1 policy_module(ovirt, 1.0.1);
3 type fixed_disk_device_t;
7 class blk_file { ioctl getattr setattr read write };
8 class file { mounton getattr read write append entrypoint execute ioctl lock };
9 class chr_file { getattr read write append ioctl lock };
10 class fifo_file { getattr read write append lock ioctl };
11 class lnk_file { getattr read };
12 class sock_file { getattr write };
14 class process { sigchld signull transition noatsecure siginh rlimitinh };
15 class filesystem { getattr };
16 class dir { getattr search read lock ioctl };
17 class unix_stream_socket { create { ioctl read getattr write setattr append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown } connectto };
22 # Give qemu_t access to any block device
23 allow qemu_t fixed_disk_device_t:blk_file { ioctl getattr setattr read write };
24 # allow any file to be bindmounted (for /config)
25 allow mount_t file_type:file mounton;
26 # allow ovirt-firstboot to run unconfined
27 # TODO restrict to ovirt_t
30 #unconfined_domain_noaudit(ovirt_t)
31 #domain_entry_file(ovirt_t,ovirt_exec_t)
33 init_daemon_domain(unconfined_t,ovirt_exec_t)