Re-order SD card flash option
[opentx.git] / radio / util / elf-size-report.awk
1 #!/usr/bin/awk -nf
3 # Process gcc binutils 'size -A' output to show more specific and summarized information about memory segment usage.
5 # This script expects some variables to be set on the command line with -v:
6 # names : list of segment names ("Flash", "RAM" etc.)
7 # addrs : list of segment start addresses in hex/oct/dec (in same order as names)
8 # sizes : list of segment sizes in KB (in same order as names)
9 # elf : name of elf file (optional, for display only)
10 # mcu : name of MCU (optional, for display only)
11 # skip_data : skip duplicate .data in Flash (0/1 default: 0)
13 # NOTE: The memory segments should be specified in increasing address order (low to high).
15 # Usage example:
16 # arm-none-eabi-size -A -x firmware.elf | ./elf-size-report.awk \
17 # -v elf="firmware.elf" \
18 # -v mcu="STM32F401VG" \
19 # -v names="Flash RAM" \
20 # -v addrs "0x08000000 0x100000000" \
21 # -v sizes "512 128"
23 # License GPLv2:
24 # Copyright (c)2016 Maxim Paperno
25 # Copyright (c)2017 OpenTX
29 BEGIN {
30 err = 0;
31 len = split(names, a_names, " ");
32 alen = split(addrs, a_addrs, " ");
33 slen = split(sizes, a_sizes, " ");
34 if (!len || len != alen || len != slen) {
35 print "Error: No segment data provided or array sizes mismatch, exiting.";
36 exit err = 1;
38 flash_name = "Flash";
39 for (i in a_names) {
40 n = a_names[i];
41 a[i] = n; d[n]["addr"] = a_addrs[i]; d[n]["size"] = a_sizes[i]; d[n]["sum"] = 0;
42 if (tolower(n) ~ /flash/)
43 flash_name = n;
45 flmax = d[flash_name]["addr"];
46 fmtstr = "%-20s %7d 0x%08x %s\n";
48 printf("\n---- Size report");
49 if (length(elf)) printf(" for %s", elf);
50 if (length(mcu)) printf(" (MCU: %s)", mcu);
51 printf(" ----\n\n");
52 printf("Section Details:\n");
53 printf("%-20s %7s %10s %s\n", "section", "size(B)", "addr", "loc");
55 # Process each line of 'size' output listing the program's sections,
56 # skip line if sections size or address are zero.
57 NR > 2 && $2 != 0 && $3 != 0 {
58 if ($1 == ".data") {
59 # .data section is always in Flash but 'size' reports it only in RAM (sometimes twice)
60 d[flash_name]["sum"] += $2;
61 printf(fmtstr, $1 " (added)", $2, flmax, flash_name);
62 flmax += $3;
63 if (skip_data) { next; }
65 # Walk over each specified memory segment looking for a match
66 # note: (this assumes segments were passed in ascending memory order)
67 PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_num_desc"
68 addr = d[a[len]]["addr"];
69 for (i in a) {
70 n = a[i];
71 if ($3 >= addr) {
72 # check for overflow into contigious region
73 t = d[n]["sum"] + $2 - (d[n]["size"] * 1024);
74 if (t > 0 && i < len && d[a[i+1]]["addr"] = d[n]["addr"] + d[n]["size"] + 1) {
75 d[n]["sum"] += $2 - t;
76 d[a[i+1]]["sum"] += t;
77 seg = n "+" a[i+1];
79 else {
80 d[n]["sum"] += $2;
81 seg = n;
83 printf(fmtstr, $1, $2, $3, seg);
84 # track maximum flash address used
85 if (n == flash_name)
86 flmax += $2;
87 break;
89 else if (i > 1)
90 addr = d[a[i-1]]["addr"];
93 END {
94 if (err) exit err;
95 fmtstr = "%7s: %8.2f %6.2f%% %6d\t%7.2f\n";
96 printf("\nTotals %8s usage of ttl\tKB free\n", "KB");
97 PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_num_asc"
98 for (i in a) {
99 n = a[i];
100 if (d[n]["size"] > 0)
101 printf(fmtstr, n, d[n]["sum"]/1024, d[n]["sum"]/(d[n]["size"]*1024)*100, d[n]["size"], d[n]["size"] - d[n]["sum"]/1024 );
103 printf("\n");