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17 alt="OpenXPKI Project"/>
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24 <div class="menu_item"><a href="..">Home</a></div>
25 <div class="menu_item"><a href="../features/index.html">Features</a></div>
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28 <div class="menu_item"><a href="../docs/index.html">Documentation</a></div>
29 <div class="menu_item"><a href="../support/index.html">Support</a></div>
30 <div class="menu_item"><a href="index.html">Download</a></div>
31 <div class="menu_item"><a href="http://wiki.openxpki.org">Wiki</a></div>
32 <div class="menu_item"><a href="../resources/index.html">Resources</a></div>
33 <div class="menu_item"><a href="../foundation/index.html">Foundation</a></div>
34 <div class="menu_item"><a href="../legacy/index.html">OpenCA Legacy</a></div>
35 <div class="w3c">
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49 <div id="content">
51 <h2>Download</h2>
52 <p>
53 The OpenXPKI Project has not published formal releases so far.
54 </p>
55 <p>
56 If you want to try out an OpenXPKI snapshot, you can download the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=150124&package_id=244892">OpenXPKI Live (beta) CD ISO image</a>, which comes with a pre-configured OpenXPKI environment suitable for testing.
57 </p>
58 <p>
59 <a href="../resources/index.html">Resources</a> section has links
60 to the SourceForge svn facility. If you are interested in the
61 development code you can fetch it from here.
62 </p>
63 <p>
64 <a href="http://www7.openxpki.org/lastmidnight/index.html">Last Midnight Snapshot</a>.
65 You can get
66 </p>
67 <ul>
68 <li> nightly built distribution tarballs
69 of the OpenXPKI development code,</li>
70 <li> FreeBSD ports for nightly built distribution tarballs </li>
71 </ul>
72 <p>
73 If you notice that autogenerated tarballs are outdated
74 or corrupted, please report to the openxpki-users mailing list.
75 </p>
76 <p>
77 <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=150124">Archived snapshots</a>.
78 Some of the intermediate snapshots are archived at SourceForge. Mainly
79 to facilitate FreeBSD porting. Snapshots are called "releases" there because of
80 the SourceForge design. But do not be confused. They are just what they are.
81 </p>
82 <h3>Packages/ports of OpenXPKI</h3>
83 <p>OpenXPKI team maintains packages/ports to facilitate out-of-the-box
84 download and install of the OpenXPKI suite for a number of platforms:
85 </p>
86 <ul>
87 <li><a href="debian.html">
88 packages for Debian Linux (including nightly builds)</a></li>
89 <li><a href="freebsd.html">
90 ports for FreeBSD (including nightly builds)</a></li>
91 <li><a href="suse.html">
92 packages for Suse Linux</a></li>
93 </ul>
94 <hr/>
95 <p>
96 <a href="../legacy/index.html">OpenCA 0.9.2 Legacy Support</a> section some contains
97 information on the predecessor project OpenCA.
98 </p>
100 </div> <!-- content -->
102 <div id="footer">
103 Last modified by svysh on Mon Jan 26 10:36:23 UTC 2009
104 (based on rev. 1361). &copy; 2005 - 2008 OpenXPKI Foundation
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