not quite so much needs to be delayed to the init() function
[personal-kdebase.git] / workspace / libs / ksysguard / processui / DisplayProcessUi.ui
1 <ui version="4.0" >
2  <class>DisplayProcessUi</class>
3  <widget class="QWidget" name="DisplayProcessUi" >
4   <property name="geometry" >
5    <rect>
6     <x>0</x>
7     <y>0</y>
8     <width>681</width>
9     <height>863</height>
10    </rect>
11   </property>
12   <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout" >
13    <property name="spacing" >
14     <number>0</number>
15    </property>
16    <property name="margin" >
17     <number>0</number>
18    </property>
19    <item>
20     <widget class="KMonitorProcessIO" name="mTextEdit" />
21    </item>
22    <item>
23     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="chkColorOutput" >
24      <property name="toolTip" >
25       <string>Interpret output as containing VT100 commands. For console-based programs.</string>
26      </property>
27      <property name="whatsThis" >
28       <string>If this is checked then ANSI escape sequences will be interpreted and not displayed.  Useful for when monitoring bash.</string>
29      </property>
30      <property name="text" >
31       <string>Interpret ANSI escape sequences</string>
32      </property>
33      <property name="checked" >
34       <bool>true</bool>
35      </property>
36     </widget>
37    </item>
38    <item>
39     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="chkMonitorChildProcesses" >
40      <property name="statusTip" >
41       <string>Show the output from processes launched by this process.</string>
42      </property>
43      <property name="whatsThis" >
44       <string>Follow fork and clone commands to monitor child processes</string>
45      </property>
46      <property name="text" >
47       <string>Monitor child processes</string>
48      </property>
49      <property name="checked" >
50       <bool>true</bool>
51      </property>
52     </widget>
53    </item>
54    <item>
55     <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout" >
56      <item>
57       <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnPause" >
58        <property name="toolTip" >
59         <string>Pause the process and its output</string>
60        </property>
61        <property name="whatsThis" >
62         <string>Stop reading the output from the process. This will cause the process to be blocked, effectively pausing it. The process can be resumed by resuming, detaching or closing the dialog.</string>
63        </property>
64        <property name="text" >
65         <string>&amp;Pause</string>
66        </property>
67        <property name="checkable" >
68         <bool>true</bool>
69        </property>
70       </widget>
71      </item>
72      <item>
73       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer" >
74        <property name="orientation" >
75         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
76        </property>
77        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0" >
78         <size>
79          <width>58</width>
80          <height>27</height>
81         </size>
82        </property>
83       </spacer>
84      </item>
85      <item>
86       <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnDetach" >
87        <property name="statusTip" >
88         <string>Stop monitoring the process</string>
89        </property>
90        <property name="whatsThis" >
91         <string>Stop monitoring the process and allow the process to resume running.</string>
92        </property>
93        <property name="text" >
94         <string>&amp;Detach</string>
95        </property>
96        <property name="checkable" >
97         <bool>true</bool>
98        </property>
99       </widget>
100      </item>
101     </layout>
102    </item>
103   </layout>
104  </widget>
105  <customwidgets>
106   <customwidget>
107    <class>KMonitorProcessIO</class>
108    <extends>KTextEditVT</extends>
109    <header>KMonitorProcessIO.h</header>
110   </customwidget>
111  </customwidgets>
112  <tabstops>
113   <tabstop>mTextEdit</tabstop>
114   <tabstop>chkColorOutput</tabstop>
115   <tabstop>chkMonitorChildProcesses</tabstop>
116   <tabstop>btnPause</tabstop>
117   <tabstop>btnDetach</tabstop>
118  </tabstops>
119  <resources/>
120  <connections>
121   <connection>
122    <sender>chkColorOutput</sender>
123    <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
124    <receiver>mTextEdit</receiver>
125    <slot>setParseAnsiEscapeCodes(bool)</slot>
126    <hints>
127     <hint type="sourcelabel" >
128      <x>55</x>
129      <y>795</y>
130     </hint>
131     <hint type="destinationlabel" >
132      <x>51</x>
133      <y>254</y>
134     </hint>
135    </hints>
136   </connection>
137   <connection>
138    <sender>chkMonitorChildProcesses</sender>
139    <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
140    <receiver>mTextEdit</receiver>
141    <slot>setIncludeChildProcesses(bool)</slot>
142    <hints>
143     <hint type="sourcelabel" >
144      <x>281</x>
145      <y>822</y>
146     </hint>
147     <hint type="destinationlabel" >
148      <x>277</x>
149      <y>258</y>
150     </hint>
151    </hints>
152   </connection>
153   <connection>
154    <sender>btnDetach</sender>
155    <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
156    <receiver>btnPause</receiver>
157    <slot>setDisabled(bool)</slot>
158    <hints>
159     <hint type="sourcelabel" >
160      <x>624</x>
161      <y>847</y>
162     </hint>
163     <hint type="destinationlabel" >
164      <x>75</x>
165      <y>837</y>
166     </hint>
167    </hints>
168   </connection>
169  </connections>
170 </ui>