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102 <p>The Login dialog allows you to connect to an IceGrid registry and retrieve information about the nodes and servers associated with this registry. Use<span class="f_T_Menu"> File &gt; Login...</span> or press the <img src="login.png" width="24" height="24" border="0" alt=""> button to open the Login dialog:</p>
103 <p>&nbsp;</p>
104 <p class="p_IndentList3"><img src="login-basic.png" width="566" height="647" border="0" alt=""></p>
105 <p class="p_Heading2"><span class="f_Heading2">Direct Connection</span></p>
106 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">Select the Direct tab to connect directly to the IceGrid registry, that is, without going through an intermediary Glacier2 router. This is the most common type of login. </span></p>
107 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">An IceGrid registry can support two forms of authentication:</span></p>
108 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Username and Password</span></p>
109 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">The IceGrid registry authenticates IceGrid Admin using the provided username and password.</span></p>
110 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">SSL Authentication</span></p>
111 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">When you check </span><span class="f_T_Entry">Use SSL for authentication</span><span class="f_IndentList3">, the IceGrid registry uses SSL credentials to authenticate IceGrid Admin. The username and password are not used for this form of login.</span></p>
112 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">The other fields in the Direct panel are:</span></p>
113 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Enable IceSSL</span></p>
114 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">When checked, IceGrid Admin loads the IceSSL plugin. You need to load the IceSSL plugin in order to use &quot;ssl&quot; endpoints.</span></p>
115 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">IceGrid Instance Name</span></p>
116 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">The name of your IceGrid instance. This corresponds to the value of the </span><span class="f_T_Entry">IceGrid.InstanceName</span><span class="f_IndentList3"> property of your IceGrid registry.</span></p>
117 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">IceGrid Registry Endpoint(s)</span></p>
118 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">The client endpoint(s) of your IceGrid registry, or registries if your deployment has several registry replicas. This corresponds to the value of the </span><span class="f_T_Entry">IceGrid.Registry.Client.Endpoints</span><span class="f_IndentList3"> property (or </span><span class="f_T_Entry">IceGrid.Registry.Client.PublishedEndpoints</span><span class="f_IndentList3">, if set) of your IceGrid registry (or registries).</span></p>
119 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Connect to Master Registry</span></p>
120 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">If you have a non-replicated IceGrid registry, checking or unchecking this box makes no difference. </span></p>
121 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">When you have several IceGrid registry replicas, you may want to connect to a specific registry replica or to the Master registry. If you want to connect to a specific replica, enter the endpoint(s) of this specific replica in the </span><span class="f_T_Entry">IceGrid Registry Endpoint(s) </span><span class="f_IndentList3"> field and leave this box unchecked. If you want to connect to the Master registry, enter the endpoint(s) of any replica in the </span><span class="f_T_Entry">IceGrid Registry Endpoint(s) </span><span class="f_IndentList3"> field and check this box. Note that you can only update application definitions when you are connected to the Master registry.</span></p>
122 <p class="p_Heading2"><span class="f_Heading2">Routed Connection</span></p>
123 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">Select the Routed tab to connect to an IceGrid registry through a Glacier2 router. The fields are similar to the fields in the Direct tab, but an important difference: the target is a Glacier2 router, not an IceGrid registry.</span></p>
124 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">&nbsp;</span></p>
125 <p class="p_IndentList3"><img src="login-routed.png" width="437" height="243" border="0" alt=""></p>
126 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">&nbsp;</span></p>
127 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">A Glacier2 router can support two forms of authentication:</span></p>
128 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Username and Password</span></p>
129 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">The router authenticates IceGrid Admin using the provided username and password.</span></p>
130 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">SSL Authentication</span></p>
131 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">When you check </span><span class="f_T_Entry">Use SSL for authentication</span><span class="f_IndentList3">, the router uses SSL credentials to authenticate IceGrid Admin. The username and password are not used for this form of login.</span></p>
132 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">The other fields in the Routed panel are:</span></p>
133 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Enable IceSSL</span></p>
134 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">When checked, IceGrid Admin loads the IceSSL plugin. You need to load the IceSSL plugin in order to use ssl endpoints.</span></p>
135 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Glacier2 Instance Name</span></p>
136 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">The name of your Glacier2 instance. This corresponds to the value of the </span><span class="f_T_Entry">Glacier2.InstanceName</span><span class="f_IndentList3"> property of your Glacier2 router.</span></p>
137 <p class="p_Heading2Sub2"><span class="f_Heading2Sub2">Glacier2 Router Endpoint(s)</span></p>
138 <p class="p_IndentList3"><span class="f_IndentList3">The client endpoint(s) of your router. This corresponds to the value of the </span><span class="f_T_Entry">Glacier2.Client.Endpoints</span><span class="f_IndentList3"> property (or </span><span class="f_T_Entry">Glacier2.Client.PublishedEndpoints</span><span class="f_IndentList3">, if set) of your Glacier2 router.</span></p>
139 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">A Glacier2 router can only give access to a specific IceGrid registry instance, even when this instance is part of set of replicated IceGrid registries. As a result, there is nothing equivalent to the </span><span class="f_T_Entry">Connect to Master Registry</span><span class="f_IndentList2"> check-box in the Routed pane.</span></p>
140 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">&nbsp;</span></p>
141 <p class="p_IndentList2"><span class="f_IndentList2">&nbsp;</span></p>
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