Added classes and code for annotations
[parse-docstrings.git] / writer-html.lisp
1 ;;; -*- lisp -*-
3 ;;;; This software was originally part of the SBCL software system.
4 ;;;; SBCL is in the public domain and is provided with absolutely no warranty.
5 ;;;; See the COPYING file for more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; Written by Nikodemus Siivola
9 (in-package #:texinfo-docstrings)
11 (define-document-format :html "html")
15 (defvar *html-indent* 0)
17 (defmacro with-html ((stream tag attributes) &body forms)
18 (sb-int:once-only ((stream stream) (tag tag))
19 `(progn
20 (format ,stream "~vT<~(~A~)~{ ~(~A~)=~S~}>~%" *html-indent* ,tag ,attributes)
21 (let ((*html-indent* (+ 2 *html-indent*)))
22 ,@forms)
23 (format ,stream "~vT</~(~A~)>~%" *html-indent* ,tag))))
25 (defmethod format-document-start (stream package (format (eql :html)))
26 (write-line "<html>" stream)
27 (with-html (stream :head nil)
28 (format-html stream :link '(:rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "style.css") nil)
29 (format-html stream :title nil (package-name package)))
30 (write-line "<body>" stream)
31 (format-html stream :h1 '(:class "package-name") (package-name package)))
33 (defmethod format-document-end (stream package (format (eql :html)))
34 (write-line "</body></html>" stream))
36 (defun html-escape (string)
37 (with-output-to-string (s)
38 (loop for char across string
39 do (case char
40 (#\< (write-string "&lt;" s))
41 (#\> (write-string "&gt;" s))
42 (#\& (write-string "&amp;" s))
43 (t (write-char char s))))))
45 (defun format-html (stream tag attributes string)
46 (format stream "~vT<~(~A~)~{ ~(~A~)=~S~}~:[>~;/>~]~@[~A~]~@[</~(~A~)>~]~%"
47 *html-indent* tag attributes (not string) string (when string tag)))
49 (defun html-text (string)
50 (with-output-to-string (result)
51 (let ((last 0))
52 (dolist (symbol/index (parse-docstrings.sbcl::locate-symbols string))
53 (write-string (html-escape (subseq string last (first symbol/index))) result)
54 (let ((symbol-name (apply #'subseq string symbol/index)))
55 (format result "<var>~A</var>" (html-escape symbol-name)))
56 (setf last (second symbol/index)))
57 (write-string (html-escape (subseq string last)) result))))
59 (defmethod format-doc (stream (doc parse-docstrings:documentation*) format)
60 (let ((name (html-escape (princ-to-string (parse-docstrings:get-name doc)))))
61 (with-html (stream :div '(:class "item"))
62 (with-html (stream :div '(:class "type"))
63 (format-html stream :a (list :name name)
64 (html-escape (format nil "[~A]" (string-downcase (princ-to-string (parse-docstrings:get-kind doc)))))))
65 (with-html (stream :div '(:class "signature"))
66 (format-html stream :code '(:class "name") name)
67 (let ((ll (parse-docstrings:lambda-list doc)))
68 (when ll
69 (with-html (stream :span '(:class "args"))
70 (dolist (elt ll)
71 (labels ((markup-ll (elt)
72 (cond ((member elt lambda-list-keywords)
73 (format-html stream :code '(:class "llkw") (html-escape (princ-to-string elt))))
74 ((listp elt)
75 (write-string "(" stream)
76 (mapcar #'markup-ll elt)
77 (write-string ")" stream))
79 (format-html stream :var () (html-escape (string-downcase (princ-to-string elt))))))))
80 (markup-ll elt)))))))
81 (with-html (stream :div '(:class "item-body"))
82 (let ((content (parse-docstrings:get-content doc)))
83 (format-doc stream content format)))))
84 (terpri stream))
86 (defmethod format-doc (stream
87 (lisp parse-docstrings:lisp-block)
88 (format (eql :html)))
89 (format-html stream
90 :pre
91 '(:class "lisp")
92 (html-escape (parse-docstrings:get-string lisp))))
94 (defmethod format-doc (stream
95 (list parse-docstrings:itemization)
96 (format (eql :html)))
97 (with-html (stream :ul '(:class "itemization"))
98 (dolist (item (parse-docstrings:get-items list))
99 (with-html (stream :li '(:class "item"))
100 (format-html-item stream item)))))
102 (defgeneric format-html-item (stream item))
104 (defmethod format-html-item (stream item)
105 (format-doc stream item :html))
107 (defmethod format-html-item (stream (item parse-docstrings:section))
108 (dolist (b (parse-docstrings:get-blocks item))
109 (format-doc stream b :html)))
111 (defmethod format-doc (stream
112 (section parse-docstrings:section)
113 (format (eql :html)))
114 (dolist (b (parse-docstrings:get-blocks section))
115 (format-doc stream b format)))
117 (defmethod format-doc (stream
118 (paragraph parse-docstrings:paragraph)
119 (format (eql :html)))
120 (format-html stream
123 (html-text (parse-docstrings:get-string paragraph))))
125 (defmethod format-doc (stream
126 (tabulation parse-docstrings:tabulation)
127 (format (eql :html)))
128 (with-html (stream :dl '(:class "tabulation"))
129 (dolist (i (parse-docstrings:get-items tabulation))
130 (format-doc stream i format))))
132 (defmethod format-doc (stream
133 (item parse-docstrings:tabulation-item)
134 (format (eql :html)))
135 (format-html stream :dt
136 '(:class "tabulation-title")
137 (html-escape (parse-docstrings:get-title item)))
138 (with-html (stream :dd '(:class "tabulation-body"))
139 (format-html-item stream (parse-docstrings:get-body item))))