3 <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
8 <title>About this <acronym>FAQ</acronym></title>
13 <para>What can I do to help out with this <acronym>FAQ</acronym>?</para>
18 <para>First, send us any errors that you may find. Also, any
19 suggestions that you might have, are appreciated. Better yet, send us
20 everything that you think is unclear, and if possible, send us what
21 you think would be a clearer solution. The email address of the current maintainer is <email>jhall@kde.org</email>.
24 <para>Second, send us your solutions of those frequently-asked
25 questions which are still not in this <acronym>FAQ</acronym>. We will
26 put them in as soon as possible.</para>
28 <para>Last but not least, please make full use of this
29 <acronym>FAQ</acronym>. Read this <acronym>FAQ</acronym> (and other
30 relevant documentation) well before asking questions on the various
31 &kde; mailing lists or newsgroups.</para>
33 <note><para> You might also want to consider becoming a
34 <acronym>FAQ</acronym> maintainer. Please refer to <xref
35 linkend="FAQ-maintainer-HOWTO"/> for more details. </para></note>
41 <question id="FAQ-maintainer-HOWTO">
42 <para>How do I become a <acronym>FAQ</acronym> maintainer?</para>
46 <para>Actually, it is very easy to become an <acronym>FAQ</acronym>
47 maintainer, and we are always in need of fresh blood. :-) Just send
48 us an email at <email>kde-doc-english@kde.org</email>.
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