1 -- test END block handling
3 -- Not included in the normal testing
4 -- because it's beyond the scope of the test harness.
5 -- Available here for manual developer testing.
8 my $testlog = "/tmp/pgplperl_test.log";
10 warn "Run test, then examine contents of $testlog (which must already exist)\n";
11 return unless -f $testlog;
13 use IO::Handle; # for autoflush
14 open my $fh, '>', $testlog
15 or die "Can't write to $testlog: $!";
18 print $fh "# you should see just 3 'Warn: ...' lines: PRE, END and SPI ...\n";
19 $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print $fh "Warn: @_" };
20 $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print $fh "Die: @_" unless $^S; die @_ };
24 eval { spi_exec_query("select 1") };
29 $do$ language plperlu;