2 # Copyright (C) 2001-2005, Parrot Foundation.
9 use Test::More tests => 5;
13 t/configure/031-base.t - tests Parrot::Configure::Step
17 prove t/configure/031-base.t
21 Regressions tests for the L<Parrot::Configure::Step> abstract base
26 BEGIN { use Parrot::Configure::Step; }
28 package Test::Parrot::Configure::Step;
30 use base qw(Parrot::Configure::Step);
35 $data{description} = q{foo};
42 my $testpkg = 'Test::Parrot::Configure::Step';
44 can_ok( $testpkg, qw(new description result set_result) );
45 isa_ok( $testpkg->new, $testpkg );
48 my $teststep = $testpkg->new;
50 is( $teststep->result('baz'), q{}, "->set_result() returns the class" );
51 isa_ok( $teststep->set_result('baz'), $testpkg );
52 is( $teststep->result, 'baz', "->set_result() changed the result value" );
57 # cperl-indent-level: 4
60 # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: