changed: gcc8 base update
[opensg.git] / Examples / Tutorial / 16text_txf.cpp
1 // Some needed include files
3 #include <OSGConfig.h>
4 #include <OSGGLUT.h>
5 #include <OSGGLUTWindow.h>
6 #include <OSGSimpleSceneManager.h>
7 #include <OSGSimpleTexturedMaterial.h>
8 #include <OSGSolidBackground.h>
9 #include <OSGTextTXFFace.h>
10 #include <OSGTextLayoutParam.h>
11 #include <OSGTextLayoutResult.h>
12 #else
13 #include <OpenSG/OSGConfig.h>
14 #include <OpenSG/OSGGLUT.h>
15 #include <OpenSG/OSGGLUTWindow.h>
16 #include <OpenSG/OSGSimpleSceneManager.h>
17 #include <OpenSG/OSGSimpleTexturedMaterial.h>
18 #include <OpenSG/OSGSolidBackground.h>
19 #include <OpenSG/OSGTextTXFFace.h>
20 #include <OpenSG/OSGTextLayoutParam.h>
21 #include <OpenSG/OSGTextLayoutResult.h>
22 #endif
23 #include <iostream>
25 // The SimpleSceneManager is a little usefull class which helps us to
26 // manage little scenes. It will be discussed in detail later on
27 OSG::SimpleSceneManagerRefPtr mgr;
29 // We have a forward declaration here, just to sort the code
30 int setupGLUT(int *argc, char *argv[]);
32 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
34 // Init the OpenSG subsystem
35 OSG::osgInit(argc, argv);
38 // We create a GLUT Window (that is almost the same for most applications)
39 int winid = setupGLUT(&argc, argv);
40 OSG::GLUTWindowRecPtr gwin = OSG::GLUTWindow::create();
41 gwin->setGlutId(winid);
42 gwin->init();
44 // Create the face
45 std::string family = "SANS";
46 OSG::TextFace::Style style = OSG::TextFace::STYLE_PLAIN;
47 OSG::TextTXFParam txfParam;
48 txfParam.size = 46;
49 = 1;
50 txfParam.setCharacters("Hello World!");
51 txfParam.textureWidth = 0;
52 OSG::TextTXFFaceRefPtr face =
53 OSG::TextTXFFace::create(family, style, txfParam);
54 if (face == 0)
56 std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot create face object!" << std::endl;
57 return -1;
60 // Lay out one single line of text
61 std::string text = "Hello World!"; // Use UTF-8 encoding!
62 OSG::TextLayoutParam layoutParam;
63 layoutParam.horizontal = true;
64 layoutParam.leftToRight = true;
65 layoutParam.topToBottom = true;
66 layoutParam.majorAlignment = OSG::TextLayoutParam::ALIGN_FIRST;
67 layoutParam.minorAlignment = OSG::TextLayoutParam::ALIGN_FIRST;
68 layoutParam.spacing = 1.f;
69 layoutParam.length.push_back(0.f);
70 layoutParam.maxExtend = 0.f;
71 OSG::TextLayoutResult layoutResult;
72 face->layout(text, layoutParam, layoutResult);
74 // Create the text geometry
75 OSG::Real32 scale = 1.f;
76 OSG::NodeRecPtr scene = face->makeNode(layoutResult, scale);
78 // Get the texture that contains the characters of the font
79 OSG::ImageRecPtr image = face->getTexture();
81 // Create the texture that will hold the image
82 OSG::SimpleTexturedMaterialRecPtr tex =
83 OSG::SimpleTexturedMaterial::create();
84 tex->setImage(image);
85 tex->setEnvMode(GL_MODULATE);
86 tex->setDiffuse(OSG::Color3f(1, 0, 0));
88 // Assign the texture to the geometry
89 OSG::GeometryRecPtr geo =
90 dynamic_cast<OSG::Geometry *>(scene->getCore());
91 geo->setMaterial(tex);
93 // Create and setup the SSM
94 mgr = OSG::SimpleSceneManager::create();
95 mgr->setWindow(gwin);
96 mgr->setRoot(scene);
98 // Create a blue background
99 OSG::SolidBackgroundRecPtr bg = OSG::SolidBackground::create();
100 bg->setColor(OSG::Color3f(0.1, 0.1, 0.5));
102 gwin->getPort(0)->setBackground(bg);
104 mgr->showAll();
106 OSG::commitChanges();
109 // Give Control to the GLUT Main Loop
110 glutMainLoop();
112 return 0;
115 // react to size changes
116 void reshape(int w, int h)
118 mgr->resize(w, h);
119 glutPostRedisplay();
122 // just redraw our scene if this GLUT callback is invoked
123 void display()
125 mgr->redraw();
128 // react to mouse button presses
129 void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
131 if (state)
132 mgr->mouseButtonRelease(button, x, y);
133 else
134 mgr->mouseButtonPress(button, x, y);
136 glutPostRedisplay();
139 // react to mouse motions with pressed buttons
140 void motion(int x, int y)
142 mgr->mouseMove(x, y);
143 glutPostRedisplay();
146 // The GLUT subsystem is set up here. This is very similar to other GLUT
147 // applications If you have worked with GLUT before, you may have the feeling
148 // of meeting old friends again, if you have not used GLUT before that is no
149 // problem. GLUT will be introduced briefly in the next section.
151 int setupGLUT(int *argc, char *argv[])
153 glutInit(argc, argv);
154 glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE);
156 int winid = glutCreateWindow("OpenSG TXF Text Example");
158 glutDisplayFunc(display);
159 glutMouseFunc(mouse);
160 glutMotionFunc(motion);
161 glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
163 return winid;