2 - Added cows/tux.cow, as suggested by xmanoel@i.am
3 - Compatibility with 5.6.0, due to a change in qw().
4 - Renamed devil.cow to daemon.cow, since I know better. :-)
7 - Fixed boneheaded code placement so that cowsay -l actually works.
10 - Fixed compatibility issues between the Text::Wrap module
11 that changed between 5.005_02 and 5.005_03.
12 - Fixed tab expansion issues with Text::Tabs.
14 3.0 13 April 1999, released 14 August 1999
15 - Rewritten into Perl 5 and presented to the world.
17 -- Not present in CVS from here on down --
21 - Figlet support (-n).
22 - Line wrap length (-w).
23 - Multiple pre-set expressions.
24 - Better arg parsing loop.
25 - Message from stdin or command line.
30 $Id: ChangeLog,v 1.4 2000/05/29 17:55:24 tony Exp $
31 This file is part of cowsay. (c) 1999-2000 Tony Monroe.