delay a few things on startup, such as setting the visibility mode, which ensures...
[personal-kdebase.git] / workspace / kdm /
1 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
3 # Copyright 2004-2005 Oswald Buddenhagen <>
5 # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
6 # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
7 # the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
8 # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
9 # documentation.
11 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
12 # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
22 # Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holders shall
23 # not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
24 # other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
25 # from the copyright holders.
28 use strict;
29 use Cwd 'abs_path';
31 sub pegout($)
33 print STDERR $_[0]."\n";
34 exit 1;
37 sub relpath($$)
39 my @src = split(/\//, abs_path(shift));
40 my @dst = split(/\//, abs_path(shift));
41 pop @dst;
42 while (@src && @dst && $src[0] eq $dst[0]) {
43 shift @src;
44 shift @dst;
46 return "../"x@dst . join("/", @src);
49 sub getl()
51 while (<INFILE>) {
52 next if (/^#/);
53 chop;
54 # print "read: ".$_."\n";
55 return;
57 $_ = "";
60 sub dedb($)
62 my $t = shift;
63 $t =~ s,</?(command|guilabel|quote|literal)>,\",g;
64 $t =~ s,</?(acronym|envar|filename|option|systemitem( [^ >]+)?)>,,g;
65 $t =~ s,<emphasis>([^<]+)</emphasis>,uc($1),ge;
66 $t =~ s,&amp;,&,g;
67 $t =~ s,&nbsp;, ,g;
68 $t =~ s,&lt;,<,g;
69 $t =~ s,&gt;,>,g;
70 $t =~ s,&kdm;,KDM,g;
71 $t =~ s,&XDMCP;,XDMCP,g;
72 $t =~ s,&X-Server;,X-server,g;
73 return $t;
76 sub mkvname($)
78 my $v = shift;
79 if ($v !~ /^[A-Z]{2}/) {
80 $v = lcfirst $v;
82 return $v;
85 sub emit_conds($)
87 my $ret = "";
88 for my $c (keys %{$_[0]}) {
89 my ($then, $else) = ("", "");
90 for my $d (@{${$_[0]}{$c}}) {
91 my $bas = "# define ".$d->[0];
92 if ($d->[1] =~ /\n/) {
93 $then .= $bas." \\\n".$d->[1]."\n";
94 } else {
95 $then .= $bas." ".$d->[1]."\n";
97 $else .= $bas."\n";
99 $ret .= "#if ".$c."\n".$then."#else\n".$else."#endif\n\n";
101 return $ret;
104 sub add_cond($$$$)
106 if ($_[0]) {
107 my $vn = uc($_[1]);
108 for my $i (@{$_[2]}) {
109 push @{${$_[3]}{$_[0]}}, [ $vn."_".$i->[1], $i->[0] ];
110 $i->[0] = $vn."_".$i->[1];
115 my $do_doc = 0;
116 if ($ARGV[0] eq "--doc") {
117 $do_doc = 1;
118 shift @ARGV;
121 @ARGV != 2 && pegout("usage: $0 [--doc] <def-file> <out-file>");
123 open (INFILE, $ARGV[0]) || pegout("$0: cannot open definition file ".$ARGV[0]);
125 my %ex_conds = ();
126 my %ex_sects = (); # $name -> $index
127 my @ex_config = (); # ($name, $comment, $entries)
129 my $raw_out = "";
131 my %ov_enum_conds = ();
132 my $ov_enums = "";
133 my $ov_enum_defs = "";
135 my $ov_defaults = "";
137 my %arr_ov_vars = ();
138 my $ov_rd_sects = "";
139 my $ov_rd_ents = "";
141 my $ov_gen_sects = "";
142 my $ov_gen_ents = "";
143 my $max_prio = 0;
145 my %ov_sec_conds = ();
146 my %ov_ent_conds = ();
147 my $ov_sect_defs = "";
148 my $ov_sect_refs = "";
150 my %ov_glob_conds = ();
151 my $ov_globs = "";
152 my %ov_loc_conds = ();
153 my $ov_locs = "";
155 my %ov_glob_decl_conds = ();
156 my $ov_glob_decls = "";
157 my %ov_glob_defs = ();
158 my %ov_loc_def_conds = ();
159 my %ov_loc_defs = ();
161 my %ov_greet_decl_conds = ();
162 my %ov_greet_conds = ();
163 my $ov_greet_init = "";
164 my $ov_greet_init_qapp = "";
165 my @ov_greet_decls = ();
166 my %ov_greet_defs = ();
168 my %ov_xm_conds = ();
169 my @ov_xm = ("", "");
171 my %ov_km_conds = ();
172 my %ov_km = ();
174 my %sect_names = ();
175 my $sect = "";
176 my $sect_if;
178 my $key_if;
180 my %key_names;
182 my $kid_seq = 0x1000;
184 my $doc = "";
185 my $doc_ref = "";
187 sub emit_section()
189 my $ts = $sect;
190 $ts =~ s/-/_/;
191 my @oa = (
192 ["static Ent ents".$ts."[] = { \\\n".$ov_rd_ents."};", "ENTS"],
193 ["static Ent ents".$ts."[] = { \\\n".$ov_gen_ents."};", "GENS"],
194 ["sec".$ts." = { \"".$sect."\", ents".$ts.", as(ents".$ts.") },", "SEC"],
195 ["&sec".$ts.",", "SECS"]
197 $ov_rd_ents = "";
198 $ov_gen_ents = "";
199 add_cond($sect_if, $ts, \@oa, \%ov_sec_conds);
200 $ov_rd_sects .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0]." \\\n";
201 $ov_gen_sects .= " \\\n".$oa[1][0]." \\\n";
202 $ov_sect_defs .= " ".$oa[2][0]." \\\n";
203 $ov_sect_refs .= "\t".$oa[3][0]." \\\n";
204 $doc_ref .= "</variablelist>\n</sect2>\n\n";
207 my %th = (
208 "int" => [ "C_TYPE_INT", "", "int\t", "", "getCfgInt", "" ],
209 "bool" => [ "C_TYPE_INT", " | C_BOOL", "int\t", "bool\t", "getCfgInt", "getCfgInt" ],
210 "enum" => [ "C_TYPE_INT", " | C_ENUM", "int\t", "", "getCfgInt", "" ],
211 "group" => [ "C_TYPE_INT", " | C_GRP", "int\t", "", "getCfgInt", "" ],
212 "string" => [ "C_TYPE_STR", "", "char\t*", "QString\t", "getCfgStr", "getCfgQStr" ],
213 "path" => [ "C_TYPE_STR", " | C_PATH", "char\t*", "QString\t", "getCfgStr", "getCfgQStr" ],
214 "list" => [ "C_TYPE_ARGV", "", "char\t**", "QStringList\t", "getCfgStrArr", "getCfgQStrList" ]
217 my @tl = ("QFont\t*", "QStringList\t", "QString\t", "char\t**", "char\t*", "int\t", "bool\t");
219 sub init_defs($)
221 for my $t (@tl) {
222 $_[0]{$t} = "";
226 init_defs(\%ov_glob_defs);
227 init_defs(\%ov_loc_defs);
228 init_defs(\%ov_greet_defs);
230 sub emit_defs($)
232 my $ret = "";
233 for my $t (@tl) {
234 $ret .= $_[0]{$t};
236 return $ret;
239 while (<INFILE>) {
240 chop;
241 if (/^<code>$/) {
242 while (<INFILE>) {
243 last if (/^<\/code>\n$/);
244 $raw_out .= $_;
246 } elsif (/^<kdmrc>$/) {
247 my $comm = "";
248 while (<INFILE>) {
249 last if (/^<\/kdmrc>\n$/);
250 chop;
251 if (/^\[(.*)\]$/) {
252 defined($ex_sects{$1}) &&
253 pegout("redefinition of example section [$1]");
254 push @ex_config, [$1, dedb($comm), "", ""];
255 $ex_sects{$1} = $#ex_config;
256 $comm = "";
257 } else {
258 if (!$_) {
259 $comm .= " \\\n\"\\n\"";
260 } elsif ($_ eq " _") {
261 $comm .= " \\\n\"#\\n\"";
262 } else {
263 s/"/\\"/g;
264 $comm .= " \\\n\"#".$_."\\n\"";
268 } elsif (/^<docu>$/) {
269 while (<INFILE>) {
270 last if (/^<\/docu>\n$/);
271 $doc .= $_;
273 } elsif (/^<legacy>$/) {
274 while (<INFILE>) {
275 next if (/^($|#)/);
276 my ($proc, $kif);
277 if (/^If: (.+)$/) {
278 $kif = $1;
279 getl();
280 } else {
281 $kif = "";
283 if (/^Proc: (.+)$/) {
284 $proc = $1;
285 getl();
286 } else {
287 pegout("expecting Proc keyword in legacy section");
289 my $nsrc = 0;
290 my $mcnt = 0;
291 while (/^Source: (.+)$/) {
292 my $src = $1;
293 if ($src =~ /^xdm:(.*)$/) {
294 my $what = $1;
295 my $dsp = ($what =~ s/^\*\.//);
296 my @oa = ([ "{ \"".$what."\", (char *)-1, 0, ".$proc." },", "XMO" ]);
297 add_cond($kif, $what, \@oa, \%ov_xm_conds);
298 $ov_xm[$dsp] .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n";
299 } elsif ($src =~ /^kdm:(.*)\/(.*)$/) {
300 my ($sec, $key) = ($1, $2);
301 my @oa = ([ "{ \"".$key."\", (char *)-1, 0, ".$proc." },", "KMO".($mcnt++) ]);
302 add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_km_conds);
303 $ov_km{$sec} .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n";
304 } else {
305 pegout("invalid legacy option '$_'");
307 $nsrc++;
308 getl();
310 $nsrc || pegout("no sources for legacy processor ".$proc);
311 last if (/^<\/legacy>$/);
312 pegout("unidentified section body '".$_."' in legacy section") if ($_);
314 } else {
315 next if (/^($|#)/);
316 if (/^Key: (.+)$/) {
317 my $key = $1;
318 $sect || pegout("defining key ".$key." outside any section");
319 defined($key_names{$key}) &&
320 pegout("redefinition of key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]");
321 $key_names{$key} = "";
322 getl();
323 if (/^If: (.+)$/) {
324 $key_if = $1;
325 getl();
326 } else {
327 $key_if = "";
329 my $kif = $sect_if ?
330 ($key_if ? "(".$sect_if.") && (".$key_if.")" : $sect_if) : $key_if;
331 my ($e_comm, $e_desc) = ("", "");
332 my $type = "";
333 if (/^Type: (.+)$/) {
334 $type = $1;
335 if ($type eq "enum") {
336 my $enum = "static const char *e".$key."[] = { ";
337 my $n_e_def = 0;
338 while (getl(), /^ ([A-Za-z]+)(\/([A-Z_]+))?: (.+)$/) {
339 my $e_nam = $1;
340 $enum .= "\"".$e_nam."\", ";
341 defined($3) &&
342 ($ov_enum_defs .= "#define ".$3." ".($n_e_def++)."\n");
343 my ($comm, $desc) = (dedb($4), $4);
344 $comm =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
345 $e_comm .= " \\\n\"# \\\"".$e_nam."\\\" - ".$comm."\\n\"";
346 $e_desc .=
347 "<varlistentry>\n".
348 "<term><parameter>".$e_nam."</parameter></term>\n".
349 "<listitem><para>".$desc."</para></listitem>\n".
350 "</varlistentry>\n";
352 $enum .= "0 };";
353 my @oa = ( [ $enum, "ENUM" ] );
354 add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_enum_conds);
355 $ov_enums .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n";
356 $n_e_def && ($ov_enum_defs .= "\n");
357 } elsif ($type =~ /^(int|bool|group|string|path|list)$/) {
358 getl();
359 } else {
360 pegout("unknown Type ".$type." for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]");
362 } else {
363 pegout("expecting Type for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]");
365 my ($odflt, $dflt, $cdflt, $ddflt);
366 my $quot = ($type =~ /^(int|bool|enum|group)$/);
367 if (/^Default: (\*?)(.+)$/) {
368 my $defd = $1;
369 ($odflt, $dflt) = ($2, $2);
370 $quot && ($dflt = "\"".$dflt."\"");
371 $defd && ($ov_defaults .= "#define def_".$key." ".$dflt."\n");
372 getl();
373 } else {
374 pegout("expecting Default for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]");
376 if (/^CDefault: (.+)$/) {
377 if ($1 eq "-") {
378 $ddflt =
379 $cdflt = "";
380 } else {
381 $ddflt =
382 $cdflt = $1;
383 $cdflt =~ s/"/\\"/g;
384 $cdflt = " \\\n\"# Default is ".$cdflt."\\n\"";
386 getl();
387 } else {
388 $ddflt = $odflt;
389 if ($quot) {
390 $cdflt = " \\\n\"# Default is ".$odflt."\\n\"";
391 } else {
392 $cdflt = " \\\n\"# Default is \\\"\" ".$dflt." \"\\\"\\n\"";
395 if (/^DDefault: -$/) {
396 $ddflt = "";
397 getl();
399 my $pproc;
400 if (/^PostProc: (.+)$/) {
401 $pproc = $1;
402 getl();
403 } else {
404 $pproc = "";
406 my $nusers = 0;
407 my ($vname, $kid, $xkid, $ctype, $cpptype, $cget, $cppget);
408 while (/^User: (.+)$/) {
409 my $user = $1;
410 if ($user eq "dummy") {
411 $vname = "dummy";
412 $kid = "C_INTERNAL | C_TYPE_STR";
413 $xkid = "";
414 } elsif ($user =~ s/^(core|greeter|greeter-c|dep|config)(\((.+)\))?(:font)?$/$1/) {
415 my ($hvn, $isfn) = (defined($3) ? $3 : mkvname($key), $4);
416 ($kid, $xkid, $ctype, $cpptype, $cget, $cppget) = @{$th{$type}};
417 $kid = sprintf "%#x | %s", $kid_seq, $kid;
418 if ($user eq "dep") {
419 $vname = $hvn;
420 $xkid .= " | C_INTERNAL";
421 } elsif ($user eq "config") {
422 $vname = $hvn;
423 $xkid .= " | C_INTERNAL | C_CONFIG";
424 } else {
425 $vname = "";
426 if ($user eq "core") {
427 if ($sect =~ /^-/) {
428 my @oa = (
429 [ "{ ".$kid.", boffset(".$hvn.") },", "LOC" ],
431 add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_loc_conds);
432 $ov_locs .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0];
434 @oa = (
435 [ $ctype.$hvn.";", "LDEF" ]
437 add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_loc_def_conds);
438 $ov_loc_defs{$ctype} .= " \\\n\t".$oa[0][0];
439 } else {
440 my @oa = (
441 [ "{ ".$kid.", &".$hvn." },", "GLOB" ],
442 [ $ctype.$hvn.";", "GDEF" ],
444 add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_glob_conds);
445 $ov_globs .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0];
446 $ov_glob_defs{$ctype} .= " \\\n".$oa[1][0];
448 @oa = (
449 [ "extern ".$ctype.$hvn.";", "GDECL" ]
451 add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_glob_decl_conds);
452 $ov_glob_decls .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0];
454 } else { # greeter(-c)?
455 my ($typ, $gtr, $isc, $qapp);
456 if ($isfn) {
457 $typ = "QFont\t*";
458 $gtr = "str2Font( getCfgQStr( ".$kid." ) )";
459 $isc = 0;
460 $qapp = 1;
461 } elsif ($user eq "greeter" && $cppget) {
462 $typ = $cpptype;
463 $gtr = $cppget."( ".$kid." )";
464 $isc = 0;
465 $qapp = 0;
466 } else {
467 $typ = $ctype;
468 $gtr = $cget."( ".$kid.(($type eq "list") ? ", 0" : "")." )";
469 $isc = 1;
470 $qapp = 0;
472 my @oa = (
473 [ "_".$hvn." = ".$gtr.";", "GRINIT" ],
474 [ $typ."_".$hvn.";", "GRDEF" ],
476 add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_greet_conds);
477 if ($qapp) {
478 $ov_greet_init_qapp .= " \\\n ".$oa[0][0];
479 } else {
480 $ov_greet_init .= " \\\n ".$oa[0][0];
482 $ov_greet_defs{$typ} .= " \\\n".$oa[1][0];
484 @oa = (
485 [ "extern ".$typ."_".$hvn.";", "GRDECL" ]
487 add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_greet_decl_conds);
488 $ov_greet_decls[$isc] .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0];
491 } else {
492 pegout("unrecognized User '".$user."' for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]");
494 $nusers++;
495 getl();
497 $nusers || pegout("expecting User for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]");
498 my $ninsts = 0;
499 while (/^Instance: ?(.*)$/) {
500 my $inst = $1;
501 if ($inst ne "-") {
502 my $on = 1 - ($inst =~ s/^#//);
503 my $sec;
504 if ($sect =~ /^-/) {
505 ($inst =~ s/^([^\/]+)\///) || pegout("instance for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] does not specify display");
506 $sec = "X-".$1.$sect;
507 } else {
508 $sec = $sect;
510 if ($type eq "bool" && $inst eq "!") {
511 $inst = ($dflt eq "\"true\"") ? "\"false\"" : "\"true\"";
512 } elsif (!$inst) {
513 $inst = $dflt;
514 } else {
515 $quot && ($inst = "\"".$inst."\"");
517 defined($ex_sects{$sec}) ||
518 pegout("instantiating key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] in undeclared section");
519 my @oa = ( [ "{ \"".$key."\",\t".$inst.", ".$on." },", "INST" ] );
520 add_cond($key_if, $key, \@oa, \%ex_conds);
521 $ex_config[$ex_sects{$sec}][2] .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n";
522 $ex_config[$ex_sects{$sec}][3] = $sect_if;
524 $ninsts++;
525 getl();
527 $ninsts ||
528 print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] not instanciated\n";
529 my ($update, $prio) = ("0", "");
530 if (/^Update: ([^\/]+)(\/(\d+))?$/) {
531 ($update, $prio) = ($1, $3);
532 getl();
534 if ($prio) {
535 ($max_prio < $prio) && ($max_prio = $prio);
536 } else {
537 $prio = 0;
539 my $mcnt = 0;
540 while (/^Merge: (.+)$/) {
541 my $merge = $1;
542 if ($merge =~ /^xdm(:([^\(]+))?(\((.+)\))?$/) {
543 my ($what, $proc) = ($2, $4);
544 my @oa = (
545 [ "{ \"".($what ? $what : lcfirst($key))."\", ".
546 "\"".(($sect =~ /^-/) ? "X-%s" : "").$sect."\", ".
547 ($what ? "\"".$key."\"" : "0").", ".
548 ($proc ? $proc : "0")." },", "XM" ]
550 add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_xm_conds);
551 $ov_xm[$sect =~ /^-/] .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n";
552 } elsif ($merge =~ /^kdm:([^\(]+)(\((.+)\))?$/) {
553 my ($where, $func) = ($1, $3);
554 my $sec = "";
555 ($where =~ s/^([^\/]+)\///) && ($sec = $1);
556 my @oa = (
557 [ "{ \"".($where ? $where : $key)."\", ".
558 ($sec ? "\"".$sect."\"" : "0").", ".
559 ($where ? "\"".$key."\"" : "0").", ".
560 ($func ? $func : "0")." },", "KM".($mcnt++) ]
562 add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_km_conds);
563 $ov_km{$sec ? $sec : $sect} .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n";
564 } else {
565 pegout("bogus Merge '".$merge."' for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]");
567 getl();
569 # todo: handle $func here, too
570 my @oa = ( [ "{ \"".$key."\", 0, 0, 0 },", "KM" ] );
571 add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_km_conds);
572 $ov_km{$sect} .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n";
573 my $comm = "";
574 if (/^Comment:(( [-&])?)$/) {
575 if ($1 eq " &") {
576 $comm = "&";
577 getl();
578 } elsif ($1 ne " -") {
579 while (getl(), /^ (.*)$/) {
580 $comm .= $1."\n";
582 $comm ||
583 print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] has empty Comment\n";
584 } else {
585 getl();
587 } else {
588 print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] has no Comment\n";
590 if (/^Description:(( [-!])?)$/) {
591 if ($1 ne " -") {
592 $doc_ref .=
593 "<varlistentry>\n".
594 "<term id=\"option-".lc($key)."\"><option>".$key."</option></term>\n".
595 "<listitem>\n";
596 ($1 eq " !") &&
597 ($e_desc = "");
598 my $desc = "";
599 while (getl(), /^ (_|(.*))$/) {
600 $desc .= $2."\n";
602 $desc ||
603 print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] has empty Description\n";
604 ($comm eq "&") &&
605 ($comm = $desc);
606 $desc = "<para>\n".$desc."</para>\n";
607 if ($e_desc) {
608 $e_desc = "<variablelist>\n".$e_desc."</variablelist>\n";
609 ($desc =~ s/%ENUM%/$e_desc/) ||
610 ($desc .= $e_desc);
612 $doc_ref .= $desc;
613 if ($ddflt) {
614 if ($ddflt eq '""') {
615 $doc_ref .= "<para>Empty by default.</para>\n";
616 } else {
617 $ddflt =~ s/\"//g;
618 $ddflt =~ s,KDMCONF ,\${<envar>kde_confdir</envar>}/kdm,;
619 $ddflt =~ s,KDMDATA ,\${<envar>kde_datadir</envar>}/kdm,;
620 $ddflt =~ s,XBINDIR ,\${<envar>x_bindir</envar>},;
621 $doc_ref .= "<para>The default is <quote>".$ddflt."</quote>.</para>\n";
624 $doc_ref .= "</listitem>\n</varlistentry>\n\n";
625 } else {
626 getl();
628 } else {
629 print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] has no Description\n";
631 pegout("unidentified section body '".$_."' in section [".$sect."]") if ($_);
632 if ($vname) {
633 ($vname ne "dummy") &&
634 ($arr_ov_vars{$vname} = $kif);
635 $vname = "&V".$vname;
636 } elsif ($pproc) {
637 $vname = "(void *)".$pproc;
638 } elsif ($type eq "enum") {
639 $vname = "e".$key;
640 } else {
641 $vname = "0";
643 $comm = dedb($comm);
644 $comm =~ s/"/\\"/g;
645 $comm =~ s/([^\n]*)\n/ \\\n\"# $1\\n\"/g;
646 @oa = (
647 [ "{ \"".$key."\", ".$kid.$xkid.", ".$vname.", ".$dflt." },", "RENT" ],
648 [ "{ \"".$key."\", ".$prio.", ".$update.",".$comm.$e_comm.$cdflt." },", "GENT" ],
650 add_cond($key_if, $key, \@oa, \%ov_ent_conds);
651 $ov_rd_ents .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n";
652 $ov_gen_ents .= $oa[1][0]." \\\n";
653 $kid_seq++;
654 } elsif (/^Section: (.+)$/) {
655 emit_section() if ($sect);
656 $sect = $1;
657 defined($sect_names{$sect}) && pegout("redefinition of section [".$sect."]");
658 $sect_names{$sect} = "";
659 %key_names = ();
660 getl();
661 if (/^If: (.+)$/) {
662 $sect_if = $1;
663 getl();
664 } else {
665 $sect_if = "";
667 my ($sref, $stit, $sna);
668 if ($sect =~ /^-(.*)$/) {
669 $sref = lc($1);
670 $stit = "X-*-".$1;
671 $sna = "section class";
672 } else {
673 $sref = lc($sect);
674 $stit = $sect;
675 $sna = "section";
677 $doc_ref .=
678 "\n<sect2 id=\"kdmrc-".$sref."\">\n".
679 "<title>The [".$stit."] ".$sna." of &kdmrc;</title>\n\n";
680 if (/^Description:(( -)?)$/) {
681 if ($1 ne " -") {
682 my $desc = 0;
683 $doc_ref .= "<para>\n";
684 while (getl(), /^ (_|(.*))$/) {
685 $doc_ref .= $2."\n";
686 $desc = 1;
688 $doc_ref .= "</para>\n";
689 $desc ||
690 print STDERR "Warning: section [".$sect."] has empty Description\n";
691 } else {
692 getl();
694 } else {
695 print STDERR "Warning: section [".$sect."] has no Description\n";
697 $doc_ref .= "\n<variablelist>\n\n";
698 pegout("unidentified section body '".$_."' in section [".$sect."]") if ($_);
699 } else {
700 pegout("invalid section leadin: '".$_."'");
704 emit_section();
705 close INFILE;
707 my $srcf = relpath($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
708 my $exen = relpath($0, $ARGV[1]);
710 open (OUTFILE, ">".$ARGV[1]) || pegout("$0: cannot create output file ".$ARGV[1]);
712 if (!$do_doc) {
714 print OUTFILE
715 "/* generated from $srcf by $exen - DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n".
716 "#ifndef CONFIG_DEFS\n".
717 "#define CONFIG_DEFS\n\n".
718 $raw_out."\n\n".
719 "#endif /* CONFIG_DEFS */\n\n\n";
721 print OUTFILE
722 "#if (defined(WANT_CORE_DECLS) || defined(WANT_GREET_DECLS)) && !defined(CONF_ENUMS_DEFINED)\n".
723 "#define CONF_ENUMS_DEFINED\n\n".
724 $ov_enum_defs."\n".
725 "#endif\n\n\n";
727 print OUTFILE
728 "#if (defined(WANT_CONF_READ) || defined(WANT_CONF_GEN)) && !defined(CONF_SECTS)\n\n".
729 emit_conds(\%ov_ent_conds).
730 emit_conds(\%ov_sec_conds).
731 "#define CONF_SECTS \\\n \\\n".
732 "static Sect \\\n".
733 $ov_sect_defs.
734 " *allSects[]\t= { \\\n".
735 $ov_sect_refs.
736 " };\n\n".
737 "#endif\n\n\n";
739 ######### config reader definitions #########
741 print OUTFILE
742 "#if defined(WANT_CONF_READ) && !defined(CONF_READ_DEFINED)\n".
743 "#define CONF_READ_DEFINED\n\n";
745 my $ov_vars = "";
746 my %ov_var_conds = ();
747 for my $v (keys %arr_ov_vars) {
748 my @oa = ( ["V".$v.",", "VAR"] );
749 add_cond($arr_ov_vars{$v}, $v, \@oa, \%ov_var_conds);
750 $ov_vars .= " ".$oa[0][0]." \\\n";
752 print OUTFILE
753 emit_conds(\%ov_var_conds).
754 "#define CONF_READ_VARS \\\n \\\n".
755 "static Value \\\n".
756 $ov_vars.
757 " Vdummy;\n\n\n";
759 print OUTFILE
760 emit_conds(\%ov_enum_conds).
761 "#define CONF_READ_ENTRIES \\\n \\\n".
762 $ov_enums.
763 $ov_rd_sects." \\\n".
764 "CONF_SECTS\n\n\n";
766 print OUTFILE
767 "#endif /* WANT_CONF_READ */\n\n\n";
769 ######### core definitions #########
771 print OUTFILE
772 "#if defined(WANT_CORE_DECLS) && !defined(CONF_CORE_GLOBAL_DECLS)\n\n".
773 emit_conds(\%ov_glob_decl_conds).
774 "#define CONF_CORE_GLOBAL_DECLS \\\n".
775 $ov_glob_decls."\n\n\n".
776 emit_conds(\%ov_loc_def_conds).
777 "#define CONF_CORE_LOCAL_DEFS \\\n".
778 emit_defs(\%ov_loc_defs)."\n\n\n".
779 "#endif /* WANT_CORE_DECLS */\n\n\n";
781 print OUTFILE
782 "#if defined(WANT_CORE_DEFS) && !defined(CONF_CORE_GLOBAL_DEFS)\n\n".
783 emit_conds(\%ov_glob_conds).
784 "#define CONF_CORE_GLOBALS \\\n".
785 $ov_globs."\n\n\n".
786 "#define CONF_CORE_GLOBAL_DEFS \\\n".
787 emit_defs(\%ov_glob_defs)."\n\n".
788 emit_conds(\%ov_loc_conds).
789 "#define CONF_CORE_LOCALS \\\n".
790 $ov_locs."\n\n\n".
791 "#endif /* WANT_CORE_DEFS */\n\n\n";
793 ######### greeter definitions #########
795 print OUTFILE
796 "#if defined(WANT_GREET_DECLS) && !defined(CONF_GREET_C_DECLS)\n\n".
797 emit_conds(\%ov_greet_decl_conds).
798 "#define CONF_GREET_C_DECLS \\\n".
799 $ov_greet_decls[1]."\n\n\n".
800 "#define CONF_GREET_CPP_DECLS \\\n".
801 $ov_greet_decls[0]."\n\n\n".
802 "#endif /* WANT_GREET_DECLS */\n\n\n";
804 print OUTFILE
805 "#if defined(WANT_GREET_DEFS) && !defined(CONF_GREET_DEFS)\n\n".
806 emit_conds(\%ov_greet_conds).
807 "#define CONF_GREET_INIT \\\n".
808 $ov_greet_init."\n\n\n".
809 "#define CONF_GREET_INIT_QAPP \\\n".
810 $ov_greet_init_qapp."\n\n\n".
811 "#define CONF_GREET_DEFS \\\n".
812 emit_defs(\%ov_greet_defs)."\n\n".
813 "#endif /* WANT_GREET_DEFS */\n\n\n";
815 ######### genkdmconf definitions #########
817 print OUTFILE
818 "#if defined(WANT_CONF_GEN) && !defined(CONF_GEN_DEFINED)\n".
819 "#define CONF_GEN_DEFINED\n\n";
821 print OUTFILE
822 $ov_defaults."\n";
824 print OUTFILE
825 "#define CONF_MAX_PRIO ".$max_prio."\n\n".
826 "#define CONF_GEN_ENTRIES \\\n".
827 $ov_gen_sects." \\\n".
828 "CONF_SECTS\n\n\n";
830 my ($ov1, $ov2) = ("", "");
831 my %ex_sec_conds = ();
832 for my $i (@ex_config) {
833 my $vn;
834 if ($i->[0] =~ /^X-(.+)-(.+)$/) {
835 if ($1 eq "*") {
836 $vn = "dEntsAny".$2;
837 } elsif ($1 eq ":*") {
838 $vn = "dEntsLocal".$2;
839 } else {
840 my ($t1, $t2) = ($1, $2);
841 $t1 =~ s/[-:]/_/g;
842 $vn = "dEnts".$t1.$t2;
844 } else {
845 $vn = "dEnts".$i->[0];
847 my @oa = (
848 [ "static DEnt ".$vn."[] = { \\\n".$i->[2]."};", "DSEC" ],
849 [ "{ \"".$i->[0]."\",\t".$vn.",\tas(".$vn."),".$i->[1]." },", "DSECS" ]
851 add_cond($i->[3], $vn, \@oa, \%ex_sec_conds);
852 $ov1 .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n \\\n";
853 $ov2 .= $oa[1][0]." \\\n";
855 print OUTFILE
856 emit_conds(\%ex_conds).
857 emit_conds(\%ex_sec_conds).
858 "#define CONF_GEN_EXAMPLE \\\n \\\n".
859 $ov1.
860 "static DSect dAllSects[] = { \\\n".
861 $ov2.
862 "};\n\n\n";
864 print OUTFILE
865 emit_conds(\%ov_xm_conds).
866 "#define CONF_GEN_XMERGE \\\n \\\n".
867 "XResEnt globents[] = { \\\n".
868 $ov_xm[0].
869 "}, dpyents[] = { \\\n".
870 $ov_xm[1].
871 "};\n\n\n";
873 my $ov_km_sects = "";
874 my $ov_km_sect_refs = "";
875 for my $s (keys %ov_km) {
876 my $ts = $s;
877 $ts =~ s/-/_/;
878 $ov_km_sects .=
879 "KUpdEnt upd".$ts."[] = { \\\n".
880 $ov_km{$s}.
881 "}; \\\n \\\n";
882 $ov_km_sect_refs .= "{ \"".$s."\", upd".$ts.", as(upd".$ts.") }, \\\n";
884 print OUTFILE
885 emit_conds(\%ov_km_conds).
886 "#define CONF_GEN_KMERGE \\\n \\\n".
887 $ov_km_sects.
888 "KUpdSec kupsects[] = { \\\n".
889 $ov_km_sect_refs.
890 "};\n\n\n";
892 print OUTFILE
893 "#endif /* WANT_CONF_GEN */\n";
895 } else {
897 $doc =~ s/%REF%/$doc_ref/;
898 print OUTFILE
899 "<!-- generated from $srcf - DO NOT EDIT! -->\n\n".
900 $doc;
904 close OUTFILE;