363 def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None):
364 if not context:
365 context = {}
366 if self._context:
367 context = context.copy()
368 context.update(self._context)
369 if not values:
370 values = {}
371 res = {}
372 for id in ids:
373 res[id] = []
374 ids2 = obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, user, [(self._fields_id, 'in', ids)], limit=self._limit, context=context)
375 for r in obj.pool.get(self._obj).read(cr, user, ids2, [self._fields_id], context=context, load='_classic_write'):
376 if r[self._fields_id] in res:
377 res[r[self._fields_id]].append(r['id'])
378 return res
380 def set_memory(self, cr, obj, id, field, values, user=None, context=None):
381 if not context:
382 context = {}
383 if self._context:
384 context = context.copy()
385 context.update(self._context)
386 if not values:
387 return
388 obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
389 for act in values:
390 if act[0] == 0:
391 act[2][self._fields_id] = id
392 obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context)
393 elif act[0] == 1:
394 obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context)
395 elif act[0] == 2:
396 obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
397 elif act[0] == 3:
398 obj.datas[act[1]][self._fields_id] = False
399 elif act[0] == 4:
400 obj.datas[act[1]] = id
401 elif act[0] == 5:
402 for o in obj.datas.values():
403 if o[self._fields_id] == id:
404 o[self._fields_id] = False
405 elif act[0] == 6:
406 for id2 in (act[2] or []):
407 obj.datas[id2][self._fields_id] = id
409 def search_memory(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like', context=None):
410 raise _('Not Implemented')
412 def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None):
413 if not context:
414 context = {}
415 if self._context:
416 context = context.copy()
417 context.update(self._context)
418 if not values:
419 values = {}
420 res = {}
421 for id in ids:
422 res[id] = []
423 ids2 = obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, user, [(self._fields_id, 'in', ids)], limit=self._limit, context=context)
424 for r in obj.pool.get(self._obj)._read_flat(cr, user, ids2, [self._fields_id], context=context, load='_classic_write'):
425 res[r[self._fields_id]].append(r['id'])
426 return res
428 def set(self, cr, obj, id, field, values, user=None, context=None):
429 if not context:
430 context = {}
431 if self._context:
432 context = context.copy()
433 context.update(self._context)
434 if not values:
435 return
436 _table = obj.pool.get(self._obj)._table
437 obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
438 for act in values:
439 if act[0] == 0:
440 act[2][self._fields_id] = id
441 obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context)
442 elif act[0] == 1:
443 obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context)
444 elif act[0] == 2:
445 obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
446 elif act[0] == 3:
447 cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=null where id=%s', (act[1],))
448 elif act[0] == 4:
449 cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=%s where id=%s', (id, act[1]))
450 elif act[0] == 5:
451 cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=null where '+self._fields_id+'=%s', (id,))
452 elif act[0] == 6:
453 obj.write(cr, user, act[2], {self._fields_id:id}, context=context or {})
454 ids2 = act[2] or [0]
455 cr.execute('select id from '+_table+' where '+self._fields_id+'=%s and id not in ('+','.join(map(str, ids2))+')', (id,))
456 ids3 = map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall())
457 obj.write(cr, user, ids3, {self._fields_id:False}, context=context or {})
459 def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like'):
460 return obj.pool.get(self._obj).name_search(cr, uid, value, self._domain, offset, limit)
464 # Values: (0, 0, { fields }) create
465 # (1, ID, { fields }) modification
466 # (2, ID) remove
467 # (3, ID) unlink
468 # (4, ID) link
469 # (5, ID) unlink all
470 # (6, ?, ids) set a list of links
472 class many2many(_column):
473 _classic_read = False
474 _classic_write = False
475 _type = 'many2many'
477 def __init__(self, obj, rel, id1, id2, string='unknown', limit=None, **args):
478 _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
479 self._obj = obj
480 if '.' in rel:
481 raise Exception(_('The second argument of the many2many field %s must be a SQL table !'\
482 'You used %s, which is not a valid SQL table name.')% (string,rel))
483 self._rel = rel
484 self._id1 = id1
485 self._id2 = id2
486 self._limit = limit
488 def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None):
489 if not context:
490 context = {}
491 if not values:
492 values = {}
493 res = {}
494 if not ids:
495 return res
496 for id in ids:
497 res[id] = []
498 ids_s = ','.join(map(str, ids))
499 limit_str = self._limit is not None and ' limit %d' % self._limit or ''
500 obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
502 d1, d2 = obj.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, obj._name)
503 if d1:
504 d1 = ' and ' + d1
506 cr.execute('SELECT '+self._rel+'.'+self._id2+','+self._rel+'.'+self._id1+' \
507 FROM '+self._rel+' , '+obj._table+' \
508 WHERE '+self._rel+'.'+self._id1+' in ('+ids_s+') \
509 AND '+self._rel+'.'+self._id2+' = '+obj._table+'.id '+d1
510 +limit_str+' order by '+obj._table+'.'+obj._order+' offset %s',
511 d2+[offset])
512 for r in cr.fetchall():
513 res[r[1]].append(r[0])
514 return res
516 def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, values, user=None, context=None):
517 if not context:
518 context = {}
519 if not values:
520 return
521 obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
522 for act in values:
523 if act[0] == 0:
524 idnew = obj.create(cr, user, act[2])
525 cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s,%s)', (id, idnew))
526 elif act[0] == 1:
527 obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context)
528 elif act[0] == 2:
529 obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
530 elif act[0] == 3:
531 cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where ' + self._id1 + '=%s and '+ self._id2 + '=%s', (id, act[1]))
532 elif act[0] == 4:
533 cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s,%s)', (id, act[1]))
534 elif act[0] == 5:
535 cr.execute('update '+self._rel+' set '+self._id2+'=null where '+self._id2+'=%s', (id,))
536 elif act[0] == 6:
538 d1, d2 = obj.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, obj._name)
539 if d1:
540 d1 = ' and ' + d1
541 cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where '+self._id1+'=%s AND '+self._id2+' IN (SELECT '+self._rel+'.'+self._id2+' FROM '+self._rel+', '+obj._table+' WHERE '+self._rel+'.'+self._id1+'=%s AND '+self._rel+'.'+self._id2+' = '+obj._table+'.id '+ d1 +')', [id, id]+d2)
543 for act_nbr in act[2]:
544 cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s, %s)', (id, act_nbr))
547 # TODO: use a name_search
549 def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like'):
550 return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name', operator, value)], offset, limit)
552 def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None):
553 result = {}
554 for id in ids:
555 result[id] = obj.datas[id].get(name, [])
556 return result
558 def set_memory(self, cr, obj, id, name, values, user=None, context=None):
559 if not values:
560 return
561 for act in values:
562 # TODO: use constants instead of these magic numbers
563 if act[0] == 0:
564 raise _('Not Implemented')
565 elif act[0] == 1:
566 raise _('Not Implemented')
567 elif act[0] == 2:
568 raise _('Not Implemented')
569 elif act[0] == 3:
570 raise _('Not Implemented')
571 elif act[0] == 4:
572 raise _('Not Implemented')
573 elif act[0] == 5:
574 raise _('Not Implemented')
575 elif act[0] == 6:
576 obj.datas[id][name] = act[2]
579 # ---------------------------------------------------------
580 # Function fields
581 # ---------------------------------------------------------
582 class function(_column):
583 _classic_read = False
584 _classic_write = False
585 _type = 'function'
586 _properties = True
589 # multi: compute several fields in one call
591 def __init__(self, fnct, arg=None, fnct_inv=None, fnct_inv_arg=None, type='float', fnct_search=None, obj=None, method=False, store=False, multi=False, **args):
592 _column.__init__(self, **args)
593 self._obj = obj
594 self._method = method
595 self._fnct = fnct
596 self._fnct_inv = fnct_inv
597 self._arg = arg
598 self._multi = multi
599 if 'relation' in args:
600 self._obj = args['relation']
601 self._fnct_inv_arg = fnct_inv_arg
602 if not fnct_inv:
603 self.readonly = 1
604 self._type = type
605 self._fnct_search = fnct_search
606 self.store = store
607 if store:
608 self._classic_read = True
609 self._classic_write = True
610 if type=='binary':
611 self._symbol_get=lambda x:x and str(x)
613 if type == 'float':
614 self._symbol_c = float._symbol_c
615 self._symbol_f = float._symbol_f
616 self._symbol_set = float._symbol_set
618 def search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args):
619 if not self._fnct_search:
620 #CHECKME: should raise an exception
621 return []
622 return self._fnct_search(obj, cr, uid, obj, name, args)
624 def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None):
625 if not context:
626 context = {}
627 if not values:
628 values = {}
629 res = {}
630 if self._method:
631 res = self._fnct(obj, cr, user, ids, name, self._arg, context)
632 else:
633 res = self._fnct(cr, obj._table, ids, name, self._arg, context)
635 if self._type == 'binary' and context.get('bin_size', False):
636 # convert the data returned by the function with the size of that data...
637 res = dict(map(lambda (x, y): (x, tools.human_size(len(y or ''))), res.items()))
638 return res
639 get_memory = get
641 def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context=None):
642 if not context:
643 context = {}
644 if self._fnct_inv:
645 self._fnct_inv(obj, cr, user, id, name, value, self._fnct_inv_arg, context)
646 set_memory = set
648 # ---------------------------------------------------------
649 # Related fields
650 # ---------------------------------------------------------
652 class related(function):
654 def _fnct_search(self, tobj, cr, uid, obj=None, name=None, domain=None, context={}):
655 self._field_get2(cr, uid, obj, context)
656 i = len(self._arg)-1
657 sarg = name
658 while i>0:
659 if type(sarg) in [type([]), type( (1,) )]:
660 where = [(self._arg[i], 'in', sarg)]
661 else:
662 where = [(self._arg[i], '=', sarg)]
663 if domain:
664 where = map(lambda x: (self._arg[i],x[1], x[2]), domain)
665 domain = []
666 sarg = obj.pool.get(self._relations[i]['object']).search(cr, uid, where, context=context)
667 i -= 1
668 return [(self._arg[0], 'in', sarg)]
670 def _fnct_write(self,obj,cr, uid, ids, field_name, values, args, context=None):
671 if values and field_name:
672 self._field_get2(cr, uid, obj, context)
673 relation = obj._name
674 res = {}
675 if type(ids) != type([]):
676 ids=[ids]
677 objlst = obj.browse(cr, uid, ids)
678 for data in objlst:
679 t_id=None
680 t_data = data
681 relation = obj._name
682 for i in range(len(self.arg)):
683 field_detail = self._relations[i]
684 relation = field_detail['object']
685 if not t_data[self.arg[i]]:
686 t_data = False
687 break
688 if field_detail['type'] in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
689 if self._type != "many2one":
690 t_id=t_data.id
691 t_data = t_data[self.arg[i]][0]
692 else:
693 t_id=t_data['id']
694 t_data = t_data[self.arg[i]]
695 if t_id:
696 obj.pool.get(field_detail['object']).write(cr,uid,[t_id],{args[-1]:values})
698 def _fnct_read(self, obj, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args, context=None):
699 self._field_get2(cr, uid, obj, context)
700 if not ids: return {}
701 relation = obj._name
702 res = {}.fromkeys(ids, False)
703 objlst = obj.browse(cr, uid, ids)
704 for data in objlst:
705 if not data:
706 continue
707 t_data = data
708 relation = obj._name
709 for i in range(len(self.arg)):
710 field_detail = self._relations[i]
711 relation = field_detail['object']
712 try:
713 if not t_data[self.arg[i]]:
714 t_data = False
715 break
716 except:
717 t_data = False
718 break
719 if field_detail['type'] in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
720 t_data = t_data[self.arg[i]][0]
721 else:
722 t_data = t_data[self.arg[i]]
723 if type(t_data) == type(objlst[0]):
724 res[data.id] = t_data.id
725 else:
726 res[data.id] = t_data
728 if self._type=='many2one':
729 ids = filter(None, res.values())
730 if ids:
731 ng = dict(obj.pool.get(self._obj).name_get(cr, uid, ids, context=context))
732 for r in res:
733 if res[r]:
734 res[r] = (res[r], ng[res[r]])
735 return res
737 def __init__(self, *arg, **args):
738 self.arg = arg
739 self._relations = []
740 super(related, self).__init__(self._fnct_read, arg, self._fnct_write, fnct_inv_arg=arg, method=True, fnct_search=self._fnct_search, **args)
742 def _field_get2(self, cr, uid, obj, context={}):
743 if self._relations:
744 return
745 obj_name = obj._name
746 for i in range(len(self._arg)):
747 f = obj.pool.get(obj_name).fields_get(cr, uid, [self._arg[i]], context=context)[self._arg[i]]
748 self._relations.append({
749 'object': obj_name,
750 'type': f['type']
753 if f.get('relation',False):
754 obj_name = f['relation']
755 self._relations[-1]['relation'] = f['relation']
757 # ---------------------------------------------------------
758 # Serialized fields
759 # ---------------------------------------------------------
760 class serialized(_column):
761 def __init__(self, string='unknown', serialize_func=repr, deserialize_func=eval, type='text', **args):
762 self._serialize_func = serialize_func
763 self._deserialize_func = deserialize_func
764 self._type = type
765 self._symbol_set = (self._symbol_c, self._serialize_func)
766 self._symbol_get = self._deserialize_func
767 super(serialized, self).__init__(string=string, **args)
770 class property(function):
772 def _fnct_write(self, obj, cr, uid, id, prop, id_val, val, context=None):
773 if not context:
774 context = {}
775 (obj_dest,) = val
776 definition_id = self._field_get(cr, uid, obj._name, prop)
778 property = obj.pool.get('ir.property')
779 nid = property.search(cr, uid, [('fields_id', '=', definition_id),
780 ('res_id', '=', obj._name+','+str(id))])
781 while len(nid):
782 cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_property WHERE id=%s', (nid.pop(),))
784 nid = property.search(cr, uid, [('fields_id', '=', definition_id),
785 ('res_id', '=', False)])
786 default_val = False
787 if nid:
788 default_val = property.browse(cr, uid, nid[0], context).value
790 company_id = obj.pool.get('res.users').company_get(cr, uid, uid)
791 res = False
792 newval = (id_val and obj_dest+','+str(id_val)) or False
793 if (newval != default_val) and newval:
794 propdef = obj.pool.get('ir.model.fields').browse(cr, uid,
795 definition_id, context=context)
796 res = property.create(cr, uid, {
797 'name': propdef.name,
798 'value': newval,
799 'res_id': obj._name+','+str(id),
800 'company_id': company_id,
801 'fields_id': definition_id
802 }, context=context)
803 return res
805 def _fnct_read(self, obj, cr, uid, ids, prop, val, context=None):
806 if not context:
807 context = {}
808 property = obj.pool.get('ir.property')
809 definition_id = self._field_get(cr, uid, obj._name, prop)
811 nid = property.search(cr, uid, [('fields_id', '=', definition_id),
812 ('res_id', '=', False)])
813 default_val = False
814 if nid:
815 d = property.browse(cr, uid, nid[0], context).value
816 default_val = (d and int(d.split(',')[1])) or False
818 vids = [obj._name + ',' + str(id) for id in ids]
819 nids = property.search(cr, uid, [('fields_id', '=', definition_id),
820 ('res_id', 'in', vids)])
822 res = {}
823 for id in ids:
824 res[id] = default_val
825 for prop in property.browse(cr, uid, nids):
826 res[int(prop.res_id.split(',')[1])] = (prop.value and \
827 int(prop.value.split(',')[1])) or False
829 obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
830 existing_ids = obj.search(cr, uid, [('id','in',res.values())])
831 deleted_ids = []
833 for res_id in res.values():
834 if res_id and (res_id not in existing_ids):
835 if res_id not in deleted_ids:
836 cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_property WHERE value=%s', ((obj._name+','+str(res_id)),))
837 deleted_ids.append(res_id)
838 names = dict(obj.name_get(cr, uid, filter(None, res.values()), context))
839 for r in res.keys():
840 if res[r] and res[r] in names:
841 res[r] = (res[r], names[res[r]])
842 else:
843 res[r] = False
844 return res
846 def _field_get(self, cr, uid, model_name, prop):
847 if not self.field_id.get(cr.dbname):
848 cr.execute('SELECT id \
849 FROM ir_model_fields \
850 WHERE name=%s AND model=%s', (prop, model_name))
851 res = cr.fetchone()
852 self.field_id[cr.dbname] = res and res[0]
853 return self.field_id[cr.dbname]
855 def __init__(self, obj_prop, **args):
856 self.field_id = {}
857 function.__init__(self, self._fnct_read, False, self._fnct_write,
858 (obj_prop, ), **args)
860 def restart(self):
861 self.field_id = {}
864 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: