add more spacing
[personal-kdebase.git] / runtime / doc / khelpcenter / index.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
3 "customization/dtd/kdex.dtd" [
4 <!ENTITY contact SYSTEM "contact.docbook">
5 <!ENTITY help SYSTEM "help.docbook">
6 <!ENTITY support SYSTEM "support.docbook">
7 <!ENTITY whatiskde SYSTEM "whatiskde.docbook">
8 <!ENTITY welcome SYSTEM "welcome.docbook">
9 <!ENTITY quickstart SYSTEM "quickstart/index.docbook" NDATA SGML>
10 <!ENTITY userguide SYSTEM "userguide/index.docbook" NDATA SGML>
11 <!ENTITY faq SYSTEM "faq/index.docbook" NDATA SGML>
12 <!ENTITY kpanel SYSTEM "../kpanel/index.html" NDATA SGML>
13 <!ENTITY kcontrolcenter SYSTEM "../kcontrol/index.html" NDATA SGML>
14 <!ENTITY kfm SYSTEM "../konqueror/index.html" NDATA SGML>
15 <!ENTITY kwm SYSTEM "../kwm/index.html" NDATA SGML>
16 <!ENTITY kde-quickstart-doc SYSTEM "quickstart/index.docbook" NDATA SGML>
17 <!ENTITY kde-userguide-doc SYSTEM "userguide/index.docbook" NDATA SGML>
18 <!ENTITY kde-faq-doc SYSTEM "faq/index.docbook" NDATA SGML>
19 <!-- HTML files will probably only work when they have an olink equivalent
20 available, unless only references to the top page are needed, which is doubtful.
22 To be continued. (FF) -->
23 <!ENTITY kde-kpanel-doc SYSTEM "../kpanel/index.html" NDATA SGML>
24 <!ENTITY kde-kcontrol-doc SYSTEM "../kcontrol/index.html" NDATA SGML>
25 <!ENTITY kde-kfm-doc SYSTEM "../konqueror/index.html" NDATA SGML>
26 <!ENTITY kde-kwm-doc SYSTEM "../kwm/index.html" NDATA SGML>
27 <!-- ENTITY man SYSTEM "." NDATA LINESPECIFIC > - to be changed ; should be
28 the reference to the apropos file in this case, but I cannot really imagine
29 putting all manual pages into FPIs or system identifiers, so we'll have to find
30 a way round it. (FF) -->
31 <!ENTITY kappname "&khelpcenter;">
32 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
33 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
36 <book lang="&language;">
37 <bookinfo>
38 <title>The &khelpcenter;</title>
39 <authorgroup>
40 <corpauthor>The &kde; Team</corpauthor>
42 </authorgroup>
43 <date>2002-01-18</date>
44 <releaseinfo>3.00.00</releaseinfo>
46 <abstract>
47 <para>&kde; is a powerful graphical desktop environment for &UNIX;
48 workstations. A &kde; desktop combines ease of use, contemporary
49 functionality and outstanding graphical design with the technological
50 superiority of the &UNIX; operating system.</para>
51 </abstract>
53 <keywordset>
54 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
55 <keyword>kdebase</keyword>
56 <keyword>khelpcenter</keyword>
57 <keyword>kdehelp</keyword>
58 <keyword>help</keyword>
59 <keyword>help center</keyword>
60 <keyword>KDE help center</keyword>
61 </keywordset>
62 </bookinfo>
64 &welcome;
65 &help;
66 &whatiskde;
67 &contact;
68 &support;
70 </book>
72 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
73 Local variables:
74 mode: sgml
75 sgml-omittag:t
76 sgml-shorttag:nil
77 sgml-namecase-general:t
78 sgml-general-insert-case:lower
79 sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
80 End:
81 -->