Utilise new MergeSym feature to no longer overwrite the source .DEF file when buildin...
[openh323.git] / src / h225.asn
1 --
2 -- Abstract Syntax Notion (ASN.1) file for H.225.0 Version 6
3 --
4 -- File provided by Packetizer, Inc. - http://www.packetizer.com
5 -- Last Updated: 23 Apr 2006
6 --
7 -- History of changes:
8 --    23 Apr 2006
9 --        Initial H.225.0v6 ASN.1 file
17                 SIGNED{},
18                 ENCRYPTED{},
19                 HASHED{},
20                 ChallengeString,
21                 TimeStamp,
22                 RandomVal,
23                 Password,
24                 EncodedPwdCertToken,
25                 ClearToken,
26                 CryptoToken,
27                 AuthenticationMechanism
29                 DataProtocolCapability,
30                 T38FaxProfile,
31                 QOSCapability
34 H323-UserInformation ::= SEQUENCE               -- root for all H.225.0 Call Signalling messages
36         h323-uu-pdu     H323-UU-PDU,
37         user-data       SEQUENCE
38         {
39                 protocol-discriminator          INTEGER (0..255),
40                 user-information                OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..131)),
41                 ...
42         } OPTIONAL,
43         ...
48         h323-message-body   CHOICE
49         {
50                 setup                   Setup-UUIE,
51                 callProceeding          CallProceeding-UUIE,
52                 connect                 Connect-UUIE,
53                 alerting                Alerting-UUIE,
54                 information             Information-UUIE,
55                 releaseComplete         ReleaseComplete-UUIE,
56                 facility                Facility-UUIE,
57                 ...,
58                 progress                Progress-UUIE,
59                 empty                   NULL,           -- used when a Facility message is sent,
60                                                         -- but the Facility-UUIE is not to be invoked
61                                                         -- (possible when transporting supplementary
62                                                         -- services messages in versions prior to
63                                                         -- H.225.0 version 4). Also used as specified
64                                                         -- in H.323 to send messages that are not
65                                                         -- call related.
67                 status                  Status-UUIE,
68                 statusInquiry           StatusInquiry-UUIE,
69                 setupAcknowledge        SetupAcknowledge-UUIE,
70                 notify                  Notify-UUIE
71         },
72         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
73         ...,
74         h4501SupplementaryService       SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
75                                                 -- each sequence of octet string is defined as one
76                                                 -- H4501SupplementaryService APDU as defined in
77                                                 -- Table 3/H.450.1
79         h245Tunneling                   BOOLEAN, -- if TRUE, tunneling of H.245 messages is enabled
80         h245Control                     SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
81         nonStandardControl              SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
82         callLinkage                     CallLinkage OPTIONAL,
83         tunnelledSignallingMessage      SEQUENCE
84         {
85                 tunnelledProtocolID     TunnelledProtocol,              -- tunnelled signalling protocol ID
86                 messageContent          SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING,       -- sequence of entire message(s)
87                 tunnellingRequired      NULL OPTIONAL,  
88                 nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
89                 ...
90         } OPTIONAL,
91         provisionalRespToH245Tunneling  NULL OPTIONAL,
92         stimulusControl                 StimulusControl OPTIONAL,
93         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
96 StimulusControl ::= SEQUENCE
98         nonStandard                     NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
99         isText                          NULL OPTIONAL,
100         h248Message                     OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
101         ...
104 Alerting-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
106         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
107         destinationInfo         EndpointType,
108         h245Address             TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
109         ...,
110         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
111         h245SecurityMode        H245Security OPTIONAL,
112         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
113         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
114         fastStart               SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
115         multipleCalls           BOOLEAN,
116         maintainConnection      BOOLEAN,
117         alertingAddress         SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
118         presentationIndicator   PresentationIndicator OPTIONAL,
119         screeningIndicator      ScreeningIndicator OPTIONAL,
120         fastConnectRefused      NULL OPTIONAL,
121         serviceControl          SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
122         capacity                CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
123         featureSet              FeatureSet OPTIONAL
126 CallProceeding-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
128         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
129         destinationInfo         EndpointType,
130         h245Address             TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
131         ...,
132         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
133         h245SecurityMode        H245Security OPTIONAL,
134         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
135         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
136         fastStart               SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
137         multipleCalls           BOOLEAN,
138         maintainConnection      BOOLEAN,
139         fastConnectRefused      NULL OPTIONAL,
140         featureSet              FeatureSet OPTIONAL
143 Connect-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
145         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
146         h245Address             TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
147         destinationInfo         EndpointType,
148         conferenceID            ConferenceIdentifier,
149         ...,
150         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
151         h245SecurityMode        H245Security OPTIONAL,
152         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
153         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
154         fastStart               SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
155         multipleCalls           BOOLEAN,
156         maintainConnection      BOOLEAN,
157         language                SEQUENCE OF IA5String (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL, -- RFC1766 language tag
158         connectedAddress        SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
159         presentationIndicator   PresentationIndicator OPTIONAL,
160         screeningIndicator      ScreeningIndicator OPTIONAL,
161         fastConnectRefused      NULL OPTIONAL,
162         serviceControl          SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
163         capacity                CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
164         featureSet              FeatureSet OPTIONAL
167 Information-UUIE ::=SEQUENCE
169         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
170         ...,
171         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
172         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
173         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
174         fastStart               SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
175         fastConnectRefused      NULL OPTIONAL,
176         circuitInfo             CircuitInfo OPTIONAL
179 ReleaseComplete-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
181         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
182         reason                  ReleaseCompleteReason OPTIONAL,
183         ...,
184         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
185         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
186         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
187         busyAddress             SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
188         presentationIndicator   PresentationIndicator OPTIONAL,
189         screeningIndicator      ScreeningIndicator OPTIONAL,
190         capacity                CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
191         serviceControl          SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
192         featureSet              FeatureSet OPTIONAL
195 ReleaseCompleteReason ::= CHOICE
197         noBandwidth                     NULL,   -- bandwidth taken away or ARQ denied
198         gatekeeperResources             NULL,   -- exhausted
199         unreachableDestination          NULL,   -- no transport path to the destination
200         destinationRejection            NULL,   -- rejected at destination
201         invalidRevision                 NULL,
202         noPermission                    NULL,   -- called party's gatekeeper rejects
203         unreachableGatekeeper           NULL,   -- terminal cannot reach gatekeeper for ARQ
204         gatewayResources                NULL,
205         badFormatAddress                NULL,
206         adaptiveBusy                    NULL,   -- call is dropping due to LAN crowding
207         inConf                          NULL,   -- called party busy
208         undefinedReason                 NULL,
209         ...,
210         facilityCallDeflection          NULL,   -- call was deflected using a Facility message
211         securityDenied                  NULL,   -- incompatible security settings
212         calledPartyNotRegistered        NULL,   -- used by gatekeeper when endpoint has
213                                                 -- preGrantedARQ to bypass ARQ/ACF
214         callerNotRegistered             NULL,   -- used by gatekeeper when endpoint has
215                                                 -- preGrantedARQ to bypass ARQ/ACF
216         newConnectionNeeded             NULL,   -- indicates that the Setup was not accepted on this
217                                                 -- connection, but that the Setup may be accepted on
218                                                 -- a new connection
219         nonStandardReason               NonStandardParameter,
220         replaceWithConferenceInvite     ConferenceIdentifier,   -- call dropped due to subsequent 
221                                                                 -- invitation to a conference 
222                                                                 -- (see H.323
223         genericDataReason               NULL,
224         neededFeatureNotSupported       NULL,
225         tunnelledSignallingRejected     NULL,
226         invalidCID                      NULL,
227         securityError                   SecurityErrors,
228         hopCountExceeded                NULL
231 Setup-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
233         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
234         h245Address                     TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
235         sourceAddress                   SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
236         sourceInfo                      EndpointType,
237         destinationAddress              SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
238         destCallSignalAddress           TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
239         destExtraCallInfo               SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
240         destExtraCRV                    SEQUENCE OF CallReferenceValue OPTIONAL,
241         activeMC                        BOOLEAN,
242         conferenceID                    ConferenceIdentifier,
243         conferenceGoal                  CHOICE
244         {
245                 create                          NULL,
246                 join                            NULL,
247                 invite                          NULL,
248                 ...,
249                 capability-negotiation          NULL,
250                 callIndependentSupplementaryService             NULL
251         },
252         callServices                    QseriesOptions  OPTIONAL,
253         callType                        CallType,
254         ...,
255         sourceCallSignalAddress         TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
256         remoteExtensionAddress          AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
257         callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier,
258         h245SecurityCapability          SEQUENCE OF H245Security OPTIONAL,
259         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
260         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
261         fastStart                       SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
262         mediaWaitForConnect             BOOLEAN,
263         canOverlapSend                  BOOLEAN,
264         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier OPTIONAL,
265         multipleCalls                   BOOLEAN,
266         maintainConnection              BOOLEAN,
267         connectionParameters            SEQUENCE        -- additional gateway parameters
268         {
269                 connectionType                  ScnConnectionType,
270                 numberOfScnConnections          INTEGER (0..65535),
271                 connectionAggregation           ScnConnectionAggregation,
272                 ...
273         } OPTIONAL,
274         language                        SEQUENCE OF IA5String (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL, -- RFC1766 language tag
275         presentationIndicator           PresentationIndicator OPTIONAL,
276         screeningIndicator              ScreeningIndicator OPTIONAL,
277         serviceControl                  SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
278         symmetricOperationRequired      NULL OPTIONAL,
279         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
280         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
281         desiredProtocols                SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols OPTIONAL,
282         neededFeatures                  SEQUENCE OF FeatureDescriptor OPTIONAL,
283         desiredFeatures                 SEQUENCE OF FeatureDescriptor OPTIONAL,
284         supportedFeatures               SEQUENCE OF FeatureDescriptor OPTIONAL,
285         parallelH245Control             SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
286         additionalSourceAddresses       SEQUENCE OF ExtendedAliasAddress OPTIONAL,
287         hopCount                        INTEGER (1..31) OPTIONAL
290 ScnConnectionType ::= CHOICE
292         unknown         NULL,   -- should be seleceted when connection type is unknown
293         bChannel        NULL,   -- each individual connection on the SCN is 64kbps.
294                                         -- Note that where SCN delivers 56kbps usable data, the
295                                         -- actual bandwidth allocated on SCN is still 64kbps.
296         hybrid2x64      NULL,   -- each connection is a 128kbps hybrid call
297         hybrid384       NULL,   -- each connection is an H0 (384kbps) hybrid call
298         hybrid1536      NULL,   -- each connection is an H11 (1536kbps) hybrid call
299         hybrid1920      NULL,   -- each connection is an H12 (1920kbps) hybrid call
300         multirate       NULL,   -- bandwidth supplied by SCN using multirate.
301                                         -- In this case, the information transfer rate octet in the
302                                         -- bearer capability shall be set to multirate and the rate
303                                         -- multiplier octet shall denote the number of B channels.
304         ...
307 ScnConnectionAggregation ::= CHOICE
309         auto            NULL,   -- aggregation mechanism is unknown
310         none            NULL,   -- call produced using a single SCN connection
311         h221            NULL,   -- use H.221 framing to aggregate the connections
312         bonded-mode1    NULL,   -- use ISO/IEC 13871 bonding mode 1.
313                                         -- Use bonded-mode1 to signal a bonded call if the precise
314                                         -- bonding mode to be used is unknown.
315         bonded-mode2    NULL,   -- use ISO/IEC 13871 bonding mode 2
316         bonded-mode3    NULL,   -- use ISO/IEC 13871 bonding mode 3
317         ...
320 PresentationIndicator ::= CHOICE
322         presentationAllowed             NULL,
323         presentationRestricted          NULL,
324         addressNotAvailable             NULL,
325         ...
328 ScreeningIndicator ::= ENUMERATED
330         userProvidedNotScreened (0),
331                 -- number was provided by a remote user
332                 -- and has not been screened by a gatekeeper
333         userProvidedVerifiedAndPassed (1),
334                 -- number was provided by user
335                 -- equipment (or by a remote network), and has
336                 -- been screened by a gatekeeper
337         userProvidedVerifiedAndFailed (2),
338                 -- number was provided by user
339                 -- equipment (or by a remote network), and the
340                 -- gatekeeper has determined that the 
341                 -- information is incorrect
342         networkProvided (3),
343                 -- number was provided by a gatekeeper
344         ...
347 Facility-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
349         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
350         alternativeAddress              TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
351         alternativeAliasAddress         SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
352         conferenceID                    ConferenceIdentifier OPTIONAL,
353         reason                          FacilityReason,
354         ...,
355         callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier,
356         destExtraCallInfo               SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
357         remoteExtensionAddress          AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
358         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
359         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
360         conferences                     SEQUENCE OF ConferenceList OPTIONAL,
361         h245Address                     TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
362         fastStart                       SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
363         multipleCalls                   BOOLEAN,
364         maintainConnection              BOOLEAN,
365         fastConnectRefused              NULL OPTIONAL,
366         serviceControl                  SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
367         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
368         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
369         destinationInfo                 EndpointType OPTIONAL,
370         h245SecurityMode                H245Security OPTIONAL
373 ConferenceList ::= SEQUENCE
375         conferenceID                    ConferenceIdentifier OPTIONAL,
376         conferenceAlias                 AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
377         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
378         ...
381 FacilityReason ::= CHOICE
383         routeCallToGatekeeper           NULL,           -- call must use gatekeeper model
384                                                         -- gatekeeper is alternativeAddress
385         callForwarded                   NULL,
386         routeCallToMC                   NULL,
387         undefinedReason                 NULL,
388         ...,
389         conferenceListChoice            NULL,
390         startH245                       NULL,           -- recipient should connect to h245Address
391         noH245                          NULL,           -- endpoint does not support H.245
392         newTokens                       NULL,
393         featureSetUpdate                NULL,
394         forwardedElements               NULL,
395         transportedInformation          NULL
398 Progress-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
400         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
401         destinationInfo                 EndpointType,
402         h245Address                     TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
403         callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier,
404         h245SecurityMode                H245Security OPTIONAL,
405         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
406         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
407         fastStart                       SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
408         ...,
409         multipleCalls                   BOOLEAN,
410         maintainConnection              BOOLEAN,
411         fastConnectRefused              NULL OPTIONAL
414 TransportAddress ::= CHOICE
416         ipAddress       SEQUENCE
417         {
418                 ip                      OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)),
419                 port                    INTEGER(0..65535)
420         },
421         ipSourceRoute   SEQUENCE
422         {
423                 ip                      OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)),
424                 port                    INTEGER(0..65535),
425                 route                   SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)),
426                 routing                 CHOICE
427                 {
428                         strict  NULL,
429                         loose   NULL,
430                         ...
431                 },
432                 ...
433         },
434         ipxAddress      SEQUENCE
435         {
436                 node            OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)),
437                 netnum          OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)),
438                 port            OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
439         },
440         ip6Address      SEQUENCE
441         {
442                 ip              OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)),
443                 port            INTEGER(0..65535),
444                 ...
445         },
446         netBios                 OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)),
447         nsap                    OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)),
448         nonStandardAddress      NonStandardParameter,
449         ...     
452 Status-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
454         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
455         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
456         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
457         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
458         ...
461 StatusInquiry-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
463         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
464         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
465         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
466         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
467         ...
470 SetupAcknowledge-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
472         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
473         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
474         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
475         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
476         ...
479 Notify-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
481         protocolIdentifier      ProtocolIdentifier,
482         callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
483         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
484         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
485         ...
488 -- Beginning of common message elements section
490 EndpointType ::= SEQUENCE
492         nonStandardData         NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
493         vendor                  VendorIdentifier OPTIONAL,
494         gatekeeper              GatekeeperInfo OPTIONAL,
495         gateway                 GatewayInfo OPTIONAL,
496         mcu                     McuInfo OPTIONAL,       -- mc must be set as well
497         terminal                TerminalInfo OPTIONAL,
498         mc                      BOOLEAN,                -- shall not be set by itself
499         undefinedNode           BOOLEAN,        
500         ...,
501         set                     BIT STRING (SIZE(32)) OPTIONAL,
502                                         -- shall not be used with mc, gatekeeper
503                                         -- code points for the various SET devices
504                                         -- are defined in the respective SET Annexes
505         supportedTunnelledProtocols SEQUENCE OF TunnelledProtocol OPTIONAL
506                                         -- list of supported tunnelled protocols
509 GatewayInfo ::= SEQUENCE
511         protocol                SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols OPTIONAL,
512         nonStandardData         NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
513         ...
516 SupportedProtocols ::= CHOICE
518         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter,
519         h310                            H310Caps,
520         h320                            H320Caps,
521         h321                            H321Caps,
522         h322                            H322Caps,
523         h323                            H323Caps,
524         h324                            H324Caps,
525         voice                           VoiceCaps,
526         t120-only                       T120OnlyCaps,
527         ...,
528         nonStandardProtocol             NonStandardProtocol,
529         t38FaxAnnexbOnly                T38FaxAnnexbOnlyCaps,
530         sip                             SIPCaps
533 H310Caps ::= SEQUENCE
535         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
536         ...,
537         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
538         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix
541 H320Caps ::= SEQUENCE
543         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
544         ...,
545         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
546         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix
549 H321Caps ::= SEQUENCE
551         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
552         ...,
553         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
554         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix
557 H322Caps ::= SEQUENCE
559         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
560         ...,
561         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
562         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix
565 H323Caps ::= SEQUENCE
567         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
568         ...,
569         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
570         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix
573 H324Caps ::= SEQUENCE
575         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
576         ...,
577         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
578         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix
581 VoiceCaps ::= SEQUENCE
583         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
584         ...,
585         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
586         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix
589 T120OnlyCaps ::= SEQUENCE
591         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
592         ...,
593         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
594         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix
597 NonStandardProtocol ::= SEQUENCE
599         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
600         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
601         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix,
602         ...
605 T38FaxAnnexbOnlyCaps ::= SEQUENCE
607         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
608         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
609         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix,
610         t38FaxProtocol                  DataProtocolCapability,
611         t38FaxProfile                   T38FaxProfile,
612         ...
615 SIPCaps ::= SEQUENCE
617         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
618         dataRatesSupported              SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL,
619         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix OPTIONAL,
620         ...
623 McuInfo ::= SEQUENCE
625         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
626         ...,
627         protocol                        SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols OPTIONAL
630 TerminalInfo ::= SEQUENCE 
632         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
633         ...
636 GatekeeperInfo ::= SEQUENCE 
638         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
639         ...
642 VendorIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE
644         vendor                  H221NonStandard,
645         productId               OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..256)) OPTIONAL,   -- per vendor
646         versionId               OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..256)) OPTIONAL,   -- per product
647         ...,
648         enterpriseNumber        OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL
651 H221NonStandard ::= SEQUENCE
653         t35CountryCode          INTEGER(0..255),
654         t35Extension            INTEGER(0..255),
655         manufacturerCode        INTEGER(0..65535),
656         ...
659 TunnelledProtocol ::= SEQUENCE
661         id CHOICE
662         {
663         tunnelledProtocolObjectID               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
664                 tunnelledProtocolAlternateID    TunnelledProtocolAlternateIdentifier,
665                 ...
666         },
667         subIdentifier                           IA5String (SIZE (1..64)) OPTIONAL,
668         ...
671 TunnelledProtocolAlternateIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE
673         protocolType                    IA5String (SIZE (1..64)),
674         protocolVariant                 IA5String (SIZE (1..64)) OPTIONAL,
675         ...
678 NonStandardParameter ::= SEQUENCE
680         nonStandardIdentifier   NonStandardIdentifier,
681         data                    OCTET STRING
684 NonStandardIdentifier ::= CHOICE
686         object          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
687         h221NonStandard H221NonStandard,
688         ...
691 AliasAddress ::= CHOICE
693         dialedDigits            IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) (FROM ("0123456789#*,")),
694         h323-ID                 BMPString (SIZE (1..256)),      -- Basic ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Unicode)
695         ...,
696         url-ID                  IA5String (SIZE(1..512)),       -- URL style address
697         transportID             TransportAddress,
698         email-ID                IA5String (SIZE(1..512)),       -- rfc822-compliant email address
699         partyNumber             PartyNumber,
700         mobileUIM               MobileUIM,
701         isupNumber              IsupNumber
702 }       
704 AddressPattern ::= CHOICE
706         wildcard        AliasAddress,
707         range           SEQUENCE
708         {
709                 startOfRange    PartyNumber,
710                 endOfRange      PartyNumber
711         },
712         ...
715 PartyNumber ::= CHOICE
717         e164Number                      PublicPartyNumber,
718                                                 -- the numbering plan is according to
719                                                 -- Recommendations E.163 and E.164.
720         dataPartyNumber                 NumberDigits,
721                                                 -- not used, value reserved.
722         telexPartyNumber                NumberDigits,
723                                                 -- not used, value reserved.
724         privateNumber                   PrivatePartyNumber,
725                                                 -- the numbering plan is according to ISO/IEC 11571.
726         nationalStandardPartyNumber     NumberDigits,
727                                                 -- not used, value reserved.
728         ...
731 PublicPartyNumber ::= SEQUENCE
733         publicTypeOfNumber      PublicTypeOfNumber,
734         publicNumberDigits      NumberDigits
737 PrivatePartyNumber ::= SEQUENCE
739         privateTypeOfNumber     PrivateTypeOfNumber,
740         privateNumberDigits     NumberDigits
743 NumberDigits ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) (FROM ("0123456789#*,"))
745 PublicTypeOfNumber ::= CHOICE
747         unknown                 NULL,
748                                                 -- if used number digits carry prefix indicating type
749                                                 -- of number according to national recommendations.
750         internationalNumber     NULL,
751         nationalNumber          NULL,
752         networkSpecificNumber   NULL,
753                                                 -- not used, value reserved
754         subscriberNumber        NULL,
755         abbreviatedNumber       NULL,
756                                                 -- valid only for called party number at the outgoing
757                                                 -- access, network substitutes appropriate number.
761 PrivateTypeOfNumber ::= CHOICE
763         unknown                 NULL,
764         level2RegionalNumber    NULL,
765         level1RegionalNumber    NULL,
766         pISNSpecificNumber      NULL,
767         localNumber             NULL,
768         abbreviatedNumber       NULL,
769         ...
772 MobileUIM ::= CHOICE
774         ansi-41-uim ANSI-41-UIM,        -- Americas standards Wireless Networks
775         gsm-uim GSM-UIM,                -- European standards Wireless Networks
776         ...
779 TBCD-STRING ::= IA5String (FROM ("0123456789#*abc"))
783         imsi                    TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..16)) OPTIONAL,
784         min                     TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..16)) OPTIONAL,
785         mdn                     TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..16)) OPTIONAL, 
786         msisdn                  TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..16)) OPTIONAL,
787         esn                     TBCD-STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL,
788         mscid                   TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..16)) OPTIONAL,
789         system-id CHOICE 
790         {
791                 sid             TBCD-STRING (SIZE (1..4)),
792                 mid             TBCD-STRING (SIZE (1..4)),
793                 ...
794         }, 
795         systemMyTypeCode        OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL,
796         systemAccessType        OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL,
797         qualificationInformationCode OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL,
798         sesn                    TBCD-STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL,
799         soc                     TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..16)) OPTIONAL,
800         ...
801         -- IMSI refers to International Mobile Station Identification
802         -- MIN refers to Mobile Identification Number
803         -- MDN refers to Mobile Directory Number
804         -- MSISDN refers to Mobile Station ISDN number
805         -- ESN Refers to Electronic Serial Number 
806         -- MSCID refers to Mobile Switching Center number + Market ID or System ID
807         -- SID refers to System Identification and MID refers to Market Identification
808         -- SystemMyTypeCode refers to vendor identification number
809         -- SystemAccessType refers to the system access type like power down registration or call
810         -- origination or Short Message repsonse etc.
811         -- Qualification Information Code refers to the validity
812         -- SESN Refers to SIM Electronic Serial Number for Security purposes of User Identification 
813         -- SOC refers to System Operator Code
818         imsi                    TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..16)) OPTIONAL,
819         tmsi                    OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..4)) OPTIONAL,
820         msisdn                  TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..16)) OPTIONAL,
821         imei                    TBCD-STRING (SIZE (15..16)) OPTIONAL,
822         hplmn                   TBCD-STRING (SIZE (1..4)) OPTIONAL,
823         vplmn                   TBCD-STRING (SIZE (1..4)) OPTIONAL,
824         -- IMSI refers to International Mobile Station Identificaiton
825         -- MSISDN refers to Mobile Station ISDN number
826         -- IMEI Refers to International Mobile Equipment Identification 
827         -- VPLMN or HPLMN refers to Visiting or Home Public Land Mobile Network number
828         ...
831 IsupNumber ::= CHOICE
833     e164Number                  IsupPublicPartyNumber,
834                                     -- the numbering plan is according to
835                                     -- Recommendations E.163 and E.164.
836     dataPartyNumber             IsupDigits, -- not used, value reserved.
837     telexPartyNumber            IsupDigits, -- not used, value reserved.
838     privateNumber               IsupPrivatePartyNumber,
839                                     -- the numbering plan is according to 
840                                     -- ISO/IEC 11571.
841     nationalStandardPartyNumber IsupDigits, -- not used, value reserved.
842     ...
845 IsupPublicPartyNumber ::= SEQUENCE
847     natureOfAddress NatureOfAddress,
848     address         IsupDigits,
849     ...
852 IsupPrivatePartyNumber ::= SEQUENCE
854     privateTypeOfNumber PrivateTypeOfNumber,
855     address         IsupDigits,
856     ...
859 NatureOfAddress ::= CHOICE
861     unknown                                 NULL,
862     subscriberNumber                        NULL,
863     nationalNumber                          NULL,
864     internationalNumber                     NULL,
865     networkSpecificNumber                   NULL,
866     routingNumberNationalFormat             NULL,
867     routingNumberNetworkSpecificFormat      NULL,
868     routingNumberWithCalledDirectoryNumber  NULL,
869     ...
872 IsupDigits ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) (FROM ("0123456789ABCDE"))
874 ExtendedAliasAddress ::= SEQUENCE
876         address                 AliasAddress,
877         presentationIndicator   PresentationIndicator OPTIONAL,
878         screeningIndicator      ScreeningIndicator OPTIONAL,
879         ...
882 Endpoint ::= SEQUENCE
884         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, 
885         aliasAddress                    SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,  
886         callSignalAddress               SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress OPTIONAL,  
887         rasAddress                      SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress OPTIONAL,  
888         endpointType                    EndpointType OPTIONAL,  
889         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,  
890         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
891         priority                        INTEGER(0..127) OPTIONAL, 
892         remoteExtensionAddress          SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
893         destExtraCallInfo               SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
894         ...,
895         alternateTransportAddresses     AlternateTransportAddresses OPTIONAL,
896         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
897         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL
900 AlternateTransportAddresses ::= SEQUENCE
902         annexE                  SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
903         ...,
904         sctp                    SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress OPTIONAL
907 UseSpecifiedTransport ::= CHOICE
909         tcp                     NULL,
910         annexE                  NULL,
911         ...,
912         sctp                    NULL
915 AlternateGK ::= SEQUENCE
917         rasAddress                      TransportAddress,
918         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier  OPTIONAL,
919         needToRegister                  BOOLEAN,
920         priority                        INTEGER (0..127),
921         ...
924 AltGKInfo ::=SEQUENCE
926         alternateGatekeeper             SEQUENCE OF AlternateGK,
927         altGKisPermanent                BOOLEAN,
928         ...
931 SecurityServiceMode ::= CHOICE 
933         nonStandard             NonStandardParameter,
934         none                    NULL,
935         default                 NULL,
936         ...             -- can be extended with other specific modes
939 SecurityCapabilities ::= SEQUENCE 
941         nonStandard                     NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
942         encryption                      SecurityServiceMode,
943         authenticaton                   SecurityServiceMode,
944         integrity                       SecurityServiceMode,
945         ...
948 SecurityErrors          ::=     CHOICE
950         securityWrongSyncTime                   NULL,   -- either time server
951                                                         -- problem or network delay
952         securityReplay                          NULL,   -- replay attack encountered
953         securityWrongGeneralID                  NULL,   -- wrong general ID
954         securityWrongSendersID                  NULL,   -- wrong senders ID
955         securityIntegrityFailed                 NULL,   -- integrity check failed
956         securityWrongOID                        NULL,   -- wrong token OIDs or crypto alg OIDs
957         securityDHmismatch                      NULL,   -- mismatch of DH parameters
958         securityCertificateExpired              NULL,   -- certificate has expired
959         securityCertificateDateInvalid          NULL,   -- certificate is not yet valid
960         securityCertificateRevoked              NULL,   -- certificate was found revoked
961         securityCertificateNotReadable          NULL,   -- decoding error
962         securityCertificateSignatureInvalid     NULL,   -- wrong signature in the
963                                                         -- certificate
964         securityCertificateMissing              NULL,   -- no certificate available
965         securityCertificateIncomplete           NULL,   -- missing expected certificate
966                                                         -- extensions
967         securityUnsupportedCertificateAlgOID    NULL,   -- crypto algs not understood
968         securityUnknownCA                       NULL,   -- CA/root certificate could not
969                                                         -- be found
970         ...
973 SecurityErrors2 ::=     CHOICE
975         securityWrongSyncTime   NULL, -- either time server problem or network delay
976         securityReplay          NULL, -- replay attack encountered
977         securityWrongGeneralID  NULL, -- wrong general ID
978         securityWrongSendersID  NULL, -- wrong senders ID
979         securityIntegrityFailed NULL, -- integrity check failed
980         securityWrongOID        NULL, -- wrong token OIDs or crypto alg OIDs
981         ...
984 H245Security ::= CHOICE 
986         nonStandard                     NonStandardParameter,
987         noSecurity                      NULL,
988         tls                             SecurityCapabilities,
989         ipsec                           SecurityCapabilities,
990         ...
994 QseriesOptions ::= SEQUENCE
996         q932Full                BOOLEAN,        -- if true, indicates full support for Q.932
997         q951Full                BOOLEAN,        -- if true, indicates full support for Q.951
998         q952Full                BOOLEAN,        -- if true, indicates full support for Q.952
999         q953Full                BOOLEAN,        -- if true, indicates full support for Q.953
1000         q955Full                BOOLEAN,        -- if true, indicates full support for Q.955
1001         q956Full                BOOLEAN,        -- if true, indicates full support for Q.956
1002         q957Full                BOOLEAN,        -- if true, indicates full support for Q.957
1003         q954Info                Q954Details,    
1004         ...
1007 Q954Details ::= SEQUENCE
1009         conferenceCalling               BOOLEAN,
1010         threePartyService               BOOLEAN,
1011         ...
1014 GloballyUniqueID        ::=     OCTET STRING (SIZE(16))
1015 ConferenceIdentifier    ::=     GloballyUniqueID
1016 RequestSeqNum           ::=     INTEGER (1..65535)
1017 GatekeeperIdentifier    ::=     BMPString (SIZE(1..128))
1018 BandWidth               ::=     INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- in 100s of bits
1019 CallReferenceValue      ::=     INTEGER (0..65535)
1020 EndpointIdentifier      ::=     BMPString (SIZE(1..128))
1021 ProtocolIdentifier      ::=     OBJECT IDENTIFIER       
1022                                         -- shall be set to  
1023                                         -- {itu-t (0) recommendation (0) h (8) 2250 version (0) 4}
1024 TimeToLive              ::=     INTEGER (1..4294967295) -- in seconds
1025 H248PackagesDescriptor  ::=     OCTET STRING  -- This octet string contans
1026                                               -- ASN.1 PER encoded H.248
1027                                               -- PackageDescriptor
1028 H248SignalsDescriptor   ::=     OCTET STRING  -- This octet string contans
1029                                               -- ASN.1 PER encoded H.248
1030                                               -- SignalDescriptor
1031 FeatureDescriptor       ::=     GenericData
1033 CallIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE
1035         guid                    GloballyUniqueID,
1036         ...
1039 EncryptIntAlg ::= CHOICE
1040 {       -- core encryption algorithms for RAS message integrity
1041         nonStandard             NonStandardParameter,
1042         isoAlgorithm            OBJECT IDENTIFIER,      -- defined in ISO/IEC 9979
1043         ...
1045 NonIsoIntegrityMechanism ::= CHOICE 
1046 {       -- HMAC mechanism used, no truncation, tagging may be necessary!
1047         hMAC-MD5                NULL,
1048         hMAC-iso10118-2-s       EncryptIntAlg,  -- according to ISO/IEC 10118-2 using
1049                                                 -- EncryptIntAlg as core block encryption algorithm 
1050                                                 -- (short MAC)
1051         hMAC-iso10118-2-l       EncryptIntAlg,  -- according to ISO/IEC 10118-2 using
1052                                                 -- EncryptIntAlg as core block encryption algorithm 
1053                                                 -- (long MAC)
1054         hMAC-iso10118-3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER,      -- according to ISO/IEC 10118-3 using
1055                                                 -- OID as hash function (OID is SHA-1,
1056                                                 -- RIPE-MD160,
1057                                                 -- RIPE-MD128)
1058         ...
1061 IntegrityMechanism ::= CHOICE
1062 {       -- for RAS message integrity
1063         nonStandard             NonStandardParameter,
1064         digSig                  NULL,                   -- indicates to apply a digital signature
1065         iso9797                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER,      -- according to ISO/IEC 9797 using OID as
1066                                                         -- core encryption algorithm (X-CBC MAC)
1067         nonIsoIM                NonIsoIntegrityMechanism,
1068         ...
1073         algorithmOID    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,      -- the algorithm used to compute the signature
1074         icv             BIT STRING              -- the computed cryptographic integrity check value
1075                                                 -- or signature
1078 FastStartToken ::= ClearToken (WITH COMPONENTS {..., timeStamp PRESENT, dhkey PRESENT, generalID PRESENT -- set to 'alias' -- })
1079 EncodedFastStartToken ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type (FastStartToken)
1080 CryptoH323Token ::= CHOICE
1082         cryptoEPPwdHash SEQUENCE
1083         {
1084                 alias           AliasAddress,   -- alias of entity generating hash
1085                 timeStamp       TimeStamp,      -- timestamp used in hash
1086                 token           HASHED  { EncodedPwdCertToken -- generalID set to 'alias' -- }
1087         },
1088         cryptoGKPwdHash  SEQUENCE
1090                 gatekeeperId    GatekeeperIdentifier,   -- GatekeeperID of GK generating hash
1091                 timeStamp       TimeStamp,              -- timestamp used in hash
1092                 token           HASHED  { EncodedPwdCertToken  -- generalID set to Gatekeeperid -- }
1093         },
1094         cryptoEPPwdEncr ENCRYPTED { EncodedPwdCertToken -- generalID set to Gatekeeperid --},
1095         cryptoGKPwdEncr ENCRYPTED { EncodedPwdCertToken -- generalID set to Gatekeeperid --},
1096         cryptoEPCert            SIGNED { EncodedPwdCertToken -- generalID set to Gatekeeperid -- },
1097         cryptoGKCert    SIGNED { EncodedPwdCertToken -- generalID set to alias -- },
1098         cryptoFastStart SIGNED { EncodedFastStartToken },
1099         nestedcryptoToken       CryptoToken,
1100         ...
1104 DataRate ::= SEQUENCE
1106         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1107         channelRate                     BandWidth,
1108         channelMultiplier               INTEGER (1..256) OPTIONAL,
1109         ...
1112 CallLinkage ::= SEQUENCE
1114         globalCallId                    GloballyUniqueID  OPTIONAL,
1115         threadId                        GloballyUniqueID  OPTIONAL,
1116         ...
1119 SupportedPrefix ::= SEQUENCE
1121         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1122         prefix                          AliasAddress,
1123         ...
1126 CapacityReportingCapability ::= SEQUENCE
1128         canReportCallCapacity           BOOLEAN,
1129         ...
1132 CapacityReportingSpecification ::= SEQUENCE
1134         when SEQUENCE
1135         {
1136                 callStart       NULL OPTIONAL,
1137                 callEnd         NULL OPTIONAL,
1138                 ...
1139         },
1140         ...
1143 CallCapacity ::= SEQUENCE
1145         maximumCallCapacity             CallCapacityInfo OPTIONAL,
1146         currentCallCapacity             CallCapacityInfo OPTIONAL,
1147         ...
1150 CallCapacityInfo ::= SEQUENCE
1152         voiceGwCallsAvailable           SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1153         h310GwCallsAvailable            SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1154         h320GwCallsAvailable            SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1155         h321GwCallsAvailable            SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1156         h322GwCallsAvailable            SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1157         h323GwCallsAvailable            SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1158         h324GwCallsAvailable            SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1159         t120OnlyGwCallsAvailable        SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1160         t38FaxAnnexbOnlyGwCallsAvailable SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1161         terminalCallsAvailable          SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1162         mcuCallsAvailable               SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL,
1163         ...,
1164         sipGwCallsAvailable             SEQUENCE OF CallsAvailable OPTIONAL
1167 CallsAvailable ::= SEQUENCE
1169         calls           INTEGER (0..4294967295),
1170         group           IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) OPTIONAL,
1171         ...,
1172         carrier         CarrierInfo OPTIONAL
1175 CircuitInfo ::= SEQUENCE
1177         sourceCircuitID         CircuitIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1178         destinationCircuitID    CircuitIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1179         genericData             SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1180         ...
1183 CircuitIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE
1185         cic             CicInfo OPTIONAL,
1186         group           GroupID OPTIONAL,
1187         ...,
1188         carrier         CarrierInfo OPTIONAL
1191 CicInfo ::= SEQUENCE
1193         cic             SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..4)),
1194         pointCode       OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..5)),
1195         ...
1198 GroupID ::= SEQUENCE
1200         member          SEQUENCE OF INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL,
1201         group           IA5String (SIZE (1..128)),
1202         ...
1205 CarrierInfo ::= SEQUENCE
1207         carrierIdentificationCode       OCTET STRING (SIZE (3..4)) OPTIONAL,
1208         carrierName                     IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) OPTIONAL,
1209         ...
1212 ServiceControlDescriptor ::= CHOICE
1214         url                             IA5String (SIZE(0..512)),       -- indicates a URL-referenced 
1215                                                                         -- protocol/resource
1216         signal                          H248SignalsDescriptor,
1217         nonStandard                     NonStandardParameter,
1218         callCreditServiceControl        CallCreditServiceControl,
1219         ...
1222 ServiceControlSession ::= SEQUENCE
1224         sessionId               INTEGER (0..255),
1225         contents                ServiceControlDescriptor OPTIONAL,
1226         reason CHOICE
1227         {
1228                 open            NULL,
1229                 refresh         NULL,
1230                 close           NULL,
1231                 ...
1232         },
1233         ...
1236 RasUsageInfoTypes ::= SEQUENCE
1238         nonStandardUsageTypes        SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter,
1239         startTime                    NULL OPTIONAL,
1240         endTime                      NULL OPTIONAL,
1241         terminationCause             NULL OPTIONAL,
1242         ...
1245 RasUsageSpecification ::= SEQUENCE
1247         when SEQUENCE
1248         {
1249                 start                   NULL OPTIONAL,
1250                 end                     NULL OPTIONAL,
1251                 inIrr                   NULL OPTIONAL,
1252                 ...
1253         },
1254         callStartingPoint SEQUENCE
1255         {
1256                 alerting                NULL OPTIONAL,
1257                 connect                 NULL OPTIONAL,
1258                 ...
1259         } OPTIONAL,
1260         required                        RasUsageInfoTypes,
1261         ...
1264 RasUsageInformation ::= SEQUENCE
1266         nonStandardUsageFields          SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter,
1267         alertingTime                    TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
1268         connectTime                     TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
1269         endTime                         TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
1270         ...
1273 CallTerminationCause ::= CHOICE
1275         releaseCompleteReason           ReleaseCompleteReason,
1276         releaseCompleteCauseIE          OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..32)),
1277         ...
1280 BandwidthDetails ::= SEQUENCE
1282         sender                          BOOLEAN,                -- TRUE=sender, FALSE=receiver
1283         multicast                       BOOLEAN,                -- TRUE if stream is multicast
1284         bandwidth                       BandWidth,              -- Bandwidth used for stream
1285         rtcpAddresses                   TransportChannelInfo,   -- RTCP addresses for media stream
1286         ...
1289 CallCreditCapability ::= SEQUENCE
1291         canDisplayAmountString          BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
1292         canEnforceDurationLimit         BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
1293         ...
1296 CallCreditServiceControl ::= SEQUENCE
1298         amountString                    BMPString (SIZE (1..512)) OPTIONAL,     -- (Unicode)
1299         billingMode CHOICE
1300         {
1301                 credit                  NULL,
1302                 debit                   NULL,
1303                 ...
1304         } OPTIONAL,     
1305         callDurationLimit               INTEGER (1..4294967295) OPTIONAL,     -- in seconds
1306         enforceCallDurationLimit        BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
1307         callStartingPoint CHOICE
1308         {
1309                 alerting                NULL,
1310                 connect                 NULL,
1311                 ...
1312         } OPTIONAL,
1313         ...
1316 GenericData ::= SEQUENCE
1318         id                              GenericIdentifier,
1319         parameters                      SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..512)) OF EnumeratedParameter OPTIONAL,
1320         ...
1323 GenericIdentifier ::= CHOICE
1325         standard                        INTEGER(0..16383,...),
1326         oid                             OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
1327         nonStandard                     GloballyUniqueID,
1328         ...
1331 EnumeratedParameter ::= SEQUENCE
1333         id                              GenericIdentifier,
1334         content                         Content OPTIONAL,
1335         ...
1338 Content ::= CHOICE
1340         raw                             OCTET STRING,
1341         text                            IA5String,
1342         unicode                         BMPString,
1343         bool                            BOOLEAN,
1344         number8                         INTEGER (0..255),
1345         number16                        INTEGER (0..65535),
1346         number32                        INTEGER (0..4294967295),
1347         id                              GenericIdentifier,
1348         alias                           AliasAddress,
1349         transport                       TransportAddress,
1350         compound                        SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..512)) OF EnumeratedParameter,
1351         nested                          SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF GenericData,
1352         ...
1355 FeatureSet ::= SEQUENCE
1357         replacementFeatureSet           BOOLEAN,
1358         neededFeatures                  SEQUENCE OF FeatureDescriptor OPTIONAL,
1359         desiredFeatures                 SEQUENCE OF FeatureDescriptor OPTIONAL,
1360         supportedFeatures               SEQUENCE OF FeatureDescriptor OPTIONAL,
1361         ...
1364 TransportChannelInfo ::= SEQUENCE
1366         sendAddress                     TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
1367         recvAddress                     TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
1368         ...
1371 RTPSession ::= SEQUENCE
1373         rtpAddress                      TransportChannelInfo,
1374         rtcpAddress                     TransportChannelInfo,
1375         cname                           PrintableString,
1376         ssrc                            INTEGER (1..4294967295),
1377         sessionId                       INTEGER (1..255),
1378         associatedSessionIds            SEQUENCE OF INTEGER (1..255),
1379         ...,
1380         multicast                       NULL OPTIONAL,
1381         bandwidth                       BandWidth OPTIONAL
1384 RehomingModel ::= CHOICE   
1386         gatekeeperBased                 NULL,
1387         endpointBased                   NULL
1390 RasMessage ::= CHOICE   
1392         gatekeeperRequest               GatekeeperRequest,
1393         gatekeeperConfirm               GatekeeperConfirm,
1394         gatekeeperReject                GatekeeperReject,
1395         registrationRequest             RegistrationRequest,
1396         registrationConfirm             RegistrationConfirm,
1397         registrationReject              RegistrationReject,
1398         unregistrationRequest           UnregistrationRequest,
1399         unregistrationConfirm           UnregistrationConfirm,
1400         unregistrationReject            UnregistrationReject,
1401         admissionRequest                AdmissionRequest,
1402         admissionConfirm                AdmissionConfirm,
1403         admissionReject                 AdmissionReject,
1404         bandwidthRequest                BandwidthRequest,
1405         bandwidthConfirm                BandwidthConfirm,
1406         bandwidthReject                 BandwidthReject,
1407         disengageRequest                DisengageRequest,
1408         disengageConfirm                DisengageConfirm,
1409         disengageReject                 DisengageReject,
1410         locationRequest                 LocationRequest,
1411         locationConfirm                 LocationConfirm,
1412         locationReject                  LocationReject, 
1413         infoRequest                     InfoRequest,
1414         infoRequestResponse             InfoRequestResponse,
1415         nonStandardMessage              NonStandardMessage,
1416         unknownMessageResponse          UnknownMessageResponse,
1417         ...,
1418         requestInProgress               RequestInProgress,
1419         resourcesAvailableIndicate      ResourcesAvailableIndicate,
1420         resourcesAvailableConfirm       ResourcesAvailableConfirm,
1421         infoRequestAck                  InfoRequestAck,
1422         infoRequestNak                  InfoRequestNak,
1423         serviceControlIndication        ServiceControlIndication,
1424         serviceControlResponse          ServiceControlResponse,
1425         admissionConfirmSequence        SEQUENCE OF AdmissionConfirm
1428 GatekeeperRequest ::= SEQUENCE --(GRQ)
1431         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1432         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
1433         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1434         rasAddress                      TransportAddress,
1435         endpointType                    EndpointType,
1436         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1437         callServices                    QseriesOptions  OPTIONAL, 
1438         endpointAlias                   SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1439         ...,
1440         alternateEndpoints              SEQUENCE OF Endpoint OPTIONAL,
1441         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1442         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1443         authenticationCapability        SEQUENCE OF AuthenticationMechanism OPTIONAL,
1444         algorithmOIDs                   SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
1445         integrity                       SEQUENCE OF IntegrityMechanism OPTIONAL,
1446         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1447         supportsAltGK                   NULL OPTIONAL,
1448         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1449         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1450         supportsAssignedGK              BOOLEAN,
1451         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL
1454 GatekeeperConfirm ::= SEQUENCE --(GCF)
1456         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1457         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
1458         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1459         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier  OPTIONAL,
1460         rasAddress                      TransportAddress,
1461         ...,
1462         alternateGatekeeper             SEQUENCE OF AlternateGK OPTIONAL,
1463         authenticationMode              AuthenticationMechanism OPTIONAL,
1464         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1465         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1466         algorithmOID                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
1467         integrity                       SEQUENCE OF IntegrityMechanism OPTIONAL,
1468         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1469         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1470         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1471         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL,
1472         rehomingModel                   RehomingModel OPTIONAL
1475 GatekeeperReject ::= SEQUENCE --(GRJ)
1477         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1478         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
1479         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1480         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier  OPTIONAL,
1481         rejectReason                    GatekeeperRejectReason,
1482         ...,
1483         altGKInfo                       AltGKInfo OPTIONAL,
1484         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1485         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1486         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1487         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1488         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
1491 GatekeeperRejectReason ::= CHOICE
1493         resourceUnavailable             NULL,
1494         terminalExcluded                NULL,   -- permission failure, not a resource failure
1495         invalidRevision                 NULL,
1496         undefinedReason                 NULL,
1497         ...,
1498         securityDenial                  NULL,
1499         genericDataReason               NULL,
1500         neededFeatureNotSupported       NULL,
1501         securityError                   SecurityErrors
1504 RegistrationRequest ::= SEQUENCE --(RRQ)
1506         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1507         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
1508         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1509         discoveryComplete               BOOLEAN,
1510         callSignalAddress               SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress,
1511         rasAddress                      SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress,
1512         terminalType                    EndpointType,
1513         terminalAlias                   SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1514         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier  OPTIONAL,
1515         endpointVendor                  VendorIdentifier,
1516         ...,
1517         alternateEndpoints              SEQUENCE OF Endpoint OPTIONAL,
1518         timeToLive                      TimeToLive OPTIONAL,
1519         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1520         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1521         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1522         keepAlive                       BOOLEAN,
1523         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1524         willSupplyUUIEs                 BOOLEAN,
1525         maintainConnection              BOOLEAN,
1526         alternateTransportAddresses     AlternateTransportAddresses OPTIONAL,
1527         additiveRegistration            NULL OPTIONAL,
1528         terminalAliasPattern            SEQUENCE OF AddressPattern OPTIONAL,
1529         supportsAltGK                   NULL OPTIONAL,
1530         usageReportingCapability        RasUsageInfoTypes OPTIONAL,
1531         multipleCalls                   BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
1532         supportedH248Packages           SEQUENCE OF H248PackagesDescriptor OPTIONAL,
1533         callCreditCapability            CallCreditCapability OPTIONAL,
1534         capacityReportingCapability     CapacityReportingCapability OPTIONAL,
1535         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
1536         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1537         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1538         restart                         NULL OPTIONAL,
1539         supportsACFSequences            NULL OPTIONAL,
1540         supportsAssignedGK              BOOLEAN,
1541         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL,
1542         transportQOS                    TransportQOS OPTIONAL,
1543         language                        SEQUENCE OF IA5String(SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL
1546 RegistrationConfirm ::= SEQUENCE --(RCF)
1548         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1549         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
1550         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1551         callSignalAddress               SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress,
1552         terminalAlias                   SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1553         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier  OPTIONAL,
1554         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier,
1555         ...,    
1556         alternateGatekeeper             SEQUENCE OF AlternateGK OPTIONAL,
1557         timeToLive                      TimeToLive OPTIONAL,
1558         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1559         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1560         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1561         willRespondToIRR                BOOLEAN,
1562         preGrantedARQ                   SEQUENCE
1563         {
1564                 makeCall                                BOOLEAN,
1565                 useGKCallSignalAddressToMakeCall        BOOLEAN,
1566                 answerCall                              BOOLEAN,
1567                 useGKCallSignalAddressToAnswer          BOOLEAN,
1568                 ...,
1569                 irrFrequencyInCall                      INTEGER (1..65535) OPTIONAL,
1570                                                                         -- in seconds; not
1571                                                                         -- present if GK 
1572                                                                         -- does not want IRRs
1573                 totalBandwidthRestriction               BandWidth OPTIONAL,
1574                                                                         -- total limit for all 
1575 -- concurrent calls
1576                 alternateTransportAddresses             AlternateTransportAddresses OPTIONAL,
1577                 useSpecifiedTransport                   UseSpecifiedTransport OPTIONAL
1578         } OPTIONAL,
1579         maintainConnection              BOOLEAN,
1580         serviceControl                  SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
1581         supportsAdditiveRegistration    NULL OPTIONAL,
1582         terminalAliasPattern            SEQUENCE OF AddressPattern OPTIONAL,
1583         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix OPTIONAL,
1584         usageSpec                       SEQUENCE OF RasUsageSpecification OPTIONAL,
1585         featureServerAlias              AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1586         capacityReportingSpec           CapacityReportingSpecification OPTIONAL,
1587         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1588         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1589         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL,
1590         rehomingModel                   RehomingModel OPTIONAL,
1591         transportQOS                    TransportQOS OPTIONAL
1594 RegistrationReject ::= SEQUENCE --(RRJ)
1596         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1597         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
1598         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1599         rejectReason                    RegistrationRejectReason,
1600         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier  OPTIONAL,
1601         ...,
1602         altGKInfo                       AltGKInfo OPTIONAL,
1603         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1604         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1605         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1606         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1607         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1608         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL
1611 RegistrationRejectReason ::= CHOICE
1613         discoveryRequired               NULL,   
1614         invalidRevision                 NULL,
1615         invalidCallSignalAddress        NULL,
1616         invalidRASAddress               NULL,   -- supplied address is invalid
1617         duplicateAlias                  SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress,
1618                                                 -- alias registered to another endpoint
1619         invalidTerminalType             NULL,
1620         undefinedReason                 NULL,
1621         transportNotSupported           NULL,   -- one or more of the transports
1622         ...,
1623         transportQOSNotSupported        NULL,   -- endpoint QOS not supported
1624         resourceUnavailable             NULL,   -- gatekeeper resources exhausted
1625         invalidAlias                    NULL,   -- alias not consistent with gatekeeper rules
1626         securityDenial                  NULL,
1627         fullRegistrationRequired        NULL,   -- registration permission has expired
1628         additiveRegistrationNotSupported NULL,
1629         invalidTerminalAliases          SEQUENCE
1630         {
1631                 terminalAlias           SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1632                 terminalAliasPattern    SEQUENCE OF AddressPattern OPTIONAL,
1633                 supportedPrefixes       SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix OPTIONAL,
1634                 ...
1635         },
1636         genericDataReason               NULL,
1637         neededFeatureNotSupported       NULL,
1638         securityError                   SecurityErrors,
1639         registerWithAssignedGK          NULL
1642 UnregistrationRequest ::= SEQUENCE --(URQ)
1644         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1645         callSignalAddress               SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress,
1646         endpointAlias                   SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1647         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1648         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1649         ...,
1650         alternateEndpoints              SEQUENCE OF Endpoint OPTIONAL,
1651         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1652         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1653         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1654         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1655         reason                          UnregRequestReason OPTIONAL,
1656         endpointAliasPattern            SEQUENCE OF AddressPattern OPTIONAL,
1657         supportedPrefixes               SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix OPTIONAL,
1658         alternateGatekeeper             SEQUENCE OF AlternateGK OPTIONAL,
1659         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1660         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL
1663 UnregRequestReason ::= CHOICE
1665         reregistrationRequired          NULL,
1666         ttlExpired                      NULL,
1667         securityDenial                  NULL,
1668         undefinedReason                 NULL,
1669         ...,
1670         maintenance                     NULL,
1671         securityError                   SecurityErrors2,
1672         registerWithAssignedGK  NULL
1675 UnregistrationConfirm ::= SEQUENCE --(UCF)
1677         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1678         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1679         ...,
1680         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1681         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1682         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1683         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1684         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL
1687 UnregistrationReject ::= SEQUENCE --(URJ)
1690         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1691         rejectReason                    UnregRejectReason,
1692         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1693         ...,
1694         altGKInfo                       AltGKInfo OPTIONAL,
1695         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1696         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1697         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1698         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
1701 UnregRejectReason ::= CHOICE
1703         notCurrentlyRegistered          NULL,
1704         callInProgress                  NULL,
1705         undefinedReason                 NULL,
1706         ...,
1707         permissionDenied                NULL,   -- requesting user not allowed to unregister
1708                                                 -- specified user
1709         securityDenial                  NULL,
1710         securityError                   SecurityErrors2
1713 AdmissionRequest ::= SEQUENCE --(ARQ)
1715         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1716         callType                        CallType,
1717         callModel                       CallModel OPTIONAL,
1718         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier,
1719         destinationInfo                 SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1720         destCallSignalAddress           TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
1721         destExtraCallInfo               SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1722         srcInfo                         SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress,
1723         srcCallSignalAddress            TransportAddress OPTIONAL, 
1724         bandWidth                       BandWidth,
1725         callReferenceValue              CallReferenceValue,
1726         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1727         callServices                    QseriesOptions  OPTIONAL,
1728         conferenceID                    ConferenceIdentifier,
1729         activeMC                        BOOLEAN,
1730         answerCall                      BOOLEAN,        -- answering a call
1731         ...,
1732         canMapAlias                     BOOLEAN,        -- can handle alias address
1733         callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier,
1734         srcAlternatives                 SEQUENCE OF Endpoint OPTIONAL,
1735         destAlternatives                SEQUENCE OF Endpoint OPTIONAL,
1736         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1737         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1738         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1739         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1740         transportQOS                    TransportQOS OPTIONAL,
1741         willSupplyUUIEs                 BOOLEAN,
1742         callLinkage                     CallLinkage OPTIONAL,
1743         gatewayDataRate                 DataRate OPTIONAL,
1744         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
1745         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
1746         desiredProtocols                SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols OPTIONAL,
1747         desiredTunnelledProtocol        TunnelledProtocol OPTIONAL,
1748         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1749         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1750         canMapSrcAlias                  BOOLEAN
1753 CallType ::= CHOICE
1755         pointToPoint            NULL,           -- Point-to-point
1756         oneToN                  NULL,           -- no interaction (FFS)
1757         nToOne                  NULL,           -- no interaction (FFS)
1758         nToN                    NULL,           -- interactive (multipoint)
1759         ...
1762 CallModel ::= CHOICE
1764         direct                  NULL,
1765         gatekeeperRouted        NULL,
1766         ...
1769 TransportQOS ::= CHOICE
1771         endpointControlled      NULL,
1772         gatekeeperControlled    NULL,
1773         noControl               NULL,
1774         ...,
1775         qOSCapabilities         SEQUENCE SIZE(1..256) OF QOSCapability
1778 AdmissionConfirm ::= SEQUENCE --(ACF)
1780         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1781         bandWidth                       BandWidth,
1782         callModel                       CallModel,
1783         destCallSignalAddress           TransportAddress,
1784         irrFrequency                    INTEGER (1..65535) OPTIONAL,
1785         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1786         ...,
1787         destinationInfo                 SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1788         destExtraCallInfo               SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1789         destinationType                 EndpointType OPTIONAL,
1790         remoteExtensionAddress          SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1791         alternateEndpoints              SEQUENCE OF Endpoint OPTIONAL,
1792         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1793         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1794         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1795         transportQOS                    TransportQOS OPTIONAL,
1796         willRespondToIRR                BOOLEAN,
1797         uuiesRequested                  UUIEsRequested,
1798         language                        SEQUENCE OF IA5String (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL,
1799         alternateTransportAddresses     AlternateTransportAddresses OPTIONAL,
1800         useSpecifiedTransport           UseSpecifiedTransport OPTIONAL,
1801         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
1802         usageSpec                       SEQUENCE OF RasUsageSpecification OPTIONAL,
1803         supportedProtocols              SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols OPTIONAL,
1804         serviceControl                  SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
1805         multipleCalls                   BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
1806         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1807         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1808         modifiedSrcInfo                 SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1809         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL
1812 UUIEsRequested ::= SEQUENCE
1814         setup                           BOOLEAN,
1815         callProceeding                  BOOLEAN,
1816         connect                         BOOLEAN,
1817         alerting                        BOOLEAN,
1818         information                     BOOLEAN,
1819         releaseComplete                 BOOLEAN,
1820         facility                        BOOLEAN,
1821         progress                        BOOLEAN,
1822         empty                           BOOLEAN,
1823         ...,
1824         status                          BOOLEAN,
1825         statusInquiry                   BOOLEAN,
1826         setupAcknowledge                BOOLEAN,
1827         notify                          BOOLEAN
1830 AdmissionReject ::= SEQUENCE --(ARJ)
1832         requestSeqNum           RequestSeqNum,
1833         rejectReason            AdmissionRejectReason,
1834         nonStandardData         NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1835         ...,
1836         altGKInfo               AltGKInfo OPTIONAL,
1837         tokens                  SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1838         cryptoTokens            SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1839         callSignalAddress       SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
1840         integrityCheckValue     ICV OPTIONAL,
1841         serviceControl          SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
1842         featureSet              FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1843         genericData             SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1844         assignedGatekeeper      AlternateGK OPTIONAL
1847 AdmissionRejectReason ::= CHOICE
1849         calledPartyNotRegistered        NULL,   -- cannot translate address
1850         invalidPermission               NULL,   -- permission has expired
1851         requestDenied                   NULL,
1852         undefinedReason                 NULL,
1853         callerNotRegistered             NULL,
1854         routeCallToGatekeeper           NULL,
1855         invalidEndpointIdentifier       NULL,
1856         resourceUnavailable             NULL,
1857         ...,
1858         securityDenial                  NULL,
1859         qosControlNotSupported          NULL,
1860         incompleteAddress               NULL,
1861         aliasesInconsistent             NULL,   -- multiple aliases in request identify distinct people
1862         routeCallToSCN                  SEQUENCE OF PartyNumber,
1863         exceedsCallCapacity             NULL,   -- destination does not have the capacity for this call
1864         collectDestination              NULL,
1865         collectPIN                      NULL,
1866         genericDataReason               NULL,
1867         neededFeatureNotSupported       NULL,
1868         securityErrors                  SecurityErrors2,
1869         securityDHmismatch              NULL,   -- mismatch of DH parameters
1870         noRouteToDestination            NULL,   -- destination unreachable
1871         unallocatedNumber               NULL,   -- destination number unassigned
1872         registerWithAssignedGK          NULL
1875 BandwidthRequest ::= SEQUENCE --(BRQ)
1877         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1878         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier,
1879         conferenceID                    ConferenceIdentifier,
1880         callReferenceValue              CallReferenceValue,
1881         callType                        CallType OPTIONAL,
1882         bandWidth                       BandWidth,
1883         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1884         ...,
1885         callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier,
1886         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1887         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1888         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1889         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1890         answeredCall                    BOOLEAN,
1891         callLinkage                     CallLinkage OPTIONAL,
1892         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
1893         usageInformation                RasUsageInformation OPTIONAL,
1894         bandwidthDetails                SEQUENCE OF BandwidthDetails OPTIONAL,
1895         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1896         transportQOS                    TransportQOS OPTIONAL
1899 BandwidthConfirm ::= SEQUENCE --(BCF)
1901         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1902         bandWidth                       BandWidth,
1903         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1904         ...,
1905         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1906         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1907         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1908         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
1909         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1910         transportQOS                    TransportQOS OPTIONAL
1913 BandwidthReject ::= SEQUENCE --(BRJ)
1915         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1916         rejectReason                    BandRejectReason,
1917         allowedBandWidth                BandWidth,
1918         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1919         ...,
1920         altGKInfo                       AltGKInfo OPTIONAL,
1921         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1922         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1923         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1924         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
1927 BandRejectReason ::= CHOICE
1929         notBound                        NULL,   -- discovery permission has aged
1930         invalidConferenceID             NULL,   -- possible revision
1931         invalidPermission               NULL,   -- true permission violation
1932         insufficientResources           NULL,
1933         invalidRevision                 NULL,
1934         undefinedReason                 NULL,
1935         ...,
1936         securityDenial                  NULL,
1937         securityError                   SecurityErrors2
1940 LocationRequest ::= SEQUENCE --(LRQ)
1942         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1943         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1944         destinationInfo                 SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress,
1945         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1946         replyAddress                    TransportAddress,
1947         ...,
1948         sourceInfo                      SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1949         canMapAlias                     BOOLEAN,        -- can handle alias address
1950         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1951         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1952         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1953         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1954         desiredProtocols                SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols OPTIONAL,
1955         desiredTunnelledProtocol        TunnelledProtocol OPTIONAL,
1956         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1957         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1958         hopCount                        INTEGER (1..255) OPTIONAL,
1959         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
1960         callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier OPTIONAL,
1961         bandWidth                       BandWidth OPTIONAL,
1962         sourceEndpointInfo              SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1963         canMapSrcAlias                  BOOLEAN,
1964         language                        SEQUENCE OF IA5String(SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL
1967 LocationConfirm ::= SEQUENCE --(LCF)
1969         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1970         callSignalAddress               TransportAddress,
1971         rasAddress                      TransportAddress,
1972         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1973         ...,
1974         destinationInfo                 SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1975         destExtraCallInfo               SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1976         destinationType                 EndpointType OPTIONAL,
1977         remoteExtensionAddress          SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1978         alternateEndpoints              SEQUENCE OF Endpoint OPTIONAL,
1979         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
1980         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
1981         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
1982         alternateTransportAddresses     AlternateTransportAddresses OPTIONAL,
1983         supportedProtocols              SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols OPTIONAL,
1984         multipleCalls                   BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
1985         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
1986         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
1987         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
1988         serviceControl                  SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
1989         modifiedSrcInfo                 SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
1990         bandWidth                       BandWidth OPTIONAL
1993 LocationReject ::= SEQUENCE --(LRJ)
1995         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
1996         rejectReason                    LocationRejectReason,
1997         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
1998         ...,
1999         altGKInfo                       AltGKInfo OPTIONAL,
2000         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2001         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2002         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2003         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
2004         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
2005         serviceControl                  SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL
2008 LocationRejectReason ::= CHOICE
2010         notRegistered                   NULL,
2011         invalidPermission               NULL,   -- exclusion by administrator or feature
2012         requestDenied                   NULL,
2013         undefinedReason                 NULL,
2014         ...,
2015         securityDenial                  NULL,
2016         aliasesInconsistent             NULL,   -- multiple aliases in request identify distinct people
2017         routeCalltoSCN                  SEQUENCE OF PartyNumber,
2018         resourceUnavailable             NULL,
2019         genericDataReason               NULL,
2020         neededFeatureNotSupported       NULL,
2021         hopCountExceeded                NULL,
2022         incompleteAddress               NULL,
2023         securityError                   SecurityErrors2,
2024         securityDHmismatch              NULL,   -- mismatch of DH parameters
2025         noRouteToDestination            NULL,   -- destination unreachable
2026         unallocatedNumber               NULL    -- detination number unassigned
2029 DisengageRequest ::= SEQUENCE --(DRQ)
2031         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2032         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier,
2033         conferenceID                    ConferenceIdentifier,
2034         callReferenceValue              CallReferenceValue,
2035         disengageReason                 DisengageReason,
2036         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2037         ...,
2038         callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier,
2039         gatekeeperIdentifier            GatekeeperIdentifier OPTIONAL,
2040         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2041         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2042         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2043         answeredCall                    BOOLEAN,
2044         callLinkage                     CallLinkage OPTIONAL,
2045         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
2046         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
2047         usageInformation                RasUsageInformation OPTIONAL,
2048         terminationCause                CallTerminationCause OPTIONAL,
2049         serviceControl                  SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession OPTIONAL,
2050         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
2053 DisengageReason ::= CHOICE
2055         forcedDrop                      NULL,   -- gatekeeper is forcing the drop
2056         normalDrop                      NULL,   -- associated with normal drop
2057         undefinedReason                 NULL,
2058         ...
2061 DisengageConfirm ::= SEQUENCE --(DCF)
2063         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2064         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2065         ...,
2066         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2067         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2068         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2069         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
2070         circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL,
2071         usageInformation                RasUsageInformation OPTIONAL,
2072         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
2073         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL
2076 DisengageReject ::= SEQUENCE --(DRJ)
2078         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2079         rejectReason                    DisengageRejectReason,
2080         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2081         ...,
2082         altGKInfo                       AltGKInfo OPTIONAL,
2083         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2084         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2085         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2086         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
2089 DisengageRejectReason ::= CHOICE
2091         notRegistered           NULL,   -- not registered with gatekeeper
2092         requestToDropOther      NULL,   -- cannot request drop for others
2093         ...,
2094         securityDenial          NULL,
2095         securityError           SecurityErrors2
2098 InfoRequest ::= SEQUENCE --(IRQ)
2100         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2101         callReferenceValue              CallReferenceValue,
2102         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2103         replyAddress                    TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
2104         ...,
2105         callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier,
2106         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2107         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2108         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2109         uuiesRequested                  UUIEsRequested OPTIONAL,
2110         callLinkage                     CallLinkage OPTIONAL, 
2111         usageInfoRequested              RasUsageInfoTypes OPTIONAL,
2112         segmentedResponseSupported      NULL OPTIONAL,
2113         nextSegmentRequested            INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL,
2114         capacityInfoRequested           NULL OPTIONAL,
2115         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
2116         assignedGatekeeper              AlternateGK OPTIONAL
2119 InfoRequestResponse ::= SEQUENCE --(IRR)
2121         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2122         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2123         endpointType                    EndpointType,
2124         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier,
2125         rasAddress                      TransportAddress,
2126         callSignalAddress               SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress,
2127         endpointAlias                   SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress OPTIONAL,
2128         perCallInfo                     SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE
2129         {
2130                 nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2131                 callReferenceValue              CallReferenceValue,
2132                 conferenceID                    ConferenceIdentifier,
2133                 originator                      BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
2134                 audio                           SEQUENCE OF RTPSession OPTIONAL,
2135                 video                           SEQUENCE OF RTPSession OPTIONAL,
2136                 data                            SEQUENCE OF TransportChannelInfo OPTIONAL,
2137                 h245                            TransportChannelInfo,
2138                 callSignaling                   TransportChannelInfo,
2139                 callType                        CallType,
2140                 bandWidth                       BandWidth,
2141                 callModel                       CallModel,
2142                 ...,
2143                 callIdentifier                  CallIdentifier,
2144                 tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2145                 cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2146                 substituteConfIDs               SEQUENCE OF ConferenceIdentifier,
2147                 pdu                             SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE
2148                 {
2149                         h323pdu         H323-UU-PDU,
2150                         sent            BOOLEAN         -- TRUE is sent, FALSE is received
2151                 } OPTIONAL,
2152                 callLinkage                     CallLinkage OPTIONAL,
2153                 usageInformation                RasUsageInformation OPTIONAL,
2154                 circuitInfo                     CircuitInfo OPTIONAL
2155         } OPTIONAL,
2156         ...,
2157         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2158         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2159         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2160         needResponse                    BOOLEAN,
2161         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
2162         irrStatus                       InfoRequestResponseStatus OPTIONAL,
2163         unsolicited                     BOOLEAN,
2164         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
2167 InfoRequestResponseStatus ::= CHOICE
2169         complete                        NULL,
2170         incomplete                      NULL,
2171         segment                         INTEGER (0..65535),
2172         invalidCall                     NULL,
2173         ...
2176 InfoRequestAck ::= SEQUENCE --(IACK)
2178         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2179         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2180         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2181         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2182         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2183         ...
2186 InfoRequestNak ::= SEQUENCE --(INAK)
2188         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2189         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2190         nakReason                       InfoRequestNakReason,
2191         altGKInfo                       AltGKInfo OPTIONAL,
2192         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2193         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2194         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2195         ...
2198 InfoRequestNakReason ::= CHOICE
2200         notRegistered           NULL,   -- not registered with gatekeeper
2201         securityDenial          NULL,
2202         undefinedReason         NULL,
2203         ...,
2204         securityError           SecurityErrors2
2207 NonStandardMessage ::= SEQUENCE
2209         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2210         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter,
2211         ...,
2212         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2213         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2214         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2215         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
2216         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
2219 UnknownMessageResponse ::= SEQUENCE     -- (XRS)
2221         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2222         ...,
2223         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2224         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2225         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2226         messageNotUnderstood            OCTET STRING
2229 RequestInProgress ::= SEQUENCE          -- (RIP)
2231         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2232         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter    OPTIONAL,
2233         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2234         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2235         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2236         delay                           INTEGER(1..65535),
2237         ...
2240 ResourcesAvailableIndicate ::= SEQUENCE --(RAI)
2242         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2243         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
2244         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2245         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier,
2246         protocols                       SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols,
2247         almostOutOfResources            BOOLEAN,
2248         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2249         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2250         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2251         ...,
2252         capacity                        CallCapacity OPTIONAL,
2253         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
2256 ResourcesAvailableConfirm ::= SEQUENCE --(RAC)
2258         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2259         protocolIdentifier              ProtocolIdentifier,
2260         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2261         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2262         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2263         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2264         ...,
2265         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL
2268 ServiceControlIndication ::= SEQUENCE --(SCI)
2270         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2271         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2272         serviceControl                  SEQUENCE OF ServiceControlSession,
2273         endpointIdentifier              EndpointIdentifier OPTIONAL,
2274         callSpecific SEQUENCE
2275         {
2276                 callIdentifier          CallIdentifier,
2277                 conferenceID            ConferenceIdentifier,
2278                 answeredCall            BOOLEAN,
2279                 ...
2280         } OPTIONAL,
2281         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2282         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2283         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2284         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
2285         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
2286         ...
2289 ServiceControlResponse ::= SEQUENCE --(SCR)
2291         requestSeqNum                   RequestSeqNum,
2292         result                          CHOICE
2293         {
2294                 started                         NULL,
2295                 failed                          NULL,
2296                 stopped                         NULL,
2297                 notAvailable                    NULL,
2298                 neededFeatureNotSupported       NULL,
2299                 ...
2300         } OPTIONAL,
2301         nonStandardData                 NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
2302         tokens                          SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL,
2303         cryptoTokens                    SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
2304         integrityCheckValue             ICV OPTIONAL,
2305         featureSet                      FeatureSet OPTIONAL,
2306         genericData                     SEQUENCE OF GenericData OPTIONAL,
2307         ...
2311 END             -- of ASN.1