add more spacing
[personal-kdebase.git] / workspace / plasma / scriptengines / python / examples / applets / pyclock / contents / code /
2 # Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2007 by Siraj Razick
3 # Copyright 2008 Simon Edwards <> (Translated to Python)
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
7 # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
8 # (at your option) any later version.
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
16 # License along with this program; if not, write to the
17 # Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 from PyQt4.QtCore import *
22 from PyQt4.QtGui import *
23 from PyKDE4.kdecore import *
24 from PyKDE4.kdeui import *
25 from PyKDE4.plasma import Plasma
26 from analog_clock_config_ui import *
27 from calendar_ui import *
28 from PyKDE4 import plasmascript
30 class AnalogClockConfig(QWidget,Ui_clockConfig):
31 def __init__(self,parent):
32 QWidget.__init__(self,parent)
33 self.setupUi(self)
34 self.connect(self.localTimeZone, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self, SLOT("slotLocalTimeZoneToggled(int)"))
36 @pyqtSignature("slotLocalTimeZoneToggled(int)")
37 def slotLocalTimeZoneToggled(self,b):
38 self.timeZones.setDisabled(b)
40 class PyClockApplet(plasmascript.Applet):
41 def __init__(self,parent,args=None):
42 plasmascript.Applet.__init__(self,parent)
44 self.calendar = None
45 self.currentTimezone = "Local"
46 self.clicked = QPoint()
47 self.timeZones = []
49 def init(self):
50 KGlobal.locale().insertCatalog("libplasmaclock")
52 self.setHasConfigurationInterface(True)
53 self.resize(125, 125)
54 self.setAspectRatioMode(Plasma.Square)
56 self.timezone = ""
57 self.showTimeString = False
58 self.showSecondHand = False
60 self.dialog = None
61 self.calendarUi = Ui_calendar()
62 self.lastTimeSeen = QTime()
63 self.time = QTime()
65 self.theme = Plasma.Svg(self)
66 #print("svg: "+str(self.package().filePath("images", "clock.svgz")))
67 #self.theme.setImagePath(self.package().filePath("images", "clock.svgz"))
69 self.theme.setImagePath("widgets/clock") # FIXME pull this out of this applet itself.
70 self.theme.setContainsMultipleImages(False)
71 self.theme.resize(self.size())
73 cg = self.config()
74 self.showTimeString = cg.readEntry("showTimeString", QVariant(False)).toBool()
75 self.showSecondHand = cg.readEntry("showSecondHand", QVariant(False)).toBool()
76 self.fancyHands = cg.readEntry("fancyHands", QVariant(False)).toBool()
77 self.currentTimezone = cg.readEntry("timezone", self.localTimezone())
79 self.connectToEngine()
81 def connectToEngine(self):
82 self.timeEngine = self.dataEngine("time")
83 if self.showSecondHand:
84 self.timeEngine.connectSource(self.currentTimezone, self, 500)
85 else:
86 self.timeEngine.connectSource(self.currentTimezone, self, 6000, Plasma.AlignToMinute)
88 def constraintsEvent(self, constraints):
89 if constraints & Plasma.FormFactorConstraint:
90 self.setBackgroundHints(Plasma.Applet.NoBackground)
91 if constraints & Plasma.SizeConstraint:
92 self.theme.resize(self.size())
94 def shape(self):
95 if self.theme.hasElement("hint-square-clock"):
96 return plasma.Applet.shape(self)
98 path = QPainterPath()
99 path.addEllipse(self.boundingRect().adjusted(-2, -2, 2, 2))
100 return path
102 @pyqtSignature("dataUpdated(const QString &, const Plasma::DataEngine::Data &)")
103 def dataUpdated(self, sourceName, data):
104 self.time = data[QString("Time")].toTime()
106 if self.time.minute() == self.lastTimeSeen.minute() and \
107 self.time.second() == self.lastTimeSeen.second():
108 # avoid unnecessary repaints
109 return
111 self.lastTimeSeen = self.time
112 self.update()
114 def updateToolTipContent(self):
115 pass
117 def mousePressEvent(self,event):
118 if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton:
119 self.clicked = self.scenePos().toPoint()
120 event.setAccepted(True)
122 def mouseReleaseEvent(self,event):
123 if (self.clicked - self.scenePos().toPoint()).manhattanLength() < \
124 KGlobalSettings.dndEventDelay():
125 self.showCalendar(event)
127 def showCalendar(self,event):
128 if self.calendar is None:
129 self.calendar = Plasma.Dialog()
130 self.calendarUi.setupUi(self.calendar)
131 self.calendar.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup)
132 self.calendar.adjustSize()
134 if self.calendar.isVisible():
135 self.calendar.hide()
136 else:
137 data = self.dataEngine("time").query(self.currentTimezone)
138 = data[QString("Date")].toDate()
139 self.calendar.move(self.popupPosition(self.calendar.sizeHint()))
142 def isLocalTimezone(self):
143 return self.currentTimezone == self.localTimezone()
145 def localTimezone(self):
146 return "Local"
148 def showConfigurationInterface(self):
149 windowTitle = str( + " Settings" #i18nc("@title:window", "%s Settings" % str(
151 if self.dialog is None:
152 self.dialog = KDialog(None)
153 self.dialog.setWindowTitle(windowTitle)
155 self.ui = AnalogClockConfig(self.dialog)
156 self.dialog.setMainWidget(self.ui)
158 self.dialog.setButtons(KDialog.ButtonCodes(KDialog.ButtonCode(KDialog.Ok | KDialog.Cancel | KDialog.Apply)))
159 self.dialog.showButton(KDialog.Apply, False)
161 self.connect(self.dialog, SIGNAL("applyClicked()"), self, SLOT("configAccepted()"))
162 self.connect(self.dialog, SIGNAL("okClicked()"), self, SLOT("configAccepted()"))
164 self.ui.showTimeStringCheckBox.setChecked(self.showTimeString)
165 self.ui.showSecondHandCheckBox.setChecked(self.showSecondHand)
166 self.ui.localTimeZone.setChecked(self.isLocalTimezone())
167 self.ui.timeZones.setSelected(self.currentTimezone, True)
168 self.ui.timeZones.setEnabled(not self.isLocalTimezone())
172 @pyqtSignature("configAccepted()")
173 def configAccepted(self):
174 cg = self.config()
176 # Timezones
177 self.timeZones = self.ui.timeZones.selection()
178 cg.writeEntry("timeZones", self.timeZones)
179 newTimezone = self.localTimezone()
180 if not self.ui.localTimeZone.isChecked() and not self.timeZones.isEmpty():
181 newTimezone = self.timeZones[0]
182 self.changeEngineTimezone(self.currentTimezone, newTimezone)
183 self.currentTimezone = newTimezone
184 cg.writeEntry("currentTimezone", newTimezone)
186 # Display
187 self.showTimeString = self.ui.showTimeStringCheckBox.isChecked()
188 self.showSecondHand = self.ui.showSecondHandCheckBox.isChecked()
189 cg.writeEntry("showTimeString", QVariant(self.showTimeString))
190 cg.writeEntry("showSecondHand", QVariant(self.showSecondHand))
192 self.dataEngine("time").disconnectSource(self.currentTimezone, self)
193 self.connectToEngine()
195 self.constraintsEvent(Plasma.SizeConstraint)
196 self.update()
197 self.emit(SIGNAL("configNeedsSaving()"))
199 def changeEngineTimezone(self, oldTimezone, newTimezone):
200 self.dataEngine("time").disconnectSource(oldTimezone, self)
201 self.timeEngine = self.dataEngine("time")
202 if self.showSecondHand:
203 self.timeEngine.connectSource(newTimezone, self, 500)
204 else:
205 self.timeEngine.connectSource(newTimezone, self, 6000, Plasma.AlignToMinute)
207 def drawHand(self, painter, rotation, handName, rect):
209 elementRect = self.theme.elementRect(handName)
211 painter.translate(rect.width() / 2, rect.height() / 2)
212 painter.rotate(rotation)
213 painter.translate(-elementRect.width() / 2, 0)
214 self.theme.paint(painter, QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), elementRect.size()), handName)
216 painter.restore()
218 def paintInterface(self, painter, option, rect):
219 tempRect = QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0)
221 boundSize = self.size()
223 painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform)
225 minutes = 6.0 * self.time.minute() - 180
226 hours = 30.0 * self.time.hour() - 180 + ((self.time.minute() / 59.0) * 30.0)
228 self.theme.paint(painter, QRectF(rect), "ClockFace")
230 if self.showTimeString:
231 fm = QFontMetrics(QApplication.font())
232 margin = 4
233 if self.showSecondHand:
234 # FIXME: temporary time output
235 time = self.time.toString()
236 else:
237 time = self.time.toString("hh:mm")
239 textRect = QRect((rect.width()/2 - fm.width(time) / 2),((rect.height() / 2) - fm.xHeight() * 4), fm.width(time), fm.xHeight())
241 painter.pen = Qt.NoPen
242 background = Plasma.Theme.defaultTheme().color(Plasma.Theme.BackgroundColor)
243 background.setAlphaF(0.5)
244 painter.brush = QBrush(background)
246 painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
247 painter.drawPath(Plasma.PaintUtils.roundedRectangle(QRectF(textRect.adjusted(-margin, -margin, margin, margin)), margin))
248 painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
250 painter.pen = Plasma.Theme.defaultTheme().color(Plasma.Theme.TextColor)
252 painter.drawText(textRect.bottomLeft(), time)
254 # Make sure we paint the second hand on top of the others
255 if self.showSecondHand:
256 anglePerSec = 6.0
257 seconds = anglePerSec * self.time.second() - 180
259 if self.theme.hasElement("HourHandShadow"):
260 painter.translate(1,3)
261 self.drawHand(painter, hours, "HourHandShadow",rect)
262 self.drawHand(painter, minutes, "MinuteHandShadow",rect)
264 if self.showSecondHand:
265 self.drawHand(painter, seconds, "SecondHandShadow",rect)
267 painter.translate(-1,-3)
269 self.drawHand(painter, hours, "HourHand",rect)
270 self.drawHand(painter, minutes, "MinuteHand",rect)
271 if self.showSecondHand:
272 self.drawHand(painter, seconds, "SecondHand",rect)
275 self.theme.resize(boundSize)
276 elementSize = QSizeF(self.theme.elementSize("HandCenterScrew"))
277 tempRect.size = elementSize
278 painter.translate(boundSize.width() / 2.0 - elementSize.width() / 2.0, boundSize.height() / 2.0 - elementSize.height() / 2.0)
279 self.theme.paint(painter, tempRect, "HandCenterScrew")
280 painter.restore()
282 self.theme.paint(painter, QRectF(rect), "Glass")
284 def CreateApplet(parent):
285 return PyClockApplet(parent)