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102 <p class="p_Heading2"><span class="f_Heading2">Properties</span></p>
103 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">The Service Properties panel offers the following fields:</span></p>
104 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Service Name</span></p>
105 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">The name of the service. Must be unique within the enclosing IceBox server.</span></p>
106 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Description</span></p>
107 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">A free-text description of this service.</span></p>
108 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Property Sets</span></p>
109 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">List of property-set IDs; you refer to a property set to &quot;include&quot; all its properties in the service.</span></p>
110 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Properties</span></p>
111 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">Ice properties private to this service.</span></p>
112 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Log Files</span></p>
113 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">This table can be used to declare a number of log files used by this service. Path is the path to the log file (a relative path is relative to the IceGrid node working directory); when Property is set, IceGrid generates a property with this name and the log file path as value.</span></p>
114 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">You declare log files to be able to conveniently retrieve them using IceGrid Admin (in the <a href="live_deployment.htm">Live Deployment</a> tab) or with the icegridadmin command-line utility.</span></p>
115 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Entry Point</span></p>
116 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">The service's entry point, for example </span><span class="f_T_Code">IceStormService,32:createIceStorm</span><span class="f_IndentList3">. </span></p>
117 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">IceGrid will append </span><span class="f_T_Code">--Ice.Config=</span><span class="f_T_Code" style="font-style: italic;">path-to-service-config-file</span><span class="f_IndentList3"> to this entry point when it generates the </span><span class="f_T_Code">IceBox.Service.</span><span class="f_T_Code" style="font-style: italic;">service-name</span><span class="f_IndentList3"> property in the enclosing IceBox server config file.</span></p>
118 <p class="p_Heading2"><span class="f_Heading2">Children</span></p>
119 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">A plain service can have two types of children:</span></p>
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