1 #2500: single horizontal line
9 #2501: triple horizontal line
17 #2502: single vertical line
25 #2503: triple vertical line
33 #2504-250B are dashed - not handled
35 #250C: top-left corner (lines on bottom + right)
43 #250D: as above, but top line triple-width
51 #250E: now the vert line triple-width
59 #250F: and now both lines triple-width
67 #2510: top-right corner
96 #2514: bottom-left corner
126 #2518: bottm-right corner
156 #251C: Join of vertical line and one from the right
214 #2524: Join of vertical line and one from the left
271 #252C: horizontal line joined to from below
328 #2534: bottom line, connected to from top
386 #253C: vertical + horizontal lines intersecting
499 #254C-254F are dashed
701 #256F-2570 are curly,
702 #2571-2573 are slashes and X