5 /*! \defgroup GrpWindowSystems Window System Libraries
7 \brief The Window System Libraries contain the parts for using OpenSG in
8 specific Window systems liek X, QT, etc.
10 See \ref PageWindowSystems for details.
13 /*! \page PageWindowSystems Window System Libraries
15 \latexonly Starter:NewChapter \endlatexonly
17 OpenSG doesn't have its own windowing system, it depends on the client-specific
18 window systems. In many cases the rendering window is going to be integrated
19 into another GUI anyway, and for the full-screen cases there's always GLUT. It
20 is also possible to use the osg::PassiveWindow, which leaves the responsibility
21 for the OpenGL context activation/deactivation and buffer swaps with the
22 application. This allows easy integration into systems that have an OpenGL
23 rendering context anyway. In general these systems do not support
24 asynchronous rendering, i.e. having a separate thread that does OpenGL
25 rendering, separate from the user interface thread. For that it is necessary to
26 use the specific Window types for Win32, X or QT.
28 There is a specific class derived from osg::Window for every window system,
29 which needs to be initialized with the window system specific parameters, and
30 which wraps the specifics for context activation, deactivation and buffer swaps
31 for the specific window system. For some systems (e.g. QT) there is also a
32 Widget that can be integrated more directly.