dtor first
[personal-kdebase.git] / workspace / doc / systemsettings / index.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
3 <!ENTITY kappname "&systemsettings;">
4 <!ENTITY package "kdebase-workspace">
5 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
6 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
7 ]>
8 <book lang="&language;">
10 <bookinfo>
11 <title>The &systemsettings; Handbook</title>
13 <authorgroup>
14 <author>
15 &Richard.Johnson;
16 &Richard.Johnson.mail;
17 </author>
19 </authorgroup>
21 <copyright>
22 <year>2007</year>
23 <holder>&Richard.Johnson;</holder>
24 </copyright>
25 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
27 <date>2008-05-26</date>
28 <releaseinfo>1.01.00</releaseinfo>
30 <abstract>
31 <para>
32 This documentation describes &kde;&apos;s system configuration and administration center.
33 </para>
34 </abstract>
36 <keywordset>
37 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
38 <keyword>System</keyword>
39 <keyword>Settings</keyword>
40 <keyword>configuration</keyword>
41 <keyword>administration</keyword>
42 <keyword>config</keyword>
43 <keyword>admin</keyword>
44 </keywordset>
46 </bookinfo>
48 <chapter id="introduction">
49 <title>Introduction</title>
51 <para>
52 The &kde; &systemsettings; provides the user with a centralized and convenient way to configure all of the &kde; settings.
53 </para>
55 <para>
56 &systemsettings; is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, however the &kde; &systemsettings; organizes all of these applications into a single location.
57 </para>
59 <tip>
60 <para>
61 Each &systemsettings; module can be executed individually
62 </para>
63 <para>
64 See section entitled <link linkend="run-modules-individually">Running
65 individual &systemsettings; modules</link> for more information.
66 </para>
67 </tip>
69 <para>
70 &systemsettings; groups all of the configuration modules into two basic categories:
71 <itemizedlist>
72 <listitem><para><link linkend="general">General</link></para></listitem>
73 <listitem><para><link linkend="advanced">Advanced</link></para></listitem>
74 </itemizedlist>
75 </para>
77 <para>
78 The modules that make up &systemsettings; fall under one of the above categories, making it easier to locate the correct configuration module.
79 </para>
81 </chapter>
83 <chapter id="using-kapp">
84 <title>Using &systemsettings;</title>
86 <para>
87 This section details the use of &systemsettings; itself. For information on each individual module, please see <link linkend="modules">&systemsettings; Modules</link>.
88 </para>
90 <sect1 id="starting">
91 <title>Starting &systemsettings;</title>
93 <para>
94 The &kde; &systemsettings; can be started in one of three ways:
95 </para>
97 <orderedlist>
98 <listitem>
99 <para>
100 By selecting <menuchoice><guimenu>K Button</guimenu><guisubmenu>Applications</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>System Settings</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
101 </para>
102 </listitem>
103 <listitem>
104 <para>
105 By pressing <keycombo>&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo>. This will bring up the <application>KRunner</application> dialog. Type <command>system settings</command>, and click <guibutton>Launch</guibutton>.
106 </para>
107 </listitem>
108 <listitem>
109 <para>
110 Type <command>systemsettings &amp;</command> at any command prompt.
111 </para>
112 </listitem>
113 </orderedlist>
115 <para>
116 All three of these methods are equivalent, and produce the same result.
117 </para>
118 </sect1>
120 <sect1 id="screen">
121 <title>The &kde; &systemsettings; Screen</title>
123 <para>
124 When you start &systemsettings;, you are presented with a window, which is divided into three functional parts.
125 </para>
127 <para>
128 Across the top is a toolbar. The toolbar provides the user with the ability to go back into the main view from within a module, or to search for something within all of the modules.
129 </para>
131 <para>
132 Underneath the toolbar are two tabs, <link linkend="general">General</link> and <link linkend="advanced">Advanced</link>.
133 </para>
135 <para>
136 Underneath the tabs is an icon view of the individual modules that make up &systemsettings;.
137 </para>
138 </sect1>
140 <sect1 id="general">
141 <title>&systemsettings; General Tab</title>
143 <para>
144 The <guilabel>General</guilabel> tab consists of modules that allow you to make changes to typical &kde; settings. This section is divided into the following subsections:
145 </para>
147 <variablelist>
148 <varlistentry>
149 <term>Look &amp; Feel</term>
150 <listitem>
151 <para>
152 This section covers the settings related to configuring the way you want your &kde; system to look and feel. Settings include the appearance, desktop, notification, and window behavior customizations.
153 </para>
154 </listitem>
155 </varlistentry>
156 <varlistentry>
157 <term>Personal</term>
158 <listitem>
159 <para>
160 This section covers the settings related to the user. Settings include personal information about the user, accessibility, default applications, as well as regional and language settings.
161 </para>
162 </listitem>
163 </varlistentry>
164 <varlistentry>
165 <term>Network &amp; Connectivity</term>
166 <listitem>
167 <para>
168 This section covers the settings related to network and sharing configuration.
169 </para>
170 </listitem>
171 </varlistentry>
172 <varlistentry>
173 <term>Computer Administration</term>
174 <listitem>
175 <para>
176 This section covers the settings related to typical system administration. Settings include data and time, display, fonts, game controllers, keyboard and mouse, as well as system sound.
177 </para>
178 </listitem>
179 </varlistentry>
180 </variablelist>
181 </sect1>
183 <sect1 id="advanced">
184 <title>&systemsettings; Advanced Tab</title>
186 <para>
187 The <guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tab consists of modules that allow you to make changes to more advanced &kde; settings. This section is divided into the following subsections:
188 </para>
190 <variablelist>
191 <varlistentry>
192 <term>Advanced User Settings</term>
193 <listitem>
194 <para>
195 This section covers the settings related to the more advanced system settings for the user. Settings include digital cameras, file associations, input actions, resources, services, sessions, and hardware management.
196 </para>
197 </listitem>
198 </varlistentry>
199 <varlistentry>
200 <term>System</term>
201 <listitem>
202 <para>
203 This sections covers the settings related to specific system settings such as configuration of the login manager.
204 </para>
205 </listitem>
206 </varlistentry>
207 </variablelist>
208 </sect1>
210 <sect1 id="exiting">
211 <title>Exiting the &kde; &systemsettings;</title>
213 <para>
214 &systemsettings; can be exited in one of two ways:
215 </para>
217 <orderedlist>
218 <listitem>
219 <para>
220 Press <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo> on the keyboard.
221 </para>
222 </listitem>
223 <listitem>
224 <para>
225 click on the Close button located in the top right hand corner of the window.
226 </para>
227 </listitem>
228 </orderedlist>
229 </sect1>
231 <sect1 id="run-modules-individually">
232 <title>Running Individual &systemsettings; Modules</title>
234 <para>
235 Individual modules can be run without running &systemsettings; using the command <command>kcmshell4</command> from the command line. Type <command>kcmshell4 --list</command> to see a list of the available &kde; &systemsettings; modules.
236 </para>
237 </sect1>
238 </chapter>
240 <chapter id="modules">
241 <title>The &kde; &systemsettings; Modules</title>
243 <para>
244 In order to make it as easy as possible, the &kde; &systemsettings; has organized options into <link linkend="general">General</link> and <link linkend="advanced">Advanced</link> categories. In the main window, under each category, there are icons grouped together under subcategories. Each icon is called a module. When you click on a module icon, you will be presented with the options of the module in the main window.
245 </para>
247 <para>
248 Each module will have some or all of the following buttons:
249 </para>
251 <variablelist>
252 <varlistentry>
253 <term>Help</term>
254 <listitem>
255 <para>
256 This button will provide help specific to the current module. Clicking the button will open &khelpcenter; in a new window providing detailed information on the module.
257 </para>
258 </listitem>
259 </varlistentry>
261 <varlistentry>
262 <term>Defaults</term>
263 <listitem>
264 <para>
265 Clicking this button will restore this module to its default values. You must click <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> to save the options.
266 </para>
267 </listitem>
268 </varlistentry>
270 <varlistentry>
271 <term>Reset</term>
272 <listitem>
273 <para>
274 This button will &quot;Reset&quot; the module to the previous settings.
275 </para>
276 </listitem>
277 </varlistentry>
279 <varlistentry>
280 <term>Apply</term>
281 <listitem>
282 <para>
283 Clicking this button will save all changes to &kde;. If you have changed anything, clicking <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> will cause the changes to take effect.
284 </para>
285 </listitem>
286 </varlistentry>
287 </variablelist>
289 <note>
290 <para>
291 You must either &quot;Reset&quot; or &quot;Apply&quot; the any changes before changing to another module.
292 </para>
293 <para>
294 If you try to change without saving or resetting your options, you will be asked if you want to save your changes, or discard them.
295 </para>
296 </note>
298 </chapter>
300 <chapter id="credits">
302 <title>Credits and License</title>
304 <para>
305 &systemsettings;
306 </para>
307 <para>
308 Program copyright 2007 Benjamin C. Meyer.
309 </para>
310 <para>
311 Contributors:
312 <itemizedlist>
313 <listitem>
314 <para>
315 Will Stephenson <email>wstepheson@kde.org</email>
316 </para>
317 </listitem>
318 <listitem>
319 <para>Michael D. Stemle, Jr. <email>manchicken@notsosoft.net</email>
320 </para>
321 </listitem>
322 <listitem>
323 <para>
324 Matthias Kretz <email>kretz@kde.org</email>
325 </para>
326 </listitem>
327 <listitem>
328 <para>
329 &Daniel.Molkentin; &Daniel.Molkentin.mail;
330 </para>
331 </listitem>
332 <listitem>
333 <para>
334 &Matthias.Elter; &Matthias.Elter.mail;
335 </para>
336 </listitem>
337 <listitem>
338 <para>
339 Frans Englich <email>englich@kde.org</email>
340 </para>
341 </listitem>
342 <listitem>
343 <para>
344 Michael Jansen <email>kde@michael-jansen.biz</email>
345 </para>
346 </listitem>
347 </itemizedlist>
348 </para>
350 <para>
351 Documentation Copyright &copy; 2008 &Richard.Johnson; &Richard.Johnson.mail;
352 </para>
356 &underFDL;
357 &underGPL;
358 </chapter>
360 &documentation.index;
361 </book>
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