4 context: '[n] -> { : n <= 2147483647 and n >= -2147483648 }'
7 extent: '[n] -> { __pet_test_0[x1, t] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 and t >= 0 }'
8 value_bounds: '{ [i0] : i0 >= 0 and i0 <= 1 }'
13 extent: '[n] -> { x2[] }'
18 extent: '[n] -> { s[] }'
23 domain: '[n] -> { S1[x1] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 }'
24 schedule: '[n] -> { S1[x1] -> [0, x1, 0] }'
32 index: '[n] -> { S1[x1] -> s[] }'
33 reference: __pet_ref_0
39 domain: '[n] -> { S_5[x1] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 }'
40 schedule: '[n] -> { S_5[x1] -> [0, x1, 1, 0] }'
48 killed: '[n] -> { S_5[x1] -> x2[] }'
49 index: '[n] -> { S_5[x1] -> x2[] }'
50 reference: __pet_ref_1
53 domain: '[n] -> { S_1[x1] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 }'
54 schedule: '[n] -> { S_1[x1] -> [0, x1, 1, 1] }'
62 index: '[n] -> { S_1[x1] -> x2[] }'
63 reference: __pet_ref_2
69 domain: '[n] -> { [S_2[x1, t] -> [1]] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 and t >= 0 }'
70 schedule: '[n] -> { S_2[x1, t] -> [0, x1, 1, 2, t, 0] }'
78 index: '[n] -> { S_2[x1, t] -> __pet_test_0[(x1), (t)] }'
79 reference: __pet_ref_4
86 index: '[n] -> { S_2[x1, t] -> [(x1)] }'
87 reference: __pet_ref_5
91 index: '[n] -> { S_2[x1, t] -> x2[] }'
92 reference: __pet_ref_6
97 index: '[n] -> { S_2[x1, t] -> __pet_test_0[(x1), ((-1 + t) : t >= 1)] }'
98 reference: __pet_ref_3
102 domain: '[n] -> { [S2[x1, t] -> [1]] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 and t >= 0 }'
103 schedule: '[n] -> { S2[x1, t] -> [0, x1, 1, 2, t, 1, 0] }'
111 index: '[n] -> { S2[x1, t] -> s[] }'
112 reference: __pet_ref_8
119 index: '[n] -> { S2[x1, t] -> s[] }'
120 reference: __pet_ref_9
125 index: '[n] -> { S2[x1, t] -> __pet_test_0[(x1), (t)] }'
126 reference: __pet_ref_7
130 domain: '[n] -> { [S_4[x1, t] -> [1]] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 and t >= 0 }'
131 schedule: '[n] -> { S_4[x1, t] -> [0, x1, 1, 2, t, 2] }'
139 index: '[n] -> { S_4[x1, t] -> x2[] }'
140 reference: __pet_ref_11
144 index: '[n] -> { S_4[x1, t] -> s[] }'
145 reference: __pet_ref_12
150 index: '[n] -> { S_4[x1, t] -> __pet_test_0[(x1), (t)] }'
151 reference: __pet_ref_10
155 domain: '[n] -> { S_6[x1] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 }'
156 schedule: '[n] -> { S_6[x1] -> [0, x1, 1, 3] }'
164 killed: '[n] -> { S_6[x1] -> x2[] }'
165 index: '[n] -> { S_6[x1] -> x2[] }'
166 reference: __pet_ref_13
169 domain: '[n] -> { R[x1] : x1 <= -1 + n and x1 >= 0 }'
170 schedule: '[n] -> { R[x1] -> [0, x1, 2] }'
178 index: '[n] -> { R[x1] -> s[] }'
179 reference: __pet_ref_14
184 extension: '[n] -> { __pet_test_0[x1, t] -> __pet_test_0[x1, t''] : t'' <= t and
185 x1 >= 0 and x1 <= -1 + n and t'' >= 0 }'