1 [obj, x, P]=mupdate(obj, y, varargin)
2 % Measurement update method for the EKF (Extended Kalman Filter)
4 % Syntax: (* = optional)
6 % [ekfobj, xhat, Phat] = mupdate(ekfobj, y, u*, xpred*, Ppred*, t*);
11 % EKF filter object that will be used for the filtering
13 % The data, y(t), to be filtered, for this particular step.
15 % A scalar or vector u(t) containg the deterministic data, for this particular step.
17 % No u(t) will be used in the calculations.
19 % One-step prediction of x
21 % xpred will be set to ekfobj.xpred(:,end), ie the prediction of the last filter step.
23 % One-step prediction of P
25 % Ppred will be set to ekfobj.Ppred(:,:,end), ie the prediction of the last filter step.
27 % The time of the actual filtering step. Ts will be set to this value
29 % t will be set to ekfobj.t, and also Ts will be set to this value
34 % EKF object containg the result of the measurement update operation.
37 % This can also be accessed from the object using the ekfobj.xhat property
40 % This can also be accessed from the object using the ekfobj.Phat property
42 % For more help, type 'props(ekf)'
44 % Toolbox for nonlinear filtering.
45 % Copyright (C) 2005 Jakob Rosén <jakob.rosen@gmail.com>
47 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
48 % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
49 % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
50 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
52 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
53 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
55 % GNU General Public License for more details.
57 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
58 % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
59 % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
61 % Since ue defaults to [], we don't have to go through the long procedure with it
62 if nargin>=3; ue=varargin{1}; else; ue=[]; end;
64 % Declare the arguments
69 % Fetch arguments, if they exist
70 if nargin>=4; xpred=varargin{2}; end;
71 if nargin>=5; Ppred=varargin{3}; end;
72 if nargin>=6; t=varargin{4}; end;
74 % If an empty argument, or no argument at all, was supplied - use its default value!
76 xpred=xpred=obj.xpred(:,end); % xpred default
80 Ppred=obj.Ppred(:,:,end); % Ppred default
84 t=obj.t; % t default
87 % Measurement update block
91 H=hgradx_general(model,xpred, t, ue);
92 V=hgrade_general(model,xpred, t, ue); % only relevant for the DGNL model
93 K=Ppred*H'*inv(H*Ppred*H'+V*R*V');
94 x=xpred+K*(y(:,k)-h_general(model,xpred,t,ue,[]));
97 Ts=t; % One samplepoint used.
99 % Are the history buffers enabled?
101 % Not supported yet.
102 % A good solution is to write to the history at the time update. Investigate it...
103 warning('This operation does not support history buffers');
106 % Store relevant variables in the object