pts-core: Just mention PHP 5.3 as the new base requirement. Code still should largely...
[phoronix-test-suite.git] / documentation / stubs / 00_zmodule_options.html
1 <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Module Options</title></head><body><p>The following list is the modules included with the Phoronix Test Suite that are intended to extend the functionality of pts-core. Some of these options have commands that can be run directly in a similiar manner to the other Phoronix Test Suite user commands. Some modules are just meant to be loaded directly by adding the module name to the LoadModules tag in ~/.phoronix-test-suite/user-config.xml or via the PTS_MODULES environmental variable. A list of available modules is also available by running <em>phoronix-test-suite list-modules.</em><hr></p><h2>Dummy Module</h2><p>This is a simple module intended for developers to just demonstrate some of the module functions.</p><p>phoronix-test-suite dummy_module.dummy-command</p><h2>Graphics Event Checker</h2><p>This module checks a number of events prior to and and after running a test to make sure the graphics sub-system was not put in a sour or unintended state by the application. For instance, it makes sure syncing to vBlank is not forced through the driver and that a graphics test has not left the display in an unintended mode.</p><h2>Graphics Override</h2><p>This module allows you to override some graphics rendering settings for the ATI and NVIDIA drivers while running the Phoronix Test Suite.</p><p>This module utilizes the following environmental variables: FORCE_AA, FORCE_AF.</p><h2>Performance Per Dollar/Cost Calculator</h2><p>Setting the COST_PERF_PER_DOLLAR= environment variable to whatever value of the system cost/component you are running a comparison on will yield extra graphs that calculate the performance-per-dollar based on the test being run. The COST_PERF_PER_DOLLAR environment variable is applied just to the current test run identifier.</p><p>This module utilizes the following environmental variables: COST_PERF_PER_DOLLAR.</p><h2>Phoromatic Client</h2><p>The Phoromatic client is used for connecting to a Phoromatic server ( or a locally run server) to facilitate the automatic running of tests, generally across multiple test nodes in a routine manner. For more details visit This module is intended to be used with Phoronix Test Suite 5.2+ clients and servers.</p><p>phoronix-test-suite phoromatic.connect</p><p>phoronix-test-suite phoromatic.explore</p><p>phoronix-test-suite phoromatic.upload-result</p><p>phoronix-test-suite phoromatic.set-root-admin-password</p><p>phoronix-test-suite phoromatic.list-results</p><p>phoronix-test-suite phoromatic.clone</p><p>phoronix-test-suite phoromatic.export-results-for-account-schedules</p><h2></h2><p>Submit notifications to your iOS/Android mobile devices of test results in real-time as push notifications, etc. Using the API.</p><p>This module utilizes the following environmental variables: PUSHOVER_NET_USER.</p><h2>Result Notifier</h2><p>A notification module.</p><h2>System Monitor</h2><p>This module contains sensor monitoring support.</p><p>This module utilizes the following environmental variables: MONITOR, PERFORMANCE_PER_WATT, MONITOR_INTERVAL.</p><h2>Timed Screenshot</h2><p>This is a module that will take a screenshot of the system at a pre-defined interval. ImageMagick must be installed onto the system prior to using this module.</p><p>This module utilizes the following environmental variables: SCREENSHOT_INTERVAL.</p><h2>Toggle Screensaver</h2><p>This module toggles the system's screensaver while the Phoronix Test Suite is running. At this time, the GNOME and KDE screensavers are supported.</p><p>This module utilizes the following environmental variables: HALT_SCREENSAVER.</p><h2>Update Checker</h2><p>This module checks to see if the Phoronix Test Suite -- and its tests and suites -- are up to date.</p></body></html>