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[parse-docstrings.git] / annotation-plist.lisp
1 ;;; -*- lisp -*-
3 ;;;; This software was originally part of the SBCL software system.
4 ;;;; SBCL is in the public domain and is provided with absolutely no warranty.
5 ;;;; See the COPYING file for more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; Written by Rudi Schlatte <>, mangled
8 ;;;; by Nikodemus Siivola, Luis Oliveira, David Lichteblau, and others.
10 (in-package :parse-docstrings)
13 ;;;; Fetching annotations that were stored using ANNOTATION-DOCUMENTATION:
15 (defun raw-annotations (name doc-type)
16 (let ((key :documentation-annotations))
17 (when (and (consp name) (eq (car name) 'setf))
18 (setf name (second name))
19 (setf key :setf-documentation-annotations))
20 (getf (get name key) doc-type)))
22 (defun destructure-raw-annotation (x)
23 (let* ((kind (car x))
24 (sym nil)
25 (docstring
26 (with-output-to-string (s)
27 (dolist (y (cdr x))
28 (etypecase y
29 (string
30 (fresh-line s)
31 (write-string y s))
32 (symbol
33 (setf sym y))
35 (warn "ignoring unrecognized sub-annotation: ~A" y)))))))
36 (values kind sym docstring)))
38 (defun parse-raw-annotations (annotations)
39 (let ((d-a (make-instance 'documentation-annotations)))
40 (with-slots (arguments
41 return-values
42 conditions
43 slot-accessors
44 constructors
45 see-also-list)
46 d-a
47 (let ((docstring
48 (with-output-to-string (s)
49 (dolist (x annotations)
50 (typecase x
51 (string
52 (fresh-line s)
53 (write-string x s))
54 (list
55 (multiple-value-bind (kind sym docstring)
56 (destructure-raw-annotation x)
57 (ecase kind
58 (:argument
59 (push (make-instance 'parameter-like-annotation
60 :name sym
61 :docstring docstring)
62 arguments))
63 (:return-value
64 (push (make-instance 'parameter-like-annotation
65 :name sym
66 :docstring docstring)
67 return-values))
68 (:condition
69 (push (make-instance 'cross-reference-annotation
70 :target sym
71 :doc-type 'type)
72 conditions))
73 (:slot-accessor
74 (push (make-instance 'cross-reference-annotation
75 :target sym
76 :doc-type 'function)
77 slot-accessors))
78 (:constructor
79 (push (make-instance 'cross-reference-annotation
80 :target sym
81 :doc-type 'function)
82 constructors))
83 (:see-also-function
84 (push (make-instance 'cross-reference-annotation
85 :target sym
86 :doc-type 'function)
87 see-also-list))
88 (:see-also-variable
89 (push (make-instance 'cross-reference-annotation
90 :target sym
91 :doc-type 'variable)
92 see-also-list))
93 (:see-also-type
94 (push (make-instance 'cross-reference-annotation
95 :target sym
96 :doc-type 'type)
97 see-also-list)))))
99 (warn "ignoring unrecognized annotation: ~A" x)))))))
100 (setf arguments (nreverse arguments))
101 (setf return-values (nreverse return-values))
102 (setf conditions (nreverse conditions))
103 (setf slot-accessors (nreverse slot-accessors))
104 (setf constructors (nreverse constructors))
105 (setf see-also-list (nreverse see-also-list))
106 (values docstring d-a)))))
108 (defun annotations (name doc-type)
109 (parse-raw-annotations (raw-annotations name doc-type)))