2 <tp:errors xmlns:tp="http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0"
3 namespace="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error">
4 <tp:error name="General">
5 <tp:docstring>This is a drab, nondescript error.</tp:docstring>
7 <tp:error name="StartingInProgress">
8 <tp:docstring>The request could not be processed because the VPN connection is already being started.</tp:docstring>
10 <tp:error name="AlreadyStarted">
11 <tp:docstring>The request could not be processed because a VPN connection was already active.</tp:docstring>
13 <tp:error name="StoppingInProgress">
14 <tp:docstring>The request could not be processed because the VPN connection is already being stopped.</tp:docstring>
16 <tp:error name="AlreadyStopped">
17 <tp:docstring>The request could not be processed because the VPN connection was already stopped.</tp:docstring>
19 <tp:error name="WrongState">
20 <tp:docstring>The request could not be processed because the VPN connection is in the wrong state for this type of request. FIXME: too general?</tp:docstring>
22 <tp:error name="BadArguments">
23 <tp:docstring>Invalid arguments were passed with the request. FIXME: too general.</tp:docstring>
25 <tp:error name="LaunchFailed">
26 <tp:docstring>A binary providing the service failed to launch.</tp:docstring>
28 <tp:error name="ConnectionInvalid">
29 <tp:docstring>The request could not be processed because the VPN connection settings were invalid.</tp:docstring>