fixed: compile issue
[opensg.git] / Doc / aliasdiff
1 Index: commentcnv.l
2 ===================================================================
3 RCS file: /cvsroot/doxygen/src/commentcnv.l,v
4 retrieving revision 1.32
5 diff -u -3 -p -r1.32 commentcnv.l
6 --- commentcnv.l        16 Jul 2006 20:10:06 -0000      1.32
7 +++ commentcnv.l        29 Sep 2006 21:45:49 -0000
8 @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ static QCString handleCondCmdInAliases(c
9   */
10  static void replaceAliases(const char *s,int len)
11  {
12 -  static QRegExp cmd("[@\\\\][a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*");
13 +  static QRegExp cmd("[@\\\\][a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9(),]*");
14    QCString in=s;
15    int p=0,i,l;
16    while ((i=cmd.match(in,p,&l))!=-1)
17 @@ -507,16 +507,107 @@ CHARLIT   (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."
18                                      if (*yytext=='\n') g_lineNr++;
19                                      BEGIN(g_condCtx);
20                                    }
21 -<CComment,ReadLine>[\\@][a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*   { // expand alias
22 -                                     QCString *pValue=Doxygen::aliasDict[yytext+1];
23 -                                     if (pValue)
24 -                                     {    
25 -                                       QCString val = handleCondCmdInAliases(*pValue);
26 -                                       copyToOutput(,val.length());
27 +<CComment,ReadLine>[\\@][a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9(),\\]*   { // expand alias
29 +                                     QCString com(yytext+1);
30 +                                     int ind;
31 +                                     ind = com.find('(');
32 +                                     if(ind < 0) // command with no args?
33 +                                     {
34 +                                       QCString *pValue=Doxygen::aliasDict[yytext+1];
35 +                                       if (pValue)
36 +                                       {    
37 +                                         QCString val = handleCondCmdInAliases(*pValue);
38 +                                         copyToOutput(,val.length());
39 +                                       }
40 +                                       else
41 +                                       {
42 +                                         copyToOutput(yytext,yyleng);
43 +                                       }
44                                       }
45 -                                     else
46 +                                     else // args!
47                                       {
48 -                                       copyToOutput(yytext,yyleng);
49 +                                       QCString rawcom(, ind);
50 +                                       
51 +                                       QCString *pValue=Doxygen::aliasDict[rawcom];
52 +                                       if (pValue)
53 +                                       {
54 +                                         // Split args
55 +                                         // This should probably be put into the scanner,
56 +                                         // but this is simpler for now.
57 +                                         const unsigned int MAXARGS = 20;
58 +                                         QCString args[MAXARGS];
59 +                                         unsigned nargs = 0;
60 +                                         QCString argval;
61 +                                         bool esc = false;
62 +                                         for(unsigned int i = ind + 1; i < com.length(); ++i)
63 +                                         {
64 +                                           char c = com[i];
65 +                                           if(c == '\\')
66 +                                           {
67 +                                             esc = true;
68 +                                             continue;
69 +                                           }
70 +                                           if((c == ',' || c == ')') && !esc)
71 +                                           {
72 +                                             args[nargs++] = argval;
73 +                                             argval = "";
74 +                                             if(nargs == MAXARGS)
75 +                                             {
76 +                                               warn(g_fileName,g_lineNr,"Too many arguments in alias");
77 +                                               break;
78 +                                             }
79 +                                             continue;
80 +                                           }
81 +                                           char dum[2];
82 +                                           dum[0] = c;
83 +                                           dum[1] = 0;
84 +                                           argval.append(dum);
85 +                                           esc = false;
86 +                                         }
87 +                                         
88 +                                         // Replace args in alias
89 +                                         QCString fullalias;
90 +                                         int ind = -1, lastind = 0;
91 +                                         
92 +                                         while((ind = pValue->find('^', lastind)) > 0)
93 +                                         {
94 +                                           QCString copy(pValue->data() + lastind, ind - lastind);
95 +                                           lastind = ind;
96 +                                           fullalias.append(copy);
97 +                                           
98 +                                           int nextind = pValue->find('^', ind + 1);
99 +                                           if(nextind < 0)
100 +                                             break;
101 +                                           QCString index(&(*pValue)[ind+1], nextind - ind - 1);
102 +                                           bool ok;
103 +                                           unsigned short argi = index.toUShort(&ok) - 1;
104 +                                           if(!ok)
105 +                                           {
106 +                                             lastind = ind + 1;
107 +                                             continue;
108 +                                           }
109 +                                           if(argi >= nargs)
110 +                                           {
111 +                                               warn(g_fileName,g_lineNr,"Not enough arguments in alias call!");
112 +                                               fullalias.append("*Illegal Argument*");
113 +                                           }
114 +                                           else
115 +                                           {
116 +                                             fullalias.append(args[argi]);
117 +                                           }
118 +                                           lastind = nextind + 1;
119 +                                         }
120 +                                         fullalias.append(pValue->data() + lastind);
121 +                                         
122 +                                         QCString val = handleCondCmdInAliases(fullalias);
123 +                                         copyToOutput(,val.length());
124 +                                       }
125 +                                       else
126 +                                       {
127 +                                         // Not alias, but args? This is wrong...
128 +                                         copyToOutput(yytext,yyleng);
129 +                                       }
130                                       }
131                                    }
132  <ReadLine>.                       {