3 # This file is NOT loaded by the PostgreSQL database. It just serves as
4 # a template for timezones you could need. See the `Date/Time Support'
5 # appendix in the PostgreSQL documentation for more information.
7 # src/timezone/tznames/Europe.txt
10 # CONFLICT! BST is not unique
12 # - BST: Bougainville Standard Time (Papua New Guinea)
13 BST 3600 D # British Summer Time
15 BDST 7200 D # British Double Summer Time
16 CEST 7200 D # Central Europe Summer Time
40 CET 3600 # Central Europe Time
65 CETDST 7200 D # Central Europe Summer Time
89 EEST 10800 D # East-Egypt Summertime
90 # Eastern Europe Summer Time
102 # (Europe/Kaliningrad)
106 # (Europe/Simferopol)
111 # (Europe/Zaporozhye)
112 EET 7200 # East-Egypt Time
113 # Eastern Europe Time
126 # (Europe/Kaliningrad)
130 # (Europe/Simferopol)
135 # (Europe/Zaporozhye)
136 EETDST 10800 D # East-Egypt Summertime
137 # Eastern Europe Summer Time
149 # (Europe/Kaliningrad)
153 # (Europe/Simferopol)
158 # (Europe/Zaporozhye)
159 FET 10800 # Further-eastern European Time (obsolete)
160 # (Europe/Kaliningrad)
162 GMT 0 # Greenwich Mean Time
171 # (Africa/Nouakchott)
172 # (Africa/Ouagadougou)
174 # (America/Danmarkshavn)
175 # (Atlantic/Reykjavik)
176 # (Atlantic/St_Helena)
180 # CONFLICT! IST is not unique
182 # - IST: Indian Standard Time (Asia)
183 # - IST: Israel Standard Time (Asia)
184 IST 3600 # Irish Standard Time
186 MEST 7200 D # Middle Europe Summer Time
188 MESZ 7200 D # Mitteleuropaeische Sommerzeit (German)
189 # (attested in IANA comments though not their code)
190 MET 3600 # Middle Europe Time
192 METDST 7200 D # Middle Europe Summer Time (not in IANA database)
193 MEZ 3600 # Mitteleuropaeische Zeit (German)
194 # (attested in IANA comments though not their code)
195 MSD 14400 D # Moscow Daylight Time (obsolete)
196 MSK Europe/Moscow # Moscow Time
199 SAMST Europe/Samara # Samara Summer Time (obsolete)
200 SAMT Europe/Samara # Samara Time (obsolete)
201 VOLT Europe/Volgograd # Volgograd Time (obsolete)
202 WEST 3600 D # Western Europe Summer Time
203 # (Africa/Casablanca)
208 WET 0 # Western Europe Time
209 # (Africa/Casablanca)
215 WETDST 3600 D # Western Europe Summer Time