1 1. Install MQX 4.0.1 and build all library. (Actually need psp.a bsp.a usbd.a)
2 2. Copy pcm_lib to MQX root directory. (If already installed MQX then must change the MQX_ROOT_DIR in all project.)
3 3. Open the example\pc_speaker\cw10\twrk60d100m.wsd at the codewarrior.
4 4. Build pcm library.
5 5. Cover the usbd.a in the MQX lib directory with example\test_images\fixed_usbd_lib\k60\usbd.a.
6 6. Build speaker application. (Don't clean it before build.)
7 7. Remove all the jumper in J16 at serial board.
8 8. Run this image at tower k60d100m board.
9 9. Open pc and playback a audio.
10 10. Connect pc host to device at tower SER board connector.