3 // =================================================================================================
5 // =================================================================================================
8 <Sampler id="colormap" />
10 <Sampler id="detailmap" />
12 <Context id="ATTRIBPASS">
13 <Shaders vertex="VS_GENERAL" fragment="FS_ATTRIBPASS" />
16 <Context id="SHADOWMAP">
17 <Shaders vertex="VS_SHADOWMAP" fragment="FS_SHADOWMAP" />
20 <Context id="LIGHTING">
21 <Shaders vertex="VS_GENERAL" fragment="FS_LIGHTING" />
22 <RenderConfig writeDepth="false" blendMode="ADD" />
25 <Context id="AMBIENT">
26 <Shaders vertex="VS_GENERAL" fragment="FS_AMBIENT" />
31 // =================================================================================================
33 #include "shaders/utilityLib/vertCommon.glsl"
35 uniform vec3 viewer;
36 attribute vec2 texCoords0;
37 attribute vec3 normal;
39 varying vec4 pos, vsPos;
40 varying vec2 texCoords;
42 varying vec3 tsbNormal;
48 vec3 _normal = calcWorldVec( normal );
50 // Calculate tangent and bitangent
51 tsbNormal = _normal;
53 // Calculate world space position
54 pos = calcWorldPos( gl_Vertex );
56 vsPos = calcViewPos( pos );
58 // Calculate tangent space eye vector
60 // Calculate texture coordinates and clip space position
61 texCoords = vec2(pos.x, pos.z) / 64.0;
62 gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * pos;
67 // =================================================================================================
69 #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragDeferredWrite.glsl" />
71 uniform vec4 specParams;
72 uniform sampler2D colormap;
75 varying vec2 texCoords;
77 varying vec3 tsbNormal;
81 vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 );
83 // Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system
84 newCoords.t *= -1.0;
86 vec3 albedo = texture2D( colormap, newCoords.st ).rgb;
88 vec3 normal = tsbNormal;
90 vec3 newPos = pos.xyz;
94 setNormal( normalize( normal ) );
95 setAlbedo( albedo );
96 setSpecMask( specParams.x );
101 // =================================================================================================
103 #include "shaders/utilityLib/vertCommon.glsl"
105 uniform vec4 lightPos;
106 varying float dist;
110 vec4 pos = calcWorldPos( gl_Vertex );
111 dist = length( lightPos.xyz - pos.xyz ) / lightPos.w;
113 gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * pos;
118 // =================================================================================================
120 uniform float shadowBias;
121 varying float dist;
125 gl_FragDepth = dist + shadowBias;
127 // Clearly better bias but requires SM 3.0
128 // gl_FragDepth = dist + abs( dFdx( dist ) ) + abs( dFdy( dist ) ) + shadowBias;
133 // =================================================================================================
135 #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragLighting.glsl" />
137 uniform vec4 specParams;
138 uniform sampler2D colormap;
140 varying vec4 pos, vsPos;
141 varying vec2 texCoords;
143 varying vec3 tsbNormal;
147 vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 );
149 // Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system
150 newCoords.t *= -1.0;
152 vec3 albedo = texture2D( colormap, newCoords.st ).rgb;
154 vec3 normal = tsbNormal;
156 vec3 newPos = pos.xyz;
159 calcPhongSpotLight( newPos, normalize( normal ), albedo, specParams.x, specParams.y, -vsPos.z, 0.3 );
164 // =================================================================================================
166 #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragLighting.glsl" />
168 uniform sampler2D colormap;
169 uniform samplerCube ambientMap;
173 varying vec2 texCoords;
175 varying vec3 tsbNormal;
179 vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 );
181 // Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system
182 newCoords.t *= -1.0;
184 vec3 albedo = texture2D( colormap, newCoords.st ).rgb;
186 vec3 normal = tsbNormal;
188 gl_FragColor.rgb = albedo * textureCube( ambientMap, normal ).rgb;