fixed: gcc8 compile issues
[opensg.git] / Tools / fcd2code / TemplateFieldContainerBase_h.txt
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  *                                OpenSG                                     *
3  *                                                                           *
4  *                                                                           *
5  *               Copyright (C) 2000-2013 by the OpenSG Forum                 *
6  *                                                                           *
7  *                                                   *
8  *                                                                           *
9 @@if hasAuthors
10 @!AuthorsCommentText!@
11 @@else // hasAuthors
12  * contact:,,  *
13 @@endif // hasAuthors
14  *                                                                           *
15 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
17  *                                License                                    *
18  *                                                                           *
19  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it   *
20  * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published    *
21  * by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.                               *
22  *                                                                           *
23  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but       *
24  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                *
26  * Library General Public License for more details.                          *
27  *                                                                           *
28  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public         *
29  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software       *
30  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.                 *
31  *                                                                           *
32 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
34  *                                Changes                                    *
35  *                                                                           *
36  *                                                                           *
37  *                                                                           *
38  *                                                                           *
39  *                                                                           *
40  *                                                                           *
41 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
43 /*****************************************************************************\
44  *****************************************************************************
45  **                                                                         **
46  **                  This file is automatically generated.                  **
47  **                                                                         **
48  **          Any changes made to this file WILL be lost when it is          **
49  **           regenerated, which can become necessary at any time.          **
50  **                                                                         **
51  **     Do not change this file, changes should be done in the derived      **
52  **     class @!Classname!@
53  **                                                                         **
54  *****************************************************************************
55 \*****************************************************************************/
58 #ifndef _OSG@!CLASSNAME!@BASE_H_
59 #define _OSG@!CLASSNAME!@BASE_H_
60 #ifdef __sgi
61 #pragma once
62 #endif
65 #include "@!HeaderPrefix!@@!Package!@Config.h"
66 @@if isInLibrary
67 #include "OSG@!Libname!@Def.h"
68 @@endif // isInLibrary
70 //#include "@!HeaderPrefix!@OSGBaseTypes.h"
72 #include "@!ParentHeaderPrefix!@OSG@!nsParentFilePrefix!@@!Parent!@.h" // Parent
74 @@if !isDecorator
75   @@BeginFieldLoop@@
76     @@if field.needFieldInclude
77 #include @!field.FieldInclude:30!@ // @!field.Name!@ type
78     @@endif  //field.needFieldInclude
79   @@EndFieldLoop@@
80 @@else // !isDecorator
81 #include "OSG@!Parent!@Fields.h" // Decoratee type
82 @@endif // !isDecorator
84 #include "OSG@!nsFilePrefix!@@!Classname!@Fields.h"
85 @@if hasMixinParent
87 #include "@!MixinHeader!@"
88 @@endif
93 class @!Classname!@;
95 //! \brief @!Classname!@ Base Class.
97 @@if hasMixinParent
98   @@if isInLibrary
99 class OSG_@!LIBNAME!@_DLLMAPPING @!Classname!@Base : public @!MixinParent!@
100   @@else // isInLibrary
101 class @!Classname!@Base : public @!MixinParent!@
102 @@endif // isInLibrary
103 @@else // hasMixinParent
104   @@if isInLibrary
105 class OSG_@!LIBNAME!@_DLLMAPPING @!Classname!@Base : public @!Parent!@
106   @@else // isInLibrary
107 class @!Classname!@Base : public @!Parent!@
108   @@endif // isInLibrary
109 @@endif // hasMixinParent
111   public:
113 @@if hasMixinParent
114     typedef @!MixinParent!@ Inherited;
115 @@else
116     typedef @!Parent!@ Inherited;
117 @@endif
118     typedef @!Parent!@ ParentContainer;
120     typedef Inherited::TypeObject TypeObject;
121     typedef TypeObject::InitPhase InitPhase;
123     OSG_GEN_INTERNALPTR(@!Classname!@);
125     /*==========================  PUBLIC  =================================*/
127   public:
129 @@if isDecorator
130     enum
131     {
132         DecorateeFieldId        = Inherited::NextFieldId,
133         NextFieldId             = DecorateeFieldId          + 1
134     };
136     static const OSG::BitVector DecorateeFieldMask =
137         (TypeTraits<BitVector>::One << DecorateeFieldId);
138 @@else // isDecorator
139  @@if hasFields
140     enum
141     {
142   @@BeginFieldLoop
143    @@if field.isFirstField
144         @!field.Name!@FieldId = Inherited::NextFieldId,
145     @@if field.isLastField
146         NextFieldId = @!field.Name!@FieldId + 1
147                 @@endif // field.isLastField
148     @@else // field.isFirstField
149         @!field.Name!@FieldId = @!field.prevField.Name!@FieldId + 1,
150      @@if field.isLastField
151         NextFieldId = @!field.Name!@FieldId + 1
152      @@endif // field.isLastField
153     @@endif // field.isFirstField
154   @@EndFieldLoop
155     };
157   @@BeginFieldLoop
158     static const OSG::BitVector @!field.Name!@FieldMask =
159         (TypeTraits<BitVector>::One << @!field.Name!@FieldId);
160   @@EndFieldLoop
161     static const OSG::BitVector NextFieldMask =
162         (TypeTraits<BitVector>::One << NextFieldId);
164   @@BeginFieldLoop
165     typedef @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:15!@ @!field.CARD!@@!field.Name!@Type;
166   @@EndFieldLoop
167  @@endif // hasFields
168 @@endif // isDecorator
170     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
171     /*! \name                    Class Get                                 */
172     /*! \{                                                                 */
174     static FieldContainerType &getClassType   (void);
175     static UInt32              getClassTypeId (void);
176     static UInt16              getClassGroupId(void);
178     /*! \}                                                                 */
179     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
180     /*! \name                FieldContainer Get                            */
181     /*! \{                                                                 */
183     virtual       FieldContainerType &getType         (void);
184     virtual const FieldContainerType &getType         (void) const;
186     virtual       UInt32              getContainerSize(void) const;
188     /*! \}                                                                 */
189 @@if hasPublicFields
190     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
191     /*! \name                    Field Get                                 */
192     /*! \{                                                                 */
194  @@if isDecorator
195     @!MethodType:7!@       const SFUnrec@!Parent!@Ptr *getSFDecoratee(void) const;
196  @@endif // isDecorator
197  @@BeginFieldLoop@@
198   @@if field.isPublicRead
199    @@if field.isPtrField
200     @@if !field.isParentField
201     @!field.MethodType:7!@ const @!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *get@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@(void) const;
202      @@if field.ptrFieldStandardAccess
203       @@if field.isPublicWrite
204     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *edit@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@(void);
205       @@endif // field.isPublicWrite
206      @@endif // field.ptrFieldStandardAccess
207      @@if field.isSField
208       @@if field.ptrFieldNullCheckAccess
209        @@if field.isPublicWrite
210     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *edit@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@(void);
211        @@endif // field.isPublicWrite
212       @@endif // field.ptrFieldNullCheckAccess
213      @@endif //  field.isSField
214     @@endif // !field.isParentField
215    @@else // field.isPtrField
217    @@if field.isPublicWrite
218     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *edit@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@(void);
219    @@endif // field.isPublicWrite
220     @!field.MethodType:7!@ const @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *get@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@ (void) const;
221    @@endif // field.isPtrField
222   @@endif // field.isPublicRead
223  @@EndFieldLoop@@
225  @@if isDecorator
226     @!MethodType:7!@             @!Parent!@ *getDecoratee(void) const;
227  @@endif // isDecorator
228  @@BeginFieldLoop@@
229   @@if field.isPublicRead
230    @@if field.isSField
232     @@if field.isPtrField
233     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.Type!@ get@!field.Name:15!@(void) const;
234     @@else // field.isPtrField
235      @@if field.isPublicWrite
236     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.FullType:19!@ &edit@!field.Name:15!@(void);
237      @@endif // field.isPublicWrite
238     @!field.MethodType:7!@ @!field.RetConst!@ @!field.FullType:19!@ @!field.RetRef!@get@!field.Name:15!@ (void) const;
239     @@endif // field.isPtrField
240    @@else // field.isSField
242     @@if field.isPtrField
243     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.Type!@ get@!field.Name:15!@(const UInt32 index) const;
244     @@else // field.isPtrField
245      @@if field.isPublicWrite
246     @!field.MethodType:7!@ @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@::reference       edit@!field.Name:15!@(const UInt32 index);
247      @@endif // field.isPublicWrite
248     @!field.MethodType:7!@ @!field.RetConst!@ @!field.FullType:19!@ @!field.RetRef!@get@!field.Name:15!@ (const UInt32 index) const;
249     @@endif // field.isPtrField
250    @@endif // field.isSField
251   @@endif // field.isPublicRead
252  @@EndFieldLoop@@
254     /*! \}                                                                 */
255     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
256     /*! \name                    Field Set                                 */
257     /*! \{                                                                 */
259  @@if isDecorator
260     @!MethodType:7!@       void setDecoratee      (@!Parent!@ * const value);
261  @@endif // isDecorator
262  @@BeginSFFieldLoop@@
263   @@if field.isPublic
264    @@if field.isPtrField
265     @@if !field.isParentField
266      @@if !field.ptrFieldCustomAccess
267       @@if field.PassFieldMask
268     @!field.MethodType:7!@ void set@!field.Name:15!@(@!field.Type!@ const value,
269                     const UInt16        uiStoredInFieldId = InvalidParentEPos);
270       @@else // field.PassFieldMask
271     @!field.MethodType:7!@ void set@!field.Name:15!@(@!field.Type!@ const value);
272       @@endif // field.PassFieldMask
273      @@endif // !field.ptrFieldCustomAccess
274     @@endif // !field.isParentField
275    @@else // field.isPtrField
276     @!field.MethodType:7!@ void set@!field.Name:15!@(const @!field.FullType!@ @!field.ArgRef!@value);
277    @@endif // field.isPtrField
278   @@endif // field.isPublic
279  @@EndSFFieldLoop@@
281     /*! \}                                                                 */
282  @@if hasPtrFields
283     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
284     /*! \name                Ptr Field Set                                 */
285     /*! \{                                                                 */
287     /*! \}                                                                 */
288  @@endif // hasPtrFields
289     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
290     /*! \name                Ptr MField Set                                */
291     /*! \{                                                                 */
293  @@BeginMFFieldLoop@@
294   @@if field.isPublic
295    @@if field.isPtrField
296     @@if !field.isParentField
297      @@if field.ptrFieldStandardAccess
298     void @!field.PushToField:15!@           (@!field.Type!@ const value   );
299     void @!field.AssignMField:15!@          (const @!field.TypeNamespace!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:15!@ &value);
300     void @!field.RemoveFromMFieldIndex:15!@ (UInt32               uiIndex );
301     void @!field.RemoveFromMFieldObject:15!@(@!field.Type!@ const value   );
302     void @!field.ClearField:15!@            (void                         );
304      @@endif // field.ptrFieldStandardAccess
305      @@if field.ptrFieldNullCheckAccess
306     void @!field.PushToField:15!@           (@!field.Type!@ const value   );
307     void @!field.AssignMField:15!@          (const @!field.TypeNamespace!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:15!@ &value);
308     void @!field.ClearField:15!@            (void                         );
309     void @!field.InsertIntoMField:15!@      (UInt32               uiIndex,
310                                              @!field.Type!@ const value   );
311     void @!field.ReplaceInMFieldIndex:15!@  (      UInt32         uiIndex,
312                                              @!field.Type!@ const value   );
313     void @!field.ReplaceInMFieldObject:15!@ (@!field.Type!@ const pOldElem,
314                                              @!field.Type!@ const pNewElem);
315     void @!field.RemoveFromMFieldIndex:15!@ (UInt32               uiIndex );
316     void @!field.RemoveFromMFieldObject:15!@(@!field.Type!@ const value   );
318      @@endif // field.ptrFieldNullCheckAccess
319     @@endif // !field.isParentField
320    @@endif // field.isPtrField
321   @@endif // field.isPublic
322  @@EndMFFieldLoop@@
323     /*! \}                                                                 */
324 @@endif // hasPublicFields
325     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
326     /*! \name                   Binary Access                              */
327     /*! \{                                                                 */
329     virtual SizeT  getBinSize (ConstFieldMaskArg  whichField);
330     virtual void   copyToBin  (BinaryDataHandler &pMem,
331                                ConstFieldMaskArg  whichField);
332     virtual void   copyFromBin(BinaryDataHandler &pMem,
333                                ConstFieldMaskArg  whichField);
336     /*! \}                                                                 */
337 @@if !isAbstract
338     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
339     /*! \name                   Construction                               */
340     /*! \{                                                                 */
342     static  @!Classname!@TransitPtr  create          (void);
343     static  @!Classname!@           *createEmpty     (void);
345     static  @!Classname!@TransitPtr  createLocal     (
346                                                BitVector bFlags = FCLocal::All);
348     static  @!Classname!@            *createEmptyLocal(
349                                               BitVector bFlags = FCLocal::All);
351     static  @!Classname!@TransitPtr  createDependent  (BitVector bFlags);
353     /*! \}                                                                 */
354     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
355     /*! \name                       Copy                                   */
356     /*! \{                                                                 */
358     virtual FieldContainerTransitPtr shallowCopy     (void) const;
359     virtual FieldContainerTransitPtr shallowCopyLocal(
360                                        BitVector bFlags = FCLocal::All) const;
361     virtual FieldContainerTransitPtr shallowCopyDependent(
362                                                       BitVector bFlags) const;
364     /*! \}                                                                 */
365 @@endif // !isAbstract
366     /*=========================  PROTECTED  ===============================*/
368   protected:
370     static TypeObject _type;
372     static       void   classDescInserter(TypeObject &oType);
373     static const Char8 *getClassname     (void             );
375 @@if hasFields
376     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
377     /*! \name                      Fields                                  */
378     /*! \{                                                                 */
380  @@if isDecorator
381     SFUnrec@!Parent!@Ptr _sfDecoratee;
382  @@else // isDecorator
383   @@BeginFieldLoop@@
384    @@if !field.isStoreless
385     @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:15!@ _@!field.VarName!@;
386    @@endif // !field.isStoreless
387   @@EndFieldLoop@@
388  @@endif // isDecorator
390     /*! \}                                                                 */
391 @@endif // hasFields
392     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
393     /*! \name                   Constructors                               */
394     /*! \{                                                                 */
396     @!Classname!@Base(void);
397     @!Classname!@Base(const @!Classname!@Base &source);
399     /*! \}                                                                 */
400     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
401     /*! \name                   Destructors                                */
402     /*! \{                                                                 */
404     virtual ~@!Classname!@Base(void);
406 @@if isDynFCDerived
407     /*! \}                                                                 */
408     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
409     /*! \name                        Type                                  */
410     /*! \{                                                                 */
412     virtual       TypeObject &getFinalType(void);
413     virtual const TypeObject &getFinalType(void) const;
415 @@endif
416     /*! \}                                                                 */
417     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
418     /*! \name                     onCreate                                */
419     /*! \{                                                                 */
421 @@if hasPtrFields
422     void onCreate(const @!Classname!@ *source = NULL);
423 @@endif // hasPtrFields
425     /*! \}                                                                 */
426 @@if hasParentFields
427     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
428     /*! \name Parent linking                                               */
429     /*! \{                                                                 */
431     virtual bool linkParent  (FieldContainer * const pParent,
432                               UInt16           const childFieldId,
433                               UInt16           const parentFieldId);
434     virtual bool unlinkParent(FieldContainer * const pParent,
435                               UInt16           const parentFieldId);
437     /*! \}                                                                 */
438 @@endif // @!hasParentPtrFields!@
439 @@if hasChildFields
440     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
441     /*! \name Child linking                                                */
442     /*! \{                                                                 */
444     virtual bool unlinkChild(FieldContainer * const pChild,
445                              UInt16           const childFieldId);
447     /*! \}                                                                 */
448 @@endif // @!hasChildPtrFields!@
449     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
450     /*! \name                    Generic Field Access                      */
451     /*! \{                                                                 */
453 @@if isDecorator
454     GetFieldHandlePtr  getHandleDecoratee (void) const;
455     EditFieldHandlePtr editHandleDecoratee(void);
457 @@endif // isDecorator
458 @@BeginFieldLoop@@
459     @!field.MethodType!@ GetFieldHandlePtr  getHandle@!field.Name:15!@ (void) const;
460     @!field.MethodType!@ EditFieldHandlePtr editHandle@!field.Name:15!@(void);
461 @@EndFieldLoop@@
463     /*! \}                                                                 */
464 @@if hasProtectedFields
465     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
466     /*! \name                    Field Get                                 */
467     /*! \{                                                                 */
469  @@BeginFieldLoop@@
470   @@if field.isProtected
471    @@if field.isPtrField
472     @@if !field.isParentField
473      @@if !field.isPublicRead
474     @!field.MethodType:7!@ const @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *get@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@ (void) const;
475      @@endif // !field.isPublicRead
476      @@if field.ptrFieldStandardAccess
477     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *edit@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@(void);
478      @@endif // field.ptrFieldStandardAccess
479      @@if field.isSField
480       @@if field.ptrFieldNullCheckAccess
481     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *edit@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@(void);
482       @@endif // field.ptrFieldNullCheckAccess
483      @@endif // field.isSField 
484     @@endif // !field.isParentField
485    @@else // field.isPtrField
487     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *edit@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@(void);
488     @@if !field.isPublicRead
489     @!field.MethodType:7!@ const @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@ *get@!field.CARD!@@!field.Name:15!@ (void) const;
490     @@endif // !field.isPublicRead
491    @@endif // field.isPtrField
492   @@endif // field.isProtected
493  @@EndFieldLoop@@
495  @@BeginFieldLoop@@
496   @@if field.isProtected
497    @@if field.isSField
499     @@if field.isPtrField
500      @@if !field.isPublicRead
501     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.FullType!@ get@!field.Name:15!@(void) const;
502      @@endif // !field.isPublicRead
503     @@else // field.isPtrField
504     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.FullType:19!@ &edit@!field.Name:15!@(void);
505      @@if !field.isPublicRead
506     @!field.MethodType:7!@ @!field.RetConst!@ @!field.FullType:19!@ @!field.RetRef!@get@!field.Name:15!@ (void) const;
507      @@endif // !field.isPublicRead
508     @@endif // field.isPtrField
509    @@else // field.isSField
511     @@if field.isPtrField
512      @@if !field.isPublicRead
513     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.Type!@ get@!field.Name:15!@(const UInt32 index) const;
514      @@endif // !field.isPublicRead
515     @@else // field.isPtrField
516     @!field.MethodType:7!@       @!field.FieldTypeNS!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:17!@::reference edit@!field.Name:15!@(const UInt32 index);
517      @@if !field.isPublicRead
518     @!field.MethodType:7!@ @!field.RetConst!@ @!field.FullType:19!@ @!field.RetRef!@get@!field.Name:15!@ (const UInt32 index) const;
519      @@endif // !field.isPublicRead
520     @@endif // field.isPtrField
521    @@endif // field.isSField
522   @@endif // field.isProtected
523  @@EndFieldLoop@@
525     /*! \}                                                                 */
526     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
527     /*! \name                    Field Set                                 */
528     /*! \{                                                                 */
530  @@BeginSFFieldLoop@@
531   @@if field.isProtected
532    @@if field.isPtrField
533     @@if !field.isParentField
534      @@if !field.ptrFieldCustomAccess
535     @!field.MethodType:7!@ void set@!field.Name:15!@(@!field.Type!@ const value);
536      @@endif // !field.ptrFieldCustomAccess
537     @@endif // !field.isParentField
538    @@else // field.isPtrField
539     @!field.MethodType:7!@ void set@!field.Name:15!@(const @!field.FullType!@ @!field.ArgRef!@value);
540    @@endif // field.isPtrField
541   @@endif // field.isProtected
542  @@EndSFFieldLoop@@
544     /*! \}                                                                 */
545     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
546     /*! \name                Ptr MField Set                                */
547     /*! \{                                                                 */
549  @@BeginMFFieldLoop@@
550   @@if field.isProtected
551    @@if field.isPtrField
552     @@if !field.isParentField
553      @@if field.ptrFieldStandardAccess
554     void @!field.PushToField:15!@           (@!field.Type!@ const value   );
555     void @!field.AssignMField:15!@           (const @!field.TypeNamespace!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:15!@ &value);
556     void @!field.RemoveFromMFieldIndex:15!@ (UInt32                uiIndex );
557     void @!field.RemoveFromMFieldObject:15!@(@!field.Type!@ const value   );
558     void @!field.ClearField:15!@            (void                          );
560      @@endif // field.ptrFieldStandardAccess
561      @@if field.ptrFieldNullCheckAccess
562     void @!field.PushToField:15!@           (@!field.Type!@ const value   );
563     void @!field.AssignMField:15!@          (const @!field.TypeNamespace!@@!field.CARD!@@!field.FieldTypeCaps:15!@ &value);
564     void @!field.ClearField:15!@            (void                          );
565     void @!field.InsertIntoMField:15!@      (UInt32         uiIndex,
566                                              @!field.Type!@ const value   );
567     void @!field.ReplaceInMFieldIndex:15!@  (UInt32         uiIndex,
568                                              @!field.Type!@ const value   );
569     void @!field.ReplaceInMFieldObject:15!@ (@!field.Type!@ const pOldElem,
570                                              @!field.Type!@ const pNewElem);
571     void @!field.RemoveFromMFieldIndex:15!@ (UInt32                uiIndex );
572     void @!field.RemoveFromMFieldObject:15!@(@!field.Type!@ const value   );
574      @@endif // field.ptrFieldNullCheckAccess
575     @@endif // !field.isParentField
576    @@endif // field.isPtrField
577   @@endif // field.isProtected
578  @@EndMFFieldLoop@@
579     /*! \}                                                                 */
580 @@endif // hasProtectedFields
581     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
582     /*! \name                       Sync                                   */
583     /*! \{                                                                 */
586     virtual void execSyncV(      FieldContainer    &oFrom,
587                                  ConstFieldMaskArg  whichField,
588                                  AspectOffsetStore &oOffsets,
589                                  ConstFieldMaskArg  syncMode  ,
590                            const UInt32             uiSyncInfo);
592             void execSync (      @!Classname!@Base *pFrom,
593                                  ConstFieldMaskArg  whichField,
594                                  AspectOffsetStore &oOffsets,
595                                  ConstFieldMaskArg  syncMode  ,
596                            const UInt32             uiSyncInfo);
597 #endif
599     /*! \}                                                                 */
600     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
601     /*! \name                       Edit                                   */
602     /*! \{                                                                 */
604     /*! \}                                                                 */
605     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
606     /*! \name                     Aspect Create                            */
607     /*! \{                                                                 */
608 @@if !isAbstract
611     virtual FieldContainer *createAspectCopy(
612                                     const FieldContainer *pRefAspect) const;
613 #endif
614 @@endif // !isAbstract
616     /*! \}                                                                 */
617     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
618     /*! \name                       Edit                                   */
619     /*! \{                                                                 */
620     /*! \}                                                                 */
621     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
622     /*! \name                       Sync                                   */
623     /*! \{                                                                 */
625     virtual void resolveLinks(void);
627     /*! \}                                                                 */
628     /*==========================  PRIVATE  ================================*/
630   private:
631     /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
633     // prohibit default functions (move to 'public' if you need one)
634     void operator =(const @!Classname!@Base &source);
637 typedef @!Classname!@Base *@!Classname!@BaseP;
638 @@if isNodeCore
640 typedef CoredNodeRefPtr  <@!Classname!@> @!Classname!@NodeRefPtr;
641 typedef CoredNodeMTRefPtr<@!Classname!@> @!Classname!@NodeMTRefPtr;
642 @@endif
646 #endif /* _OSG@!CLASSNAME!@BASE_H_ */