Increase the number of road and tram subtypes to 32.
[openttd-joker.git] / src / tbtr_template_vehicle.h
1 #ifndef TEMPLATE_VEH_H
2 #define TEMPLATE_VEH_H
4 #include "company_func.h"
6 #include "vehicle_type.h"
7 #include "vehicle_base.h"
8 #include "vehicle_func.h"
10 #include "articulated_vehicles.h"
11 #include "newgrf_callbacks.h"
12 #include "newgrf_engine.h"
13 #include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
15 #include "engine_base.h"
16 #include "engine_type.h"
17 #include "engine_func.h"
19 #include "sortlist_type.h"
21 #define FOR_ALL_TEMPLATES_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(TemplateVehicle, template_index, var, start)
24 #define FOR_ALL_TEMPLATE_REPLACEMENTS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(TemplateReplacement, template_replacement_index, var, start)
27 struct TemplateVehicle;
28 struct TemplateReplacement;
30 typedef uint16 TemplateID;
33 static const uint16 CONSIST_HEAD = 0x0;
34 static const uint16 CONSIST_TAIL = 0xffff;
36 /** A pool allowing to store up to ~64k templates */
37 typedef Pool<TemplateVehicle, TemplateID, 512, 0x10000> TemplatePool;
38 extern TemplatePool _template_pool;
40 /// listing/sorting templates
41 typedef GUIList<const TemplateVehicle*> GUITemplateList;
43 struct TemplateVehicle : TemplatePool::PoolItem<&_template_pool>, BaseVehicle {
44 private:
45 TemplateVehicle *next; ///< pointer to the next vehicle in the chain
46 TemplateVehicle *previous; ///< NOSAVE: pointer to the previous vehicle in the chain
47 TemplateVehicle *first; ///< NOSAVE: pointer to the first vehicle in the chain
49 public:
50 friend const SaveLoad* GTD();
51 friend void AfterLoadTemplateVehicles();
53 // Template usage configuration
54 bool reuse_depot_vehicles;
55 bool keep_remaining_vehicles;
56 bool refit_as_template;
58 // Things derived from a virtual train
59 TemplateVehicle *other_multiheaded_part; ///< Multiheaded Engine support
60 Money value; ///< Value of the vehicle
61 Owner owner;
62 OwnerByte owner_b;
64 EngineID engine_type; ///< The type of engine used for this vehicle.
65 CargoID cargo_type; ///< type of cargo this vehicle is carrying
66 uint16 cargo_cap; ///< total capacity
67 byte cargo_subtype;
69 byte subtype;
70 RailTypeByte railtype;
72 VehicleID index;
74 uint16 real_consist_length;
76 uint16 max_speed;
77 uint32 power;
78 uint32 weight;
79 uint32 max_te;
81 byte spritenum;
82 VehicleSpriteSeq sprite_seq; ///< Vehicle appearance.
83 uint32 image_width;
84 Point image_offset;
86 TemplateVehicle(VehicleType type=VEH_INVALID, EngineID e=INVALID_ENGINE, byte B=0, Owner=_local_company);
87 TemplateVehicle(EngineID, RailVehicleInfo*);
88 TemplateVehicle(EngineID eid) {
89 next=0;
90 previous=0;
91 first=this;
92 engine_type=eid;
93 this->reuse_depot_vehicles = true;
94 this->keep_remaining_vehicles = true;
95 this->refit_as_template = true;
96 this->sprite_seq.count = 1;
98 ~TemplateVehicle();
100 inline TemplateVehicle* Next() const { return this->next; }
101 inline TemplateVehicle* Prev() const { return this->previous; }
102 inline TemplateVehicle* First() const { return this->first; }
104 void SetNext(TemplateVehicle*);
105 void SetPrev(TemplateVehicle*);
106 void SetFirst(TemplateVehicle*);
108 TemplateVehicle* GetNextUnit() const;
109 TemplateVehicle* GetPrevUnit();
111 bool IsSetReuseDepotVehicles() const { return this->reuse_depot_vehicles; }
112 bool IsSetKeepRemainingVehicles() const { return this->keep_remaining_vehicles; }
113 bool IsSetRefitAsTemplate() const { return this->refit_as_template; }
114 void ToggleReuseDepotVehicles() { this->reuse_depot_vehicles = !this->reuse_depot_vehicles; }
115 void ToggleKeepRemainingVehicles() { this->keep_remaining_vehicles = !this->keep_remaining_vehicles; }
116 void ToggleRefitAsTemplate() { this->refit_as_template = !this->refit_as_template; }
118 bool IsPrimaryVehicle() const { return this->IsFrontEngine(); }
119 inline bool IsFrontEngine() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT); }
120 inline bool HasArticulatedPart() const { return this->Next() != nullptr && this->Next()->IsArticulatedPart(); }
122 inline bool IsArticulatedPart() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART); }
123 inline bool IsMultiheaded() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }
125 inline bool IsFreeWagonChain() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }
127 // since CmdBuildTemplateVehicle(...)
128 inline void SetFrontEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT); }
129 inline void SetEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }
130 inline void SetArticulatedPart() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART); }
131 inline void SetMultiheaded() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }
133 inline void SetWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }
134 inline void SetFreeWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }
136 inline uint16 GetRealLength() const { return this->real_consist_length; }
137 inline void SetRealLength(uint16 len) { this->real_consist_length = len; }
139 int Length() const;
141 short NumGroupsUsingTemplate() const;
145 // TemplateReplacement stuff
147 typedef Pool<TemplateReplacement, uint16, 16, 1024> TemplateReplacementPool;
148 extern TemplateReplacementPool _template_replacement_pool;
150 struct TemplateReplacement : TemplateReplacementPool::PoolItem<&_template_replacement_pool> {
151 GroupID group;
152 TemplateID sel_template;
154 TemplateReplacement(GroupID gid, TemplateID tid) { this->group=gid; this->sel_template=tid; }
155 TemplateReplacement() {}
156 ~TemplateReplacement() {}
158 inline GroupID Group() { return this->group; }
159 inline GroupID Template() { return this->sel_template; }
161 inline void SetGroup(GroupID gid) { this->group = gid; }
162 inline void SetTemplate(TemplateID tid) { this->sel_template = tid; }
164 inline TemplateID GetTemplateVehicleID() { return sel_template; }
165 inline const TemplateVehicle* GetTemplateVehicle() {
166 const TemplateVehicle *tv;
168 if ( tv->index == this->sel_template )
169 return tv;
171 return nullptr;
175 TemplateReplacement* GetTemplateReplacementByGroupID(GroupID);
176 bool IssueTemplateReplacement(GroupID, TemplateID);
178 short DeleteTemplateReplacementsByGroupID(GroupID);
180 #endif /* TEMPLATE_VEH_H */