Hide 'Loading' message once request is done, not on 5 sec timeout.
[phpmyadmin-regexreplace.git] / js / messages.php
1 <?php
2 /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
3 /**
4 * Exporting of translated messages from PHP to Javascript
6 * @package phpMyAdmin
7 */
9 chdir('..');
11 // Send correct type:
12 header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8');
14 // Cache output in client - the nocache query parameter makes sure that this
15 // file is reloaded when config changes
16 header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 3600) . ' GMT');
18 // Avoid loading the full common.inc.php because this would add many
19 // non-js-compatible stuff like DOCTYPE
20 define('PMA_MINIMUM_COMMON', true);
21 require_once './libraries/common.inc.php';
22 // But this one is needed for PMA_escapeJsString()
23 require_once './libraries/js_escape.lib.php';
25 $js_messages['strClickToSelect'] = __('Click to select');
26 $js_messages['strClickToUnselect'] = __('Click to unselect');
27 $js_messages['strNoDropDatabases'] = __('"DROP DATABASE" statements are disabled.');
29 /* For confirmations */
30 $js_messages['strDoYouReally'] = __('Do you really want to ');
31 $js_messages['strDropDatabaseStrongWarning'] = __('You are about to DESTROY a complete database!');
32 $js_messages['strDroppingEvent'] = __('Dropping Event');
33 $js_messages['strDroppingProcedure'] = __('Dropping Procedure');
34 $js_messages['strDeleteTrackingData'] = __('Delete tracking data for this table');
35 $js_messages['strDeletingTrackingData'] = __('Deleting tracking data');
36 $js_messages['strDroppingPrimaryKeyIndex'] = __('Dropping Primary Key/Index');
37 $js_messages['strOperationTakesLongTime'] = __('This operation could take a long time. Proceed anyway?');
39 /* For blobstreaming */
40 $js_messages['strBLOBRepositoryDisableStrongWarning'] = __('You are about to DISABLE a BLOB Repository!');
41 $js_messages['strBLOBRepositoryDisableAreYouSure'] = sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to disable all BLOB references for database %s?'), PMA_escapeJsString($GLOBALS['db']));
43 /* For indexes */
44 $js_messages['strFormEmpty'] = __('Missing value in the form!');
45 $js_messages['strNotNumber'] = __('This is not a number!');
47 /* For server_privileges.js */
48 $js_messages['strHostEmpty'] = __('The host name is empty!');
49 $js_messages['strUserEmpty'] = __('The user name is empty!');
50 $js_messages['strPasswordEmpty'] = __('The password is empty!');
51 $js_messages['strPasswordNotSame'] = __('The passwords aren\'t the same!');
52 $js_messages['strAddNewUser'] = __('Add a New User');
53 $js_messages['strCreateUser'] = __('Create User');
54 $js_messages['strReloadingPrivileges'] = __('Reloading Privileges');
55 $js_messages['strRemovingSelectedUsers'] = __('Removing Selected Users');
56 $js_messages['strClose'] = __('Close');
58 /* For inline query editing */
59 $js_messages['strGo'] = __('Go');
60 $js_messages['strCancel'] = __('Cancel');
62 /* For Ajax Notifications */
63 $js_messages['strLoading'] = __('Loading');
64 $js_messages['strProcessingRequest'] = __('Processing Request');
65 $js_messages['strErrorProcessingRequest'] = __('Error in Processing Request');
66 $js_messages['strDroppingColumn'] = __('Dropping Column');
67 $js_messages['strAddingPrimaryKey'] = __('Adding Primary Key');
68 $js_messages['strOK'] = __('OK');
70 /* For db_operations.js */
71 $js_messages['strRenamingDatabases'] = __('Renaming Databases');
72 $js_messages['strReloadDatabase'] = __('Reload Database');
73 $js_messages['strCopyingDatabase'] = __('Copying Database');
74 $js_messages['strChangingCharset'] = __('Changing Charset');
75 $js_messages['strTableMustHaveAtleastOneColumn'] = __('Table must have at least one column');
76 $js_messages['strCreateTable'] = __('Create Table');
77 $js_messages['strYes'] = __('Yes');
78 $js_messages['strNo'] = __('No');
80 /* For db_search.js */
81 $js_messages['strSearching'] = __('Searching');
82 //$js_messages['strBrowsing'] = __('Browsing');
83 //$js_messages['strDeleting'] = __('Deleting');
85 /* For sql.js */
86 $js_messages['strHideQueryBox'] = __('Hide query box');
87 $js_messages['strShowQueryBox'] = __('Show query box');
88 $js_messages['strInlineEdit'] = __('Inline Edit');
89 $js_messages['strSave'] = __('Save');
90 $js_messages['strHide'] = __('Hide');
92 /* For tbl_select.js */
93 $js_messages['strHideSearchCriteria'] = __('Hide search criteria');
94 $js_messages['strShowSearchCriteria'] = __('Show search criteria');
96 /* For tbl_change.js */
97 $js_messages['strIgnore'] = __('Ignore');
99 /* Designer (pmd/scripts/move.js) */
100 $js_messages['strSelectReferencedKey'] = __('Select referenced key');
101 $js_messages['strSelectForeignKey'] = __('Select Foreign Key');
102 $js_messages['strPleaseSelectPrimaryOrUniqueKey'] = __('Please select the primary key or a unique key');
103 $js_messages['strChangeDisplay'] = __('Choose column to display');
105 /* Visual query builder (pmd/scripts/move.js) */
106 $js_messages['strAddOption'] = __('Add an option for column ');
108 /* password generation */
109 $js_messages['strGeneratePassword'] = __('Generate password');
110 $js_messages['strGenerate'] = __('Generate');
111 $js_messages['strChangePassword'] = __('Change Password');
113 /* navigation tabs */
114 $js_messages['strMore'] = __('More');
116 /* update */
117 $js_messages['strNewerVersion'] = __('A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider upgrading. The newest version is %s, released on %s.');
118 /* l10n: Latest available phpMyAdmin version */
119 $js_messages['strLatestAvailable'] = __(', latest stable version:');
121 echo "var PMA_messages = new Array();\n";
122 foreach ($js_messages as $name => $js_message) {
123 PMA_printJsValue("PMA_messages['" . $name . "']", $js_message);
126 /* Calendar */
127 echo "var themeCalendarImage = '" . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'b_calendar.png' . "';\n";
129 /* Image path */
130 echo "var pmaThemeImage = '" . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . "';\n";
132 /* Version */
133 echo "var pmaversion = '" . PMA_VERSION . "';\n";
135 echo "if ($.datepicker) {\n";
136 /* l10n: Display text for calendar close link */
137 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['closeText']", __('Done'));
138 /* l10n: Display text for previous month link in calendar */
139 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['prevText']", __('Prev'));
140 /* l10n: Display text for next month link in calendar */
141 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['nextText']", __('Next'));
142 /* l10n: Display text for current month link in calendar */
143 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['currentText']", __('Today'));
144 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['monthNames']",
145 array(
146 __('January'),
147 __('February'),
148 __('March'),
149 __('April'),
150 __('May'),
151 __('June'),
152 __('July'),
153 __('August'),
154 __('September'),
155 __('October'),
156 __('November'),
157 __('December')));
158 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['monthNamesShort']",
159 array(
160 /* l10n: Short month name */
161 __('Jan'),
162 /* l10n: Short month name */
163 __('Feb'),
164 /* l10n: Short month name */
165 __('Mar'),
166 /* l10n: Short month name */
167 __('Apr'),
168 /* l10n: Short month name */
169 _pgettext('Short month name', 'May'),
170 /* l10n: Short month name */
171 __('Jun'),
172 /* l10n: Short month name */
173 __('Jul'),
174 /* l10n: Short month name */
175 __('Aug'),
176 /* l10n: Short month name */
177 __('Sep'),
178 /* l10n: Short month name */
179 __('Oct'),
180 /* l10n: Short month name */
181 __('Nov'),
182 /* l10n: Short month name */
183 __('Dec')));
184 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNames']",
185 array(
186 __('Sunday'),
187 __('Monday'),
188 __('Tuesday'),
189 __('Wednesday'),
190 __('Thursday'),
191 __('Friday'),
192 __('Saturday')));
193 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNamesShort']",
194 array(
195 /* l10n: Short week day name */
196 __('Sun'),
197 /* l10n: Short week day name */
198 __('Mon'),
199 /* l10n: Short week day name */
200 __('Tue'),
201 /* l10n: Short week day name */
202 __('Wed'),
203 /* l10n: Short week day name */
204 __('Thu'),
205 /* l10n: Short week day name */
206 __('Fri'),
207 /* l10n: Short week day name */
208 __('Sat')));
209 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNamesMin']",
210 array(
211 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
212 __('Su'),
213 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
214 __('Mo'),
215 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
216 __('Tu'),
217 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
218 __('We'),
219 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
220 __('Th'),
221 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
222 __('Fr'),
223 /* l10n: Minimal week day name */
224 __('Sa')));
225 /* l10n: Column header for week of the year in calendar */
226 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['weekHeader']", __('Wk'));
228 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['hourText']", __('Hour'));
229 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['minuteText']", __('Minute'));
230 PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['secondText']", __('Second'));
232 $.extend($.datepicker._defaults, $.datepicker.regional['']);
233 } /* if ($.datepicker) */