fixed: stay with old cmake qt link setup (policy CMP0020)
[opensg.git] / Source / System / State / Base / OSGLightChunk.fcd
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
3 <FieldContainer
4 name="LightChunk"
5 parent="StateChunk"
6 library="System"
7 structure="concrete"
8 pointerfieldtypes="both"
9 systemcomponent="true"
10 parentsystemcomponent="true"
11 docGroupBase="GrpSystemState"
13 See \ref PageSystemLightChunk for a description.
15 The light chunk contains the parameter set for a single light source. It's taken
16 straight from the glLight() manpage.
18 This chunk wraps glLight() (OSG::LightChunk::_sfAmbient,
19 OSG::LightChunk::_sfDiffuse, OSG::LightChunk::_sfSpecular,
20 OSG::LightChunk::_sfEmission, OSG::LightChunk::_sfPosition,
21 OSG::LightChunk::_sfDirection, OSG::LightChunk::_sfExponent,
22 OSG::LightChunk::_sfCutoff, OSG::LightChunk::_sfConstantAttenuation,
23 OSG::LightChunk::_sfLinearAttenuation,
24 OSG::LightChunk::_sfQuadraticAttenuation).
25 <Field
26 name="diffuse"
27 type="Color4f"
28 cardinality="single"
29 visibility="external"
30 defaultValue="1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f"
32 The light's diffuse color.
33 </Field>
34 <Field
35 name="ambient"
36 type="Color4f"
37 cardinality="single"
38 visibility="external"
39 defaultValue=".1f,.1f,.1f,0.f"
41 The light's ambient color.
42 </Field>
43 <Field
44 name="specular"
45 type="Color4f"
46 cardinality="single"
47 visibility="external"
48 defaultValue="1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f"
50 The light's specular color.
51 </Field>
52 <Field
53 name="position"
54 type="Vec4f"
55 cardinality="single"
56 visibility="external"
57 defaultValue="0.f,-1.f,0.f,0.f"
59 The light's position.
60 </Field>
61 <Field
62 name="direction"
63 type="Vec3f"
64 cardinality="single"
65 visibility="external"
66 defaultValue="0.f,0.f,1.f"
68 The light's direction (only for spotlights).
69 </Field>
70 <Field
71 name="exponent"
72 type="Real32"
73 cardinality="single"
74 visibility="external"
75 defaultValue="2.f"
77 The light's spotlight exponent.
78 </Field>
79 <Field
80 name="cutoff"
81 type="Real32"
82 cardinality="single"
83 visibility="external"
84 defaultValue="180.f"
86 The light's spotlight cutoff. As this chunk follows OpenGL conventions, this is the only angle in the system given in degrees.
87 </Field>
88 <Field
89 name="constantAttenuation"
90 type="Real32"
91 cardinality="single"
92 visibility="external"
93 defaultValue="1.f"
95 The light's constant attenuation.
96 </Field>
97 <Field
98 name="linearAttenuation"
99 type="Real32"
100 cardinality="single"
101 visibility="external"
102 defaultValue="0.f"
104 The light's linear attenuation.
105 </Field>
106 <Field
107 name="quadraticAttenuation"
108 type="Real32"
109 cardinality="single"
110 visibility="external"
111 defaultValue="0.f"
113 The light's quadratic attenuation.
114 </Field>
115 <Field
116 name="beacon"
117 type="Node"
118 category="weakpointer"
119 cardinality="single"
120 visibility="external"
121 defaultValue="NULL"
122 access="public"
124 </Field>
125 </FieldContainer>