not quite so much needs to be delayed to the init() function
[personal-kdebase.git] / workspace / kwin / kcmkwin / kwinoptions / windows.cpp
1 /*
2 * windows.cpp
4 * Copyright (c) 1997 Patrick Dowler
5 * Copyright (c) 2001 Waldo Bastian
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 * (at your option) any later version.
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
24 #include <config-workspace.h>
26 #include <QApplication>
27 #include <QCheckBox>
28 #include <QRadioButton>
29 #include <QLabel>
30 #include <QComboBox>
31 #include <QHBoxLayout>
32 #include <QFormLayout>
33 #include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
35 #include <KButtonGroup>
36 #include <klocale.h>
37 #include <knuminput.h>
38 #include <kdialog.h>
40 #include <X11/X.h>
41 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
42 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
44 #include "windows.h"
46 #include <kephal/screens.h>
48 // kwin config keywords
49 #define KWIN_FOCUS "FocusPolicy"
50 #define KWIN_PLACEMENT "Placement"
51 #define KWIN_MOVE "MoveMode"
52 #define KWIN_RESIZE_OPAQUE "ResizeMode"
53 #define KWIN_GEOMETRY "GeometryTip"
54 #define KWIN_AUTORAISE_INTERVAL "AutoRaiseInterval"
55 #define KWIN_AUTORAISE "AutoRaise"
56 #define KWIN_DELAYFOCUS_INTERVAL "DelayFocusInterval"
57 #define KWIN_DELAYFOCUS "DelayFocus"
58 #define KWIN_CLICKRAISE "ClickRaise"
59 #define KWIN_MOVE_RESIZE_MAXIMIZED "MoveResizeMaximizedWindows"
60 #define KWIN_ALTTABMODE "AltTabStyle"
61 #define KWIN_TRAVERSE_ALL "TraverseAll"
62 #define KWIN_SHOW_POPUP "ShowPopup"
63 #define KWIN_ROLL_OVER_DESKTOPS "RollOverDesktops"
64 #define KWIN_SHADEHOVER "ShadeHover"
65 #define KWIN_SHADEHOVER_INTERVAL "ShadeHoverInterval"
66 #define KWIN_FOCUS_STEALING "FocusStealingPreventionLevel"
67 #define KWIN_HIDE_UTILITY "HideUtilityWindowsForInactive"
68 #define KWIN_SEPARATE_SCREEN_FOCUS "SeparateScreenFocus"
69 #define KWIN_ACTIVE_MOUSE_SCREEN "ActiveMouseScreen"
71 // kwm config keywords
72 #define KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER "ElectricBorders"
73 #define KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER_DELAY "ElectricBorderDelay"
75 //CT 15mar 98 - magics
76 #define KWM_BRDR_SNAP_ZONE "BorderSnapZone"
78 #define KWM_WNDW_SNAP_ZONE "WindowSnapZone"
80 #define KWM_CNTR_SNAP_ZONE "CenterSnapZone"
83 #define MAX_BRDR_SNAP 100
84 #define MAX_WNDW_SNAP 100
85 #define MAX_CNTR_SNAP 100
86 #define MAX_EDGE_RES 1000
89 KFocusConfig::~KFocusConfig ()
91 if (standAlone)
92 delete config;
95 // removed the LCD display over the slider - this is not good GUI design :) RNolden 051701
96 KFocusConfig::KFocusConfig (bool _standAlone, KConfig *_config, const KComponentData &inst, QWidget * parent)
97 : KCModule(inst, parent), config(_config), standAlone(_standAlone)
99 QString wtstr;
100 QBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout(this);
101 QLabel *label;
103 //iTLabel = new QLabel(i18n(" Allowed overlap:\n"
104 // "(% of desktop space)"),
105 // plcBox);
106 //iTLabel->setAlignment(AlignTop|AlignHCenter);
107 //pLay->addWidget(iTLabel,1,1);
109 //interactiveTrigger = new QSpinBox(0, 500, 1, plcBox);
110 //pLay->addWidget(interactiveTrigger,1,2);
112 //pLay->addRowSpacing(2,KDialog::spacingHint());
114 //lay->addWidget(plcBox);
116 // focus policy
117 //fcsBox = new QGroupBox(i18n("Focus"),this);
118 fcsBox = new QWidget(this);
120 QGridLayout *gLay = new QGridLayout();
122 fcsBox->setLayout( gLay );
124 focusStealing = new QComboBox( this );
125 focusStealing->addItem( i18nc( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "None" ));
126 focusStealing->addItem( i18nc( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "Low" ));
127 focusStealing->addItem( i18nc( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "Normal" ));
128 focusStealing->addItem( i18nc( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "High" ));
129 focusStealing->addItem( i18nc( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "Extreme" ));
130 wtstr = i18n( "<p>This option specifies how much KWin will try to prevent unwanted focus stealing "
131 "caused by unexpected activation of new windows. (Note: This feature does not "
132 "work with the Focus Under Mouse or Focus Strictly Under Mouse focus policies.)"
133 "<ul>"
134 "<li><em>None:</em> Prevention is turned off "
135 "and new windows always become activated.</li>"
136 "<li><em>Low:</em> Prevention is enabled; when some window does not have support "
137 "for the underlying mechanism and KWin cannot reliably decide whether to "
138 "activate the window or not, it will be activated. This setting may have both "
139 "worse and better results than normal level, depending on the applications.</li>"
140 "<li><em>Normal:</em> Prevention is enabled.</li>"
141 "<li><em>High:</em> New windows get activated only if no window is currently active "
142 "or if they belong to the currently active application. This setting is probably "
143 "not really usable when not using mouse focus policy.</li>"
144 "<li><em>Extreme:</em> All windows must be explicitly activated by the user.</li>"
145 "</ul></p>"
146 "<p>Windows that are prevented from stealing focus are marked as demanding attention, "
147 "which by default means their taskbar entry will be highlighted. This can be changed "
148 "in the Notifications control module.</p>" );
149 focusStealing->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
150 connect(focusStealing, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
151 focusStealing->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
152 label = new QLabel(i18n("Focus stealing prevention level:"), this);
153 label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
154 label->setBuddy(focusStealing);
155 gLay->addWidget(label, 0, 0, 1, 2);
156 gLay->addWidget(focusStealing, 0, 2);
158 focusCombo = new QComboBox(fcsBox);
159 focusCombo->setEditable( false );
160 focusCombo->addItem(i18n("Click to Focus"), CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
161 focusCombo->addItem(i18n("Focus Follows Mouse"), FOCUS_FOLLOWS_MOUSE);
162 focusCombo->addItem(i18n("Focus Under Mouse"), FOCUS_UNDER_MOUSE);
163 focusCombo->addItem(i18n("Focus Strictly Under Mouse"), FOCUS_STRICTLY_UNDER_MOUSE);
164 focusCombo->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
165 label = new QLabel(i18n("&Policy:"), this);
166 label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
167 label->setBuddy(focusCombo);
168 gLay->addWidget(label, 1, 0, 1, 2);
169 gLay->addWidget(focusCombo, 1, 2);
172 // FIXME, when more policies have been added to KWin
173 wtstr = i18n("The focus policy is used to determine the active window, i.e."
174 " the window you can work in. <ul>"
175 " <li><em>Click to focus:</em> A window becomes active when you click into it."
176 " This is the behavior you might know from other operating systems.</li>"
177 " <li><em>Focus follows mouse:</em> Moving the mouse pointer actively on to a"
178 " normal window activates it. New windows will receive the focus,"
179 " without you having to point the mouse at them explicitly."
180 " Very practical if you are using the mouse a lot.</li>"
181 " <li><em>Focus under mouse:</em> The window that happens to be under the"
182 " mouse pointer is active. If the mouse points nowhere, the last window"
183 " that was under the mouse has focus."
184 " New windows will not automatically receive the focus.</li>"
185 " <li><em>Focus strictly under mouse:</em> Only the window under the mouse pointer is"
186 " active. If the mouse points nowhere, nothing has focus.</li>"
187 " </ul>"
188 "Note that 'Focus under mouse' and 'Focus strictly under mouse' prevent certain"
189 " features such as the Alt+Tab walk through windows dialog in the KDE mode"
190 " from working properly."
192 focusCombo->setWhatsThis( wtstr);
194 connect(focusCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(focusPolicyChanged()) );
196 // autoraise delay
197 autoRaiseOn = new QCheckBox(fcsBox);
198 connect(autoRaiseOn,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(autoRaiseOnTog(bool)));
199 autoRaise = new KIntNumInput(500, fcsBox);
200 autoRaise->setRange(0, 3000, 100);
201 autoRaise->setSteps(100,100);
202 autoRaise->setSuffix(i18n(" ms"));
203 autoRaise->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
204 autoRaiseOnLabel = new QLabel(i18n("&Raise, with the following delay:"), this);
205 autoRaiseOnLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
206 autoRaiseOnLabel->setBuddy(autoRaise);
207 gLay->addWidget(autoRaiseOn, 2, 0);
208 gLay->addWidget(autoRaiseOnLabel, 2, 1);
209 gLay->addWidget(autoRaise, 2, 2);
211 connect(focusCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setDelayFocusEnabled()) );
213 delayFocusOn = new QCheckBox(fcsBox);
214 connect(delayFocusOn,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(delayFocusOnTog(bool)));
215 delayFocus = new KIntNumInput(500, fcsBox);
216 delayFocus->setRange(0, 3000, 100);
217 delayFocus->setSteps(100,100);
218 delayFocus->setSuffix(i18n(" ms"));
219 delayFocus->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
220 delayFocusOnLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Delay focus by:"), this);
221 delayFocusOnLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
222 delayFocusOnLabel->setBuddy(delayFocus);
223 gLay->addWidget(delayFocusOn, 3, 0);
224 gLay->addWidget(delayFocusOnLabel, 3, 1);
225 gLay->addWidget(delayFocus, 3, 2);
227 clickRaiseOn = new QCheckBox(i18n("C&lick raises active window"), fcsBox);
228 connect(clickRaiseOn,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(clickRaiseOnTog(bool)));
229 gLay->addWidget(clickRaiseOn, 4, 0, 1, 3);
231 autoRaiseOn->setWhatsThis( i18n("When this option is enabled, a window in the background will automatically"
232 " come to the front when the mouse pointer has been over it for some time.") );
233 wtstr = i18n("This is the delay after which the window that the mouse pointer is over will automatically"
234 " come to the front.");
235 autoRaise->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
237 clickRaiseOn->setWhatsThis( i18n("When this option is enabled, the active window will be brought to the"
238 " front when you click somewhere into the window contents. To change"
239 " it for inactive windows, you need to change the settings"
240 " in the Actions tab.") );
242 delayFocusOn->setWhatsThis( i18n("When this option is enabled, there will be a delay after which the"
243 " window the mouse pointer is over will become active (receive focus).") );
244 delayFocus->setWhatsThis( i18n("This is the delay after which the window the mouse pointer is over"
245 " will automatically receive focus.") );
247 separateScreenFocus = new QCheckBox( i18n( "S&eparate screen focus" ), fcsBox );
248 gLay->addWidget(separateScreenFocus, 5, 0, 1, 3);
249 wtstr = i18n( "When this option is enabled, focus operations are limited only to the active Xinerama screen" );
250 separateScreenFocus->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
252 activeMouseScreen = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Active screen follows &mouse" ), fcsBox );
253 gLay->addWidget(activeMouseScreen, 6, 0, 1, 3);
254 wtstr = i18n( "When this option is enabled, the active Xinerama screen (where new windows appear, for example)"
255 " is the screen containing the mouse pointer. When disabled, the active Xinerama screen is the "
256 " screen containing the focused window. By default this option is disabled for Click to focus and"
257 " enabled for other focus policies." );
258 activeMouseScreen->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
259 connect(focusCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updateActiveMouseScreen()));
261 if (Kephal::ScreenUtils::numScreens() == 1) // No Ximerama
263 separateScreenFocus->hide();
264 activeMouseScreen->hide();
267 lay->addWidget(fcsBox);
273 kbdBox = new KButtonGroup(this);
274 kbdBox->setTitle(i18nc("@title:group", "Window Switching"));
275 QVBoxLayout *kLay = new QVBoxLayout(kbdBox);
277 altTabPopup = new QCheckBox( i18n("Show window list while switching windows"), kbdBox );
278 kLay->addWidget( altTabPopup );
280 wtstr = i18n("Hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key repeatedly to walk"
281 " through the windows on the current desktop (the Alt+Tab"
282 " combination can be reconfigured).\n\n"
283 "If this checkbox is checked"
284 " a popup widget is shown, displaying the icons of all windows to"
285 " walk through and the title of the currently selected one.\n\n"
286 "Otherwise, the focus is passed to a new window each time Tab"
287 " is pressed, with no popup widget. In addition, the previously"
288 " activated window will be sent to the back in this mode.");
289 altTabPopup->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
290 connect(focusCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updateAltTabMode()));
291 kLay->addWidget(altTabPopup);
293 traverseAll = new QCheckBox( i18n( "&Traverse windows on all desktops" ), kbdBox );
294 kLay->addWidget( traverseAll );
296 wtstr = i18n( "Leave this option disabled if you want to limit walking through"
297 " windows to the current desktop." );
298 traverseAll->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
299 kLay->addWidget(traverseAll);
301 rollOverDesktops = new QCheckBox( i18n("Desktop navi&gation wraps around"), kbdBox );
302 kLay->addWidget(rollOverDesktops);
304 wtstr = i18n( "Enable this option if you want keyboard or active desktop border navigation beyond"
305 " the edge of a desktop to take you to the opposite edge of the new desktop." );
306 rollOverDesktops->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
307 kLay->addWidget(rollOverDesktops);
309 showPopupinfo = new QCheckBox( i18n("Popup desktop name on desktop &switch"), kbdBox );
310 kLay->addWidget(showPopupinfo);
312 wtstr = i18n( "Enable this option if you wish to see the current desktop"
313 " name popup whenever the current desktop is changed." );
314 showPopupinfo->setWhatsThis( wtstr );
315 kLay->addWidget(showPopupinfo);
317 lay->addWidget(kbdBox);
319 lay->addStretch();
321 // Any changes goes to slotChanged()
322 connect(focusCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
323 connect(autoRaiseOn,SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
324 connect(delayFocusOn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
325 connect(clickRaiseOn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
326 connect(autoRaise, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed()));
327 connect(delayFocus, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed()));
328 connect(separateScreenFocus, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
329 connect(activeMouseScreen, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
330 connect(altTabPopup, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
331 connect(traverseAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
332 connect(rollOverDesktops, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
333 connect(showPopupinfo, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
335 load();
339 int KFocusConfig::getFocus()
341 return focusCombo->currentIndex();
344 void KFocusConfig::setFocus(int foc)
346 focusCombo->setCurrentIndex(foc);
348 // this will disable/hide the auto raise delay widget if focus==click
349 focusPolicyChanged();
350 updateAltTabMode();
353 void KFocusConfig::updateAltTabMode()
355 // not KDE-style Alt+Tab with unreasonable focus policies
356 altTabPopup->setEnabled( focusCombo->currentIndex() == 0 || focusCombo->currentIndex() == 1 );
359 void KFocusConfig::setAutoRaiseInterval(int tb)
361 autoRaise->setValue(tb);
364 void KFocusConfig::setDelayFocusInterval(int tb)
366 delayFocus->setValue(tb);
369 int KFocusConfig::getAutoRaiseInterval()
371 return autoRaise->value();
374 int KFocusConfig::getDelayFocusInterval()
376 return delayFocus->value();
379 void KFocusConfig::setAutoRaise(bool on)
381 autoRaiseOn->setChecked(on);
384 void KFocusConfig::setDelayFocus(bool on)
386 delayFocusOn->setChecked(on);
389 void KFocusConfig::setClickRaise(bool on)
391 clickRaiseOn->setChecked(on);
394 void KFocusConfig::focusPolicyChanged()
396 int policyIndex=focusCombo->currentIndex();
398 // the auto raise related widgets are: autoRaise
399 autoRaiseOn->setEnabled(policyIndex != CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
400 autoRaiseOnLabel->setEnabled(policyIndex != CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
401 autoRaiseOnTog(policyIndex != CLICK_TO_FOCUS && autoRaiseOn->isChecked());
403 focusStealing->setDisabled(policyIndex == FOCUS_UNDER_MOUSE || policyIndex == FOCUS_STRICTLY_UNDER_MOUSE);
407 void KFocusConfig::setDelayFocusEnabled()
409 int policyIndex=focusCombo->currentIndex();
411 // the delayed focus related widgets are: delayFocus
412 delayFocusOn->setEnabled(policyIndex != CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
413 delayFocusOnLabel->setEnabled(policyIndex != CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
414 delayFocusOnTog(policyIndex != CLICK_TO_FOCUS && delayFocusOn->isChecked());
417 void KFocusConfig::autoRaiseOnTog(bool a) {
418 autoRaise->setEnabled(a);
419 clickRaiseOn->setEnabled( !a );
422 void KFocusConfig::delayFocusOnTog(bool a) {
423 delayFocus->setEnabled(a);
426 void KFocusConfig::clickRaiseOnTog(bool ) {
429 void KFocusConfig::setFocusStealing(int l) {
430 l = qMax( 0, qMin( 4, l ));
431 focusStealing->setCurrentIndex(l);
434 void KFocusConfig::setSeparateScreenFocus(bool s) {
435 separateScreenFocus->setChecked(s);
438 void KFocusConfig::setActiveMouseScreen(bool a) {
439 activeMouseScreen->setChecked(a);
442 void KFocusConfig::updateActiveMouseScreen()
444 // on by default for non click to focus policies
445 KConfigGroup cfg( config, "Windows" );
446 if( !cfg.hasKey( KWIN_ACTIVE_MOUSE_SCREEN ))
447 setActiveMouseScreen( focusCombo->currentIndex() != 0 );
450 void KFocusConfig::setAltTabMode(bool a) {
451 altTabPopup->setChecked(a);
454 void KFocusConfig::setTraverseAll(bool a) {
455 traverseAll->setChecked(a);
458 void KFocusConfig::setRollOverDesktops(bool a) {
459 rollOverDesktops->setChecked(a);
462 void KFocusConfig::setShowPopupinfo(bool a) {
463 showPopupinfo->setChecked(a);
466 void KFocusConfig::load( void )
468 QString key;
470 KConfigGroup cg(config, "Windows");
472 key = cg.readEntry(KWIN_FOCUS);
473 if( key == "ClickToFocus")
474 setFocus(CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
475 else if( key == "FocusFollowsMouse")
477 else if(key == "FocusUnderMouse")
478 setFocus(FOCUS_UNDER_MOUSE);
479 else if(key == "FocusStrictlyUnderMouse")
482 int k = cg.readEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE_INTERVAL,750);
483 setAutoRaiseInterval(k);
485 k = cg.readEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS_INTERVAL,750);
486 setDelayFocusInterval(k);
488 setAutoRaise( cg.readEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE, false));
489 setDelayFocus( cg.readEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS, false));
490 setClickRaise( cg.readEntry(KWIN_CLICKRAISE, true));
491 focusPolicyChanged(); // this will disable/hide the auto raise delay widget if focus==click
492 setDelayFocusEnabled();
494 setSeparateScreenFocus( cg.readEntry(KWIN_SEPARATE_SCREEN_FOCUS, false));
495 // on by default for non click to focus policies
496 setActiveMouseScreen( cg.readEntry(KWIN_ACTIVE_MOUSE_SCREEN, focusCombo->currentIndex() != 0 ));
498 key = cg.readEntry(KWIN_ALTTABMODE, "KDE");
499 setAltTabMode(key == "KDE");
501 setRollOverDesktops( cg.readEntry(KWIN_ROLL_OVER_DESKTOPS, true));
503 setShowPopupinfo( config->group("PopupInfo").readEntry(KWIN_SHOW_POPUP, false));
505 setTraverseAll( config->group("TabBox").readEntry(KWIN_TRAVERSE_ALL, false));
508 // setFocusStealing( cg.readEntry(KWIN_FOCUS_STEALING, 2 ));
509 // TODO default to low for now
510 setFocusStealing( cg.readEntry(KWIN_FOCUS_STEALING, 1 ));
512 emit KCModule::changed(false);
515 void KFocusConfig::save( void )
517 int v;
519 KConfigGroup cg(config, "Windows");
521 v = getFocus();
522 if (v == CLICK_TO_FOCUS)
523 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS,"ClickToFocus");
524 else if (v == FOCUS_UNDER_MOUSE)
525 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS,"FocusUnderMouse");
527 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS,"FocusStrictlyUnderMouse");
528 else
529 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS,"FocusFollowsMouse");
531 v = getAutoRaiseInterval();
532 if (v <0) v = 0;
533 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE_INTERVAL,v);
535 v = getDelayFocusInterval();
536 if (v <0) v = 0;
537 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS_INTERVAL,v);
539 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE, autoRaiseOn->isChecked());
541 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS, delayFocusOn->isChecked());
543 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_CLICKRAISE, clickRaiseOn->isChecked());
545 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_SEPARATE_SCREEN_FOCUS, separateScreenFocus->isChecked());
546 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_ACTIVE_MOUSE_SCREEN, activeMouseScreen->isChecked());
548 if (altTabPopup->isChecked())
549 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_ALTTABMODE, "KDE");
550 else
551 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_ALTTABMODE, "CDE");
553 cg.writeEntry( KWIN_ROLL_OVER_DESKTOPS, rollOverDesktops->isChecked());
555 config->group("PopupInfo").writeEntry( KWIN_SHOW_POPUP, showPopupinfo->isChecked());
557 config->group("TabBox").writeEntry( KWIN_TRAVERSE_ALL , traverseAll->isChecked());
559 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS_STEALING, focusStealing->currentIndex());
562 if (standAlone)
564 config->sync();
565 // Send signal to all kwin instances
566 QDBusMessage message =
567 QDBusMessage::createSignal("/KWin", "org.kde.KWin", "reloadConfig");
568 QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
570 emit KCModule::changed(false);
573 void KFocusConfig::defaults()
575 setAutoRaiseInterval(0);
576 setDelayFocusInterval(0);
577 setFocus(CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
578 setAutoRaise(false);
579 setDelayFocus(false);
580 setClickRaise(true);
581 setSeparateScreenFocus( false );
583 // setFocusStealing(2);
584 // TODO default to low for now
585 setFocusStealing(1);
587 // on by default for non click to focus policies
588 setActiveMouseScreen( focusCombo->currentIndex() != 0 );
589 setAltTabMode(true);
590 setTraverseAll( false );
591 setRollOverDesktops(true);
592 setShowPopupinfo(false);
593 setDelayFocusEnabled();
594 emit KCModule::changed(true);
597 KAdvancedConfig::~KAdvancedConfig ()
599 if (standAlone)
600 delete config;
603 KAdvancedConfig::KAdvancedConfig (bool _standAlone, KConfig *_config, const KComponentData &inst, QWidget *parent)
604 : KCModule(inst, parent), config(_config), standAlone(_standAlone)
606 QString wtstr;
607 QLabel *label;
608 QGridLayout *lay = new QGridLayout (this);
610 //iTLabel = new QLabel(i18n(" Allowed overlap:\n"
611 // "(% of desktop space)"),
612 // plcBox);
613 //iTLabel->setAlignment(AlignTop|AlignHCenter);
614 //pLay->addWidget(iTLabel,1,1);
616 //interactiveTrigger = new QSpinBox(0, 500, 1, plcBox);
617 //pLay->addWidget(interactiveTrigger,1,2);
619 //pLay->addRowSpacing(2,KDialog::spacingHint());
621 //lay->addWidget(plcBox);
623 shBox = new KButtonGroup(this);
624 shBox->setTitle(i18n("Shading"));
625 QGridLayout *kLay = new QGridLayout(shBox);
627 shadeHoverOn = new QCheckBox(i18n("&Enable hover"), shBox);
629 connect(shadeHoverOn, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(shadeHoverChanged(bool)));
630 kLay->addWidget(shadeHoverOn, 0, 0, 1, 2);
632 shadeHover = new KIntNumInput(500, shBox);
633 shadeHover->setRange(0, 3000, 100);
634 shadeHover->setSteps(100, 100);
635 shadeHover->setSuffix(i18n(" ms"));
637 shadeHoverOn->setWhatsThis( i18n("If Shade Hover is enabled, a shaded window will un-shade automatically "
638 "when the mouse pointer has been over the title bar for some time."));
640 wtstr = i18n("Sets the time in milliseconds before the window unshades "
641 "when the mouse pointer goes over the shaded window.");
642 shadeHover->setWhatsThis( wtstr);
643 shadeHover->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
644 shadeHoverLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Dela&y:"), this);
645 shadeHoverLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
646 shadeHoverLabel->setBuddy(shadeHover);
647 kLay->addWidget(shadeHoverLabel, 1, 0);
648 kLay->addWidget(shadeHover, 1, 1);
650 kLay->setRowStretch(2, 1);
651 lay->addWidget(shBox, 0, 0);
653 // Any changes goes to slotChanged()
654 connect(shadeHoverOn, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(changed()));
655 connect(shadeHover, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed()));
657 electricBox = new KButtonGroup(this);
658 electricBox->setTitle(i18n("Active Desktop Borders"));
659 QGridLayout *bLay = new QGridLayout(electricBox);
661 electricBox->setWhatsThis( i18n("If this option is enabled, moving the mouse to a screen border"
662 " will change your desktop. This is e.g. useful if you want to drag windows from one desktop"
663 " to the other.") );
664 active_disable = new QRadioButton(i18n("D&isabled"), electricBox);
665 bLay->addWidget(active_disable, 0, 0, 1, 2);
666 active_move = new QRadioButton(i18n("Only &when moving windows"), electricBox);
667 bLay->addWidget(active_move, 1, 0, 1, 2);
668 active_always = new QRadioButton(i18n("A&lways enabled"), electricBox);
669 bLay->addWidget(active_always, 2, 0, 1, 2);
671 delays = new KIntNumInput(10, electricBox);
672 delays->setRange(0, MAX_EDGE_RES, 50);
673 delays->setSuffix(i18n(" ms"));
674 delays->setWhatsThis( i18n("Here you can set a delay for switching desktops using the active"
675 " borders feature. Desktops will be switched after the mouse has been pushed against a screen border"
676 " for the specified number of milliseconds.") );
677 delays->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
678 delaysLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Desktop &switch delay:"), this);
679 delaysLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
680 delaysLabel->setBuddy(delays);
681 bLay->addWidget(delaysLabel, 3, 0);
682 bLay->addWidget(delays, 3, 1);
684 connect( electricBox, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(setEBorders()));
686 // Any changes goes to slotChanged()
687 connect(electricBox, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(changed()));
688 connect(delays, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed()));
690 lay->addWidget(electricBox, 0, 1);
693 QGridLayout *vLay = new QGridLayout();
694 lay->addLayout( vLay, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
696 placementCombo = new QComboBox(this);
697 placementCombo->setEditable( false );
698 placementCombo->addItem(i18n("Smart"), SMART_PLACEMENT);
699 placementCombo->addItem(i18n("Maximizing"), MAXIMIZING_PLACEMENT);
700 placementCombo->addItem(i18n("Cascade"), CASCADE_PLACEMENT);
701 placementCombo->addItem(i18n("Random"), RANDOM_PLACEMENT);
702 placementCombo->addItem(i18n("Centered"), CENTERED_PLACEMENT);
703 placementCombo->addItem(i18n("Zero-Cornered"), ZEROCORNERED_PLACEMENT);
704 // CT: disabling is needed as long as functionality misses in kwin
705 //placementCombo->addItem(i18n("Interactive"), INTERACTIVE_PLACEMENT);
706 //placementCombo->addItem(i18n("Manual"), MANUAL_PLACEMENT);
707 placementCombo->setCurrentIndex(SMART_PLACEMENT);
709 // FIXME, when more policies have been added to KWin
710 wtstr = i18n("The placement policy determines where a new window"
711 " will appear on the desktop."
712 " <ul>"
713 " <li><em>Smart</em> will try to achieve a minimum overlap of windows</li>"
714 " <li><em>Maximizing</em> will try to maximize every window to fill the whole screen."
715 " It might be useful to selectively affect placement of some windows using"
716 " the window-specific settings.</li>"
717 " <li><em>Cascade</em> will cascade the windows</li>"
718 " <li><em>Random</em> will use a random position</li>"
719 " <li><em>Centered</em> will place the window centered</li>"
720 " <li><em>Zero-Cornered</em> will place the window in the top-left corner</li>"
721 "</ul>") ;
723 placementCombo->setWhatsThis( wtstr);
725 placementCombo->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
726 label = new QLabel(i18n("&Placement:"), this);
727 label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
728 label->setBuddy(placementCombo);
729 vLay->addWidget(label, 0, 0);
730 vLay->addWidget(placementCombo, 0, 1);
732 connect( placementCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
734 hideUtilityWindowsForInactive = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Hide utility windows for inactive applications" ), this );
735 hideUtilityWindowsForInactive->setWhatsThis(
736 i18n( "When turned on, utility windows (tool windows, torn-off menus,...) of inactive applications will be"
737 " hidden and will be shown only when the application becomes active. Note that applications"
738 " have to mark the windows with the proper window type for this feature to work." ));
739 connect(hideUtilityWindowsForInactive, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(changed()));
740 vLay->addWidget( hideUtilityWindowsForInactive, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
743 lay->setRowStretch(2, 1);
744 load();
748 void KAdvancedConfig::setShadeHover(bool on) {
749 shadeHoverOn->setChecked(on);
750 shadeHoverLabel->setEnabled(on);
751 shadeHover->setEnabled(on);
754 void KAdvancedConfig::setShadeHoverInterval(int k) {
755 shadeHover->setValue(k);
758 int KAdvancedConfig::getShadeHoverInterval() {
760 return shadeHover->value();
763 void KAdvancedConfig::shadeHoverChanged(bool a) {
764 shadeHoverLabel->setEnabled(a);
765 shadeHover->setEnabled(a);
769 void KAdvancedConfig::load( void )
771 KConfigGroup cg(config, "Windows");
773 setShadeHover(cg.readEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER, false));
774 setShadeHoverInterval(cg.readEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER_INTERVAL, 250));
776 setElectricBorders(cg.readEntry(KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER, 0));
777 setElectricBorderDelay(cg.readEntry(KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER_DELAY, 150));
779 QString key;
780 // placement policy --- CT 19jan98 ---
781 key = cg.readEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT);
782 //CT 13mar98 interactive placement
783 // if( key.left(11) == "interactive") {
784 // setPlacement(INTERACTIVE_PLACEMENT);
785 // int comma_pos = key.find(',');
786 // if (comma_pos < 0)
787 // interactiveTrigger->setValue(0);
788 // else
789 // interactiveTrigger->setValue (key.right(key.length()
790 // - comma_pos).toUInt(0));
791 // iTLabel->setEnabled(true);
792 // interactiveTrigger->show();
793 // }
794 // else {
795 // interactiveTrigger->setValue(0);
796 // iTLabel->setEnabled(false);
797 // interactiveTrigger->hide();
798 if( key == "Random")
799 setPlacement(RANDOM_PLACEMENT);
800 else if( key == "Cascade")
801 setPlacement(CASCADE_PLACEMENT); //CT 31jan98
802 //CT 31mar98 manual placement
803 else if( key == "manual")
804 setPlacement(MANUAL_PLACEMENT);
805 else if( key == "Centered")
806 setPlacement(CENTERED_PLACEMENT);
807 else if( key == "ZeroCornered")
809 else if( key == "Maximizing")
811 else
812 setPlacement(SMART_PLACEMENT);
813 // }
815 setHideUtilityWindowsForInactive( cg.readEntry( KWIN_HIDE_UTILITY, true));
817 emit KCModule::changed(false);
820 void KAdvancedConfig::save( void )
822 int v;
824 KConfigGroup cg(config, "Windows");
825 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER, shadeHoverOn->isChecked());
827 v = getShadeHoverInterval();
828 if (v<0) v = 0;
829 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER_INTERVAL, v);
831 cg.writeEntry(KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER, getElectricBorders());
832 cg.writeEntry(KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER_DELAY,getElectricBorderDelay());
834 // placement policy --- CT 31jan98 ---
835 v =getPlacement();
836 if (v == RANDOM_PLACEMENT)
837 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Random");
838 else if (v == CASCADE_PLACEMENT)
839 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Cascade");
840 else if (v == CENTERED_PLACEMENT)
841 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Centered");
843 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "ZeroCornered");
844 else if (v == MAXIMIZING_PLACEMENT)
845 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Maximizing");
846 //CT 13mar98 manual and interactive placement
847 // else if (v == MANUAL_PLACEMENT)
848 // cg.writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Manual");
849 // else if (v == INTERACTIVE_PLACEMENT) {
850 // QString tmpstr = QString("Interactive,%1").arg(interactiveTrigger->value());
851 // cg.writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, tmpstr);
852 // }
853 else
854 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Smart");
856 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_HIDE_UTILITY, hideUtilityWindowsForInactive->isChecked());
858 if (standAlone)
860 config->sync();
861 // Send signal to all kwin instances
862 QDBusMessage message =
863 QDBusMessage::createSignal("/KWin", "org.kde.KWin", "reloadConfig");
864 QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
867 emit KCModule::changed(false);
870 void KAdvancedConfig::defaults()
872 setShadeHover(false);
873 setShadeHoverInterval(250);
874 setElectricBorders(0);
875 setElectricBorderDelay(150);
876 setPlacement(SMART_PLACEMENT);
877 setHideUtilityWindowsForInactive( true );
878 emit KCModule::changed(true);
881 // placement policy --- CT 31jan98 ---
882 int KAdvancedConfig::getPlacement()
884 return placementCombo->currentIndex();
887 void KAdvancedConfig::setPlacement(int plac)
889 placementCombo->setCurrentIndex(plac);
893 void KAdvancedConfig::setEBorders()
895 delaysLabel->setEnabled(!active_disable->isChecked());
896 delays->setEnabled(!active_disable->isChecked());
899 int KAdvancedConfig::getElectricBorders()
901 if (active_move->isChecked())
902 return 1;
903 if (active_always->isChecked())
904 return 2;
905 return 0;
908 int KAdvancedConfig::getElectricBorderDelay()
910 return delays->value();
913 void KAdvancedConfig::setElectricBorders(int i){
914 switch(i)
916 case 1: active_move->setChecked(true); break;
917 case 2: active_always->setChecked(true); break;
918 default: active_disable->setChecked(true); break;
920 setEBorders();
923 void KAdvancedConfig::setElectricBorderDelay(int delay)
925 delays->setValue(delay);
928 void KAdvancedConfig::setHideUtilityWindowsForInactive(bool s) {
929 hideUtilityWindowsForInactive->setChecked( s );
932 KMovingConfig::~KMovingConfig ()
934 if (standAlone)
935 delete config;
938 KMovingConfig::KMovingConfig (bool _standAlone, KConfig *_config, const KComponentData &inst, QWidget *parent)
939 : KCModule(inst, parent), config(_config), standAlone(_standAlone)
941 QString wtstr;
942 QBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout (this);
944 windowsBox = new KButtonGroup(this);
945 windowsBox->setTitle(i18n("Windows"));
947 QBoxLayout *wLay = new QVBoxLayout (windowsBox);
949 QBoxLayout *bLay = new QVBoxLayout;
950 wLay->addLayout(bLay);
952 opaque = new QCheckBox(i18n("Di&splay content in moving windows"), windowsBox);
953 bLay->addWidget(opaque);
954 opaque->setWhatsThis( i18n("Enable this option if you want a window's content to be fully shown"
955 " while moving it, instead of just showing a window 'skeleton'. The result may not be satisfying"
956 " on slow machines without graphic acceleration.") );
958 resizeOpaqueOn = new QCheckBox(i18n("Display content in &resizing windows"), windowsBox);
959 bLay->addWidget(resizeOpaqueOn);
960 resizeOpaqueOn->setWhatsThis( i18n("Enable this option if you want a window's content to be shown"
961 " while resizing it, instead of just showing a window 'skeleton'. The result may not be satisfying"
962 " on slow machines.") );
964 geometryTipOn = new QCheckBox(i18n("Display window &geometry when moving or resizing"), windowsBox);
965 bLay->addWidget(geometryTipOn);
966 geometryTipOn->setWhatsThis( i18n("Enable this option if you want a window's geometry to be displayed"
967 " while it is being moved or resized. The window position relative"
968 " to the top-left corner of the screen is displayed together with"
969 " its size."));
971 QGridLayout *rLay = new QGridLayout();
972 bLay->addLayout(rLay);
973 rLay->setColumnStretch(0,0);
974 rLay->setColumnStretch(1,1);
976 moveResizeMaximized = new QCheckBox( i18n("Allow moving and resizing o&f maximized windows"), windowsBox);
977 bLay->addWidget(moveResizeMaximized);
978 moveResizeMaximized->setWhatsThis( i18n("When enabled, this feature activates the border of maximized windows"
979 " and allows you to move or resize them,"
980 " just like for normal windows"));
983 bLay->addSpacing(10);
985 lay->addWidget(windowsBox);
987 //iTLabel = new QLabel(i18n(" Allowed overlap:\n"
988 // "(% of desktop space)"),
989 // plcBox);
990 //iTLabel->setAlignment(AlignTop|AlignHCenter);
991 //pLay->addWidget(iTLabel,1,1);
993 //interactiveTrigger = new QSpinBox(0, 500, 1, plcBox);
994 //pLay->addWidget(interactiveTrigger,1,2);
996 //pLay->addRowSpacing(2,KDialog::spacingHint());
998 //lay->addWidget(plcBox);
1004 //CT 15mar98 - add EdgeResistance, BorderAttractor, WindowsAttractor config
1005 MagicBox = new KButtonGroup(this);
1006 MagicBox->setTitle(i18n("Snap Zones"));
1007 QGridLayout *kLay = new QGridLayout(MagicBox);
1009 BrdrSnap = new KIntNumInput(10, MagicBox);
1010 BrdrSnap->setSpecialValueText( i18n("none") );
1011 BrdrSnap->setRange( 0, MAX_BRDR_SNAP);
1012 BrdrSnap->setSteps(1,10);
1013 BrdrSnap->setWhatsThis( i18n("Here you can set the snap zone for screen borders, i.e."
1014 " the 'strength' of the magnetic field which will make windows snap to the border when"
1015 " moved near it.") );
1016 BrdrSnap->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
1017 BrdrSnapLabel = new QLabel(i18n("&Border snap zone:"), this);
1018 BrdrSnapLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
1019 BrdrSnapLabel->setBuddy(BrdrSnap);
1020 kLay->addWidget(BrdrSnapLabel, 0, 0);
1021 kLay->addWidget(BrdrSnap, 0, 1);
1023 WndwSnap = new KIntNumInput(10, MagicBox);
1024 WndwSnap->setSpecialValueText( i18n("none") );
1025 WndwSnap->setRange( 0, MAX_WNDW_SNAP);
1026 WndwSnap->setSteps(1,10);
1027 WndwSnap->setWhatsThis( i18n("Here you can set the snap zone for windows, i.e."
1028 " the 'strength' of the magnetic field which will make windows snap to each other when"
1029 " they are moved near another window.") );
1030 BrdrSnap->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
1031 WndwSnapLabel = new QLabel(i18n("&Window snap zone:"), this);
1032 WndwSnapLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
1033 WndwSnapLabel->setBuddy(WndwSnap);
1034 kLay->addWidget(WndwSnapLabel, 1, 0);
1035 kLay->addWidget(WndwSnap, 1, 1);
1037 CntrSnap = new KIntNumInput(10, MagicBox);
1038 CntrSnap->setSpecialValueText( i18n("none") );
1039 CntrSnap->setRange( 0, MAX_CNTR_SNAP);
1040 CntrSnap->setSteps(1,10);
1041 CntrSnap->setWhatsThis( i18n("Here you can set the snap zone for the screen center, i.e."
1042 " the 'strength' of the magnetic field which will make windows snap to the center of"
1043 " the screen when moved near it.") );
1044 BrdrSnap->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
1045 CntrSnapLabel = new QLabel(i18n("&Center snap zone:"), this);
1046 CntrSnapLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight);
1047 CntrSnapLabel->setBuddy(CntrSnap);
1048 kLay->addWidget(CntrSnapLabel, 2, 0);
1049 kLay->addWidget(CntrSnap, 2, 1);
1051 OverlapSnap=new QCheckBox(i18n("Snap windows onl&y when overlapping"),MagicBox);
1052 OverlapSnap->setWhatsThis( i18n("Here you can set that windows will be only"
1053 " snapped if you try to overlap them, i.e. they will not be snapped if the windows"
1054 " comes only near another window or border.") );
1055 kLay->addWidget(OverlapSnap, 3, 0, 1, 2);
1057 lay->addWidget(MagicBox);
1058 lay->addStretch();
1060 load();
1062 // Any changes goes to slotChanged()
1063 connect( opaque, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
1064 connect( resizeOpaqueOn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
1065 connect( geometryTipOn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
1066 connect( moveResizeMaximized, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(changed()));
1067 connect( BrdrSnap, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed()));
1068 connect( BrdrSnap, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotBrdrSnapChanged(int)));
1069 connect( WndwSnap, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed()));
1070 connect( WndwSnap, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotWndwSnapChanged(int)));
1071 connect( CntrSnap, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed()));
1072 connect( CntrSnap, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotCntrSnapChanged(int)));
1073 connect( OverlapSnap, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed()));
1075 // To get suffix to BrdrSnap, WndwSnap and CntrSnap inputs with default values.
1076 slotBrdrSnapChanged(BrdrSnap->value());
1077 slotWndwSnapChanged(WndwSnap->value());
1078 slotCntrSnapChanged(CntrSnap->value());
1081 int KMovingConfig::getMove()
1083 return (opaque->isChecked())? OPAQUE : TRANSPARENT;
1086 void KMovingConfig::setMove(int trans)
1088 opaque->setChecked(trans == OPAQUE);
1091 void KMovingConfig::setGeometryTip(bool showGeometryTip)
1093 geometryTipOn->setChecked(showGeometryTip);
1096 bool KMovingConfig::getGeometryTip()
1098 return geometryTipOn->isChecked();
1101 int KMovingConfig::getResizeOpaque()
1103 return (resizeOpaqueOn->isChecked())? RESIZE_OPAQUE : RESIZE_TRANSPARENT;
1106 void KMovingConfig::setResizeOpaque(int opaque)
1108 resizeOpaqueOn->setChecked(opaque == RESIZE_OPAQUE);
1111 void KMovingConfig::setMoveResizeMaximized(bool a) {
1112 moveResizeMaximized->setChecked(a);
1115 void KMovingConfig::slotBrdrSnapChanged(int value) {
1116 BrdrSnap->setSuffix(i18np(" pixel", " pixels", value));
1119 void KMovingConfig::slotWndwSnapChanged(int value) {
1120 WndwSnap->setSuffix(i18np(" pixel", " pixels", value));
1123 void KMovingConfig::slotCntrSnapChanged(int value) {
1124 CntrSnap->setSuffix(i18np(" pixel", " pixels", value));
1127 void KMovingConfig::load( void )
1129 QString key;
1131 KConfigGroup cg(config, "Windows");
1133 key = cg.readEntry(KWIN_MOVE, "Opaque");
1134 if( key == "Transparent")
1135 setMove(TRANSPARENT);
1136 else if( key == "Opaque")
1137 setMove(OPAQUE);
1139 // DF: please keep the default consistent with kwin (options.cpp line 145)
1140 key = cg.readEntry(KWIN_RESIZE_OPAQUE, "Opaque");
1141 if( key == "Opaque")
1142 setResizeOpaque(RESIZE_OPAQUE);
1143 else if ( key == "Transparent")
1144 setResizeOpaque(RESIZE_TRANSPARENT);
1146 //KS 10Jan2003 - Geometry Tip during window move/resize
1147 bool showGeomTip = cg.readEntry(KWIN_GEOMETRY, false);
1148 setGeometryTip( showGeomTip );
1151 setMoveResizeMaximized(cg.readEntry(KWIN_MOVE_RESIZE_MAXIMIZED, false));
1153 int v;
1156 if (v > MAX_BRDR_SNAP) setBorderSnapZone(MAX_BRDR_SNAP);
1157 else if (v < 0) setBorderSnapZone (0);
1158 else setBorderSnapZone(v);
1161 if (v > MAX_WNDW_SNAP) setWindowSnapZone(MAX_WNDW_SNAP);
1162 else if (v < 0) setWindowSnapZone (0);
1163 else setWindowSnapZone(v);
1166 if (v > MAX_CNTR_SNAP) setCenterSnapZone(MAX_CNTR_SNAP);
1167 else if (v < 0) setCenterSnapZone (0);
1168 else setCenterSnapZone(v);
1170 OverlapSnap->setChecked(cg.readEntry("SnapOnlyWhenOverlapping", false));
1171 emit KCModule::changed(false);
1174 void KMovingConfig::save( void )
1176 int v;
1178 KConfigGroup cg(config, "Windows");
1180 v = getMove();
1181 if (v == TRANSPARENT)
1182 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_MOVE,"Transparent");
1183 else
1184 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_MOVE,"Opaque");
1186 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_GEOMETRY, getGeometryTip());
1188 v = getResizeOpaque();
1189 if (v == RESIZE_OPAQUE)
1190 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_RESIZE_OPAQUE, "Opaque");
1191 else
1192 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_RESIZE_OPAQUE, "Transparent");
1194 cg.writeEntry(KWIN_MOVE_RESIZE_MAXIMIZED, moveResizeMaximized->isChecked());
1197 cg.writeEntry(KWM_BRDR_SNAP_ZONE,getBorderSnapZone());
1198 cg.writeEntry(KWM_WNDW_SNAP_ZONE,getWindowSnapZone());
1199 cg.writeEntry(KWM_CNTR_SNAP_ZONE,getCenterSnapZone());
1200 cg.writeEntry("SnapOnlyWhenOverlapping",OverlapSnap->isChecked());
1202 if (standAlone)
1204 config->sync();
1205 // Send signal to all kwin instances
1206 QDBusMessage message =
1207 QDBusMessage::createSignal("/KWin", "org.kde.KWin", "reloadConfig");
1208 QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
1210 emit KCModule::changed(false);
1213 void KMovingConfig::defaults()
1215 setMove(OPAQUE);
1216 setResizeOpaque(RESIZE_TRANSPARENT);
1217 setGeometryTip(false);
1218 setMoveResizeMaximized(false);
1220 //copied from kcontrol/konq/kwindesktop, aleXXX
1221 setWindowSnapZone(KWM_WNDW_SNAP_ZONE_DEFAULT);
1222 setBorderSnapZone(KWM_BRDR_SNAP_ZONE_DEFAULT);
1223 setCenterSnapZone(KWM_CNTR_SNAP_ZONE_DEFAULT);
1224 OverlapSnap->setChecked(false);
1226 emit KCModule::changed(true);
1229 int KMovingConfig::getBorderSnapZone() {
1230 return BrdrSnap->value();
1233 void KMovingConfig::setBorderSnapZone(int pxls) {
1234 BrdrSnap->setValue(pxls);
1237 int KMovingConfig::getWindowSnapZone() {
1238 return WndwSnap->value();
1241 void KMovingConfig::setWindowSnapZone(int pxls) {
1242 WndwSnap->setValue(pxls);
1245 int KMovingConfig::getCenterSnapZone() {
1246 return CntrSnap->value();
1249 void KMovingConfig::setCenterSnapZone(int pxls) {
1250 CntrSnap->setValue(pxls);
1253 #include "windows.moc"