Fix crash if key bindings specified in profile cannot be found. Improve
[personal-kdebase.git] / runtime / doc / visualdict / index.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
3 "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
4 <!ENTITY kappname "Visual Guide to &kde;">
5 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
6 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
9 ]>
11 <book lang="&language;">
13 <bookinfo>
14 <title>The &kde; Visual Guide</title>
15 <authorgroup>
16 <corpauthor>
17 The &kde; Team
18 </corpauthor>
20 </authorgroup>
22 <date>2007-09-02</date>
23 <releaseinfo>3.00.00</releaseinfo>
25 <copyright>
26 <year>2000</year><year>2007</year>
27 <holder>The &kde; Team</holder>
28 </copyright>
30 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
32 <abstract><para>A visual guide to &kde;'s interface. This is a very early
33 version
34 of the document. Eventually, this will be a graphical tour of
35 &kde;.</para></abstract>
37 <keywordset>
38 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
39 <keyword>Visual</keyword>
40 <keyword>Dictionary</keyword>
41 <keyword>Guide</keyword>
42 </keywordset>
44 </bookinfo>
46 <chapter id="visual-dictionary">
48 <!-- Translators please note: If you have already translated the visual -->
49 <!-- dictionary on the i18n website, please make sure the translations here -->
50 <!-- match that file exactly. -->
52 <title>&kde; Visual Dictionary of terms</title>
54 <para>This project was started to help unify the vocabulary used in &kde;
55 documentation.</para>
57 <para>We provide this for you here as an aid to learning your way around the
58 &kde;
59 Graphical User Interface. These names have been standardized within &kde;
60 documentation, so that you will always find interface items referred to in the
61 same way.</para>
63 <tip><para>The term <quote>Widget</quote> refers to the basic building
64 block of a computer program's interface.</para>
65 <para>Each widget operates in a
66 similar manner each time it is used, but the effect that the widget has depends on
67 its place within the program.</para></tip>
69 <!-- TODO:
70 Widgets to add: combo buttons (eg, the 'back' button in konq), popup
71 menus/context menus, passive popups, navigation panel buttons?
73 Perhaps list deprecated names, for search/replace purposes?
74 -->
75 <sect1 id="widget-table">
76 <title>Listing of Common &kde; Widgets</title>
77 <para>Currently, this guide consists of a table of the names of the graphical
78 elements often found in &kde; documentation, and an example of each one. </para>
79 <para>Our hope, eventually, is to make this a much more complete document,
80 which will take you on a visual tour of &kde;.</para>
82 <informaltable>
83 <tgroup cols="2">
84 <tbody>
86 <row>
87 <entry>Button</entry>
88 <entry>
89 <inlinemediaobject>
90 <imageobject>
91 <imagedata fileref="pict12.png" format="PNG"/>
92 </imageobject>
93 </inlinemediaobject>
94 </entry>
95 </row>
97 <row>
98 <entry>Check Boxes</entry>
99 <entry>
100 <inlinemediaobject>
101 <imageobject>
102 <imagedata fileref="pict13.png" format="PNG"/>
103 </imageobject>
104 </inlinemediaobject>
105 </entry>
106 </row>
108 <row>
109 <entry>Color Selector</entry>
110 <entry>
111 <inlinemediaobject>
112 <imageobject>
113 <imagedata fileref="pict9.png" format="PNG"/>
114 </imageobject>
115 </inlinemediaobject>
116 </entry>
117 </row>
119 <row>
120 <entry>Combo Box</entry>
121 <entry>
122 <inlinemediaobject>
123 <imageobject>
124 <imagedata fileref="pict2.png" format="PNG"/>
125 </imageobject>
126 </inlinemediaobject>
127 </entry>
128 </row>
130 <row>
131 <entry>Context Menu</entry>
132 <entry>
133 <inlinemediaobject>
134 <imageobject>
135 <imagedata fileref="pict21.png" format="PNG"/>
136 </imageobject>
137 </inlinemediaobject>
138 </entry>
139 </row>
141 <row>
142 <entry>Dialog</entry>
143 <entry>
144 <inlinemediaobject>
145 <imageobject>
146 <imagedata fileref="pict6.png" format="PNG"/>
147 </imageobject>
148 </inlinemediaobject>
149 </entry>
150 </row>
152 <row>
153 <entry>Drop Down Box</entry>
154 <entry>
155 <inlinemediaobject>
156 <imageobject>
157 <imagedata fileref="pict1.png" format="PNG"/>
158 </imageobject>
159 </inlinemediaobject>
160 </entry>
161 </row>
163 <row>
164 <entry>Icon List</entry>
165 <entry>
166 <inlinemediaobject>
167 <imageobject>
168 <imagedata fileref="pict16.png" format="PNG"/>
169 </imageobject>
170 </inlinemediaobject>
171 </entry>
172 </row>
174 <row>
175 <entry>List Box</entry>
176 <entry>
177 <inlinemediaobject>
178 <imageobject>
179 <imagedata fileref="pict7.png" format="PNG"/>
180 </imageobject>
181 </inlinemediaobject>
182 <inlinemediaobject>
183 <imageobject>
184 <imagedata fileref="pict8.png" format="PNG"/>
185 </imageobject>
186 </inlinemediaobject>
187 </entry>
188 </row>
190 <row>
191 <entry>Menu Bar</entry>
192 <entry>
193 <inlinemediaobject>
194 <imageobject>
195 <imagedata fileref="pict4.png" format="PNG"/>
196 </imageobject>
197 </inlinemediaobject>
198 </entry>
199 </row>
201 <row>
202 <entry>Progress Bar</entry>
203 <entry>
204 <inlinemediaobject>
205 <imageobject>
206 <imagedata fileref="pict17.png" format="PNG"/>
207 </imageobject>
208 </inlinemediaobject>
209 </entry>
210 </row>
212 <row>
213 <entry>Radio Buttons</entry>
214 <entry>
215 <inlinemediaobject>
216 <imageobject>
217 <imagedata fileref="pict10.png" format="PNG"/>
218 </imageobject>
219 </inlinemediaobject>
220 </entry>
221 </row>
223 <row>
224 <entry>Scroll Bar</entry>
225 <entry>
226 <inlinemediaobject>
227 <imageobject>
228 <imagedata fileref="pict18.png" format="PNG"/>
229 </imageobject>
230 </inlinemediaobject>
231 </entry>
232 </row>
234 <row>
235 <entry>Slider</entry>
236 <entry>
237 <inlinemediaobject>
238 <imageobject>
239 <imagedata fileref="pict15.png" format="PNG"/>
240 </imageobject>
241 </inlinemediaobject>
242 </entry>
243 </row>
245 <row>
246 <entry>Spin Box</entry>
247 <entry>
248 <inlinemediaobject>
249 <imageobject>
250 <imagedata fileref="pict11.png" format="PNG"/>
251 </imageobject>
252 </inlinemediaobject>
253 </entry>
254 </row>
256 <row>
257 <entry>Status Bar</entry>
258 <entry>
259 <inlinemediaobject>
260 <imageobject>
261 <imagedata fileref="pict20.png" format="PNG"/>
262 </imageobject>
263 </inlinemediaobject>
264 </entry>
265 </row>
267 <row>
268 <entry>Tab</entry>
269 <entry>
270 <inlinemediaobject>
271 <imageobject>
272 <imagedata fileref="pict22.png" format="PNG"/>
273 </imageobject>
274 </inlinemediaobject>
275 </entry>
276 </row>
278 <row>
279 <entry>Tabbed Window</entry>
280 <entry>
281 <inlinemediaobject>
282 <imageobject>
283 <imagedata fileref="pict23.png" format="PNG"/>
284 </imageobject>
285 </inlinemediaobject>
286 </entry>
287 </row>
289 <row>
290 <entry>Text Box</entry>
291 <entry>
292 <inlinemediaobject>
293 <imageobject>
294 <imagedata fileref="pict14.png" format="PNG"/>
295 </imageobject>
296 </inlinemediaobject>
297 </entry>
298 </row>
300 <row>
301 <entry>Tool Bar</entry>
302 <entry>
303 <inlinemediaobject>
304 <imageobject>
305 <imagedata fileref="pict3.png" format="PNG"/>
306 </imageobject>
307 </inlinemediaobject>
308 </entry>
309 </row>
311 <row>
312 <entry>Tree View</entry>
313 <entry>
314 <inlinemediaobject>
315 <imageobject>
316 <imagedata fileref="pict19.png" format="PNG"/>
317 </imageobject>
318 </inlinemediaobject>
319 </entry>
320 </row>
323 <row>
324 <entry>Window Title Bar</entry>
325 <entry>
326 <inlinemediaobject>
327 <imageobject>
328 <imagedata fileref="pict5.png" format="PNG"/>
329 </imageobject>
330 </inlinemediaobject>
331 </entry>
332 </row>
334 </tbody>
335 </tgroup>
336 </informaltable>
337 </sect1>
338 </chapter>
339 <chapter id="credits">
340 <title>Credits and Licenses</title>
341 <para>&kappname;</para>
343 <para>Documentation by the &kde; Documentation Team.</para>
347 &underFDL;
348 </chapter>
350 </book>