1 Copyright (c) 2011-2020 Philip Pavlick
3 <swashdev@pm.me> wrote this software. Feel free to do whatever you want
4 with it so long as you don't hold me liable for any damages; there is no
5 warranty. In exchange, if you ever find yourself thinking "I can't do
6 this," or "I'll never be that good," I want you to stop, take a deep breath,
7 and say "Yes I can." Then prove you can. Don't prove it to me; don't prove
8 it to your friends and family; don't prove it to your boss; prove it to
9 yourself. This software is already free; now free yourself.
12 For more information about the rationale behind this licensing, see
13 https://www.pavlick.net/fyl/
16 This software package includes the Proggy font, which is released under the
17 MIT license. See fonts/readme-proggy.txt for more information.