fixed: auto_ptr -> unique_ptr
[opensg.git] / Bindings / Python /
2 import types
4 import osggen
5 import pygccxml.declarations
6 import pygccxml.declarations as pd
8 from goodies import *
10 def exposeTemplateType(templateType):
12 temp_decl = templateType.decl
14 osggen.exposeTemplateInst (temp_decl )
15 osggen.handleClassDefaults(temp_decl, True)
17 for c in temp_decl.constructors():
18 c.exclude()
20 def customizeWindow(osg, class_name):
21 try:
22 c = osg.class_(class_name)
23 c["init"].exclude()
25 c.add_declaration_code("""
26 namespace
29 void initCallback(bp::object callable)
31 callable();
34 void wrapInit(OSG::%(class_name)s* self, bp::object callable)
36 self->init(boost::bind(initCallback, callable));
39 void defaultInit(OSG::%(class_name)s* self)
41 self->init();
45 """ % {'class_name': class_name})
47 c.add_registration_code('def("init", defaultInit)')
48 c.add_registration_code('def("init", wrapInit, bp::arg("oFunc"))')
49 except pygccxml.declarations.matcher.declaration_not_found_t:
50 print "Skipping init() handling for", class_name
53 def handleFindNamedComponent(osg, class_name):
54 c = osg.class_(class_name)
55 c["findNamedComponent"].call_policies = \
56 return_value_policy(reference_existing_object)
58 # c["findNamedComponent"].exclude()
61 # c.add_declaration_code("""
62 #namespace
65 #OSG::FieldContainerRecPtr
66 #wrapFindNamedComponent(OSG::%s* self,
67 # const OSG::Char8* szName)
69 # return OSG::FieldContainerTransitPtr(self->findNamedComponent(szName));
73 #""" % class_name)
75 # c.add_registration_code(
76 # 'def("findNamedComponent", wrapFindNamedComponent, (bp::arg("szName")))'
77 # )
80 def handlAutoSlotReplace(osg, cname):
82 # GCC-XML does not give PyGCCXML enough information to set the default argument correctly
83 # for the use of OSG::State::AutoSlotRepalce as the default value of a method parameter of
84 # type int. We have to help it out.
85 c = osg.class_(cname)
87 for mname in ["addChunk", "insertChunk", "subChunk", "find"]:
88 for decl in c.decls(mname, allow_empty = True):
89 for arg in decl.arguments:
90 if arg.default_value == "AutoSlotReplace":
91 # NOTE: Using a string here is the correct behavior. The value of the string is
92 # substituted in the generated code.
93 arg.default_value = "OSG::State::AutoSlotReplace"
96 def dumpSystem(osg):
98 cls = osg["ShaderProcVariableBase"]
99 exportable_mems = cls.get_exportable_members()
101 if exportable_mems is None:
102 exportable_mems = []
103 elif exportable_mems and type(exportable_mems[0]) is types.ListType:
104 exportable_mems = exportable_mems[0]
106 redefined_funcs = cls.redefined_funcs()
107 if redefined_funcs is None:
108 redefined_funcs = []
109 elif redefined_funcs and type(redefined_funcs[0]) is types.ListType:
110 redefined_funcs = redefined_funcs[0]
112 for member in exportable_mems + redefined_funcs:
113 print "mb : ", member
114 print " ]: ", member.ignore
115 if hasattr(member, "virtuality"):
116 print " }:", member.virtuality
118 print "xxx ", cls.is_wrapper_needed()
121 cls = osg["ShaderValueVariableBase"]
122 exportable_mems = cls.get_exportable_members()
124 if exportable_mems is None:
125 exportable_mems = []
126 elif exportable_mems and type(exportable_mems[0]) is types.ListType:
127 exportable_mems = exportable_mems[0]
129 redefined_funcs = cls.redefined_funcs()
130 if redefined_funcs is None:
131 redefined_funcs = []
132 elif redefined_funcs and type(redefined_funcs[0]) is types.ListType:
133 redefined_funcs = redefined_funcs[0]
135 for member in exportable_mems + redefined_funcs:
136 print "mb : ", member
137 print " ]: ", member.ignore
138 if hasattr(member, "virtuality"):
139 print " }:", member.virtuality
141 print "xxx ", cls.is_wrapper_needed()
143 # print "FOOO ", exportable_mems
144 # print "BAAR ", redefined_funcs
146 cls = osg["FieldContainer"]
147 # osggen.excludeMembers(cls, "createAspectCopy", True)
148 cls["createAspectCopy"].ignore = True
149 cls["createAspectCopy"].set_virtuality(pd.VIRTUALITY_TYPES.NOT_VIRTUAL)
150 cls["createAspectCopy"].already_exposed = False
152 exportable_mems = cls.get_exportable_members()
154 if exportable_mems is None:
155 exportable_mems = []
156 elif exportable_mems and type(exportable_mems[0]) is types.ListType:
157 exportable_mems = exportable_mems[0]
159 redefined_funcs = cls.redefined_funcs()
160 if redefined_funcs is None:
161 redefined_funcs = []
162 elif redefined_funcs and type(redefined_funcs[0]) is types.ListType:
163 redefined_funcs = redefined_funcs[0]
165 for member in exportable_mems + redefined_funcs:
166 print "mb : ", member
167 print " ]: ", member.ignore
168 if hasattr(member, "virtuality"):
169 print " }:", member.virtuality