2 # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
4 # Filename: package/.../iexplorer/iexplorer.conf
5 # Copyright (C) 2006 The T2 SDE Project
7 # More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
9 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. A copy of the
12 # GNU General Public License can be found in the file COPYING.
22 WINEPREFIX=$datadir/ie$ver
23 SYSTEMDRIVE=$datadir/ie$ver/drive_c
24 SYSTEMDIR=$datadir/ie$ver/drive_c/windows/system
28 PROGRAMFILES="Program Files" # detected after wineprefixcreate anyway
31 hook_add premake 5 'do_basic_installation'
32 do_basic_installation() {
33 echo "Creating Wine Prefix"
34 mkdir -p "$WINEPREFIX"
35 xvfb-run -- strace -vvfF -o $WINEPREFIX/winreprefixcreate.strace wineprefixcreate
37 touch $WINEPREFIX/.timestamp-base
40 PROGRAMFILES=$( ls -1 $SYSTEMDRIVE/ | grep -v windows | head -n 1 )
43 echo "Installing RICHED20"
44 cabextract -d "$tmpdir/" -F "ver1200.exe" `match_source_file -p 249973USA8`
45 cabextract -d "$tmpdir/" -F "riched20.120" "$tmpdir/ver1200.exe"
46 mv -v "$tmpdir/riched20.120" "$SYSTEMDIR/riched20.dll"
49 echo "Installing DCOM98"
50 cabextract -d "$SYSTEMDIR" `match_source_file -p DCOM98`
51 mv -v "$SYSTEMDIR/dcom98.inf" "$SYSTEMDIR/../inf/"
54 echo "Installing ActiveX MFC40"
55 cabextract -d "$tmpdir/" `match_source_file -p mfc40`
56 cabextract -d "$tmpdir/" -F "mfc40.dll" "mfc40.exe"
57 mv -v $tmpdir/mfc40.dll $SYSTEMDIR/
61 cp -v "$confdir/ie_wine.svg" "$docdir/ie_wine.svg"
66 hook_add postmake 5 'install_ie6'
68 echo "Extracting downloaded exe file"
70 wine `match_source_file -p ie60`
73 mkdir -vp "$SYSTEMDRIVE/$PROGRAMFILES/Internet Explorer"
75 echo "Extracting CAB files"
77 cabextract -L -d $SYSTEMDIR/ IE_1.CAB IEDOM.CAB
78 mv -v $SYSTEMDIR/{sch128c,schannel}.dll
79 mv -v $SYSTEMDIR/iexplore.exe "$SYSTEMDRIVE/$PROGRAMFILES/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE"
81 cabextract -L -d $SYSTEMDIR SCR56EN.CAB
82 cabextract -L -F "pngfilt.dll" ADVAUTH.CAB
83 cabextract -L -F "msvcrt.dll" SETUPW95.CAB
84 mv -v pngfilt.dll msvcrt.dll $SYSTEMDIR
86 echo "Installing TTF Fonts"
87 cabextract -L -F "*TTF" FONT*CAB
88 mv -v *ttf $SYSTEMDIR/../fonts/
90 echo "Configuring ie6"
91 gunzip -c $confdir/winereg.system.reg.gz > $WINEPREFIX/system.reg
92 gunzip -c $confdir/winereg.user.reg > $WINEPREFIX/user.reg
94 cat <<-EOT > $bindir/ie6
98 exec wine "$SYSTEMDRIVE/$PROGRAMFILES/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE" \$@
102 cat <<-EOT > $docdir/ie6.desktop
104 Icon "$docdir/ie_wine.svg"
105 Name "Internet Explorer $ver"
106 GenericName "Microsoft Windows Aplication"
107 Comment "Microsoft Internet Explorer on Linux"
113 hook_add postmake 7 'install_flash'
115 local OCXFILE=Flash8a.ocx
117 echo "Preparing Flash Player 8"
120 cabextract -d "$tmpdir/" `match_source_file -p swflash`
123 sed -n -e 's/^\[/;\[/g;/^;\[SW.AddReg\]/,/^;\[/p;' $tmpdir/swflash.inf > $tmpdir/add.reg
124 sed -i '/^;/ d;/^\s/ d' add.reg
126 strings=` sed -n -e 's/\s//g;s/^\[/;\[/g;/^;\[strings\]/,/^;\[/p;/^;/d;/^\s/d' swflash.inf `
127 for string in $strings; do
128 key=` echo $string | awk -F '=' '/^[^;]/ {print $1}' `
129 value=` echo $string | awk -F '"' '/^[^;]/ {print $2}' | sed -e 's/\//BARRA/g '`
131 sed -i -e "s/%${key}%/${value}/g;s/BARRA/\//g" add.reg
134 echo "Installing Flash Player 8"
136 mkdir -p "$SYSTEMDIR/Macromed/Flash/"
137 cp -v "$tmpdir/GetFlash.exe" "$tmpdir/$OCXFILE" "$SYSTEMDIR/Macromed/Flash/"
139 wine regedit "$tmpdir/add.reg"
140 wine regsvr32 'C:\Windows\System\Macromed\Flash\'$OCXFILE