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[personal-kdebase.git] / runtime / doc / userguide / browser-fine-tuning.docbook
1 <sect1 id="customizing-konqueror">
2 <!-- Uncomment the <*info> below and add your name to be -->
3 <!-- credited for writing this section. -->
5 <!--
6 <sect1info>
7 <authorgroup>
8 <author>
9 <firstname>Your First Name here</firstname>
10 <surname>Your Surname here </surname>
11 </author>
12 </authorgroup>
13 </sect1info>
14 -->
16 <title>Fine Tuning your Browsing Experience</title>
18 <example>
19 <title>Using your own style for webpages</title>
21 <para>Webpages come in every possible set of colors and fonts, and
22 sometimes this doesn't give the best result. For example, if you have
23 visual difficulties, it may be impossible to read certain combinations
24 of background and text colors. &konqueror; provides a way to choose
25 your own colors and apply them to all webpages. Here's how:</para>
27 <orderedlist>
28 <listitem><para>Open &konqueror; and go to
29 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Konqueror...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
30 </listitem>
31 <listitem><para>In the configuration dialog that appears, select the
32 <guilabel>Stylesheets</guilabel> page on the left hand side.</para>
33 </listitem>
34 <listitem><para>On this page, choose <guilabel>Use accessibility
35 stylesheet defined in "Customize" tab</guilabel>, then go to the
36 <guilabel>Customize</guilabel> tab, and choose the settings you prefer.</para>
37 </listitem>
38 <listitem><para>Close all &konqueror; windows (you may need to restart
39 &kde; to be sure) and when you re-open them, your settings should be applied.</para>
40 </listitem>
41 </orderedlist>
43 </example>
46 <!-- <itemizedlist>
47 <title>Related Information</title>
48 <listitem><para>to be written</para>
49 </listitem>
50 </itemizedlist>-->
53 </sect1>
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56 Local variables:
57 mode: xml
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60 sgml-namecase-general:nil
61 sgml-general-insert-case:lower
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63 sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
64 sgml-indent-step:0
65 sgml-indent-data:true
66 sgml-parent-document:("index.docbook" "book" "sect1")
67 sgml-exposed-tags:nil
68 sgml-local-catalogs:nil
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70 End:
71 -->