2 # The IceBox ServiceManager object can be provided by configuring
3 # IceBox.ServiceManager.Endpoints (and optionally
4 # IceBox.InstanceName), or as a facet of the Ice.Admin object
5 # (or both if you like). Make sure to keep config.admin
6 # synchronized with these settings.
10 # IceBox.ServiceManager configuration
14 # The IceBox instance name is used to set the category field of the
15 # IceBox ServiceManager identity.
17 #IceBox.InstanceName=DemoIceBox
20 # The IceBox server endpoint configuration
22 #IceBox.ServiceManager.Endpoints=tcp -p 9998 -h
26 # Ice.Admin configuration
30 # Enable Ice.Admin object:
32 Ice.Admin.InstanceName=DemoIceBox
33 Ice.Admin.Endpoints=tcp -p 9996 -h
38 IceBox.Service.Hello=helloservice.dll:HelloIceBox.HelloIceBoxS+HelloServiceI --Ice.Config=config.service
41 # Warn about connection exceptions
43 Ice.Warn.Connections=1
48 # 0 = no network tracing
49 # 1 = trace connection establishment and closure
50 # 2 = like 1, but more detailed
51 # 3 = like 2, but also trace data transfer
58 # 0 = no protocol tracing
59 # 1 = trace protocol messages
64 # SSL plug-in configuration
66 Ice.Plugin.IceSSL=IceSSL:IceSSL.PluginFactory
67 IceSSL.DefaultDir=../../../../certs
68 IceSSL.ImportCert.CurrentUser.Root=cacert.pem
69 IceSSL.CertFile=s_rsa1024.pfx
70 IceSSL.Password=password