RT notifier: parse templates without header correctly
[openxpki.git] / trunk / deployment / etc / templates / default / profile.xml
1 <profiles id="default_profiles">
2   <crl>
3     <profile id="default">
4       <validity>
5         <!-- notbefore is not applicable here -->
6         <notafter  format="relativedate">+000014</notafter>
7       </validity>
9       <digest>sha1</digest>
10       <extensions>
11       </extensions>
12     </profile>
14 [% FOREACH realmsection = global.pkirealm %]
15     [% FOREACH ca = $realmsection.issuingca %]
16     [% THROW config "No 'id' defined for issuing CA $ca" IF ! $ca.id.defined %]
17     <profile id="[% $ca.id %]"
18              super="../profile{default}"/>
19     [% END %]
20 [% END %]
21   </crl>
23   <!-- endentity profiles -->
24   <endentity>
26     <!-- default certificate profile -->
27     <profile id="default">
28       <validity>
29         <!-- notbefore defaults to 'now' -->
30         <notafter  format="relativedate">+01</notafter>
31       </validity>
33       <digest>sha1</digest>
34       <increasing_serials>1</increasing_serials>
35       <randomized_serial_bytes>8</randomized_serial_bytes>
37       <extensions>
38         <basic_constraints critical="true">
39           <ca>false</ca>
40         </basic_constraints>
41         <key_usage critical="false">
42           <digital_signature>0</digital_signature>
43           <non_repudiation>  0</non_repudiation>
44           <key_encipherment> 0</key_encipherment>
45           <data_encipherment>0</data_encipherment>
46           <key_agreement>    0</key_agreement>
47           <key_cert_sign>    0</key_cert_sign>
48           <crl_sign>         0</crl_sign>
49           <encipher_only>    0</encipher_only>
50           <decipher_only>    0</decipher_only>
51         </key_usage>
52         <extended_key_usage critical="false">
53           <!-- these are OIDs                     -->
54           <!-- some OIDs are known and have names -->
55           <client_auth>     0</client_auth>
56           <email_protection>0</email_protection>
57         </extended_key_usage>
58         <subject_key_identifier   critical="false" hash="true"/>
59         <authority_key_identifier critical="false" keyid="true" issuer="true"/>
60         <!-- If the issuer has no subject alternative name, copying returns
61              an empty extension, which is problematic with both RSA SecurId
62              tokens and Cisco devices! 
63         <issuer_alt_name          critical="false" copy="true"/>
64          -->
65         <crl_distribution_points critical="false">
66           <uri>http://localhost/cacrl.crt</uri>
67           <uri>ldap://localhost/cn=My%20CA,dc=OpenXPKI,dc=org</uri>
68         </crl_distribution_points>
69         <authority_info_access critical="false">
70           <ca_issuers>http://localhost/cacert.crt</ca_issuers>
71           <ocsp>http://ocsp.openxpki.org/</ocsp>
72         </authority_info_access>
73         <policy_identifier critical="false">
74           <!--                     WARNING                     -->
75           <!-- if use_loa is set to yes                        -->
76           <!-- then policy_identifier and cps will be extended -->
77           <!-- by the values in the appropriate loa tag        -->
78           <oid></oid>
79         </policy_identifier>
80         <cps critical="false">
81           <!--                     WARNING                     -->
82           <!-- if use_loa is set to yes                        -->
83           <!-- then policy_identifier and cps will be extended -->
84           <!-- by the values in the appropriate loa tag        -->
85           <uri>http://localhost/cps.html</uri>
86         </cps>
87         <netscape>
88           <comment critical="false">This is a generic certificate.
89             Generated with OpenXPKI trustcenter software.</comment>
90           <certificate_type critical="false">
91             <ssl_client>       false</ssl_client>
92             <smime_client>     false</smime_client>
93             <object_signing>   false</object_signing>
94             <ssl_ca>           false</ssl_ca>
95             <smime_ca>         false</smime_ca>
96             <object_signing_ca>false</object_signing_ca>
97           </certificate_type>
98           <cdp critical="false">
99             <url>http://localhost/cacrl.crt</url>
100             <ca_url>http://localhost/cacrl.crt</ca_url>
101           </cdp>
102         </netscape>
103       </extensions>
104     </profile>
106     <!-- User profile -->
107     <profile id="I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_USER"
108              super="../profile{default}">
110       <subject id="00_user_basic_style">
111         <label>I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_USER_BASIC_STYLE</label>
112         <description>I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_USER_BASIC_DESC</description>
113         <template>
114              <!-- default: min=1, max=1 -->
115              <!-- note that the regex is pretty restrictive, one might
116                   want to change that to something more liberal -->
117              <input id="username"
118                     label="I18N_OPENXPKI_USERNAME"
119                     description="I18N_OPENXPKI_USERNAME_DESC"
120                     type="freetext"
121                     match="\A [A-Za-z]+ \z"
122                     width="20"
123                     default="testuser"/>
124              <input id="realname"
125                     label="I18N_OPENXPKI_REALNAME"
126                     description="I18N_OPENXPKI_REALNAME_DESC"
127                     type="freetext"
128                     match=".+"
129                     width="40"
130                     default=""/>
131              <input id="email"
132                     label="I18N_OPENXPKI_EMAILADDRESS"
133                     description="I18N_OPENXPKI_EMAILADDRESS_DESC"
134                     type="freetext"
135                     match=".+@.+"
136                     width="30"
137                     default=""/>
138         </template>
139         <dn>CN=[- realname -]+UID=[- username -],DC=Test Deployment,DC=OpenXPKI,DC=org</dn> 
140         <additional_information super="../../../subject{05_advanced_style}/additional_information"/>
141         <subject_alternative_names>
142             <san id="dns">
143                 <key type="fixed">email</key>
144                 <value type="fixed">[- email -]</value>
145             </san>
146         </subject_alternative_names>
147       </subject>
148       <subject super="../../subject{05_advanced_style}"/>
150       <role>User</role>
151       <role>RA Operator</role>
152       <role>CA Operator</role>
154       <validity>
155         <notafter format="relativedate">+0006</notafter>
156       </validity>
158       <extensions>
159         <key_usage critical="false">
160           <digital_signature>1</digital_signature>
161           <non_repudiation>  1</non_repudiation>
162           <key_encipherment> 1</key_encipherment>
163           <data_encipherment>1</data_encipherment>
164           <key_agreement>    1</key_agreement>
165           <key_cert_sign>    0</key_cert_sign>
166           <crl_sign>         0</crl_sign>
167           <encipher_only>    0</encipher_only>
168           <decipher_only>    0</decipher_only>
169         </key_usage>
170         <extended_key_usage critical="false">
171           <!-- these are OIDs                     -->
172           <!-- some OIDs are known and have names -->
173           <client_auth>     1</client_auth>
174           <email_protection>1</email_protection>
175           <oid></oid>
176         </extended_key_usage>
177         <!-- Microsoft Certificate Template "SmartcardUser" (bmp string) -->
178         <oid critical="false" numeric="" format="DER" encoding="HEX">
179           1e:1a:00:53:00:6d:00:61:00:72:00:74:00:63:00:61:00:72:00:64:00:55:00:73:00:65:00:72
180         </oid>
181         <netscape>
182           <comment critical="false">This is a user certificate.
183             Generated with OpenXPKI trustcenter software.</comment>
184           <certificate_type critical="false">
185             <ssl_client>       true </ssl_client>
186             <smime_client>     true </smime_client>
187             <object_signing>   false</object_signing>
188             <ssl_ca>           false</ssl_ca>
189             <smime_ca>         false</smime_ca>
190             <object_signing_ca>false</object_signing_ca>
191           </certificate_type>
192         </netscape>
193       </extensions>
194     </profile>
197     <!-- TLS Server profile -->
198     <profile id="I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_TLS_SERVER"
199              super="../profile{default}">
201       <role>Web Server</role>
203       <subject id="00_tls_basic_style">
204         <label>I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_TLS_BASIC_STYLE</label>
205         <description>I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_TLS_BASIC_DESC</description>
206         <template>
207              <!-- not that the regex is not exact, this might still not
208                   be a valid hostname -->
209              <!-- default: min=1, max=1 -->
210              <input id="hostname"
211                     label="I18N_OPENXPKI_HOSTNAME"
212                     description="I18N_OPENXPKI_HOSTNAME_DESC"
213                     type="freetext"
214                     source="CN:([^:]+)"
215                     match="\A [A-Za-z\d-\.]+ \z"
216                     width="60"
217                     default="fully.qualified.example.com"/>
218              <input id="port"
219                     label="I18N_OPENXPKI_PORT"
220                     description="I18N_OPENXPKI_PORT_DESC"
221                     type="freetext"
222                     source="CN:.+:(.+)"
223                     match="\A \d+ \z"
224                     width="5"
225                     min="0"
226                     default=""/>
227         </template>
228         <dn>CN=[- hostname -][- IF port AND port != 443 -]:[- port -][- END -],DC=Test Deployment,DC=OpenXPKI,DC=org</dn> 
229         <additional_information super="../../../subject{05_advanced_style}/additional_information"/>
230         <subject_alternative_names>
231             <san id="dns">
232                 <key type="fixed">DNS</key>
233                 <value type="fixed">[- hostname -]</value>
234             </san>
235         </subject_alternative_names>
236       </subject>
237       <subject super="../../subject{05_advanced_style}"/>
238       <validity>
239         <notafter format="relativedate">+0003</notafter>
240       </validity>
242       <extensions>
243         <key_usage critical="false">
244           <digital_signature>0</digital_signature>
245           <non_repudiation>  0</non_repudiation>
246           <key_encipherment> 1</key_encipherment>
247           <data_encipherment>0</data_encipherment>
248           <key_agreement>    0</key_agreement>
249           <key_cert_sign>    0</key_cert_sign>
250           <crl_sign>         0</crl_sign>
251           <encipher_only>    0</encipher_only>
252           <decipher_only>    0</decipher_only>
253         </key_usage>
254         <extended_key_usage critical="false">
255           <!-- these are OIDs                     -->
256           <!-- some OIDs are known and have names -->
257           <!-- at least for server_auth, this is not true (server_auth
258                is not found within the whole source tree except for here
259           <server_auth>     1</server_auth>
260           -->
261           <oid></oid> <!-- = serverAuth -->
262         </extended_key_usage>
263         <netscape>
264           <comment critical="false">This is a TLS Server certificate.
265             Generated with OpenXPKI trustcenter software.</comment>
266           <certificate_type critical="false">
267             <ssl_client>       false</ssl_client>
268             <smime_client>     false</smime_client>
269             <object_signing>   false</object_signing>
270             <ssl_ca>           false</ssl_ca>
271             <smime_ca>         false</smime_ca>
272             <object_signing_ca>false</object_signing_ca>
273           </certificate_type>
274         </netscape>
275       </extensions>
276     </profile>
278     <subject id="05_advanced_style">
279       <label>I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_ADVANCED_STYLE</label>
280       <description>I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_ADVANCED_DESC</description>
281       <bulk>1</bulk> <!-- this is the subject style for bulk requests -->
282       <template>
283            <!-- not that the regex is not exact, this might still not
284                 be a valid hostname -->
285            <!-- default: min=1, max=1 -->
286            <input id="CN"
287                   label="CN"
288                   description="I18N_OPENXPKI_CN_DESC"
289                   type="freetext"
290                   source="CN:(.+)"
291                   width="60"
292                   default=""/>
293            <input id="O"
294                   label="O"
295                   description="I18N_OPENXPKI_O_DESC"
296                   type="freetext"
297                   source="O:(.+)"
298                   min="0"
299                   max="1"
300                   width="40"/>
301            <input id="OU"
302                   label="OU"
303                   description="I18N_OPENXPKI_OU_DESC"
304                   type="freetext"
305                   source="OU:(.+)"
306                   width="40"
307                   min="0"
308                   max="1000"/> <!-- if min or max is present, result is an arrayref -->
309            <input id="DC"
310                   label="DC"
311                   description="I18N_OPENXPKI_DC_DESC"
312                   type="freetext"
313                   width="40"
314                   min="0"
315                   max="1000"/>
316           <input id="C"
317                  label="C"
318                   description="I18N_OPENXPKI_C_DESC"
319                   type="freetext"
320                   width="2"
321                   source="C:(.+)"
322                   min="0"
323                   max="1"/>
324       </template>
325       <dn>CN=[- CN -][- IF OU -][- FOREACH entry = OU -],OU=[- entry -][- END -][- END -][- IF O -],O=[- O -][- END -][- FOREACH entry = DC -],DC=[- entry -][- END -][- IF C -],C=[- C -][- END -]</dn> 
326       <additional_information>
327         <input id="phone"
328                label="I18N_OPENXPKI_PHONE"
329                description="I18N_OPENXPKI_PHONE_DESC"
330                type="freetext"
331                width="20"
332                default=""/>
333         <input id="comment"
334                label="I18N_OPENXPKI_COMMENT"
335                description="I18N_OPENXPKI_COMMENT_DESC"
336                type="textarea"
337                width="40"
338                height="10"/>
339       </additional_information>
340       <subject_alternative_names>
341           <san id="choice">
342               <key type="select" max="1000">
343                   <option label="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_EMAIL"
344                           description="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION">email</option>
345                   <option label="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_DNS"
346                           description="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_DNS_DESCRIPTION">DNS</option>
347                   <option label="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_IP"
348                           description="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_IP_DESCRIPTION">IP</option>
349                   <option label="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_URI"
350                           description="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_URI_DESCRIPTION">URI</option>
351                   <option label="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_GUID"
352                           description="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_GUID_DESCRIPTION">GUID</option>
353                   <option label="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_UPN"
354                           description="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_UPN_DESCRIPTION">UPN</option>
355                   <option label="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_RID"
356                           description="I18N_OPENXPKI_SAN_RID_DESCRIPTION">RID</option>
357               </key>
358               <value type="freetext" width="40"/>
359           </san>
360           <san id="oid">
361               <key type="oid" max="1000" width="20"/>
362               <value type="freetext" width="40"/>
363           </san>
364       </subject_alternative_names>
365     </subject>
366   </endentity>
368 </profiles>