1 @title Please Please Please
4 Please read this document.
6 When you send a message that says "I got an error when I tried to do something":
8 = Please Please Please =
10 Please copy and paste the text of the error.
12 Please please please. It is very helpful. So please please please please please
15 I want to help. I really do. But it is very difficult when you don't include the
16 error text and only allude to how traumatizing reading that text was for you. It
17 is basically inviting me to troll you.
19 I am only human. I have only so much restraint.
21 So please include the error message in your message, before you send it.
23 Or even after you send it, if you realize you forgot. That would be okay too. I
32 Thank you for reading this note.
34 = Appendix: A Collection of Messages Wherein The Text of the Error is Not Present =
47 I got an error when I ran it. Why?
52 Subject: error when running program
53 I ran the program and it gave me an error.
60 Subject: so many errors
61 I got an error and it had instructions in it. I tried to follow the
62 instructions but I got a different error. Are you sure this works?
67 Subject: confusing error
68 i got an error but it was confusing
70 can you explain what it means?
76 There is a spelling error in the error message I received.
78 please include the text of the error message.