Add: Overlay cargo icon in vehicle/depot list when holding shift+ctrl. (#12938)
[openttd-github.git] / src / os / macosx / string_osx.cpp
1 /*
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
8 /** @file string_osx.cpp Functions related to localized text support on OSX. */
10 #include "../../stdafx.h"
11 #include "string_osx.h"
12 #include "../../string_func.h"
13 #include "../../strings_func.h"
14 #include "../../table/control_codes.h"
15 #include "../../fontcache.h"
16 #include "../../zoom_func.h"
17 #include "macos.h"
19 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
22 /* CTRunDelegateCreate is supported since MacOS X 10.5, but was only included in the SDKs starting with the 10.9 SDK. */
23 #ifndef HAVE_OSX_109_SDK
24 extern "C" {
25 typedef const struct __CTRunDelegate * CTRunDelegateRef;
27 typedef void (*CTRunDelegateDeallocateCallback) (void *refCon);
28 typedef CGFloat (*CTRunDelegateGetAscentCallback) (void *refCon);
29 typedef CGFloat (*CTRunDelegateGetDescentCallback) (void *refCon);
30 typedef CGFloat (*CTRunDelegateGetWidthCallback) (void *refCon);
31 typedef struct {
32 CFIndex version;
33 CTRunDelegateDeallocateCallback dealloc;
34 CTRunDelegateGetAscentCallback getAscent;
35 CTRunDelegateGetDescentCallback getDescent;
36 CTRunDelegateGetWidthCallback getWidth;
37 } CTRunDelegateCallbacks;
39 enum {
40 kCTRunDelegateVersion1 = 1,
41 kCTRunDelegateCurrentVersion = kCTRunDelegateVersion1
44 extern const CFStringRef kCTRunDelegateAttributeName AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5_AND_LATER;
46 CTRunDelegateRef CTRunDelegateCreate(const CTRunDelegateCallbacks *callbacks, void *refCon) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5_AND_LATER;
48 #endif /* HAVE_OSX_109_SDK */
50 /** Cached current locale. */
51 static CFAutoRelease<CFLocaleRef> _osx_locale;
52 /** CoreText cache for font information, cleared when OTTD changes fonts. */
53 static CFAutoRelease<CTFontRef> _font_cache[FS_END];
56 /**
57 * Wrapper for doing layouts with CoreText.
59 class CoreTextParagraphLayout : public ParagraphLayouter {
60 private:
61 const CoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory::CharType *text_buffer;
62 ptrdiff_t length;
63 const FontMap &font_map;
65 CFAutoRelease<CTTypesetterRef> typesetter;
67 CFIndex cur_offset = 0; ///< Offset from the start of the current run from where to output.
69 public:
70 /** Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font. */
71 class CoreTextVisualRun : public ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun {
72 private:
73 std::vector<GlyphID> glyphs;
74 std::vector<Position> positions;
75 std::vector<int> glyph_to_char;
77 int total_advance = 0;
78 Font *font;
80 public:
81 CoreTextVisualRun(CTRunRef run, Font *font, const CoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory::CharType *buff);
82 CoreTextVisualRun(CoreTextVisualRun &&other) = default;
84 std::span<const GlyphID> GetGlyphs() const override { return this->glyphs; }
85 std::span<const Position> GetPositions() const override { return this->positions; }
86 std::span<const int> GetGlyphToCharMap() const override { return this->glyph_to_char; }
88 const Font *GetFont() const override { return this->font; }
89 int GetLeading() const override { return this->font->fc->GetHeight(); }
90 int GetGlyphCount() const override { return (int)this->glyphs.size(); }
91 int GetAdvance() const { return this->total_advance; }
94 /** A single line worth of VisualRuns. */
95 class CoreTextLine : public std::vector<CoreTextVisualRun>, public ParagraphLayouter::Line {
96 public:
97 CoreTextLine(CFAutoRelease<CTLineRef> line, const FontMap &fontMapping, const CoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory::CharType *buff)
99 CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line.get());
100 for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(runs); i++) {
101 CTRunRef run = (CTRunRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(runs, i);
103 /* Extract font information for this run. */
104 CFRange chars = CTRunGetStringRange(run);
105 auto map = fontMapping.upper_bound(chars.location);
107 this->emplace_back(run, map->second, buff);
111 int GetLeading() const override;
112 int GetWidth() const override;
113 int CountRuns() const override { return this->size(); }
114 const VisualRun &GetVisualRun(int run) const override { return this->at(run); }
116 int GetInternalCharLength(char32_t c) const override
118 /* CoreText uses UTF-16 internally which means we need to account for surrogate pairs. */
119 return c >= 0x010000U ? 2 : 1;
123 CoreTextParagraphLayout(CFAutoRelease<CTTypesetterRef> typesetter, const CoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory::CharType *buffer, ptrdiff_t len, const FontMap &fontMapping) : text_buffer(buffer), length(len), font_map(fontMapping), typesetter(std::move(typesetter))
125 this->Reflow();
128 void Reflow() override
130 this->cur_offset = 0;
133 std::unique_ptr<const Line> NextLine(int max_width) override;
137 /** Get the width of an encoded sprite font character. */
138 static CGFloat SpriteFontGetWidth(void *ref_con)
140 FontSize fs = (FontSize)((size_t)ref_con >> 24);
141 char32_t c = (char32_t)((size_t)ref_con & 0xFFFFFF);
143 return GetGlyphWidth(fs, c);
146 static CTRunDelegateCallbacks _sprite_font_callback = {
147 kCTRunDelegateCurrentVersion, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
148 &SpriteFontGetWidth
151 /* static */ ParagraphLayouter *CoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory::GetParagraphLayout(CharType *buff, CharType *buff_end, FontMap &fontMapping)
153 if (!MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) return nullptr;
155 /* Can't layout an empty string. */
156 ptrdiff_t length = buff_end - buff;
157 if (length == 0) return nullptr;
159 /* Can't layout our in-built sprite fonts. */
160 for (const auto &i : fontMapping) {
161 if (i.second->fc->IsBuiltInFont()) return nullptr;
164 /* Make attributed string with embedded font information. */
165 CFAutoRelease<CFMutableAttributedStringRef> str(CFAttributedStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0));
166 CFAttributedStringBeginEditing(str.get());
168 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> base(CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, buff, length, kCFAllocatorNull));
169 CFAttributedStringReplaceString(str.get(), CFRangeMake(0, 0), base.get());
171 const UniChar replacment_char = 0xFFFC;
172 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> replacment_str(CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, &replacment_char, 1));
174 /* Apply font and colour ranges to our string. This is important to make sure
175 * that we get proper glyph boundaries on style changes. */
176 int last = 0;
177 for (const auto &i : fontMapping) {
178 if (i.first - last == 0) continue;
180 CTFontRef font = (CTFontRef)i.second->fc->GetOSHandle();
181 if (font == nullptr) {
182 if (!_font_cache[i.second->fc->GetSize()]) {
183 /* Cache font information. */
184 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> font_name(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, i.second->fc->GetFontName().c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
185 _font_cache[i.second->fc->GetSize()].reset(CTFontCreateWithName(font_name.get(), i.second->fc->GetFontSize(), nullptr));
187 font = _font_cache[i.second->fc->GetSize()].get();
189 CFAttributedStringSetAttribute(str.get(), CFRangeMake(last, i.first - last), kCTFontAttributeName, font);
191 CGColorRef color = CGColorCreateGenericGray((uint8_t)i.second->colour / 255.0f, 1.0f); // We don't care about the real colours, just that they are different.
192 CFAttributedStringSetAttribute(str.get(), CFRangeMake(last, i.first - last), kCTForegroundColorAttributeName, color);
193 CGColorRelease(color);
195 /* Install a size callback for our special private-use sprite glyphs in case the font does not provide them. */
196 for (ssize_t c = last; c < i.first; c++) {
197 if (buff[c] >= SCC_SPRITE_START && buff[c] <= SCC_SPRITE_END && i.second->fc->MapCharToGlyph(buff[c], false) == 0) {
198 CFAutoRelease<CTRunDelegateRef> del(CTRunDelegateCreate(&_sprite_font_callback, (void *)(size_t)(buff[c] | (i.second->fc->GetSize() << 24))));
199 /* According to the offical documentation, if a run delegate is used, the char should always be 0xFFFC. */
200 CFAttributedStringReplaceString(str.get(), CFRangeMake(c, 1), replacment_str.get());
201 CFAttributedStringSetAttribute(str.get(), CFRangeMake(c, 1), kCTRunDelegateAttributeName, del.get());
205 last = i.first;
207 CFAttributedStringEndEditing(str.get());
209 /* Create and return typesetter for the string. */
210 CFAutoRelease<CTTypesetterRef> typesetter(CTTypesetterCreateWithAttributedString(str.get()));
212 return typesetter ? new CoreTextParagraphLayout(std::move(typesetter), buff, length, fontMapping) : nullptr;
215 /* virtual */ std::unique_ptr<const ParagraphLayouter::Line> CoreTextParagraphLayout::NextLine(int max_width)
217 if (this->cur_offset >= this->length) return nullptr;
219 /* Get line break position, trying word breaking first and breaking somewhere if that doesn't work. */
220 CFIndex len = CTTypesetterSuggestLineBreak(this->typesetter.get(), this->cur_offset, max_width);
221 if (len <= 0) len = CTTypesetterSuggestClusterBreak(this->typesetter.get(), this->cur_offset, max_width);
223 /* Create line. */
224 CFAutoRelease<CTLineRef> line(CTTypesetterCreateLine(this->typesetter.get(), CFRangeMake(this->cur_offset, len)));
225 this->cur_offset += len;
227 if (!line) return nullptr;
228 return std::make_unique<CoreTextLine>(std::move(line), this->font_map, this->text_buffer);
231 CoreTextParagraphLayout::CoreTextVisualRun::CoreTextVisualRun(CTRunRef run, Font *font, const CoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory::CharType *buff) : font(font)
233 this->glyphs.resize(CTRunGetGlyphCount(run));
235 /* Query map of glyphs to source string index. */
236 CFIndex map[this->glyphs.size()];
237 CTRunGetStringIndices(run, CFRangeMake(0, 0), map);
239 this->glyph_to_char.resize(this->glyphs.size());
240 for (size_t i = 0; i < this->glyph_to_char.size(); i++) this->glyph_to_char[i] = (int)map[i];
242 CGPoint pts[this->glyphs.size()];
243 CTRunGetPositions(run, CFRangeMake(0, 0), pts);
244 CGSize advs[this->glyphs.size()];
245 CTRunGetAdvances(run, CFRangeMake(0, 0), advs);
246 this->positions.reserve(this->glyphs.size());
248 /* Convert glyph array to our data type. At the same time, substitute
249 * the proper glyphs for our private sprite glyphs. */
250 CGGlyph gl[this->glyphs.size()];
251 CTRunGetGlyphs(run, CFRangeMake(0, 0), gl);
252 for (size_t i = 0; i < this->glyphs.size(); i++) {
253 if (buff[this->glyph_to_char[i]] >= SCC_SPRITE_START && buff[this->glyph_to_char[i]] <= SCC_SPRITE_END && (gl[i] == 0 || gl[i] == 3)) {
254 /* A glyph of 0 indidicates not found, while apparently 3 is what char 0xFFFC maps to. */
255 this->glyphs[i] = font->fc->MapCharToGlyph(buff[this->glyph_to_char[i]]);
256 this->positions.emplace_back(pts[i].x, pts[i].x + advs[i].width - 1, (font->fc->GetHeight() - ScaleSpriteTrad(FontCache::GetDefaultFontHeight(font->fc->GetSize()))) / 2); // Align sprite font to centre
257 } else {
258 this->glyphs[i] = gl[i];
259 this->positions.emplace_back(pts[i].x, pts[i].x + advs[i].width - 1, pts[i].y);
262 this->total_advance = (int)std::ceil(CTRunGetTypographicBounds(run, CFRangeMake(0, 0), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
266 * Get the height of the line.
267 * @return The maximum height of the line.
269 int CoreTextParagraphLayout::CoreTextLine::GetLeading() const
271 int leading = 0;
272 for (const auto &run : *this) {
273 leading = std::max(leading, run.GetLeading());
276 return leading;
280 * Get the width of this line.
281 * @return The width of the line.
283 int CoreTextParagraphLayout::CoreTextLine::GetWidth() const
285 if (this->empty()) return 0;
287 int total_width = 0;
288 for (const auto &run : *this) {
289 total_width += run.GetAdvance();
292 return total_width;
296 /** Delete CoreText font reference for a specific font size. */
297 void MacOSResetScriptCache(FontSize size)
299 _font_cache[size].reset();
302 /** Register an external font file with the CoreText system. */
303 void MacOSRegisterExternalFont(const char *file_path)
305 if (!MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 6, 0)) return;
307 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> path(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, file_path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
308 CFAutoRelease<CFURLRef> url(CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, path.get(), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false));
310 CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL(url.get(), kCTFontManagerScopeProcess, nullptr);
313 /** Store current language locale as a CoreFoundation locale. */
314 void MacOSSetCurrentLocaleName(const char *iso_code)
316 if (!MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) return;
318 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> iso(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, iso_code, kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
319 _osx_locale.reset(CFLocaleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, iso.get()));
323 * Compares two strings using case insensitive natural sort.
325 * @param s1 First string to compare.
326 * @param s2 Second string to compare.
327 * @return 1 if s1 < s2, 2 if s1 == s2, 3 if s1 > s2, or 0 if not supported by the OS.
329 int MacOSStringCompare(std::string_view s1, std::string_view s2)
331 static bool supported = MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0);
332 if (!supported) return 0;
334 CFStringCompareFlags flags = kCFCompareCaseInsensitive | kCFCompareNumerically | kCFCompareLocalized | kCFCompareWidthInsensitive | kCFCompareForcedOrdering;
336 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> cf1(CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *), s1.size(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false));
337 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> cf2(CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *), s2.size(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false));
339 /* If any CFString could not be created (e.g., due to UTF8 invalid chars), return OS unsupported functionality */
340 if (cf1 == nullptr || cf2 == nullptr) return 0;
342 return (int)CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale(cf1.get(), cf2.get(), CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(cf1.get())), flags, _osx_locale.get()) + 2;
346 * Search if a string is contained in another string using the current locale.
348 * @param str String to search in.
349 * @param value String to search for.
350 * @param case_insensitive Search case-insensitive.
351 * @return 1 if value was found, 0 if it was not found, or -1 if not supported by the OS.
353 int MacOSStringContains(const std::string_view str, const std::string_view value, bool case_insensitive)
355 static bool supported = MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0);
356 if (!supported) return -1;
358 CFStringCompareFlags flags = kCFCompareLocalized | kCFCompareWidthInsensitive;
359 if (case_insensitive) flags |= kCFCompareCaseInsensitive;
361 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> cf_str(CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *), str.size(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false));
362 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> cf_value(CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *), value.size(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false));
364 /* If any CFString could not be created (e.g., due to UTF8 invalid chars), return OS unsupported functionality */
365 if (cf_str == nullptr || cf_value == nullptr) return -1;
367 return CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale(cf_str.get(), cf_value.get(), CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(cf_str.get())), flags, _osx_locale.get(), nullptr) ? 1 : 0;
371 /* virtual */ void OSXStringIterator::SetString(const char *s)
373 const char *string_base = s;
375 this->utf16_to_utf8.clear();
376 this->str_info.clear();
377 this->cur_pos = 0;
379 /* CoreText operates on UTF-16, thus we have to convert the input string.
380 * To be able to return proper offsets, we have to create a mapping at the same time. */
381 std::vector<UniChar> utf16_str; ///< UTF-16 copy of the string.
382 while (*s != '\0') {
383 size_t idx = s - string_base;
385 char32_t c = Utf8Consume(&s);
386 if (c < 0x10000) {
387 utf16_str.push_back((UniChar)c);
388 } else {
389 /* Make a surrogate pair. */
390 utf16_str.push_back((UniChar)(0xD800 + ((c - 0x10000) >> 10)));
391 utf16_str.push_back((UniChar)(0xDC00 + ((c - 0x10000) & 0x3FF)));
392 this->utf16_to_utf8.push_back(idx);
394 this->utf16_to_utf8.push_back(idx);
396 this->utf16_to_utf8.push_back(s - string_base);
398 /* Query CoreText for word and cluster break information. */
399 this->str_info.resize(utf16_to_utf8.size());
401 if (!utf16_str.empty()) {
402 CFAutoRelease<CFStringRef> str(CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, &utf16_str[0], utf16_str.size(), kCFAllocatorNull));
404 /* Get cluster breaks. */
405 for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFStringGetLength(str.get()); ) {
406 CFRange r = CFStringGetRangeOfComposedCharactersAtIndex(str.get(), i);
407 this->str_info[r.location].char_stop = true;
409 i += r.length;
412 /* Get word breaks. */
413 CFAutoRelease<CFStringTokenizerRef> tokenizer(CFStringTokenizerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, str.get(), CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(str.get())), kCFStringTokenizerUnitWordBoundary, _osx_locale.get()));
415 CFStringTokenizerTokenType tokenType = kCFStringTokenizerTokenNone;
416 while ((tokenType = CFStringTokenizerAdvanceToNextToken(tokenizer.get())) != kCFStringTokenizerTokenNone) {
417 /* Skip tokens that are white-space or punctuation tokens. */
418 if ((tokenType & kCFStringTokenizerTokenHasNonLettersMask) != kCFStringTokenizerTokenHasNonLettersMask) {
419 CFRange r = CFStringTokenizerGetCurrentTokenRange(tokenizer.get());
420 this->str_info[r.location].word_stop = true;
425 /* End-of-string is always a valid stopping point. */
426 this->str_info.back().char_stop = true;
427 this->str_info.back().word_stop = true;
430 /* virtual */ size_t OSXStringIterator::SetCurPosition(size_t pos)
432 /* Convert incoming position to an UTF-16 string index. */
433 size_t utf16_pos = 0;
434 for (size_t i = 0; i < this->utf16_to_utf8.size(); i++) {
435 if (this->utf16_to_utf8[i] == pos) {
436 utf16_pos = i;
437 break;
441 /* Sanitize in case we get a position inside a grapheme cluster. */
442 while (utf16_pos > 0 && !this->str_info[utf16_pos].char_stop) utf16_pos--;
443 this->cur_pos = utf16_pos;
445 return this->utf16_to_utf8[this->cur_pos];
448 /* virtual */ size_t OSXStringIterator::Next(IterType what)
450 assert(this->cur_pos <= this->utf16_to_utf8.size());
451 assert(what == StringIterator::ITER_CHARACTER || what == StringIterator::ITER_WORD);
453 if (this->cur_pos == this->utf16_to_utf8.size()) return END;
455 do {
456 this->cur_pos++;
457 } while (this->cur_pos < this->utf16_to_utf8.size() && (what == ITER_WORD ? !this->str_info[this->cur_pos].word_stop : !this->str_info[this->cur_pos].char_stop));
459 return this->cur_pos == this->utf16_to_utf8.size() ? END : this->utf16_to_utf8[this->cur_pos];
462 /* virtual */ size_t OSXStringIterator::Prev(IterType what)
464 assert(this->cur_pos <= this->utf16_to_utf8.size());
465 assert(what == StringIterator::ITER_CHARACTER || what == StringIterator::ITER_WORD);
467 if (this->cur_pos == 0) return END;
469 do {
470 this->cur_pos--;
471 } while (this->cur_pos > 0 && (what == ITER_WORD ? !this->str_info[this->cur_pos].word_stop : !this->str_info[this->cur_pos].char_stop));
473 return this->utf16_to_utf8[this->cur_pos];
476 /* static */ std::unique_ptr<StringIterator> OSXStringIterator::Create()
478 if (!MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) return nullptr;
480 return std::make_unique<OSXStringIterator>();